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Maria Rose (Katarina)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Katarina said:
Name: Maria Rose
Age: 18
Weapon: Nodachi (2 handed Katana)
Real Life: Link
Ingame look: Link
Err some extra details are that she is a herm/futa in game too.

Today's lessons were rather boring. 21st century history always was. During the last hour, Maria Rose almost contantly checked at the computer's clock, and as soon as it turned 5pm and a half, the blonde girl rushed out of the school and head home.
Today was the day the big update for the EGG VR system came out, and Maria Rose couldn't wait to get home and test the new scenarios that came out with the patch.

Once home, the young woman locked herself in her room where, alongside the bed, the pod-like device awaited its user. Maria quickly stripped naked. She used a small tablet device to log on the EGG server and enter her search settings.


1/ Enemies' gender - please choose a percentage (gender neutral ennemies not influenced by this setting)

Male - 25%
Female - 30%
Herm - 45%

2/ Enemy types - choose Y or N, and between 1 to 5

Human - Y 3
Humanoid (orcs, gobelins, catgirls, lizard people) - Y 3
Feral (wolves, felines, etc.) - Y 4
Amphibians (giant frogs, toadmen, etc.) Y 3
Reptiles (snakes, etc.) Y 3
Demons - Y 3
Mythical creatures (satyrs, centaurs, etc.) - Y 3
Tentacles - Y 2
Amorphous (slimes) - Y 3
Insects and arachnids - Y 4
Invertebrates (worms, slugs, etc.) Y 3
Mechanical - Y 1
Alien / Exotic - Y 2
Other (please indicate which kind of monsters you wish)

3/ Kinks/Special - choose Y or N, and between 1 to 5

Traps (you will encounter traps during your game) - Y 3
Oviposition - Y 4
Pregnancy - Y 3
Light bondage - Y 3
Heavy bondage - Y 2
Milking - Y 2
Inflation - Y 1
Orgasm Denial - Y 1

4/ Difficulty - choose one

hard (-2 malus on your dice rolls) <- Select
nightmare ("auto-lose" mode)

5/ Roughness - choose one

Rough <- Select
Very rough

After a few seconds searching, the following scenarios were available for her and her futa character to play:
  • The Cursed Forest (a high-fantasy adventure)
  • Dark Souls (a Dark Souls-like story setting and universe)
  • Lost in Space (a sci-fi adventure)
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

As Maria sat their and looked at the screen she moved a hand to tap her chin curiously, mumbling to herself "Cursed forest could be neat, I wonder what mystery it could hold? Hmmm Dark souls might also be fun with that dark gritty feel. Then we have Lost in Space? Can't say I am a huge space adventurer I will go..... ummm" she slipped her hand back to the screen and tapped on the cursed forest choice "Let's figure out what curse this forest has on it if any" she giggled to herself as she adjusted herself to the pod device.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria picked her hermaphrodite, wolf-girl avatar for the adventure and quickly slipped inside the pod. The capsule closed softly and the world went dark as the EGG loaded Maria Rose's choice.

Eventually, the young woman woke up in a warm and cosy bed. Rising up, she could see herself in the mirror, and notice she changed into the silver-haired, dog-eared character she minutiously crafted for hours.
Maria was currently in a small cabin. The smell of pine wood reached her sensitive wolf-girl nose and birds sang from the window outside. The place was quite charming. Maria Rose's weapon and a set of various clothes awaited in a wardrobe near the bed.

She could hear in the next room a feminine voice humming and the sound of boiling water.
"Hmm... Hm Hmmm.. Hmmm... Are you awake yet, sleepyhead? Do not make your big sis April pull you out of bed again." called out the woman, who seemed to be the sister of Maria Rose' character and named April.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Marie moved her hand over her face feeling the features of the avatar she had created, It all felt so real in fact if she had no knowledge of being in the machine she'd almost think this was her own life. Her eyes perk up upon hearing the voice "Big... Sis? Perhaps it's part of the scenario? I don't recall any bloodline information upon creation but maybe I might have done something by accident... None the less, No point standing around here assuming things" she whispered to herself. Scanning across the beautiful cabin room she smiled, Walking towards the clothing and weapon "Be there in a moment Sis! Just getting dressed" Deciding to play along with the scenario.

Gathering up the clothing she shuffled it around in her hands finding a pair of underwear first to put on. She looked over the cute light pink stripped thong before reaching down and slipping her legs through the holes and sliding it up covering her privates and now just showing an outline of that petite rear and her penis and balls, releasing the sides with a snap. Next she lifted the dress over head and let it down till it sat snugly over her form, Now adding the final touches with her stockings and picking up her sword. In her hands she held a massive sword known as a Nodachi which was it's japanese name given for 2 handed katanas. The sword was about as big as herself and had a little weight to it to give momentum to swings. Hauling it up over her shoulder and letting it rest there she'd make her way to where he sister called out from "Alright I am here sis" she spoke as she opened the cabin room door.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

((OOC: so... Kinda long post, but I wanted to get the story started before I leave for the week-end.
Btw, you're free to expand on the dialogs, or add your own lines.
And please excuse the medicine ball-sized villain ball I threw to Fornicia, but it wouldn't have been fun if the villain won from the start :p))

Maria Rose entered a well-furnished living room, which seems to be the cabin's main room. On the left part was a small table with a set of plates and mugs.

"Good morning, Maria." welcomed April. She was a wolf-girl as well. A little older and mature-looking than Maria, she had light brown hairs instead of Maria's sliver blonde.
April seemed to have prepared a frugal breakfast. Some fruits were in the plates, and Maria's sister poured some tea in her mug.

The two sisters ate their breakfast, chattering about various topics.
"Gosh, I still haven't got used to the fact that you are 18 already. Time really flies by." began to say April, with an almots imperceptible pause before the number betraying it was a pre-made dialog.
"I think the time has come to explain to you my duties, which will become yours in a few weeks."

April took an inspiration, then explained the situation to Maria:
"Do you remember the cursed forest, behind our home? The one I told you to never go in until I allow you? Our family's duty is to guard this place, and make sure the great evil that corrupted it remains sealed inside. "Her" name is Fornicia."

"That'd be me." chimed a feminine voice from the other side of the room.
Alarmed, April turns around and her eyes widen in panic. In front of you stand a blue-skinned woman. A pointy tail, slitted eyes and a pair of big goat-like horns just scream "demon" from her. She wore a skimpy bikini that left nothing to the imagination about her big E-sized breasts and her big futa cock.
"Wha... But... How?"
"Simple, really" answered Fornicia. "The spell that your great-gradmother cast sealed the entire forest at her time, but by the time the previous guardians built this house, the forest receded a few acres, and you actually built on MY territory. Ha, ha, ha. "
April tried to launch some kind of magical attack, but the demon reacted fast and cast her own spell. An eerily purple light flashes under April's feet, immobilizing her.
"D... Damn!" cursed April
"All I had to do was wait. Wait until your sister would be old enough to venture inside the forest and remove the seals for me. I will break you, my dear April, and when I'm done I'll go back for your sister."
"N... No... Mariaaa!" shouted the girl's sister as she disappeared in a flash of light.

Fornicia gazed at Maria with her cruel, feline eyes.
"As for you... You can wait here, or try to run away. It doesn't matter; I have a lot of minions in this world, and they will bring you back here once they get their hands on you. Or better, venture inside the cursed forest to try to save your sister. I wonder in what state you will be when you will find my way to my lair. Ha, ha ha... Hahahaha!".
On this sinister laugh, the succubus teleported away, leaving Maria alone and in trouble.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria stood in the now vacant room completely speechless, Her eyes set upon the seat where only moments ago her in game sister had sat and spoken with her "D...Damn..." was all she could say at the time. Bringing her hands up and slapping herself gently on both cheeks at the same time a few times "Come on Maria, It's a game... Though It was nice... for the time I had a sister" Closing her eyes and giving her head a gentle shake before she reached for her sword, Opening her eyes the moment her hands touched it and lifted it before her "Time to kick some demon bitch ass!"

A few moments later and she opened the front door and took a couple of steps outside, Turning to close the door behind her "Alright, No dilly dallying. Sis said the forest was behind the house. We live right on the edge of it... Which in turn means... I have a lot of walking ahead of me" she let out a long sigh and slumped letting the Nodachi blade fall to the ground and drag behind her as she made her way to the back of the house "Sis I am coming~ Such a shame she had to get captured. She was pretty too" her face went a little red "E-even if she is my sister an-and she isn't cause it's a game... ugh Shut up Maria and move" she shouted at herself looking like a complete crazy person.

She took in a deep breath and took her first step forward into the forest, Letting the shadows of the trees swallow her and the path of trees, shrubs and rock her guide as she took the path that seemed the clearest at any turn. The smell of the greenery filled the air and the wind merely sending a strand or two of her hair back. Immediately upon entering the whole forest a dark feeling chewed at her eating away at her causing her to look about every few moments at even the slightest rustle of leaves.

((No problems, Sorry mine isn't massive @.@))
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

((No problem.))

Maria walks between the old trees, their leaves casting shadows on the ground. For several minutes, the wolf-girl could have thought this was just a normal trekk and that all this "cursed wood" story was overblown. Little did she know, that something was following her, hiding itself in the bushes.

((Ambush dice roll: you pass))

The small noise of branches cracking under a foot reached Maria's ears. The futa turned around, and noticed a pair of glowing eyes staring at her from behind a tree.
Spotted, the creature uncovers itself. It was a big, black wolf with golden eyes. He easily reaches Maria's size in height, and would easily look down on the herm wolf-girl would he stand on its hind legs.
The canine walks towards the warrior, his nostrils flaring back in a typical flehmen grimace and ready to charge his prey.

Maria - 5/5 FP - 0/10 AP

Giant wolf - 4/4 FP
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

It took a moment to process the large wolf that stood before her "N-nice doggy?" she gave a hesitant smile knowing that it wasn't just going to roll over dead for her. She scoffed to herself "You idiot Maria...." a grin forms and her other hand joins with the other upon her sword handle raising it a little from the ground "Of course it isn't going to die without a little HELP!" she yelled raising the sword and taking a rather defensive form, turning her body a little to the side and her hands moving up to a little in front of her face and letting the blade point towards the ground somewhat "Come perish.... mutt" she lightly growled giving first attack chance whilst she kept her stance.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria attacks wolf: 3 vs 8 - miss
Wolf attacks: 9 vs 5 - hit
Maria attacks wolf: 6 vs 7 - miss
Wolf attacks: 3 vs 4 - hit
Maria attacks wolf: 7 vs 9 - miss
Wolf attacks: 11 vs 3 - critical

Maria and the giant wolf charge at each other, but the canine is stronger and pushes the wolf-girl back. She tries to retaliate, but falls for the faint oft he surprisingly cunning beast. His fangs rip Maria's dress just as a well-placed claw strike sends the warrior rolling to the ground.

The situation already looks bleak. Will Maria keep fighting? Will she try to run away or do something else?

Maria Rose 3/5 FP
Giant wolf 4/4 FP
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria slowly climbed back to her feet grabbing her sword as she got up "D-damn... That did a lot more then I expected.... I can't run away... Surely that thing could outrun me?" she spoke to herself as she repositioned herself and readied her blade once more "Come on Maria, What hope have you if you can't even beat this mutt?"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria attacks wolf: 8 vs 6 - hit
Wolf attacks: 2 vs 8 - miss
Maria attacks wolf: 4 vs 7 - miss
Wolf attacks: 7 vs 5 - hit
Maria attacks wolf: 2 vs 5 - miss
Wolf attacks: 4 vs 3 - hit
Maria attacks wolf: 7 vs 8 - miss
Wolf attacks: 4 vs 4 - miss
Maria attacks wolf: 8 vs 8 - hit
Wolf attacks: 5 vs 5 - miss
Maria attacks wolf: 9 vs 8 - hit
Wolf attacks: 10 vs 5 - hit

Maria Rose is knocked out

The wolf presses on his advantage, tiring the young girl. However, Maria seems to regain a second wind, hitting the beast with sword strikes. For a moment, the futa warrior could have thought she would win this first battle, however, the giant wolf manages to exploit the long naginata's momentum to charge at Maria.

The futa falls on her back as her sword clatters a few meters away. The canine beast's body towers over her, ready to claim its prize. He rips out Maria's panties with his fangs, leaving the futa's privates free.
At first puzzled by his prey's dual anatomy, the wolf quickly recomposes himself as his muzzle darts towards the futa's pussy and he starts licking passionately, savoring the taste of her pleasure juice before claiming the main prize.

((btw, is your character a full herm, with all the bits, or just a futa (thus no balls)?))
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

As Maria lay there she winced in a little pain, lifting her head to look over her defeated form. Her clothing torn and her panties shredded exposing her herm cock, balls and pussy to the victor "D-dammit...." was all she could mutter in defeat before the feeling of the warm canine tongue lapped at her sweet tight slit causing the girl to let forth a moan "G-get away you m-mutt" she reached a hand up in a poor attempt to try push the creature away weakly.

((Herm, She has balls too)
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Too weak to repel the canine, Maria Rose had no choice but to go through the tongue lashing. The wolf's big tongue went everywhere, and did not hesistate to crawl inside the herm's love canal, scraping against her inner walls.

After the wolf is satisfied with Maria's wetness, he flipped her over with one of his powerful paws and mounts her. The warrior's head and shoulders are pinned on the ground by the giant wolf's body while she feels his thick member searching for his target. He finds it easily and, seconds later, Maria can feel the pointed rod pushing against her virgin lower lips, spreading them open. The wolf whines near Maria Rose's ear, savoring the tightness.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria could feel herself becoming somewhat aroused by this taboo, The wolves tongue roughly tasting her tight velvet depths. Her cock slowly growing a little but not enough to stand up so instead it just flopped back against her stomach. She continued to moan even as she was shifted onto her knees and her face pressed into the grass. Hercock throbbed weakly as her excitement grew little by little "O-Ohh... I-I am about t-to be mounted b-by a large w-wolf a-as his bitch.... M-Mmm" something about the whole ordeal got her aroused but at the same time she couldn't help but feel disgusted with herself and worried about how much pain she'd soon be in.

The warm wet wolf cock was felt prodding at her folds, Seemingly ready to mate with her. She was in no position to stop him or fight him off, It was clear she was about to lose her virginity to the large black wolf. Ears flat against her head awaiting her punishment for losing "G-go easy o-on me doggy" she knew that wouldn't work at all.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Unfortunately for her, the wolf did not understand human and, after steadily pushing his cock inside, until the knot bumps against her entrance, and the tip pushes against the cervix, the canine starts breeding his prey with a feral passion.
The big knot slaps against Maria's lower lips as the wolf mated her like he mated his females. With each push, the herm's body is slammed against the ground, her cock pinned under her in the dirt.

After several minutes of ininterrupted mating, the wolf's pushes go deeper and deeper, and Maria can feel the knot gradually strain her opening until it inserts inside with a soft *plop*. Made crazy by the tight squeeze around his knot, the wolf quickly cums inside Maria with short, quick thrusts, filling her womb with canine seed. Tired, the monster lies over Maria, resting until the knot deflated enough that he can pull it out along with his pulsing rod.
His deed done, the wolf swiftly escapes in the woods, leaving Maria alone and extenuated.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria lay flat on the ground after being raped by the large wolf, Rolling over onto her back where her cock stood up hard and her pussy leaked wolf cum onto the grass floor. She wasn't prepared to lose that quick, Already deflowered and mated by a wolf of all things. Closing her eyes for a moment letting her mind calm back down she sat back up and opened her eyes "Don't lose hope now Maria, It was just one loss.... You can still do it" she climbed to her feet and picked up her weapon on the way up, using it to help herself stand back up.

She was hurt, Blood and seed leaking down her inner thigh from her used pussy "That knot... hurt like hell... It also prevented me from breaking from of him. I need to be more careful" She had nothing to cover herself with so she continued to move forward in hopes of a lake or such.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Going on her way, Maria Rose hears the sound of water running to the west. She heads this way. Maybe she would find a lake by going downstream?

She finds a small river traveling down the woods. The water looks clean and drinkable.

What will Maria do? Will she use the river in some way? Go downstream or upstream?
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

The moment she saw the stream of clean water she let out a sigh of relief quickly moving to its side and scooping up some of the water and drinking it out of her cupped hands. She then moved about and proceeded to wash her body and used orifices. Scooping out the wolf seed and washing her hands into the stream each time till she was satisfied with the job she had done. Climbing back out from the watcher she turned to look at one pathway then to the other and closed her eyes "Well... I think downstream is probably the best way to go" opening her eyes and facing her destination before starting back on her journey.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Walking along the river, Maria makes her way downstream. The sound of water running down the rocks is relaxing. The wolf-girl can hear the sound of birds in the distance, the soft buzzing of insects... Actually not so soft.
The buzzing noise becomes louder and louder, until Maria notices a pair of flies in the air. Whatever the curse of this forest is, it seems it makes everything bigger. The airborne insects were easily as big as her torso.
Having noticed Maria, the creatures begin to make their descent towards the young warrior.

Fight Status:

Maria Rose 5/5 FP
Fly 1 - 2/2 FP
Fly 2 - 2/2 FP
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

The look on poor Maria's face when she saw the size of the disgusting bugs moving towards her "O-oh crap oh crap! Bugs! Ewww I hate them!" she trembled holding her sword out towards them and begun swinging in a frenzy as they came on the approach "Stay away! stay away! Don't you dare touch me you filthy pests!!" The commotion the girl made would seem a little over-exaggerated but she clearly had a dislike for the creatures. Not exactly aiming her sword or attempting to attack them instead she swung at random letting the weight of the blade guide the sword.