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Man for Hire (Orland)

Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Finding a weakness in the foundation, Orland pushed open the wall, while causing the house to nearly topple in on itself as well. The whole house seemed about to come crashing down, and while it did, it would seem that if he left the amazon woman behind, she'd likely be killed, and crushed by the house toppling down on her.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu grabbed the walls trying to hold them in place. If he had known it would be so unstable He would have just taken his chances with the door. But even with his doing his best the walls wore going to come down. He tossed his sword out and doubled back to grabbed the woman and tossed just like he did his sword out the opening.

He then tried to throw himself through the opening barely escaping the mess. He quickly gets his weapon and starts an all out run to get as far away as he could. He kept turning to see anyone following him but saw nothing. But that did not stop his as he ran.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

After running for some time, Orland eventually found that running into the deep woods to evade any pursuers eventually left him even more lost than he was previously upon arriving at the island. Alone, and slightly winded from running as fast as he could until he was sure he was safe, away from the amazons, the only company Orland seemed to have was the chirping of the birds in the trees...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu fell to the ground trying desperately to breath deeply. His body felt on fire and it could barely hold him up. Having time to calm his mind he started to relax hearing birds. Sit laying on his stomach he forced himself with the little strength he had to lay on his back. The canopy of the trees greeted his eyes as he turned over. His mind wasn't even worried about being lost in the forest of the island. He had gotten away... but one dark thought crossed his mind.

But for how long... Orlandu thought to himself as his eye strained to stay open.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As if in answer of his fears, Orland eventually began to hear footsteps. Although, they weren't nearly as discreet as the amazons, and almost seemed to Orland as if they were of different dispositions entirely, as a pair of light footsteps walked past him, seemingly oblivious to his presence behind the tree, and bushes.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As Orlandu heard the soft footsteps and at first he thought he had been found... but his mind caught him. The steps wore too loud to be of those "women". As the sound came closer he tried to force his body to move himself closer to the path he thought whoever was making the sounds might be taking. But even in his tired state he tried to keep himself hidden in the bushes as he peaked out to see.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

When he looked, his eyes saw two similarly dressed women as the amazons he met before. However, they were of light skin, not dark, tan skin, nor did they appear to be hunting. They did, however, appear to be searching for something, as their eyes looked all about the forest, but not well enough to spot Orland from where he hid.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Their dress made him cringe at first but after seeing their skin he at least stopped him from trying to get away. He watched for a bit still wondering what they wore looking for. He tried to push himself back but felt a burning in his side.

Forcing himself to his feet he feels his side and pulls his hand back showing the tips of his fingers bloody. He looked to his tunic and say the side some what damp from blood.

Did....did I get hurt during escaped? He questioned himself. Removing his tunic he saw it wasn't a new wound but an older wound that have never really healed fully. With nothing to patch himself up with and no where else to go he places the tunic back on and places his back up to a tree.

"IS ANYONE OUT THERE!!!???" HE yelled knowing the women would hear him. Orlandu only hoped he was not going to regret this in the morning.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

After a moment, and a distant, "What was that?" coming from the group he saw from before, the two elves soon arrived to find Orland in his current condition. They looked down at him, confused at the sight of seeing a bleeding human. "A human..." one noted.

And then the other knelt down, looking at his injury, "Are you alright? Let me see your wounds, I can stop the bleeding." she told him.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

"I'm fine.... I just tore open a wound that never healed completely it seems." He answered as pulls his tunic up showing the open and bleeding wound. It started near the top of his rib cage and cut down his body but the wound itself was not very deep. A needle and thread would suffice if need be.

Orlandu tried to relax but with the whole fact he wasn't really comfortable around others... mainly woman checking wounds of his caused him to tense up more then anything. It just felt wrong some how in his mind. The fact became a little evident as he tried to turn his face away from the elf as he felt himself blushing a little.
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Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Both of the elves seemed uncertain about Orland, and a look of distrust was very obvious in their faces. However, after a moment of silent staring, and observing, the elf in front of him did not reach for a pack of medicine, or healing materials. Instead, she made an open palm, and placed it not far from Orland's wounded flesh. The next thing he knew, he felt a strange energy coming from the elf, as his wound seemed to slowly start to feel strange, and slightly itchy, while it very slowly started to close itself before his eyes.

This did not go on for long, before the elf suddenly stopped what she was doing with a heavy sigh, and then moved to grab her healing materials, simply bandaging his wound tightly, making sure that it would stay clear of any open air, avoiding infection.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As the elf started to bound his wound Orlandu's face started to become a little more red due to him still feeling awkward with the woman patching him up. Once she finished his face returned to normal. He felt the bandage making sure it was tight. His body was still in pain but at least that one wound was gone.

"Thank you... Is there anything I could do to pay you back?" He quickly asked.

"I don't have any type of money on me." He added as an after thought. A simple level of healing as the elf just did on him might have cost thousand gold back on the mainland. Part of him start to regret letting her heal him as easily as she did now. He didn't like having a debt to anyone.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

"You've a sword arm, and a sword to compliment it, and that's payment enough, I think." she told him in such a way that suggested she was 'recruiting' him. Then, she stood up on her feet, before turning to her fellow elf. "I didn't get a good look at many of the men who arrived, but I'm fairly certain that this man was not among those in the village." she told her comrade.

The other elf put a finger to her lips in thought, "Be that as it may... We're still without a plan, and Beatrice is nowhere to be found. It's as if she vanished, or... Or was taken..." she said grimly.

The elf who healed Orland put her palm up at her friend, indicating she should stop where she was going with her words, "No, Beatrice wouldn't go down like that, even by the hands of Hellspawn. She'd sooner kill herself than be a slave to them." she claimed.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu stood and listened to the two elves speak. He picked up a few simple facts as he listened.

So there are more men here then myself... and this Beatrice must be some type of leader. He thinks to himself as he looks back and forth between the two. As the one who healed him said her last statement he forces himself to stand with his sword with it's sheath in hand.

" Not to be a bother... but if you two wore heading somewhere it be best if we get going." He said as he looked about the forest about him. He didn't want to be caught off guard if the hellspawn they spoke about wore after them.

"Name's Orlandu... if you care." He added quickly.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Both women's eyes turned daggers towards Orland, before the one who healed him spoke with an angry tone, "I don't care what your situation is, human, but if you think you can order us around even for a moment, I'll open that wound of yours tenfold." she threatened him, letting the man know that neither of the women would take kindly to him calling the shots.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

"It's called a suggestion not an order. But if you intend to make a threat why not make it a simple slash across the throat." He said with a hint of distaste for the two already. Not in a mood to look at the elves, Orlandu turns his back to them and look about trying to find any type of movement in the trees or bushes.

God... Why dose everything here seems to want me for some type of sex toy or dead. He thought to himself. However, he quickly notice the forest was too quite... no animals or bugs wore making any type of noise. He hand tighten it's grip on his weapon.

Something is close...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

A moment of waiting revealed that nothing was close at all, although something did seem out of place.

"That can be arranged, fool." one of the elves responded, as if they either knew of what was out of place, or they were completely oblivious to it, "And if you plan on coming with us, keep your suggestions to yourself." she told him coldly.

Then, the elves returned to their march through the forest, their path not seeming to want to go near the roads Orland saw during his capture by the amazons...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

He followed the elves keeping quite as he keeps watching the forest about him. Something was wrong here... He could not put his finger on it but something screamed at him.

Maybe it's the elves them selves... He started to question himself. Nothing here seemed right at all. He moved his hand from the sheath to the hilt getting himself ready.... for something part of him knew was going to happen.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

After walking for some time, the feeling sending a chill into Orland's spine only got worse, and sent him into a state of shock when he suddenly tripped, and fell to the ground when something caught his foot. When he moved to free his foot, he found it wouldn't budge, and that it was caught on an uplifted tree root.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

"BLOOD AND BLOODY ASHES!" Orlandu yelled in anger of letting himself getting so work up. His mind was playing tricks on him and he had let it get the better of him.

After seeing the root he pushed himself back freeing him from the bloody thing. As he stood he noticed he lost his line of sight with the elves. Known they wore still moving forward he picked up his pace a bit but took care to not make too much noise.