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(Maptool) Land of Beasts

Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Isn't Rathuris' suggestion the one we used to do for maptools? Cause my Hamachi still has a Land of Beasts room kicking around it.

But ya I'd be up for that if the server doesn't get back up by the next sessions.

Happy thanksgiving all you Americans. (Its not thanksgiving here either)
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

It would just be using direct connect.

I'll give you guys my IP to connect to
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Im free the rest of the day, after two hours more, please Map tool work :(
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

To be fair, that session for Group 1 went way better than I thought it would.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

I am going to do horrible things to your NPCs.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Sigh... i get invited to an important thing today.

So... i guess than i cant log in when i expected today. i will try to get back at the same hour of every friday
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

So I should cancel it? Or should I not?

Either way, I'll go ahead and open the server up until plmnko makes it more clear what he means. All I can gather is that he will either be late, or won't show up at all.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

We talked the last friday about start early today (around this hour), but im busy right now and i will be like this for some hours. I will do my best to go to play at the same hour, what is in four hours mostly.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

So at fetish corruption. Is possible get one where you must get raped with another (specific) character?
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

If that fetish was seeing Laenia getting raped, you'd have a deal.

Requiring Laenia to get raped, and then you get raped yourself, is a little too specific.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

I was aiming to something like this...

Fetish: Gangbang with (______)

"See (______) raped" is just so easy, no fun at this level of corruption and Nami already aiming to Submissive corruptions
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

I figured that's what you were aiming for, and unfortunately that's still too specific. The logic behind taking a fetish as a corruption is that it's good if you can expect it to happen at least once in an area (an area being a place that has a boss you can defeat.)

You might try to say that your condition is likely, but that is not the case. Both characters being raped requires -2 advantage, and given how easy it is to win one grapple roll and go to -1, that would mean both your character, and Laenia's, would need to fail their grapple rolls on the same turn, and be grappled at the same time.

It just isn't going to happen that often in a situation where you aren't already losing terribly.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Ranger has announced that he won't make it to Tuesday's session due to a final exam coming his way. He is still game for Thursday, presumably.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

That's slightly convenient, because I have an interview on said day at one and don't know when I'll be back from it.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Guess I get to sleep after my game with SW then.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

I too will be busy Tuesday. Guess that was a glorious day to cancel.