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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan followed the group downstairs, still on guard and rather tense. Still, they fact that no one jumped out to ambush the group helped him calm down somewhat, though his features locked into a frown as soon as he heard the voices. He had no idea what they were talking about - the language felt completely alien to him. He was willing to bet that whatever was talking out there, it wasn't human. "Should I try to scout ahead?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Sho inclines her head slightly. "Might be good to have a head count," she murmurs quietly, though she is willing to defer to the more tactical oriented members of the group before sending Jon off.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

((Really sorry about my absence guys. T-T
It's seemed like forever waiting to get my internet set up at this new address. But it's up now, and I'll be regular again from now onwards.))

"Well they smell demonic to me. Like the others. Not certain about numbers, since I think some may be standing close to each other and they all look the same to me right now." Harrel adds quietly as his input for their next move. Ellisia takes a moment to listen to the voices, but not really learning anything that way nods to Jon. "Take a quick look. I feel like we may need to face these ones regardless, but the head count is worth it."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan nodded. "Got it. Be back in a moment." He promptly changed shape, breaking down into a black puddle that quickly began to slip away, towards the source of the noise. The darkling took care to stay in the shadows, deploying a single eyeball at the front of his form as he stretched, turning into a thin line of liquid that hugged the corner where wall met the floor. He wanted to get close enough just to catch the demons in his sight, count them, then turn back and report.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

As Jonathan scouted out the creatures that were making a noise he'd spot nine humanoid figures in total, ashen skin with clawed fingers and slightly hunched over. After a couple more minutes talking three of them leave through a door to the side, possibly to start patroling the area while the others turn towards the stairs, thankfully they haven't spotted Jonathan lurking in the shadows yet.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

'Oooooh... Not good.' If Jonathan was in his human form, this would be the point where he takes a deep breath and makes an "oh crap" face. Instead, he simply chose to liquify his eye and quickly retreat, leaving the same way he came and joining the rest of the group. Once he was there, the darkling quickly returned to his human form to inform the others about his discoveries. "Alright. There was nine guys there. Ashen skin, long claws, a little hunched over... Apparently intelligent. Three of them went off somewhere, the rest is going this way. What do we do?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Close quartahs fight?" Ian asks, one brow arching upward. "Or do we retreat somewhere where we've got more room ta move?" Either way, he'd be fine, but there were folks here that could do with a bit of space to fling and swing things about.

"I'm all for backing up. Maybe we can bottleneck 'em," Sho suggests, doing her best to try and place what the things might be. At this point, could be anything, but if their opponent was keeping with a fantasy motiff... "Be careful, too. I don't know what the things are Jon saw, but the first thing that springs to mind is a ghoul."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"We could always lead them outside through the door," Emily suggests, pointing a thumb a little off to the side of the stairs that would most likely lead into the courtyard. "Not sure what or who else we'd attract though."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

With their foes getting closer and probably having got too close to the stairs to rush down into the room by now, Ellisia was about to opt for the courtyard or retreating all the wayback up. Grace however speaks first with a sudden look of inspiration, "I've got a plan!" She says in a quick but hushed tone, "Everyone back up the stairs a bit, I'm laying a one way barrier. We'll lure them up, trap them on the stairs, and roast them." Said glancing to the others and hoping they follow her lead, but beginning her spell regardless. A set of arcane symbols flickering briefly in a pane across the stairs before fading to become invisible. Hurriedly pulling a small pot of red powder from her bag and sprinkling it into the barrier, fizzing against the magic wall and seemingly disappearing upon contact. Should the rest roll with her idea, she'd then quickly skip after them back up the stairs.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Not getting roped in did sound like the better option, but Grace's sudden idea seemed to be a pretty decent one. Sho's willing to take the other girl's advice and back up as she's able. Ian goes a little slower, lingering somewhere between the group and the sorceress, just making certain she doesn't run into any trouble while she's casting her spell.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

The spell complete, Grace follows up to meet the rest at the top of the stairs. "Ok, that barrier is one way, up only, meaning they can't run back down to get help. Should be passing the barrier around now. If we were to shoot something nasty down that tight enclosed space..." She explains looking to Emily with a bit of a grin. "If they're fire proof we fling em down the stairs until they can't climb up." pointing a thumb off to both Ian and Sho, "And if that doesn't work." Pointing the thumb to Ellisia. "Mmm?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan followed the group, a little uneasy about the idea of participating in a fight with killer monsters. At the top of the stairs, he took position behind the front line, thinking about something. Listening to Grace describe the methods they could use, he couldn't help but think that this mission would get vicious from now on. Still, when the sorceress pointed at Elisia, he couldn't help but finish the thought. "And if that doesn't work, well... I could probably drown them. Assuming they need to breathe. Could try some impalement in a pinch, but it's unreliable at best."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Al runs back to the top of the stairs with the others and places his hand against the wall. The area around it begins to glow yellow.

"I'm ready anytime."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Hope you can keep up," Emily says quietly to Al as the air around her hands begins to shimmer.

Hearing noises coming from the stairway the demons begin whispering to each other, and after several moments two of them break from the group and round the corner, walking through Grace's barrier at the same time. Once at the foot of the stairs they cry out in surprise at the sight of the students and attempt a retreat though the demons bump up against the barrier.

Wasting no time Emily lifts her arms into the air, the blazing heat shimmering the air around her, and thrusts them forward. A blast of fire erupts from the young girls outstretched hands engulfing one of the demons. Its pained screams last only a few moments before the demons body burns up, a pile of ash where the creature had stood only moments ago.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Al quickly follows suit, breaking his hand away at the sight of the demons - the glowing eyes and faint aura characteristic of his powers instantly manifest.

Raising his hands to the surviving demon, Al shoots a large plume of flame towards the creature.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Al's demon quickly withers away from the intensity of the heat, its body crumpling up like burning paper can be briefly seen before it too burns to ash.

The demons that had seen their comrades destroyed so effortlessly begin to panic, clearly they will be no challenge for the intruders. They turn tail and attempt to flee the tower, hoping to call any nearby patroling demons to aid them against who or whatever has invaded their castle.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Only two? Shit, I thought they were all coming up. Did they hear us?" Grace says looking apprehensive as the flames die down.

Ellisia frowns and steps forward, "Drop the barrier, we need to stop them or move fast." Launching down the stairs the instant after speaking, the tall girl descending the spiral stairs at an impressive rate, literally running, each foot landing in the outer corner of a step. Grace blinks and dispels her barrier right away, though stands aside for a moment to allow others to go first before following her room mate herself.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Still, managing to get rid of two of them was better than nothing. And given what happened, it looked like fire was going to be particularly effective against these things. Still, if they got away...

Being a little closer to the front, Ian tears down after Ellisia, intent on either grabbing hold of the demons and pulling them back or using his ability to jam any door shut that the things try to retreat through, blocking their escape.

Sho gives Emily the lead, if the girl takes off, but she's not far behind the others. Can't scream if they can't breathe... goes through her mind. She'd have to be able to see them, and she wouldn't be able to get them all at once, but she might be able to either pull the air from one or two of them in the meantime or, failing that, whip up something with enough howl to drown out their cries.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Oh crap." Jonathan joined the pursuit, running as fast as he could. If those things raised enough noise, they'd attract an entire horde. They had to be stopped now, and the darkling had an idea how to make sure they won't scream. After all, it's kind of hard to shout when your throat is full of liquid, isn't it? He'd have to get close first, though, and grab them using either his human or dark form. And that meant he had to run fast.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

As soon as the more able pursuers had started down the stairs Grace and Harrel make their way down after them. Grace holding her nose at the resulting smell of her little plan as she quickly tries to step over the charred mess on the steps.