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Main Street

Re: Main Street

Leianna happily walks up to the cars that Cara was inspecting earlier, "Lock~ Lock~ Like a locked box~? I bet I can open this!" She pulls out her makeshift weapon and starts attempting to pick the lock, trying with both the claw end and the wire end, This shouldn't be too hard~!" She seems a little oblivious to the two walking away as she concentrates on trying to get into the car.
Re: Main Street

Cara, too busy thinking about it, didn't notice that Leianna was doing just what Buster had feared -- lagging behind. "Depends on how bad the roads are. It's pretty damn foggy... I'll probably be driving pretty slow. You want to take the front or the rear?"

((My friend has a bike; his old seat could fit two people though there wasn't a back for it, and it was kind of uncomfortable. New seat is like ass-cupping glory for both riders. XD))
Re: Main Street


"Who is that?" Rosie wants to know as Melissa guides her to the shop, "shouldn't we do something? They sound hurt!"

Melissa and Rosie leave Main Street for the Fish & Game Shop

Cara and Buster

The two find that the park's parking lot is quite nearby.

Buster and Cara leave Main Street for The Park

Leianna attempts to pick the military vehicle's lock
7+8+4 (Technical) vs 17 (Difficult), Success.

Leianna finds that with her determination and knowhow, the door to even the military vehicle is no match for her makeshift lock-pick. Hearing the 'click' that means the door is free to open, she can choose to look around inside...
Re: Main Street

Leianna happily jumps into the vehicle and begins to look around the interior of the vehicle, "Yay! I got in guys...!" She turns around and notices the two of them were quickly disappearing into the fog, "...s..so that's how it is... huh?!" She turns back to the vehicle and tries to start the vehicle...
Re: Main Street


Before Leianna gets a chance to try to start the vehicle, a woman's voice interrupts her from behind, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" It's Lillian, one of the soldiers that had been ensuring people were comfortable yesterday in the town hall...
Re: Main Street

Leianna looks up and smiles at the army personel, "Do you know where the arcade around here is? I want to go there!" She looks at the army vehicle, "I'm horrible at driving, do you want to drive?"
Re: Main Street

"What?" Lillian asks, brows shooting up in surprise. "Oh, hell no, you get the hell out of that seat or I'm going to drag you out. How did you even get in there? I've got the keys, you little punk. Get out of there right now!" Despite her tone of voice, the soldier looks more unnerved by being out here than truly angry at Leianna for her breaking and entering.
Re: Main Street

Leianna looks around, then crosses over to the passenger side and sits there, then suddenly smiles, "I picked the lock~! That's how I got in!". Her eyes darts to the back of the vehicle a few times, "A man and a woman were around here earlier~ I think they went to the park... without.. me..." She slows down a little at the end as she turns away to look out the other window.
Re: Main Street

"Oh, no no no," Lillian replies, climbing up part ways into the Jeep after Leianna. "You're going to get out of there and come back to the hall with me, once I pick up some stuff." She begins looking for that radio set that she was out here for. "Kids like you shouldn't be running around, fucking with military equipment, got that?" Though, looking at her, Lillian can't be more than a couple of years older that Leianna herself...

...though a moment later, a snarling shriek erupts from somewhere out in the fog, and it doesn't sound human.

10+6 vs Lillian 5+2 (Awareness), Hit. 18 Damage

Leianna gets a look at a humanoid shape flying out of the fog straight at the soldier, and then can hear a pained shout from the young woman as the thing drags her out of the car seat, blood spattering upwards.

Health 52/70, Energy 65/65, Arousal Threshold 0/51

((I'll roll initiative next turn if you want to stay and fight.))
Re: Main Street

Leianna unravels her claw whip and hops out of the car, watching around carefully for the assailant, an odd look of determination appearing on her face as she slowly moves around, not saying anything...
Re: Main Street

((Bear with me while I get used to doing this in the forums. I gdocs for the PM battles so it's going to take me a while to get used to this!))

Licker: 11+4 = 15
Leianna: 6+7 = 13
Lillian: 4+6 = 10

Licker tongue lashes Lillian
4+9 vs Lillian 12, Hit. 12-2 (armor) = 10 damage

Leianna uses stealth
7+5+6 (Stealth) vs Licker 11, Success

Lillian defends reaches for a sidearm.

The blue-haired girl slinks around the side of the Jeep undetected, coming across a grisly sight: a hunch-backed, humanoid creature is pinning down the soldier, its immensely long tongue coiled around the woman's neck as its wicked looking claws dig in beneath her uniform. Lillian's legs look somewhat mangled, probably from the surprise attack. The woman is being choked; with one arm she's pulling at the thing's tongue to get space to breathe, with the other she's grasping blindly for her sidearm. Leianna can see that the monster actually has three mouths; the tongue is extended through the middle one, though one above and one below that are gaping, just as full of teeth as a nightmarish creature like this can be expected to have!

Health 65/65, Energy 80/80, Arousal 0/63
Health 44/70, Energy 65/65, Arousal Threshold 0/51 ((Added two health due to the fact that I'd forgotten she had 2 point armor!))
Health 70/70, Energy 45/45, Arousal Threshold 0/54
Re: Main Street

Leianna pulls her arm back, then whips the claw forward at the licker as hard as she could, smiling a little, "Heh, it's like a video game... except much more dangerous...!" She tries to remain hidden after making her attack, hoping that she would be able to kill this creature before it killed the soldier it was attacking.
Re: Main Street

Licker attacks Lillian
11+4 vs Lillian 12-1 (due to tongue lash), Success. 18 -2 (armor) damage

Leianna attacks the Licker
4+7+ 2 (surprise attack) vs Licker 13, Graze. 11+10 = 21/2 = 10 damage

Lillian shoots Licker
10+6 vs Licker 13, Hit. 11+10 = 21 damage (Licker's tongue is severed)

Sneaking as she is, Leianna is unable to sink the UFO claw too deeply into the Licker, but she certainly grabs its attention... though only for a moment. Shrieking from one of its free mouths, it sinks its claws more deeply into its prey, causing Lillian to chokingly scream again. Her hand wrapped around her pistol, she fires directly at the Licker's tongue. The appendage is severed in a bloody spray, leaving the woman with a little more room to breathe as the slimy tongue loosens around her neck.

The Licker gives its own pained cry, turning to the lesser of two evils as it faces Leianna, blood pouring in gouts from its middle mouth...

Health 65/65, Energy 80/80, Arousal 0/63
Health 28/70, Energy 65/65, Arousal Threshold 0/51 ((Added two health due to the fact that I'd forgotten she had 2 point armor!))
Health 60/70, Energy 45/45, Arousal Threshold 0/54
Re: Main Street

Leianna laughs as she does a very obscure and odd looking fighting pose, something that definately wasn't a real fighting style as she holds the weapon in her right hand, "I am the undefeated of the east!" she laughs as she whips her weapon forward as hard as she could.
Re: Main Street

Melissa steps out of the game shop, her new found rifle giving her a bit of confidence as she looks back and forth, as best she can into the fog. She makes her way to her motorcycle and calls to Rosie, "It's clear, come on."
Re: Main Street

Licker attacks Leianna
6+4 vs Leianna 12, Miss.

Leianna attacks the Licker
6+7 vs Licker 13, Graze. 12+10=22/2= 11 damage

Lillian attacks the Licker
6+6 vs Licker 13, Miss.

The monstrous creature leaps at Leianna, taking the business-end of her catcher claw in a grazing blow to the shoulder. Hissing, dodging at the last second, it misses its pounce against the blue-haired girl. Lillian begins swearing in another language... spanish, most likely, as she tries to shoot the beast but aims away -- again at the last moment -- as she realizes that she's about to hit Leianna. "Get outta th'way," she gasps raggedly, not wanting to shoot the young woman by accident.

Health 65/65, Energy 80/80, Arousal 0/63
Health 28/70, Energy 65/65, Arousal Threshold 0/51 ((Added two health due to the fact that I'd forgotten she had 2 point armor!))
Health 49/70, Energy 45/45, Arousal Threshold 0/54

Rosie follows the woman back out onto the street... it seems like whatever had been calling out has gone silent now, for better or for worse.

"We'll need to head for the northwest exit before we hit the road that will take us to the cabin," Rosie whispers, feeling the urge to be silent. She holds her rifle uneasily, waiting for Melissa to get her motorcycle started before slipping on the back...
Re: Main Street

As Kaci got outside she realized she wasn't sure which direction she should go once out here. Looking all around she tries to see if she could see something, which she did and that was that Shiva followed her. Smiling at her she said, "Glad you came along." Then she got serious again looking around to try to see if she can hear or see where anyone is hoping to find a hint where the women is that screamed.

(Try to locate where anyone anyway she can: Sight, hearing <.<)
(( There is a shitton of fog by what I've been reading soo... they shouldn't be able to see them easily ))
Re: Main Street

Melissa slips the rifle's strap across her body diagonally, determined not to let it get away from her in the eery town. She grabs her keys from her pocket and settles down on the bike, starting it up immediately. The roar of the engine makes her look around, sure that something must have heard it, then motioned for Rosie to join her. "I won't be going too fast, but hold on tight anyway," she said over the rumbling vehicle. She kicks the stand up, then throttles the bike down the street.

(head northwest)
Re: Main Street

As soon as Shiva was outside, the sight of the monster on top of Lillian, digging into her flesh made chills go up her spine. Shiva found herself standing in one place, in awe of the strange creature attacking Lillian, before her inner voice shouted at her to move. Shiva blinked, and realized she was holding a bat in her hands. She gripped the bat tightly, and crept up the creature attacking Lillian and the weird girl from before, taking a heavy vertical swing downwards at it when she got close.

( Shiva attacks the licker after sneaking up on it, catching it off guard )
Re: Main Street


Rosie wraps her arms around Melissa's waist, strapping her own rifle over her shoulders as well as she leans her head over the shoulder that Melissa's rifle-muzzle isn't occupying. If the sound of the bike has attracted attention, the two likewise can't hear anything over the motor's guttural churning.

"Head almost to the exit, the road we need branches off there," Rosie says over the bike's noise.

Melissa and Rosie leave Main Street for the Northwest Exit


Kaci scans for the fight
6+7+6 (Awareness) +2 (Critical Success of last turn) vs 14, Success.

Kaci can spot shadowy silhouettes moving a few feet from the base of the steps that lead down to the sidewalk. She can see three apart from the shape of several vehicles; one is on the ground, a second is standing stationary, and a third is stalking -- strangely humanoid, but on all fours -- around the standing silhouette.

((Shiva won't immediately see the battle, though if Kaci goes running for it, she should get an idea of where to head. I'll update the initiative when Loli posts.))