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Maria Rose (Katarina)

Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

(sorry for not replying over the week-end)
Dice rolls said:
Maria vs Fly 1 - 3 vs 7 - miss
Fly 1 vs Maria - 4 vs 6 - miss
Fly 2 vs Maria - 8 vs 9 - miss

Maria vs Fly 1 - 2 vs 10 - counter
Fly 1 vs Maria - 8 vs 7 - hit
Fly 2 vs Maria - 6 vs 5 - miss

Maria swings her sword at the first fly that comes in her direction. This proves inefficient at hitting the insect but the creature is forced to stop his charge and fly away for another try. The second fly takes her chance as well but the half-wolf warrior evades it too.

The platinum-haired warrior tries to focus amidst the buzzing noises and try to synchronise her second strike with the new charge of the first fly. She swings, but the flying insect surprises the herm by suddenly strafing to the side and hits her, sending her on the ground. (-1 FP).

Hastily, the monster lands on her thighs, and deploys a trunk-like organ from his mouth. With it , the fly searches Maria's groin for her honey pot, slipping under her clothes. The wolf-herm feels the organ buzzing against her slit, a unusual yet slighlty pleasuring sensation (+1 AP).

Meanwhile, the other fly uses the distraction to land on Maria's face. The same tongue-like appenice forces itself inside Maria's mouth, where it starts to deliver a sweet-tasting nectar. The substance seems to be laced with some kind of drug as Maria Roses' strengh start to leave her. (-1 FP).

Maria needs to react fast. Fortunately, both flies seem to be vulnerable if Maria manages to focus enough to deliver a blow.

Fight Status:
Maria Rose 3/5 FP 1/10 AP
Fly 1 - 2/2 FP
Fly 2 - 2/2 FP
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria struggled beneath the two bugs, Taking hold of her sword and stabbing it towards the one at her face. Using the blade tip to stab into it upwards so that it would be away from her face. She felt alittle sickened by the fact the fly shoved its tongue-like thing inside her mouth "uuugh!!! Mmmh!" she squirmed trying to take no note of the second one at this point though that vibrating did send arousing thoughts into her mind. The girl knew she'd be in some trouble if she didn't get rid of them quickly, She already felt weakened by the fluids injected into her mouth.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Dice Rolls said:
Maria vs Fly 2 - 0 vs 6 - miss
Fly 1 vs Maria - 6 vs 7 - miss
Fly 2 vs Maria - 8 vs 2 - hit

Maria vs Fly 2 - 5 vs 9 - miss
Fly 1 vs Maria - 4 vs 4 - miss
Fly 2 vs Maria - 9 vs 4 - hit

Maria tries to hit the fly over her, but the insect's all-seeing eyes catch glimpse of her moves and it simply jump on the side before resuming its job of weakening the wolfkin warrior.
The young herm suddenly feels something long and thick move near her thighs. She rapidly understands that the fly tried to gain access to her love canal with its sexual organ, most probably an ovipositor. Instinctively, she squeezes her legs, denying access to her would-be molester. Unfortunately, this distracts her enough that the second fly forces her to swallow another dose of nectar. (-1 FP).

Overwhelmed, a long moment pass where Maria denies access to her pussy the best she can; but doing so, she does not manage to chase the other fly, who sends the herm several other mouthfulls of sweet, tranquilizing drug. Soon, even lifting her blade felt like taking an immense effort of her. (-1 FP)
The situation looks dire.

Fight Status:
Maria Rose 1/5 FP 1/10 AP
Fly 1 - 2/2 FP
Fly 2 - 2/2 FP
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

The girl felt a tremendous amount of anger build up inside her, Losing again annoyed her so much specially to the likes of something so disgusting like a fly. In one last desperate attempt to get anywhere in the oft she clenched her teeth and bit down as hard as she could on the thing in her mouth. She grabbed her sword up once more "Eym gnngh oo ffffkin kill you astarsds!!!!" Kicking her legs at the one at her crotch. She couldn't stand losing and specially not constantly like this, bringing the sword down along the front of her.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Dice rolls said:
Maria vs Fly 1 - 4 vs 2 - hit
Fly 1 vs Maria - 10 vs 4 - The fly penetrates Maria with its ovipositor
Fly 2 vs Maria - 11 vs 6 - hit

Maria is too worn out to keep fighting

Maria manages to land a hit on the fly, whose buzzing starts to flutter. However, the insect is not detered and, finally finding its target, the flying monster pushes his member inside until it pokes the entrance of her womb.
Meanwhile, the other fly rendered Maria unable to resist. Even raising her arm seemed like an impossible effort. Retracting its trump. It advanced its own ovipositor over the half-wolf's lips and pushed in the paralysed yet fully conscious victim.

The two insects started mating their prey, their rods buzzing in her throat and her pussy. Meanwhile, their bucal organ licked and proded at the herm's penis, savoring any fluids that would escape from it.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria lay there unable to fight off the creatures anymore, She felt a sick feeling within her but at the same time the fluids that were pumped into her heightened caused her to be aroused by the situation she was in. Her cock stood up hard in the air and her pussy was wanting for something to penetrate it which was quickly answered by the first fly which slide itself up inside her causing her to cry out in some pain. Her cries only made it easier for the second fly to slide its ovipositor inside her mouth. Tears rolled down the cheek of the girl unable to do anything at all as the two insects had their way with the petite herm.

(sorry late reply I had been busy with work)
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

(no problem)

The mating felt like an eternity, the small-framed herm almost blacking out from time to time. The flies make sure their efforts are rewarded by coaxing the wolf-girl into an orgasm, making sure to lap at the cum gushing from her rod.
After some time, both flies tensed up and Maria felt something round travel from the insect's organs to her body.

The forms buried inside her body, streching her belly and her throat while passing. One, two, three... Each sending a jolt to Maria's brain. In total, six eggs were deposited in the herm's womb, while six others descended inside her stomach, their forms forming a light bulge.

Their reproductive function fulfilled, the flies pulled out and, after a few spasms, died out a few feet away from Maria's eggg-filled body.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Once the mating had finished Maria weakly climbed to her hands and knees for a moment, Catching her breath. She once more reach for her sword, stabbing the tip into the ground and pulling herself up using the handle. Her eyes fell to her rounded belly for a moment then to the flies in the distance. A minute or so past before her head fell back and she let out a long sigh yanking her sword from the ground and turning back to her path with literally no words and dragging the Nodachi along the ground behind her as she made her way forward. She stopped turning to look at the dead flies once more, Turning back to them and making her way towards them. As she closed in on them she lifted her sword and started cutting into the bodies of the flies and carving. Several minutes later she had crafted a rather light hardly protective armor from their bodies "I'll be damned if I let you guys get away scott free after what you did.... Just be glad you were dead first...." she kicked one of them before heading back on her way once more.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Despite being slowed down by the eggs slowly growing inside of her, Maria makes her way down the stream. She eventually finds a small pool, in which the river poured before resuming her way.

The pool seems to be occupied. Her back turned from Maria, a black-skinned person, with pure white hair was enjoying a bath in the water. She looked like a typical fantasy dark elf.
The impression is reinforced as the mysterious stranger turns around and notices the half-wolf. Her face was very feminine, with well-proportioned breasts to her agile frame.

Not expecting an outsider's presence, the drow fumbled towards the pool's border, where her bow was left.
"Y... You. Who are you?" she asks.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria just stared at the girl for a moment assessing her in silence. Moving her sword to the ground buring the tip just enough to keep it stable for her to lean on "you know it's impolite to ask who someone is without introducing yourself first" she gave a toothy grin along with her response. Her eyes fall to the bow for a moments glance "Hmmm you are planning to attack me? Sheesh shoot first talk later type Huh? I guess it would be a shame having to slaughter a pretty girl like you"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

The two stay at a standstill for a long moment, as the drow seems to check something about Maria. Eventually, she lowers her weapon.
"You already bear the taint of the forest, but you are not the succubus' thrall... Yet..."

She points at Maria's egg-burderned belly.
"A beast has laid inside of you, isn't it? We'll need to get them out before they hatch, unless you'll draw every beast in the forest with your labor. What is your name, half-wolf? Mine is Laele."

((Observation check: fail))

As the dark elf tries to walk out of the water, she feels an unusual resistance. As if the water became thicker suddenly.
"What is... Oh, craaahhh!." A shape quickly formed behind the drow, as the water around her turned into gel and moved on its own. Before she could react, Laele's arms were trapped inside the amorphous menace.

"I caught you, my little elf. It was difficult to avoid your sight, but that wolf-girl distracted you soon enough."
"Let... Go!"
"Tsk, tsk. Not before I milk your body juices, my dear." chided the slime girl. Her body coiled around Laele's spread over her body, only leaving the head free.

Through the slime, Maria could see the drow's breasts and her pleasure button being played with, their owner shuddering from the stimulation.

"You have my thanks for distracting my prey, wolf-child. How about we strike a deal, and you let me dine in peace? Of course, you could try to play hero but let me warn you: we have enough capacity to take care of both of you. Tee hee."

"H... Help. Stranger..."
"Oh, hush, you. Stop trying to resist and let me have you."

Current situation
Maria - 5/5 FP - 0/10 AP
Laele - 5/5 FP - 1/10 AP - engulfed and teased by the slime girl (-2 to escape rolls)

Slime girl - 4/4 FP - Teasing Laele
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria yawned alittle, standing back up straight and rubbing her eyes "Hmmm, A deal you saw but it seems alittle one sided in my opinion.. So what do I get out of it?" she assessed the situation with the elven girl while talking. It would be far to dangerous to cut through the slime with the dark girl stuck within it. her hand rested on her swords hilt as she awaited a reply from the slime girl.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

"You wish to bargain, mmm? Interesting..."
"N.. No ple.. Mmmph."
Laele is suddenly interrupted by a slimy tendril forcing itself in her mouth and playing with her tongue. Meanwhile, the gel begins to poke her lower holes, slightly pushing in but not breaking completely.
The drow moans and jerks from this show, totally visible to the wolf-herm.
"Didn't I say "hush"?"
"Mmm! Nmmm!"

((persuation roll: critical success))
"Well... You've been angel, not attacking me, and you seem already quite burdened. Our bodies are harmless, but would dissolve the eggs plaguing you instantly. I'll make sure to leave a vial of slime girl goo when I leave. Also, as an added bonus, I'll have my friends scout the rest of the river, to clear the water of any sexual predator. So... Deal?"
"MmmMmm! Hhmm!"

Current situation
Maria - 5/5 FP - 0/10 AP
Laele - 5/5 FP - 2/10 AP - engulfed and teased by the slime girl (-3 to escape rolls)

Slime girl - 4/4 FP - Teasing Laele while negociating with Maria
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria grinned pulling back from the sword and yanking it out of the forest floor
"No I have a better idea, I am going to beat you right here and now and you are coming along with me oh and you'll let the lady go. I just wanted to toy with you alittle, But you will be mine! Cause you are to cute to let get away"

She gave a dark toothy grin and held her sword back behind her with the tip on the floor in one hand
"I always had such a thing for slime girls you know~"

She tilted her hand with the sword on it flipping the blade to its side and taking hold of it with her other hand before charging at the goo girl.
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Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Dice rolls said:
round 1 -

round 2 -
Maria vs Slime girl - 6 vs 8
Slime girl tries to pleasure Laele - 10 vs 2 - critical (+2 AP x 2)
Laele struggles - 4 vs 6

Maria swings her weapon at the slime several times, but the creature shifts her body, evading the blows. Suprised for a moment, the slime seems to get pissed off at Maria's attempt.
"So you want to do it this way? Think you can play heroine? That you'll save that girl? Think again."

Just as the slime girl said these words, the gel trapping the drow shifted and her lower holes suddenly spread while as the slime buried inside them.
"Oooaaaaammmmhhh!!! Mmmmm!!! Agggnnn!!!" screamed Laele, muffled by the monster, as the animated goo travelled through and around her body, overloading her senses.
"I'll fuck this little elf until she passes out, and then it's your turn!"

Current situation
Maria - 5/5 FP - 0/10 AP
Laele - 5/5 FP - 6/10 AP - engulfed and penetrated by the slime girl (-5 to escape rolls)

Slime girl - 4/4 FP - Pissed off
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria stops, Spinning around and realigning her weapon for another charged assault on the slime. Her eyes stare down the slime and she bares that devilish grin, swaying her tail playfully.
"Guess we will just have to see who wins their prize first!"

The wolf girl launching a frenzied attack with her sword, quick and seemingless swings barrage the slime girl with no end in sight.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

((OOC: for the first round, everyone missed. I wanted to write that but it seems I forgot))

Dice rolls said:
round 3 -
Maria vs Slime girl - 8 vs 7 (-1 FP)
Slime girl tries to pleasure Laele - 5 vs 4 - success (+2 AP)
Laele struggles - 1 vs 11 - miss

round 4 -
Maria vs Slime girl - 10 vs 6 (-1 FP)
Slime girl tries to pleasure Laele - 5 vs3 - success (+2 AP)
Laele is out of the fight

Focusing, Maria manages to cut off several parts of the slime creature. Not before, however, she managed to coax a mind-wreaking orgasm out of Laele. The drow's eyes roll in their orbits as the amorphous creature's body pushes as far as she can inside, absorbing the precious juice.
"Rest well, little toy. We'll continue once I finish with your little friend." says the slime girl, as she shifts Laele away from her main body to focus on Maria.

Current situation
Maria - 5/5 FP - 0/10 AP
(Laele - 5/5 FP - 10/10 AP - out of the fight)

Slime girl - 2/4 FP - Aiming for Maria.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria waits for the slime girl to put the drow down on the ground, A dark gleam in her eye as this gave her permission to go all out. She once more readied her blade for another assault.
"Toy hmm? If things were alittle different I certainly would have submitted myself to be your toy"

The herm teased alittle, Her aim was to just weaken the slime girl and keep her around. She wasn't having much luck in many fights so having more any form of help was something even if it was a former enemy.
"So cute slime girl, Before I beat you I need a name to call you~ Do you have a name?"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Dice Rolls said:
round 5 -
Maria vs slime girl - 9 vs 4
Slime girl vs Maria - 8 vs 3 - hit (-1 FP) - Maria's ankles are grabbed (-1)

round 6 -
Maria vs slime girl - 6 vs 5

Slime girl is defeated

"Why would you want to know my name?"

The slime girl tries to catch Maria in his clutches, but it is apparent that the humanoid monster was not powerful enough to face a prepared opponent.
Maria's final strike cleaves her body in two. A fortunately non-fatal move, however incapacitating the half-wolf's opponent.

As Maria approaches the defeated creature, chirping-like noises rise up from the waterpool. To the warrior's surprise, a trio of miniature slime-girls, not higher than Maria's knee, rised up from the water.
"Leave mommy Nina alone you big... Fluffy... Thing!"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria lifted her weapon and stabbed it into the ground in victory, Walking closer to the defeated slime girl taking note of the little slimes. She kneel down before Nina, reaching out and gently pat one of the small slime girls or attempted too.
"Calm yourself little one, I have no intention of bringing anymore harm to this one. Infact I'd like her to join me on my adventure to the succubus's castle. I would be in her debt should she say yes and I would allow her to feed from me should she ever need. I just cannot do this fight alone"

Her eyes turn to the defeated slime offering a hand out to her.
"What say you Nina, I will offer myself to you as your "toy" but only if you come along with me"

She worried not to much about the drow as she didn't seem to get physically harmed by Nina.
"Also do you know that lady by any chance?"