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VN/TEXT RPG Active NTR [Makura cover soft] Dungeon and Bride

alright i have tested some of your mod
1) It is possible to use summons and ally at the same time

2) I tried going to amber town
every dungeon/roads are unavailable, likewise every sign (expect those you can see in the story) with some weird exceptions:
a)one dungeon upon entering teleports you to the witch lair and you can't go back
b)one dungeon teleports you to the teleporter near amber town

3) If you have a silver key (in the road to amber town), it is possible to obtain a 2nd magic platform butit seems unusable, thus you can't reach a certain point

4) Upon entering amber town everything seems to work except the following:
a)if you click on blue lair an error pops out and crashes the game
b)if you go and rest to your house, you are forced to rest again otherwise you can't leave
c)every road leads to the seagull village except the tutorial dungeon

5) I don't know how the level up tweak works but my fairy leveled up to 70 hp 1 level (thou even before this patch the very first level of my slave nun could do that)

6) Unfortunatly i am not such an high level to have lv9 spell, however i saw that recuit from the guild could do magic up to 9 times

I will let you know if i find something else.
Let me know if it is possibile to fix the second platform glitch or if it possible to apply some changes to the elf extra companion
Regardless thank you so much for this.

At last I was able to go to amber town and checked all things. From new things there appeared new locations and strong characters in guild (comparing to previous demo). I tried to enter in not implemented(removed in demo) locations and in first time I got ctd but when loaded game again ctds disappeared and just seeing console messages about prevented ctd as expected from ctd fix I added. I tried to enter in each dungeon place from amber town itself and also got no ctds and both dungeons just move to collins wood (third to begin dungeon). There only was strange that I got ctd in first time for not implemented dungeon and no ctd after reloaded save. All other things working as expected. Despite of enter teleporting to witch lair it is as I suppose is just for tests and dungeon also just not finished. I still using patch2(206 jp).,patch3(206 en) and patch4(206 en tweaks) which I shared here and changed nothing. I run demo64 from console to see any errors and other messages.

(upd: found red slime icon in amber town and the click one icon causing an error, will try to find where the error and will add check or will change action like in working towns)
( upd: here is updated patch+en+tweaks for 206 with added fix red slime ctd and enter key down on startup ctd : link (people who dont want tweaks just can get xebit's patch3 updated to 206 from archive))
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A question...
Do one needs to download the entire game folder each time to play the updated patch, or can we just download the patch and integrate it inside the current game folder?
Seeing as there are only bug fixes, I thought that there should not have been any files overhaul needed in the game directory, aside from replacing any smaller part with an updated one, or simply add a 'Patch' files in.

Also, I see that the girl characters can have their alignment changed from HOLY to EVIL or vice versa, but your MC can only be aligned to what he was at the start, so considering you start your main as GOOD or HOLY ( along with the girls ), but after awhile they changed to EVIL due to how blood-thirst you are for a fight, if by any chance you removed that said party member from your team, that girl will most definitely won't ever be able to see the light of days to join your team ever again, I guess.
At last I was able to go to amber town and checked all things. From new things there appeared new locations and strong characters in guild (comparing to previous demo). I tried to enter in not implemented(removed in demo) locations and in first time I got ctd but when loaded game again ctds disappeared and just seeing console messages about prevented ctd as expected from ctd fix I added. I tried to enter in each dungeon place from amber town itself and also got no ctds and both dungeons just move to collins wood (third to begin dungeon). There only was strange that I got ctd in first time for not implemented dungeon and no ctd after reloaded save. All other things working as expected. Despite of enter teleporting to witch lair it is as I suppose is just for tests and dungeon also just not finished. I still using patch2(206 jp).,patch3(206 en) and patch4(206 en tweaks) which I shared here and changed nothing. I run demo64 from console to see any errors and other messages.

(upd: found red slime icon in amber town and the click one icon causing an error, will try to find where the error and will add check or will change action like in working towns)
( upd: here is updated patch+en+tweaks for 206 with added fix red slime ctd and enter key down on startup ctd : (people who dont want tweaks just can get xebit's patch3 updated to 206 from archive))
Any chances for fixing this one too?
I need saved game right before crash and actions to do to cause crash the I can try.
Damn, I've deleted the saves second b4 saw your reply :/
Anyway, can I generate new heroines instead of taking pre-defined ones AND not losing any content?
BTW. I started the tutorial, exited the dungeon, did some purchases and tried to enter again:
reuploaded archive with fixed typo causing the ctd (ctd fix caused ctd :) )

Damn, I've deleted the saves second b4 saw your reply :/
to fix any I just checking console when exception is appeared and there is the exception call stack. If I cant see error I cant find the place where it happen. Only dev know precise places where is specific function run.
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reuploaded archive with fixed typo causing the ctd
BTW. For debugging sake, @Xebit too, you can use cheat engine and enable SPEEDHACK e.g. x5, so the game will work faster and less time lost.
EDIT: "We ambushed the enemy." well, the party was ambushed.

reading manual in Saphire city. And Schwartz failed to leave the group so far.
EDIT: I've loaded the save and Schwartz left this time LOL
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How to unlock the secret passage from the item vault in this version?
No matter what i do, even listening to the bar conversation there isn't any hidden option on the item vault and i have searched far and wide in the sewers. unless it is possbile to obtain a second magic platform i can't proceed further.
Is there a way to enter to the bar mansion?
Where do i have to knock 7 times?
If you know all of this could you send me a map of those locations?

Also how can you open the treasure cheast in the bull hideout?

thank you so much
View attachment 49943
reading manual in Saphire city. And Schwartz failed to leave the group so far.
EDIT: I've loaded the save and Schwartz left this time LOL
There just a missing target "*_アイテム説明_Broken" mark in the scene file and because of this the error happens. Checked the scn file and I see the target just have incorrect not exist name and there exist specific tutorial text actually. Checked original version and there is correct target name and it mean that the part of the target name was accidentally translated to english from _アイテム説明_破損 to _アイテム説明_Broken.

(upd: here is updated version where patch4 must fix target name and also couple fixes for party size tweak related ctds: link)
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After I stacked third extra party member (mod active) and I tried to to to the inn
View attachment 49944
After I stacked third extra party member (mod active) and I tried to to to the inn
Try to download updated archive from my previous message, the error there must be fixed. It is because the game is not expected so many hirings for inn and max members limit. I actually still is not sure about how to make better here because each inn have different limit of guests and if I will increase max guests limit then there will be not enough room places. Also extra members who was not in inn are not restoring hp and need to rehire them. Extra members also can hide some places in town with their avatar images. In my case when stolen all girls from Wild bull the party looking like this:
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Try to download updated archive from my previous message, the error there must be fixed. It is because the game is not expected so many hirings for inn and max members limit. I actually still is not sure about how to make better here because each inn have different limit of guests and if I will increase max guests limit then there will be not enough room places. Also extra members who was not in inn are not restoring hp and need to rehire them. Extra members also can hide some places in town with their avatar images. In my case when stolen all girls from Wild bull the party looking like this:
View attachment 49945
I love to use many extra party member, they became so much helpful once they level up. But yeah having too many of them would bring some problem at the inn most of the time.
so yeah everytime before going to the inn, i would need to rehire some of them the next day. it helps that they also get exp form quest.

Speaking of is it possbile to make summons obtain exp from completing quest too?
or is it possbile to make summon share exp , even those who haven't fought in the battle, so long as the summoner is alive?

Because everytime i get in a city, the summoned monster disappear.
The fact you can't use more than 1 summon in battle also limits on how fast can you level them up.
i get the limitation especially since having a more summons along with all the "slave party memeber " is going to be too much.

Honestly using summons and "slave" on the same party is one of the best feature of your mod so thanks again.
Hello, i have found this problem.
I was storing some items in the vault, then the game lagged a bit, unfortunatly i have saved.
Now everytime i try to go to the inn this message happen and the game crashes
does someone knows how to fix it?


  • Screenshot (288).png
    Screenshot (288).png
    1.4 MB · Views: 45
View attachment 45618

I'll edit this post with info on that in a little bit, then i'll do a whole set of tower guide images from what i can remember... i might update them if/when i do a restart with a non-assassin team in the non-story mode (unless that mode doesn't work, LOL, haven't clicked it yet!)

Edit 1: Sorry, the dungeon under the switch hole in the woods has a LOT more floors than expected, and is full of sliding block puzzles, which i normally hate, but using the games mechanics they are actually fun and have good clues. holy shit.

-=[ Radmila Tower F1-5 Guide Edit ]=-

View attachment 45620
View attachment 45621
View attachment 45622
View attachment 45623
View attachment 45624 < Radmila Tower F5 (I'll remake this image later when i try to actually get all the squared filled in)

Extra Edit: get a full team of feathers in the dark square in the arena room and use those for the cracked Floor 5. Apparently i can't walk on the tiles i could before!
Are the screenshots still OK for the lastest demo? I have to "knock 7 times" not sure where...
Here is tweaks and fixes which I created for myself but maybe they will be interested for someone.
Old post with info can be found >>here<<.

The link with archive contains (patch2.xp3) + Xebit's english translation (patch3.xp3) + patch4.xp3 containing several tweaks and fixes.
update with the patch 210 changes

previous changes:
previous version link:

update with the patch 209 changes
reenabled warp spell which was disabled in patch 207 by dev
fixed impossibility to return back by floating bridges when in water
updated files from patch 208
second floating bridge must be working now (warning: you can go to the places which was removed in demo and you can get error)
increase warehouse size from 10 to 99
rebased to xebit's patch3 update for patch 207
updated all with changes of patch 207
add tweak deactivating floating bridge appearing while left shift key is pressing (maybe useful when the bridge is not need)
added tutorial ctd fix and rename char message into xebit's english patch3
equip the weap/arm/acc item if no place in bag and can be equipped(not for cursed) by target char
any hiring char can randomly appear in inn but not more of two because of places limit
for party size tweaks all hiring chars will restore their hp even if they was not in inn.
added fix for possible ctd because of increased guests max value

The copy of the message on f95 is here.
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Are the screenshots still OK for the lastest demo? I have to "knock 7 times" not sure where...

I don't even know if you can non-cheatingly get to the place where you need to knock on the door in the "final" demo we're on currently. The whole ass sewer got redone, and i also can't seem to find the third entrance that used to be the blank space in the warehouse, though you can still find the signs for knocking with a secret wall to the other sign saying "haha that's a trick knock 7 times instead".

Since the final demo released, i'm unsure if any of the screenshots i put out for the previous demo are usable for what they were made for. I haven't bothered to go into the witch cave after the update to actually let us get in, radmila tower is missing, the outdoors maps are different, the sewers is entirely different, i wouldn't put it beyond this dude to have completely remade all the puzzles too.


>Find what looks like an unidentified whip
>ID it, it looks like a sling but with two straps
>it's equipable, has an AC value so some kind of armor
>is this shit a medieval leather sling bikini?
>save game before testing
>put it on someone
>it's a cursed item. yes it's a leather sling bikini
>exit item screen to reload game, get entire scene of Max the elf freaking out about how sexy it is and the girl complaining
>go to remove the curse instead of reload cuz scene was funny
>it's 120k to remove
this game is amazing, lol.

I love when sandra gets a level and her hp just blows the fuck up because she's generated with extremely under-shot hp, so the system corrects it for her gaining one level and getting like +187 hp.
pretty sure the knocking was for that door to the noble residence near the town to the right exit? you had to knock it exactly 7 times and wait a bit and it would open on earlier demos iirc ( i think there was a quest that involved it?). havent tried that yet since i am doing other stuff in the current demo.
pretty sure the knocking was for that door to the noble residence near the town to the right exit? you had to knock it exactly 7 times and wait a bit and it would open on earlier demos iirc ( i think there was a quest that involved it?). havent tried that yet since i am doing other stuff in the current demo.

it was the slaver mansion, the front door was fake/blocked one-way-exit, so you had to go in via the sewers, and the boss door was where you knocked. the quest involving it also gave a bonus for each girl you rescued from it.


I think the gremlin/imps in the mine are fairly dangerous while also being resistant to a lot of magic, and give less quality loot than the necromancer fights out in the open area before the mine. I've gotten positively decked out from them and the summons they pull up. 37 AC red bikini armor top, dmg 20-38 x3 golden mace, dmg 23-31 x3 dervish curved sword, moon staves that cast aoe light beams, a human/dwarf only/hunter only bow that deals knockout, golden ankh that resists all elements +20 ac, an anti-petrify/drain ring, analyze and repair scrolls, +10 int sorcerer/wizard only rings....

Do beware, the dark blue/purple ghosts cast instant kill spells, the red zombies hit like a passenger jet, tons of shit casts fear, and several things can freeze party members. Still think the confusion/paralyze of the gremlins is more annoying.
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<crash> reading manual in Saphire city.
Thanks, that was my bug, I'll make sure it's not in next patch.

I'm not sure all the text is to be believed in the current demo. As others have said, the 7 knock thing relates to a quest that isn't available in the current demo, and the described limitation of party alignments within two steps of each other is bugged, so you can add the full range of alignments in the same party.
i wouldn't put it beyond this dude to have completely remade all the puzzles too.

Most of the existing dungeon layouts are about the same, but the block puzzle in the snow area has been completely redone.

However, it's easier now than the puzzle that was in the last version.