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Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

@plmnko and Aust:

Okay so we obviously gone through a bit of changes woth the original plans. And I think were going to have make another one, I really dont like or know how to write horror. So would you instead prefer a Romantic Comedy or an Action/Comedy theme?
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Action/ Comedy for me allows for a good bit of fun in terms of plot and downtime. But I also would not object to the other option.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Action/comedy is ok for me too. Just dont forget some sex from time to time
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

@ Plm and Aust: Before i start in proper we have still not settled on a master i believe; so I have come up with a set of three you can choose from. Once we come to a consensus on who the master is I will begin work on openong post:

1. Blind, handicapped oracle; purple hair and lavender eyes, * renown and magical power, crying s.e.

2. OCD priest, *Renown and magical power, blond with blue eyes, binge eating s.e.

3. ** herm, renown and magical power, running away stress explosion, cream hair and red eyes.

* since you both agreed on this power set it is set for all choices.
** this feature is exclusive for this set, the other two will be female. However you can choose two additional features of your liking if you wish.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

add magical power what she use to create a manlike member as wish (herm)
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Sorry for the long ass delay, for honest this time; the opening post for plm and austs game will be out tonight after work. :eek:
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread



Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

To my maids players: Here is the tileset/map for the Golden Halls Pub


It circles around to be a mirror of the pic, only minus the terrace. And on the reverse side, where the second bar is; behind the wine rack is a door leading to wine cellar (I will try to get a map of the cellar up soon as well) , in the wine cellar is a secret door leading to the hidden passage to the mansion proper.

EDIT: Here are two choices for the Cellar. Which do you prefer?

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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

My posting may be a bit sporadic or spread out over the next few days, as Im very near the 2GB for my phones dataplan and I dont want to have extra money to pay ontop of my bills and such. I will get a post out today and tomorrow after work.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I sign up for this forum and find this!
I hereby request permission to join one!
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Whelp, this is a current interest check for a potential game.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Sorry for delay. Been caught up in another game and stoofs, wanting to think ahead and plan out the new scenario right and then the forum downtiem. Well be picking back up before the end of the week though.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Okay a quick shout to all my players in my current thread, some shit has come up with taken and he has dropped out. I'm still waiting on Armacalic, but when he posts and I find time to I'll try to think of a way to work his character out. And hopefully things will be able to pick up a bit.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

This is probably a horrible idea doomed to failure, but I just recently got the urge to try doing maids again.

I'll start off by going over the master choices and describing the setting and mansion. It will be a contemporary setting in the one room apartment mansion to start with. It is Light/Action in theme, but may be open to dark or horror elements later on. All players must choose either Monster or shapeshifter qualities to start off with, and are to be based off of Mamono Girl Encylopedia entries. The mansion contains a Hidden Room with a self destruct button. I will now go over the choices of masters/mistresses:

#1 Female
Imagination, Hermaphrodite, Oracle, Quiet, Shy
Pink hair, purple eyes, black clothes
Talent power source, Sleep Explosion
Stats: 2 Skill
3 Affection
1 Athletics
2 Cunning
2 Luck
2 Willpower

#2 Male Lecherous, My Pace, Hedonist, Artist
Bloodline Power source
Black Hair, Indigo eyes, Beige Clothes
Secluison explosion
Stats: 2 Affection
1 Athletics
2 Skill
3 Cunning
2 Luck
2 Willpower

#3 Female
Sickly, Albino, Bishie, Scars, Handicapped, Oracle
Silver Hair, Pink eyes, Purple clothes
Magical Power power source
Crying Stress Explosion
3 Affection
1 Athletics
2 Skill
2 Cunning
2 Luck
2 Willpower

#4 Male
Masochist, Capable Sibling, Magician, Crossdresser
"None" power source, Spoiled Child stress explosion
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Green Clothing
Stats: 3 Affection
1 Skill
2 Cunning
2 Athletics
2 Luck 2 Willpower.

If anyone has any questions, comments, suggestions or etc. feel free to post here or send me a PM or visitor message. I'll work on the rest over the week or early next week after the con. :)

P.S.: I am taking no more than 6 players.
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Number four all the way, it sound to be the most fun to tease :3

In case than we cant decide then i will make this mix

Hermaphrodite,Masochist, Shy, Magician, Crossdresser
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, black clothes
Crying Stress Explosion
"None" power source or Talent power source
2 Skill
3 Affection
1 Athletics
2 Cunning
2 Luck
2 Willpower
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