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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Before she had gotten anything done, the rest of the group had already gotten all the things out from the kitchen. How that happened, the glasses maid could only wonder. But once she was asked about her preference on the spicyness of food, Rosa snapped out from her random thoughts. Getting up from her spot, she took away her portion went back to her seat, not giving the two of them any chances at making it too hot for her tolerance. She would do it herself. Who knows what the pair might be attempting to pull out on her. Despite the supression of their need to sex things, the white-haired maid was still wary of the two.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

When the little robot made a move to grab her shoe Rin out a not-so-quiet "Eek!" and jumped back to safety. How was she going to deal with this? She was already pressed for time, and she didn't need some stupid little robot wasting anymore time before-

"Okay, scratch that, dinner's ready now. It smells really good, ya know, Rin, Sams! Of course, I wouldn't have to tell you that if you were actually here right now. You guys didn't go and die someplace, did you?"

Oh God, WHY?! Why is this happening now?! Robot insurrection, clothing nightmare, girl with a penis, and now late for dinner? Give Rin a brea-


Thank you! With Sammy coming to the rescue and knocking the Roomba flat on its back that was one less problem for Rin to blow way out of proportion. But there was still the mess that the woman had caused, and for some reason dinner was already ready. If Rin stayed to clean then Harriet would wonder why she was late. If Rin left to eat then Harriet would surely find the small disaster waiting in her room. No matter what she was bound to get into some kind of trouble, and for a moment she didn't know what to do. Maybe she should just crawl inside the closet and hide for the rest of the day...

No no no, unacceptable! It was her duty to make things right and please her Mistress, and if neither option would make her happy then Rin would just need to take the one that would displease her the least! And finding out that someone tore through your room and left it a complete and utter mess sounded far worse than being late. So Rin jumped straight back into cleaning, her little body working overtime to put everything back in its place no matter what. She just had to pray that Sammy would stay and help for a little bit. Five minutes. After that Rin would kick the girl out. There was no point in the both of them being stuck up here for too long, and Sammy could let Harriet know that Rin was busy at the moment. And maybe she could save some food for later so Rin wouldn't have to starve tonight.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Huh, dinner's ready," Sammy says as their mistress' voice blares over the intercom. "Guess we need to hu-" Sammy pauses mid-sentence as she watches the small maid frantically attack the pile of clothes.

The alien walks over to the small maid and kneels beside her, placing one hand on top of Rin's Sammy forces the small maid to stop for a moment. "We're just going to make it worse if we work like that," The alien says sympathetically. After all it is partly her fault why Rin is in this state. "Tell you what, we both work on it for a little bit then you can head to dinner. Tell Harriet that I'm still unpacking or something."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae let Rosa take the spice out of her hand without showing any signs of disappointment. Her only concern had been to make the mistress happy. And with a relatively small prank like extra spice on her food, it wouldn't have been the end of the world for Rosa. Besides, Mae would have offered to share her food with the human girl after the joke had been made.

As it was, Mae simply took her seat next to Harriet, on the opposite side from Domonic and then looked down the table at everyone assembled.

"Let us say grace," she said, raising her voice slightly.

"Bless us, oh Lord, and these our friends and colleagues, for what we are about to receive through the bounty of Christ our Lord. Amen."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Hurry hurry hurry hurry... That's what was running through the tiny maid's head as she dashed back and forth in an effort to put as big a dent into the giant mess as she could. But when Sammy came closer and actually placed a hand on top of the girl's she came to a very sudden halt and looked positively shocked. And nervous. And a little frightened. And a little flushed because someone she just recently saw naked was trying to calm her down. So when Sammy told Rin to slow down before offering to stay behind Rin was at a bit of a loss at what to say.

So instead she simply thought about it. And Sammy was right. Rin needed to slow down. She took a look at her completed work, and though it was technically put back she could now see small mistakes that a professional should never make. And then her stomach started rumbling once again. That was followed by another round of blushing, and through she loathed to admit it she couldn't work all that properly when she was hungry. She really did need to eat something, especially since there would be work to be done later.

"O... Okay... Rin will do what she can to help!" With that said she attacked the pile once more, and though it didn't look like she was moving any bit slower her work was far more refined and measured instead of the frantic little frenzy she was caught in just a few seconds earlier. "And she won't leave you to do most of the work on your own! And this won't be a problem! A maid who can't even handle a little pile of clothes just before dinner is not worth her salt!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy giggles at Rin's comment and watches the small maid for a moment as she goes back to attacking the clothes pile, still with the same energy though it is directed with more finesse than before. Getting up off the floor the alien maid continues helping with the clothes pile, all signs of her tomboyish clumsiness gone as Sammy's lifelong maid training finally kicks in.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The rest of the cleaning went smoothly, and in short order the dynamic duo had gotten the rest of the overpacked closet tidied back up. They shoved the Mistress' panty drawer back into it's rather precarious perch, and even found the little Roomba's charging port tucked away in the closer, into which the disgruntled robot allowed the pair to stick him back into. Rin's stomach had growled several more times during the process, but now they were free to run to dinner.


Rosarita immediately tended to her food upon Harriet prodding her. For all her talk of subtlety, discussing pranks within earshot of their target was a pretty bad move. Unless she chose to do it deliberately...?

She was pouting. Nope, definitely just a dumb mistake.

"Jeez. I really was curious, you know," she says, when Rosa sits back down again.

Micra looked to take the pitcher of juice away, but the mistress reached out to stop her, putting her hand on the robot's forearm. "Uhhh actually the taste is starting to grow on me," she said, perhaps a little too quickly. "Why don't you just leave it?"

Afterwards, she gave a little glance towards the door to the kitchen, looking for her butler. Apparently still looking around in the pantry, she took the opportunity and leaned across the table, splashing a few drops each on the two places set for the maids not yet present.

"...What? It'll be funny! It's only a few drops, and they're late, so I'm obligated to screw with 'em."

Harriet, surprisingly, followed along with Mae's prayer, touching her clasped hands to her head with her eyes closed, repeating the words - she even sounded sincere. She didn't seem like the religious type...

"Please, Father, keep me and mine safe, and protect us from harm." She prayed, adding in another prayer after Mae's had finished. ...Another shot at Rosa? Her fingers tightened, and she continued. "Please, deliver us from evil. Amen." She actually sounded serious, for once...

"Right, those other two are taking forever and I'm hungry. Dig in, people," Harriet said at last. "Pour me some wine, Micra, would you please?"

Micra wishes to buy an Apron for 5 favor, though since Harriet stopped her from taking yon juice, I am assuming she no longer wants to. :V ...I never did go over the uses for favor, did I? Fuck. Basically, anything that it says in the book - boosting stats for [newnumber]x10, costumes, reducing your stress, all that fun stuff. Also random events! I would like to get some shit out of the way before that happens, but bksfj;a Heaven or Hell Let's Rock.

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 21; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"No need to be. My tastes are of little conscience, being the pyro that I am." Rosarita was quick to snap back at the mistress, not too happy about their schemes being aimed towards her. But that was soon forgotten as Harriet's attention turned elsewhere, specifically the foods reserved for Rin and Sammy, someone that the glasses maid had not really gotten familiar with yet. Well, she wasn't really familiar with anyone in the mansion yet, but this particular one was even less familiar than the others. This stunt she wouldn't pay any heed towards, if for nothing else than getting attention away from herself.

Of the prayers, the new maid had nothing to say. She was not a religious or spiritual person, despite carrying a rather noticeable cross pendant on her chest. It was something she had received as a gift, and despite the symbolism, liked how the silvery accessory looked like. Once the permission to eat was given, Rosa started to eat the foods, spicing them according to her own tastes if needed. She would eat at her own pace, not attempting to make any communication with the others.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae ate her food without too much added spice. She was a stickler for tasting the essential ingredients of a dish before adding a sauce or palette dominator to the mix.

"Really Mistress, poor little Rin?" she chided as Harriet didn't give up on the spicing pranks.

Mae ate daintily from her plate, going slowly and chewing thoughtfully. She was the picture of cleanliness and manners.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Cammy continues eating her meal in relative quiet, not paying any attention to Harriets pranks as she is quite used to them, she opted to drink water rather then juice. After a few moments she would proceed to ask Harriet, "Miss Harriet, do you think I should go fetch miss Rin and Sammy, before dinner is all gone?"

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"See, that didn't take long now did it?" Sammy comments once the two of them had tidied up the mess the alien maid had created. The alien maid stands in front of the now fully packed wardrobe, her hands on her hips and a grin on her face, clearly pleased with their accomplishment. "Right, how about grabbing us some grub?" Sammy asks, her attention turning to Rin once more, the elegant maid mask slipping off once more.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

With mind and body finally focused on a single goal Rin's work proved far more effective with Sammy lending a hand. The disaster was quickly put back into place, and with the location of the Roomba's charging port finally revealed Rin turned toward the little robot. With its wheels up in the air it didn't look all that menacing, but looks can be oh so deceiving... But it had to go back as well. So, she very carefully slid the thing closer, and just before it was back at its port she flipped it upright and quickly jumped out of the closet. A moment later her head peaked in, and with it settling back in its resting place she let out a sigh of relief. Everything was finally done...

With everything finally done Rin took a moment to rest, and Sammy took that moment to comment on how well they did. "Nope, not long at all." And Rin was a little shocked to see how comfortable she was feeling around the new girl. She may have caused the mess, and she had a penis for God's sake, but Sammy had shown quite a bit of skill up to that point. Rin couldn't help but admire that.
"Right, how about grabbing us some grub?"
Food! Just the mere thought of it sent a new wave of grumbling from her stomach, and Rin felt like she just couldn't wait anymore. "Yes! Let's! Go go go!" At that point the only thing keeping her there was Sammy still being in the room. Part of it was because she didn't want her to be left alone to make another mess, but mostly she wanted to make sure Sammy would be able to get to the dining room without getting lost.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Still ashamed to had forget to add the sugar on the juice, Micra cant more to see what happened between her Mistress and the weird maid with glasses, just then she tried to remove the jar, but Harriet stop her and even order her to server her some wine.

As you wish my Mistress Said nearlly without think as she fully focused on her work and stay serving her without start to eat until the Lady said than they must start now, even with this spicy food, Micra eat with delicate manners and eat it as best as she can, a little worried about the food of the two maids, but she was sure than this was just other little joke or a lesson from her Mistress... For some reason she start to think about how Harriet could try to use that juice without sugar against the two maids, maybe this could not end well for Rin.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Ooh, touchy." Harriet remarked while she stirred the food around on her plate with a fork, idly. "You don't have to get all pissy about it Rosie. It's all in good fun! Except for Alf I guess, but I don't think I'm going to get through to you on that, so whatever."

"It's not like I was asking something personal, either. Like, you know... uhh... I dunno, 'where was the weirdest place you ever did it with your boyfriend', or something like that. I'll bet a looker like you was never short a' those, right?" She appeared to find something distasteful on her fork as she babbled, and wiped her fork clean with her napkin. "But yeah, just a question, from one person to another, Pyromania notwithstanding. I mean, it's not like sociopathy makes you lose your tastebuds, right?" She folded up her now-dirtied napkin - one time, then once again.

"And yes, poor Rin. She wouldn't be 'poor Rin' if I left her alone, would she?" she replied off-hand to Mae. "Speaking of which, she is taking a while, isn't she? That sounds like a good idea, Cammy - would you? It would be terrible if their food got cold. Hmhm."

Domonic re-entered the room at that point carrying a box of crackers, conveniently missing out on the previous happenings. He opened it for Harriet and presented her with a few (earning a "Thank you" from his tormentor), and then offering some to the girls at the table with a cheerful - if someone tired - smile. Harriet enjoyed the wine Micra poured for her before touching her food, swirling it and breathing in it's aroma a few times before taking a few sips. "I didn't know robots ate, Micra - I haven't been able to make one that did that, anyway. Is that what you meant by not having an electrical socket? You get energy from food, like a human?" From his place behind Harriet, Domonic gave her a look, in case she needed her assistance.

After asking, though, the Mistress took a bite of her food, scooping it up on a cracker. She chewed, apparently enjoying it... though her chewing slowed, rather quickly.

"Mmm," she grunted, not speaking with her mouth full. She brought her hands up to her mouth and started to fan them - rather futilely. "Nnn!"

//\/ \\/\ //\/\\

The closet finally tidied up, with scarcely a trace of their presence, Rin and Sammy were finally free to flee the Mistress' room and head to dinner.

Wah! What are we going to do on the bed of coals?

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 21; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The remaining things that Harriet aimed at Rosa she didn't care enough to speak about, they were mostly stuff she had no willingness to share at such a short period in time. It was a curious thing to see and hear, the people she usually was with never were too nosy about the stuff she did.

Among the eating, there was the offer of crackers by none other than Domonic. With her ever-present smile, the glasses maid accepted his offer. He was a likeable fellow, so she showed him only the best of herself.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy lets out a small giggle at Rin's eagerness for food, the poor maid must be starving, the alien maid thinks to herself as she joins her companion in their quest to the dining room.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The sudden talk about her eating skills nearlly make the robot to pass the food throug the wrong way, her vermilion eyes turned slowly to her mistress who looks to have some problems with the spicy food. Maybe this was the time to say the whole truth, but after see how some over sensible persons act in a stress moment, there was no way to put Harriet in a critical situation in the future.

Its my secundary source of power... My creator made it as it help my principal power source to get many kinds of the nutrients to mantain the systems active for more time.


My Mistress. I will be glad if we talk more in private about this after the lunch, not only im ashamed to talk about these thing in public, but also i was programed to dont talk about some things in front of someone who is not part of Harrietsama family
Said with a calmed yet shy tone, maybe lying a little at the end to protect herself and the calm of the moment.

After this she turn to Domonic and slowly smile to him and move her eyes a pair of times, in an attempt to ask for help.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae ate in relative silence, though she nodded to Harriet's thoughtful consideration of Rin and the newest maid, Sammy. They were missing out on food after all.

After eating her meal, she simply pushed the plate forward and sat waiting for everyone else to finish their meal. Once others looked as if they were finishing up, the angel turned to her mistress.

"Shall I clear the table then? The late comers can take their time of course, no rush, but it's best with this oily, spicy food to to get the plates scrubbed quickly."

Provided that she got the go-ahead, she'd be the first to take her plate, and the mistresses, and anyone else's who were done.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Cammy grinned brightly before swiftly getting up out of her chair and pushing I in neatly, and neatly setting her utensils and napkin on her plate. She would then jog out of the dining room and into the hall before stopping and thinking, But wait! I dont really know where those two went off too. Hnnng.... Well.... I guess I could just call for them... It would be pointless for me to wander around the mansion and get lost looking for them. Then all of our food would be cold. she decided as she arbitrarily decided to go to the stairs and start calling for the missing maids, "RIIIIIIIIIIIIN-CHAAAAAAAN!~ MIIIIIIIISS SAAAAAAAAAMMYYYYYYY! MISS HARRIET AND THE OTHERS ARE WAITING FOR YOU!~ DINNERS READY! HURRY UP BEFORE ONEE-SAMA AND MAE EAT IT ALL OR IT GETS COOOOOLD!~"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Harriet continued to flail and mumble rather unobtrusively for a few moments, but none of the maids, or even Domonic, moved to help her - she just grumbled and went back to eating, her little fit evidently an act. She dismissed the butler with a patwith the back of her palm. "I'll be fine, Dom, jeez. Go on, siddown and eat already. It's good, Mae, just the way I like it." Were the angel close enough, she would feel Harriet's leg deliberately brush against her own. It wasn't very aggressive or flirtatious, and seemed more to simply catch her attention.

Micra answered Harriet - or rather, choked, and then answered Harriet - before he could oblige, however.

"Oh, so you do that, too?" Harriet exclaimed excitedly when Micra choked on her food. "That's cool! Why would Lucas even program that into you, though?" With the little robot's mention of forbidden protocols, though, she grumbled. "Whaaat? Well, I guess that makes sense, but it's not like there any spies around here, right? Can't you just tell me? And now that I think of it, how are you 'ashamed'? You're a ro- ow!"

Domonic had caught Micra's signal, and he pinched her arm. "Don't you think that's a little rude, Harriet?"

"Uhm... I... suppose that's true. Sorry. Later, then, Micra." ...Was that a straight response? Harriet's pace at her food slowed considerably, and she looked like she was thinking - quite hard, in fact. Lost in thought, she ate rather absentmindedly - and thus, rather messily.

Micra's secret safe for the moment, Domonic disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a plate - but, before he could take a seat, Harriet looked up from her musings and pointed at an empty seat near Rosarita. "You two seem to get along well enough. Why not sit with her? Try to chat, and all that?"

"Ah... would that be alright with you, Miss di Lanza?" the butler asked her, politely.

At some point in time during all this, Cammy's yell sounded back to them, though muffled by the walls between them. The Mistress and the butler's responses were both probably quite predictable, by now - if not Harriet's, then Domonic's, certainly, at least. The kind Domonic grinned, while Harriet rolled her eyes.

Everyone else seemed to still be quite hungry when Mae had decided she was finished. A few moments went by before Harriet looked up and saw that she was done.

"That's all, Mae? Just not hungry, or something?"


Upstairs, both of the two trespassers heard a faint shouting, coming from below... Was that Cammy? It was pretty soft, but they could still make out the words...

Apologies, was busy. By which I mean I was panicking.

TN 5 to not scald Mistress' shit for Mae - with roundabout a year of practice for her, she's got it down pat. Mostly.
Rolled 3, with skill 2, means it's tasty, and Harriet was joking.
She loots 2 favor outta that.

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F 24; S 0/30
F 23; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30