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(Maptool) Land of Beasts

Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Element: Ice

Potion of Energy
Simple potion to restore energy, heals fatigue by 10 points.
Smoke Bomb:
Nasty smelling mixture that can be thrown onto the ground to create a smokescreen in the area around the user bringing down visibility to only 1 or 2 spaces
Ice Wall
Roxanne condenses the moisture in the air to create a wall of ice, to block off enemies.
Strength: 30
Stamina: 5

Speed: 15
Finesse: 40
Senses: 25

Will Power: 10
Intelligence: 10
Depth: 10

Biography & Picture: i . imgur . com/BKZD3NJ . jpg

Roxanne travels the lands always searching for new marks, she masquerades as a merchant but is always on the look out for the next big sucker. She crafts potions of trickery and passes them off as miracle cures, as soon as she pockets the money she leaves town, she has entered this new frontier in hopes of finding her next big score.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Ehla
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Witch Hunter
Element: Dark
Level: 1

Strength: 5 + 25 = 30
Dexterity: 5 + 20 = 25
Stamina: 5 + 5 = 10

Speed: 5 + 5 = 10
Finesse: 5 + 10 = 15
Senses: 5 + 25 = 30

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5


Ehla grew up in a small community of fellow dark elves not far from the Land of Beasts, one that hated magic and the magically inclined. From birth she was taught techniques to identify and nullify the effects of magic, and at a young age she took up the use of the rapier as well.

Of course, her people had a deep secret, hidden from most. They had always worshiped nature, but long ago, in a wilder time, the Cult of the Beasts had become an all-pervasive force in their society. Ehla had come to learn this by poking around perhaps a bit too much for her own good, and was disgusted by the very concept. Worshiping beasts? What sort of barbarian would do such a thing? When the opportunity to help colonize the land and claim it for civilization she jumped at the opportunity, to repudiate the dark past of her people...
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Sarah
Race: Artificial/Engineered human
Class: Ninja
Element: Water
Level: 1

Strength: 5+10=15
Dexterity: 5+15=20
Stamina: 5

Speed: 5+15=25
Finesse: 5+25=35
Senses: 5+15=20

Will Power: 5+10=15
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

A raven-haired girl of pale skin and blue eyes, somewhat short, but well built. She uses a light blue kimono underneath a stylish looking red jacket, all of which carefully cover the place where her left arm has been joined with a noticeably larger puppet arm.

Sarah is a homunculus, created with the single purpose of becoming the new body of a long forgotten mage of ages past by means of host-invasion. A forgotten practice that only the mage and his followers knew about.

Growing up as only a tool, the girl was drilled with the fate that was to befall her, and that she should not fight her only purpose in life, when the immature artificial human reached the age of 8, she was subjected to the host-invasion. With the old soul embedded into a real-life sized puppet arm, Sarah’s left arm was cut off and replaced with the odd looking puppet arm.

The end result was that of the girl carrying what could only be described as an oversized and useless arm, with time, she learned to control it, and by her 12th birthday, she had managed to attain complete control of it, or so she thought. Ever since then, the arm itself as tried to attack her physically, and in many other ways, as the mage tried to speed up the process in which Sarah’s soul was eroding to give way to the powerful old existence into her body, in simple terms, because it’d had already taken too long for the soul to take control.

Time continued passing, and the girl showed no sign of weakening noticeably, even under the constant attacks of her own arm, and other attempts by the followers of the old mage to break her soul. She escaped imprisonment the day before her 13th birthday, and released herself upon the world, where she managed to hide her identity and lived however she could, eventually learning how to fight and protect herself as best she could, even under the constant assaults from the old mage.

Within very little time the girl became a mercenary, managing to learn of the world on her own and with the company of other hanger ons that tended to gather around her. Young as she is, her skills have become very well known, quite the contrast, when her real identity has not been even close to be discovered.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Kai Peura
Race: Human
Class: Cultist
Element: Holy
Level: 3

Holy Spells:
Status cure: Cures status ailments on a character (10MP)
Fatigue restore: Restores an amount of FP based on spell Depth (5MP)
Armour restore: Restors an amount of armour based on Spell Depth (5MP)

Strength: 5 + 25 = 30
Dexterity: 5 + 20 = 25
Stamina: 5 + 20 = 25

Speed: 5 + 15 = 20
Finesse: 5 +15 = 20
Senses: 5+ 15 = 20

Will Power: 5 +25 = 30
Intelligence: 5 + 25 = 30
Depth: 5 + 25 = 30

Biography & Picture:


Kai has long history with the Cult of Beasts, living near the edge of the Land of Beasts she was born into a Cult family. Being raised in a cult family in a town that had a significant following if the cult made it rather difficult for her to avoid becoming a member. Ontop of that she had some abilities that were both anathema and rather useful to cult, her powers of healing earning her both ire in the shadowy leadership of the cult for its opposition to their general practices, and love from the masses for her ability to heal the injured and sick, though she has only ever realized the latter. Infact her teachers and parents taught her that her abilities came from the Beasts and the land they resided in and spread such propaganda among the masses of the town, and she believes every word they said, just like she has believed everything they taught her about the Lands and its inhabitants.

She was their perfect puppet for much of her young life, but it eventually became clear that she was gaining a following even they couldn't control. So she was sent away, on a 'holy' pilgrimage into the lands themselves sanctioned by the town's cult leaders. They hoped to remove her as a potential threat and hopefully never see her again, while she hoped to gain more abilities from the Beasts and spread the cult's message to those who sought to settle the lands.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Lukil wakes up in the middle of the night, having stripped off all clothes to sleep, with a strange throbbing protrusion, and a feeling of deep, primal lust.

* Nimu wakes up from the ground

Nimu sense... Tingling
Oh great, she has superpowers now.
Smut superpowers, but superpowers nontheless

*Sniff sniff sniff* Lukil scented the air, before her eyes fixed upon Mira, and a hungry grin slowly spread across the mithra's face. Silently, she rose and padded over to the sleeping woman, slowly pawing away the covers between Lukil and Mira.

Chance, chance... *Crawls towards tent, slowly drags Eliza away*

Hello, sexy lady~

Mira had since prepared herself for bed, dressing down to only her underwear. She was sleeping when she felt the covers being moved. She roused herself from her sleep, and looked at the source, finding the hazy form of Lukil. "L...Lukil...is that you? Goodness, it's late. Go to bed."

"Mira...." she purred huskily, slowly clambering over the prone inquisitor and then lowering herself down, inhaling her partner's fertile scent before diving her mouth forward and silencing Mira with a deep, aggressive kiss. There was no stopping the barbaric cat-girl at this point, her mind possessed by lust and some savage need for further sexual release.

Mira was shocked at her companions reaction, her eyes widened as she climbed over her and inhaled her scent. "L...Lukil? What are you doing? Please, calm..." Before she could finish, the frightened inquisitor was silenced by a deep kiss. For the first time in her life, the woman was scared, unsure of what her kin would do.


Lukil's hands were wandering far afield as she pinned Mira beneath her, and the other woman would quickly feel the stiff length pressed against her belly. One hand settled quickly onto one of Mira's breasts, and the other soon reached under her panties and started to tug them down, trying to get them out of the way and thus making that intoxicating scent all the more intense.

Kama-Sutra (Passive) - Lukil causes 1 extra level of PP damage to her partner

Mira let out an "eep" as Lukil pinned her down, the fear growing in her, especially as she felt her companions member bressed against her. She inhaled sharply as one of Lukil's hand found Mira's brest and all she could do was squirm through the continued assault. She tried to resist, praying her friend would see reason.

Mira's struggles only caused Lukil to kiss and grope her more passionately, her soft kneading of her partner's breast and domineering tongue-work trying to pacify Mira while her hands quickly did away with the other woman's panties. Releasing Mira's mouth, Lukil quickly dropped down and started suckling energetically at Mira's breast, flicking her tongue over the tip while her waist shifted, causing her cock to rub up against the sniper's petals slowly.

Seems all her efforts got her was a more passionate assault from her lustful companion, Mira realizing it may be for nothing. She could only let out a muffled whimper at Lukils efforts and was so focused on the kissing and groping that she almost didn't feel the barbarian mithra remove her last vestige of protection. Letting out a gasp as she was finally freed from her companions lips, the markswoman's tongue rolled out of her mouth, her breathing much heavier as a result of the fondling and suckling. Her arousal would begin to show, with her nipples perking up at the attention and her folds beginning to moisten as she felt Lukils member against her folds. The inquisitor shut her eyes tightly, wanting this to end. But at the same time, she didn't. Something about this just felt...right.

For several long moments Lukil was content to suckle on Mira's chest, the head of her cock only just barely rubbing over Mira's petals as she applied her ministrations, unaware or uncaring of the inner struggle that Mira was having over her actions. Soon enough though, Lukil gave Mira's nipple one last long nibble before breaking off and trailing kisses down her taught stomach, the mithra's cock leaving her partner's folds only to be replaced by her mouth. Lukil gave a low rumbling purr as she inhaled the scent coming from Mira, which olny stoked her primordial thirst, before diving in with the same savage aggression as the orcs had demonstrated, her rough tongue licking over Mira's folds and then slowly penetrating them, going deeper and deeper and quickly seeking out the woman's pleasure centers while her eyes, glowing gold in the darkness of the tent, stared up hungrily at the prone inquisitor.

The suckling continue for what felt like an eternity, prompting the inquisitor to squirm somewhat under her companion. It was strange. She should be hating this, throwing off her companion and leaving her be. But she was in too deep now and she couldn't leave her friend to suffer through this lust anymore. Soon enough, she found her companion had moved on, feeling her nipple freed from her friends mouth with a parting nibble. Mira opened her eyes and looked down, enough to see Lukil work her way down her body until she reached her folds, no doubt inhaling the scent that was driving her wild. A sharp cry escaped the womans lips as Lukil dove into her folds, licking and exploring every inch of her. The whole time, her hands was gripping the sheets underneath her, the pleasure beginning to build.

Just like the orcs to claim Mira before her, Lukil was relentless in pleasuring Mira, her tongue writhing inside of the comparatively inexperienced mithra and hitting every one of her sweet spots. Once she'd located Mira's g-spot, however, Lukil assaulted it without mercy, causing Mira no end of mind-numbing pleasure as she sought to bring her to a swift and powerful climax by stimulating such a sensitive spot. The more of her scent she breathed in, the harder Lukil's cock got at the prospect of fucking Mira into the wee hours of the morning, but Lukil remained patient for the moment, giving Mira an opportunity to enjoy herself first...

Knowing full well her companion knew what she was doing, Mira could only lie on the sheets and squirm as she felt the feral mithra's tongue hit all the right spots. Once her g-spot was found, Mira let out a surprisngly loud moan. This would continue as Lukil continued to assault that spot, causing Mira to heat up remarkably fast. Her face reddened, her breathing quickened and her mind was swimming in pleasure. Then it hit her. Her body shook and quiverred as she shuddered in climax, a gush of fluids splashing out onto the eager mithra's face. When the feeling subsided, the once rational and prudish inquisitor was now trying to urge her companion on, as if know she was waiting for this moment.

Lukil spared only a moment to lap up the juices that had splashed onto her face, and then crawled back up and positioned herself over Mira while the inquisitor was recovering from her recent climax. The tip of the barbaric mithra's cock, rounded like a human's but surrounded by tiny fleshy barbs, pressed against Mira's petals and slowly began to push inwards. The barbs, soft and lumpy and really little more then extra bumps for added texture, were a holdover from their more bestial ancestors, but Mira's body would likely recognize them in some capacity or another as she rubbed against her inner walls. A low, pleasure-filled growl escaped Lukil's throat as she pushed easily into Mira's depths, her cock not nearly the same of the ones possessed by the orcs but still long and thick and as hard as stone, large enough to fill her completely and brush the pre-cum leaking tip against Mira's cervix. Looping her arms beneath the bend of the other mithra's knees, Lukil lifted Mira's legs up so that they were practically touching Mira's own shoulders, allowing a kneeling Lukil a prime angle to thrust from and leaving Mira barely able to do more than squirm beneath her, all without pulling out.

Given barely any time to recover, Mira could only look up at the lustful warrior woman, knowing full well what she was about to do. She could feel the tip at her entrence and that alone sent a slightly shiver up her spine, as if her body was preparing for something. Mira bit down on her lip as Lukil began pushing in at an agonizngly slow pace. The more primal part of Mira recognized the barbs, and Mira only descended further into a lustful haze, much like her companion. Another sharp gasp escaped Mira's lips as the feral mithra's member was fully inside of her. Before she knew it, her legs were lifted, almost hitting her shoulders.. This left Mira gazing at her companion, who was no doubt ready to claim Mira as her own.

And claim her Lukil did! Giving a brief look into the other woman's eyes, Lukil cracked a broad grin and pulled back, following her first thrust with a second after a long pause. Her rhythm built quickly as she pistoned down into Mira's aroused cunny, aiming unneringly for all of the right places to drive Mira senseless with pleasure and just going faster and faster. The position ensured that Mira's g-spot took heavy stimulation in both directions of her thrusts, and all too soon the potency of her thrusts had Lukil's hips slapping wetly against Mira's upraised bottom, the ever-shifting angle of her motions ensuring that no corner of Mira's folds went unexplored.

The look in her eyes told Mira that she would be in for a very...very long night, as she felt the first thrust and the second send shockwaves through her body. In a vain effort to try and silence herself, Mira would try and muffle her moans and whimpers as Lukil began thrusting faster and faster, with the feral woman hitting all the right spots on the more domesticated mithra. No inch of her folds was spared any attention. Through her own panting and the lewd slapping of flesh on flesh, Mira would try and speak, as if to request something. "P...Please...go...please go faster!" Her body was telling her to say the strangest things, but it knew she was ready for anything Lukil would throw at her.

Despite her primal state, Lukil couldn't help but let out a slow chuckle at Mira's whimpered demand, replying to it by gradually slowing her thrusts instead, until she came to a complete stop. "You want more, Mira?" she said, finding her voice, "You want me to go faster?" Her hips rolled, rubbing her cock against the inside of Mira's pussy, the barbs around the tip rolling over her g-spot again. "If you do... I want to hear you~" she purred, slowly shifting so that Mira's back was curled even more while Lukil herself rose to a crouch over Mira, "I want to hear your voice crying out for me!" And then, Mira would get her wish. Lukil, holding her in piledriver, would simpyl start pounding relentlessly into Mira's clenching sex, holding her up without hope of escape while her cock pistoned into the other mithra's body at a relentless pace.

Smiling upon seeing some sort of reaction coming from Lukil, Mira suddenly started to fell some fear as the feral mithra slowed down and eventually stopped, leaving the marksman wanting. "Y...Yes! I want more! Please!" She spat out, in a desperate bid to get her companion moving again. She only made things more agonizing as Lukil began rolling her hips and teasing her precious g-spot and further teasing her folds. "Please, gods, just keep going! C...claim me as yours! I don't care!" That was the last thing she said before Lukil began pounding ever faster, showing no signs of releasing her. This is what her body needed. This was all it needed.

Tip to base and back again, Tip to base and back again. Mira's body would be made to quake from the impacts of Lukil's thrusts as she fucked the other mithra, if it wasn't already doing so from the sheer pleasure that she inspired. Her motions were regular and rhythmic and savage as she pounded her cock down into Mira's acceptive body. For several minutes that might have been hours she ravaged Mira, making every effort to make the other woman scream in primal ecstasy. Whether she did or not, however, Lukil knew that she could make the inquisitor cum.... And when she did, when she felt her partner's folds clamping upon her throbbing staff, Lukil let out a low howl and dipped herself down to the base one last time, Lukil's first orgasm with her cock drenched Mira's womb in her cum, pumping wave after wave of hot, thick goo into the girl's deepest depths even as she rode out her own orgasm, their mutual climax driving Lukil to even greater heights of lust, and pleasure....

Each thrust, each pound, each movement from Lukil sent ripples of pleasure all through Mira, her howls growing louder and if one listend more feral herself, as if Mira was...regressing to a state similar to her companion. All this didn't matter as all Mira could do was enjoy every single motion, the time passing by at a mere fraction of it's normal pace for her. And again, she felt her body squirm and shake as she climaxed once again as a result of this savage rutting. What followed was only natural, as Mira felt her partner jam her member down as far as it could go before unleashing a torrent of thick seed. The seed coated the inquisitors womb white and filled it to the brim, no doubt marking the prudish, domesitcated mithra as the property of the strong, feral barbarian warrior.

If Mira thought she was finished, she was quickly proven to have been mistaken. Lukil didn't even rest for long after her first orgasm before releasing one leg and rotating Mira onto her side, putting Lukil between Mira's legs with one over her shoulder before starting to piston into her. She filled the inquisitor's quivering womb with another load of her cum a short while later, but not before fucking Mira into further senselessness while steadily strumming her clit. Again she shifted her partner, putting Mira into doggy style and fucking her even harder than ever, filling her up again that way after another phase of savage rutting. Their last round came in the predawn twilight, Lukil on top of Mira in missionary, their bodies coated in sweat and a mixture of their love juices, their mouths joined and their breasts rubbing steadily against one another as Lukil sawed into Mira's abused cunny. One last load of Lukil's baby-batter poured into her womb before the mithra, finally spent for the night.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

New game, new character

...Lets hope this game lasts

Name: Serathaiel
Race: Angel
Class: Sex Druid
Element: Love
Skilled lover: (Passive) Deals +1d3 extra pleasure damage per level

Protecting love: When the target is done raping their defenceless prey from the cart, they won't carry them off, and will instead protect their prey from being carried off by something else.

Strength: 15 How much your physical attacks hurt. Also determines how heavy your equipment can be.
Dexterity: 20 How well you hit with non-magical attacks.
Stamina: 25 How much you can get raped and get hit before falling on your face. Also determines how heavy your equipment can be.

Speed: 25 How many actions you can take in a round.
Finesse: 10 How good you get the hell out of the way.
Senses: 5 How well you sense and avoid hostile magic, also how well you sense badguys.

Will Power: 15 How much to-hit your magics have, also works with Stamina for how much pleasure you can endure.
Intelligence: 5 How many magic points you have in your super smart brain.
Depth: 15 How powerful your magical spells can be.

Biography & Picture:
An angel to a god of love, mercy and kindness, she found herself ordered to bring those virtues to a land she did not yet know. She first landed in a city where her appearance had gathered a crowd and the authorities, who promptly called in the local church. The church send her to an order of knights, who then mistook her for a messenger of the furious gods of temperance and battle to aid in their fight against heresy and hedonism. So they decided to send her out to cleanse the land.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Indeed, lets hope this run sticks.

Name: Calistria
Race: Human
Class: Ninja
Element: Lightning

Flash Step: Short range blink, bypasses light terrain. Cannot be used in grapple.

Death Lotus: Attacks all foes in the surrounding 8 tiles.

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 15
Stamina: 10
Speed: 20
Finesse: 30
Sense: 15
Will: 5
Int: 5
Depth: 5

On the run from the law after a good gig went bad, she quietly slipped out of the city to join a voyage into the Land of Beasts- if the guard realized where she went, they'd be unlikely to stop her, and it'd be a perfect way to drop the attention for a while... not like she has any options left...

Pic: images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/6/64/Katarina_MercenarySkin_Ch2.jpg
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

XSI has proposed playing this again, so registrations are open to those who can find an agreeable time with his (and my own) schedule.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Why not, I've time to kill and this looks fun. And with enough people my terrible capabilities shall be sheltered safely!

Name: Heralia Mengsk
Race: Human
Class: Cultist
Element: Dark

Strength: 20 How much your physical attacks hurt. Also determines how heavy your equipment can be.
Dexterity: 10 How well you hit with non-magical attacks.
Stamina: 20 How much you can get raped and get hit before falling on your face. Also determines how heavy your equipment can be.

Speed: 10 How many actions you can take in a round.
Finesse: 5 How good you get the hell out of the way.
Senses: 10 How well you sense and avoid hostile magic, also how well you sense badguys.

Will Power: 25 How much to-hit your magics have, also works with Stamina for how much pleasure you can endure.
Intelligence: 15 How many magic points you have in your super smart brain.
Depth: 20 How powerful your magical spells can be.

Madu Duelist (Passive): When making a melee attack, a single target is marked. Heralia gains +5 dodge against the marked enemy.

Cripple(5MP): Reduces Enemy STR by 1 for 5 Turns. Does not Stack.

Biography & Picture: ( )

Heralia Mengsk was not always the dark and questionably sane cultist that she is now. She once was a noble paladin, who worked in concert with her partner, lover and childhood friend, Gerald. They did much good in the name of their church. However they were watched by covetous eyes. Another childhood friend, Jenice, had always longed for Gerald, but as he and Heralia bonded over their shared ideals she grew deeply jealous. She delved into the arcane arts, but while she found magics to inspire lust, the love she desired eluded her, and when she tried to approach him, she found the two embraced in a forest. And her rage finally boiled over.

Heralia and Gerald intended to marry before they united in sexual union. It was never to be though, as upon the day they set for their marriage, she found not her lover there, but a shambling wreck. For in her insane wrath, jealousy became hatred, and so Jenice had laid an elaborate if insane plan. She slew what she desired and reanimated him into undeath to deny Heralia her love, and lure her to her. With no choice, Heralia put her lover to rest before seeking out his murderer.

It took time, the enraged paladin sought justice for her lover, and tracked Jenice to a dark tower, where the twisted mage had laid her trap. Heralia confronted the mage, who in an angry tirade against Heralia, she declared she would deny Heralia what Heralia had denied her, and liad a powerful curse upon her. She struck Heralia infertile, burning runes into her body, declaring that Heralia would never have what a man would wish ever more.

The curse and the grief pushed Heralia over and her own rage blossomed forth. The two fought, and harmed each other greatly, but Heralia became the victor, slaying her tormentor, before scouring the villains books for means to undo the curse. There was none. It had become and obsession though, and she began to roam. Forgotten were noble deeds, as she sought into the dark arts to find the curse and undo it, the knowledge leaving as much a stain upon her, and eventually the crimes she committed to gain such knowledge.

Eventually, an epiphany struck her as she finally scrapped together enough knowledge of the curses workings. She could not remove it, but she could circumvent it. While no human could sire upon her, that did not prevent another species from doing so. And if she could gain the power to ensnare her lover's soul, she could perhaps rebirth him in a new inhuman body, uniting together with him. She would have her total vengeance upon the bitch who had taken everything from her.

Heralia had served under many different banners by then and it was little trouble to pull some strings to be sent to "tame" the wilderness. Heralia doesn't mind serving in such a capacity, but her true goal is to gain power, power enough to restore her life. And if she needs to give up all humanity to do so, it matters not to her. After all, if she can only birth beasts, why not be one then?

Heralia Mengsk is 5' 7" with short black hair and dull grey eyes. She has a fairly toned frame, and wide hips, with a smaller C cup. She has a pale complexion and a few scars from previous combats. There are runic tattoos going up her inner things and waist, while a holy symbol tattoo on her upper shoulder has been desecrated with new occult tattoos. Her garb tends to vary based on her current allegiances, but as she enters the Land of the Beasts she is wearing a dark fur cloak and is wearing a breastplate with leather clothes for padding and a silver and moonstone circlet. She dual wields Madu, one on each arm.

Heralia is significantly unhinged, and has been tainted by the dark forces she once held. She's obsessed with her curse and regaining what she once lost, her having become as much a monster as the one who had ruined her. She's not a true villain though. She's self interested and is prone to wandering off from her allegiances as her goals shift, but she remember's who her friends are and doesn't seek to harm them, and will fight fiercely in their defence. Whether she could be pulled forth from her madness or will go through with her mad mission remains to be seen.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

If you really want to play, make sure you talk to me about your characters or just post them here and I'll contact you about any concerns.

As well, make sure you post a vague idea of what you want your first skill and spell to be. It doesn't matter if there's something wrong with it, that will be worked out after you let me know what you want. Getting the skill/spell properly balanced for the game can come after. Just remember that your skills and spells can only cause as much harm as your stats allow.

So for example, if you want a Super Death Kill Move that cleaves dudes in half, and you only have 5 strength, it will instead be named Super Tickle Giggle Laugh Move. Because all you'll be doing is tickling the enemy, pretty much.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Nothing will happen unless you guys get together. So far it's just XSI and Zil, and I believe I can reasonably fit you two into a schedule.

Not that two isn't a good number. It helps with keeping games going. I'm also assuming XSI is sticking with his angel and Zil with his cultist. Which shouuuuld mean the npcs will get fucked a lot.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Probably, but if we're all pink classes, maybe that will be a good thing? : p haha.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Name: Slyleaf (Halael originally, then later named by beasts)
Race: Tainted human
Class: Beastmistress
Element: Love

Strength: 30 (5+20+5)
Dexterity: 10(5+5)
Stamina: 30 (5+20+5)

Speed: 20(5+10+5)
Finesse: 40(5+15+20)
Senses: 30(5+15+10)

Will Power: 10(5+5)
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Chastise(Passive): Slyleaf can automatically start a grapple on an enemy that misses an attack against her.

Luscious Promise: Targeted enemy must attempt to initiate a grapple on Slyleaf if she's in range, or try its best to get in range (within reason, no running through lava).

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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Due to sudden interest in LoB once again, and some second looks at the system, I've made some changes, mostly in relation to Warriors.


AP and how it functions has been changed.
  • Regular movement, and normal attacks no longer cost AP.
  • Sprinting(doubling your movespeed) Still costs AP. Although now it costs a bit different. You must pay 10+(5*enemylvl) AP to enable sprint.
  • Skills that use AP in the future shall be significantly different. Using 25 AP flat to deal x2 damage is no longer possible (because pure STR warriors can be as good as mages only without the mana costs). To deal more damage/have greater effects, more AP needs to be spent to reflect the strengthened effects. This makes Speed more important than it previously was.
  • AP now regenerates based off of a percentage of your total AP and the weight of the armor you're wearing. Light=30%, Medium=20%, Heavy=10%. (Armor still reduces the amount of spaces you can move.)
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

For the new game and such.

Name: Laenia
Race: Sea Godling
Class: Crucible
Element: Water

Strength: 15 How much your physical attacks hurt. Also determines how heavy your equipment can be.
Dexterity: 15 How well you hit with non-magical attacks.
Stamina: 20 How much you can get raped and get hit before falling on your face. Also determines how heavy your equipment can be.

Speed: 15 How many actions you can take in a round.
Finesse: 20 How good you get the hell out of the way.
Senses: 20 How well you sense and avoid hostile magic, also how well you sense badguys.

Will Power: 5 How much to-hit your magics have, also works with Stamina for how much pleasure you can endure.
Intelligence: 15 How many magic points you have in your super smart brain.
Depth: 5 How powerful your magical spells can be.

(Passive) Bloodline of Strength: Laenia exudes an sense of her powerful bloodline, overwhelming the scent of other girls with her own and drawing most nearby beasts to try to take her instead. However, her bloodline ensures beasts borne from her are even stronger.

Reinforce Crucible: Powers of the sea reinforce the Crucible armor, repairing damage.

Biography & Picture: (Armored: , Unarmored: )

Laenia is the child of the god of the sea, at least one of them anyhow. As an entity of great potential strength, she had grown up under lock and key upon a travelling island in the ocean, kept isolated lest those who would abuse her heritage would claim her. To act as her guardian and final defence, the sea priests forged the Crucible, a mighty cerulean golem to keep her safe, and in the temple.

Time passes though and Laenia aged slowly, and to her it seemed like in no time the priests were but dust, and even her mighty guardians enchantments waned, leaving it but a great suit of armor. Soon those who would take her would come, she was sure. Thus she left, and took the Crucible with her, manoeuvring her tentacles within the gaps to allow her to move the great armor once more.

Abandoning the island she made her way into the Empire as a mercenary, learning much about the world she had been sheltered from and using her great armor and equipment to her advantage, rarely leaving the safety of it's insides. Eventually she learned of the great threat of the beasts to the south, and decided it was likely them that she had been sheltered from.

Hearing how they preyed upon other women, she decided that her best chance to finally be able to live free, and ensure others freedom is to stop cowering and take the fight to the beasts themselves.

Laenia to most observers is just an enormous juggernaut of cerulean armor, more golem than person. She does little to dissuade such notions, although her voice sounds rather unfitting compared to the great armor she wears.

Once removed from within, Laenia is only 4' 8", with sea green hair and golden eyes, having fine curves and smooth skin, with the symbol of the sea god on her forehead as a birthmark. Her inhuman qualities are rather obvious, with many tentacles extending from behind her, and her pointed ears and horns.

Laenia is a curious and determined individual who dislikes the constant feeling of worry that permeates her life. Drilled to defend herself against others and to view everyone as a potential captor, she often struggles a bit to dissuade her suspicions of others. Still, she's a fierce warrior and her armor renders her very difficult to conquer, wading into the thick of her opponents with ease.
And once her trust is earned, she is a devoted individual indeed.

While Laenia's tentacles are very strong and numerous, she's never had cause to wield them in a fight before or for much of anything and is rather clumsy with them for anything other than wielding her armor. Though with time and training this may change.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Would I be allowed to re-use either of my people? Well, my knight is out of the question given she has upgrades and the like. Mira is mostly untouched. But I am interested in restarting, so let me know if I can do that or if I should build a new lady.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

You can use the same character if you want, doesn't matter.

Also, the current player list:
1: Enigma
2: Kursed
3: CJ
4: Zil
5: Aust (as an apparent recent addition)

I predict high rates of game cancellation due to large player amounts. I will continue to proceed as normal regardless and let the players decide what to do.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Alright let;s try to get this going yet again, maybe we'll get to the second section for once.

I;m available sunday to friday about any time, and can do saturdays before 6 pm most part, though I can go over with a slight delay.

And I am GMT - 7:00/8:00 for reference.

I'll play any role really, so you know, let;s see if we can get 3-4 people to get it going again.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts

Since the dust is being blown off, I will mention once again a few important bits.

Fetishes include but are not limited to: Corruption, Bestiality, Excessive rape, Some Yuri, Pregnancy, Large Dicks and cumflation.

The only criteria for joining is that you're cool with all of that. If you are, feel free to make a character to humor Zil's eternal quest to try and beat this Campaign.