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VN/TEXT RPG Active NTR [Makura cover soft] Dungeon and Bride


Tentacle God
Sep 3, 2012
Reputation score
Although realistically I think March is a bit optimistic, perhaps summer or fall is a bit more likely.
The realistic one is more end of the year imo, but I'm open to good surprises.

I remember thing that I found interesting is that the girls‘ bodily appearances would change if they see too much action with the male fellers. It kinda cracks me up that the girls would grow pubic hair after having too much sex. It’s really the only game I’ve played had such a system and I find it quite amusing and interesting!
The idea I think is that the girl is more sexually mature after being fucked so many times.
Personally I prefer shaved/clean, and would have preferred the story to play the "more sexually active" bit by having the girl having makeup or adding flavor text about smelling good and attractive, but that's the idea.


Jun 27, 2021
Reputation score
The realistic one is more end of the year imo, but I'm open to good surprises.

The idea I think is that the girl is more sexually mature after being fucked so many times.
Personally I prefer shaved/clean, and would have preferred the story to play the "more sexually active" bit by having the girl having makeup or adding flavor text about smelling good and attractive, but that's the idea.
Yeah I agree the end of year is more realistic, but likewise I will be more than pleasantly surprised if it comes out prior to that.

To me it‘s the kind of sexual myth I listened to my middle school classmates spew all the time back in the day: “if the girl is hairy and has dark nipples you know for sure she lives a lasciviousness life style!”

Which of course is just teen age boy nonsense but seeing it decades later in video game form really cracks me up!

But absolutely I do hope there are a great varieties of flavor texts that reflect the sexual maturity of the girls as the game progresses.


Sep 22, 2018
Reputation score
What would be really cool would be to figure out how to construct our own dungeons in the game, but I'm not sure I care to figure that out.
As I understand, at the most basic level, construction of a new dungeon consists in creating a .map file and adding a link to it in maplist.tsv? Then, map layout specification requires to fill the coordinate grind with reserved symbols. Some of these symbols are specified in map.tjs, while others like ⑴ or ❶ probably are in some other file I haven't found.

The map renderer, so to call it, processes cells in the coordinate grid differently based on their location, whether a cell belongs to a numbered column/row or not (if I got it right). Those that do apparently correspond to actual tiles in the dungeon (onto which the characters can move), while adjacent cells in the map layout specify boundaries between actual tiles. So, a treasure chest won't show in-game if placed in a non-numbered cell, while walls can be placed in a non-numbered row or column (depending on the wall orientation, vertical or horizontal). Since an accidental removal of a wrong cell risks inverting the status of all further cells in the row, something like Excel might be convenient for filling the grid and then copying it into the map file. On that note, to facilitate the layout of convoluted shapes (such as elongated hallways), a larger rectangle can be created first and then chopped down to the intended shape.

Filling the coordinated grid concerns the basic placement of stuff in the dungeon. As for the scripts, they seem to be mainly invoked either by macros (those special, uh, functions that start with @ and are described in xmacro.ks, for example) or built-in functions for classes and their objects (inside master.tjs, chara.tjs, and so on). Simple code strings that do not warrant a separate macro can be indicated directly in .map files by using @eval exp = ''. Not sure if it supports one string at most or can contain a block with several variables and functions.

One difficulty with scripts seems to concern the order in which functions should be called to produce a desired result (and, closely connected to it, the area of variables effect). For example, createGropingCutin() apparently contains all image-visualizing functions needed to display an animation of a girl getting a tentacle caress, but it features variables that are not sent to the function as a direct input (probably should be specified by another function triggering before this). I sort of tried substituting these variables with specific values, but game.currTarget.createGropingCutin("blue") in a .map file still didn't display any animation 😥(despite currTarget being set and displayed correctly in the next eval). Perhaps it needed to be called in some form of a battle environment, since the code for 淫魔の触手 (tentacle trap in a chest specifically) is stored in cmddata.tjs along with the usual in-battle tentacle grope (no idea how it works, since it has only getTouchableCrotchsImage() for the grope availability and not createGropingCutin(), yet it works, I must be overlooking some crucial file). At least @eval exp='game.curTarget.removeEquipmentsByForce(["hip"])' works much smoother :LOL:.

That stuff I typed might be obvious to everyone else who looked into the files, lol. But since there haven't been other comments about custom dungeons, why not to type it. The worse problem is that I might have gotten something in the description quite wrong.


New member
May 23, 2023
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Any news on the last demo? The game is suppose to release next month so demo should be out really soon
May 20, 2017
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To be clear, they said they were AIMING for a release by the end of March, but didn't say that they'd set any actual release date.

And no, there hasn't been any news since December, though I am a bit surprised they're planning on making another demo before release.


Jun 27, 2021
Reputation score
Folks, unfortunately it is delayed to May as progress wasn’t as smoothly as anticipated.

From the blog post:


May 2, 2018
Reputation score
this game is too peaceful, the relationship develope only at night and need to be only two people in the same room. (take time to force relationship) Do they masturbate themselves alone?
and nothing lewd happen while walking around butt nake fully erect, the dungeon need lewd trap room lol.
Did I miss something interesting? only try like 20 days in game so don't know much
Last edited:


New member
Apr 11, 2022
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this game is too peaceful, the relationship develope only at night and need to be only two people in the same room. (take time to force relationship) Do they masturbate themselves alone?
and nothing lewd happen while walking around butt nake fully erect, the dungeon need lewd trap room lol.
Did I miss something interesting? only try like 20 days in game so don't know much
but you dont even have some of the MC on the team they just leave , and they are important to story so i guess they cut some parts to not spoil to much xD


New member
May 23, 2023
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The dev only posts once every blue moon, next post is either going to say it got delayed again or release post probably along with the final demo


New member
Oct 27, 2019
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this game is too peaceful, the relationship develope only at night and need to be only two people in the same room. (take time to force relationship) Do they masturbate themselves alone?
and nothing lewd happen while walking around butt nake fully erect, the dungeon need lewd trap room lol.
Did I miss something interesting? only try like 20 days in game so don't know much
I don't know what the final version's going to look like, but the trial version plays more like a well-built oldschool CRPG with elements of hentai, rather than a hentai game with elements of RPG. I do hope that the final version will have more H content though.


Mystic Girl
Oct 17, 2013
Reputation score
this game is too peaceful, the relationship develope only at night and need to be only two people in the same room. (take time to force relationship) Do they masturbate themselves alone?
and nothing lewd happen while walking around butt nake fully erect, the dungeon need lewd trap room lol.
Did I miss something interesting? only try like 20 days in game so don't know much
Either they don't show it in Trial-version, or they did not plan to implement it in-game due to budget, time, etc.
I kinda like the peaceful atmosphere though, the game mood also affect how much and how long players would like to spend their time again for the game. But I guess, to each their own preferences.
The Ero-Trap is a good idea, as well as a continuous sexual kinks stack-up which will be reflected in the standing pic / CG / sprite [ Like in Hachina ], but considering the games structure in demo, I doubt there would be only limited ero-traps available ( like the pants-ripping, tentacle play, or the aphrodisiac from unlocking treasure chests ).

A Lost Cat

Sep 8, 2011
Reputation score
hopefully most of the game gets some fleshing out in those and other aspects, i really like how quickly the game plays in navigation, unlike a lot of normal games in the genre (always trying to simulate walking around at a leisurely/cautious pace it feels), i'd hate for extra shenanigans to slow that down. Course, that would mean another week of fixing the bugs involved which would be like 35 hotfix updates. 👺


New member
Apr 10, 2023
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Another delay...

Update from the dev (translated):

Regarding Dungeon and Bride's release date, the end of April is a little tough. I am sorry. I've been doing my best in my own way, but I've been having trouble with my private life... I want to concentrate on my work, but I can't concentrate on my work, and it's very frustrating.
Future plans are undecided for the time being. However, it won't last that long. We will report back soon.
We plan to release a final trial version that also serves as an operation check by Golden Week. I would like to make the save data usable in the retail version as well.
I'm really sorry this time. We sincerely apologize. (Added on 4/3)

Well, at least a new demo might be released by the end of the month.


New member
May 23, 2023
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So lame.. I have a full month off in May was planning on using it to play the game :(


Sep 22, 2018
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At least the creator warns about the delay a month in advance. Though the uncertainty of the new approximate date causes some apprehension.

A Lost Cat

Sep 8, 2011
Reputation score
shieeeet, i was kindof counting this as a late birthday present for my Aries ass. Oh well.