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Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Uh, Blue. Mae can't fight back. Sammy's maid power allows her to get a surprise attack in, meaning that anyone she has targeted with it cannot get an opposed check.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Very well. After the surprise attack gets done I'll keep the contested roll that Blarg has done for my Coercion roll. Mae will be attempting to slice Sammy's clothes apart.

So go ahead and roll for the surprise attack blarg. Mae will negate any stress damage she takes (if any) from this with her favor.

On an OOC note, Oni, I don't think your character was justified in taking things to this level. She was REALLY mindreading me, and I think that's a bit unfair. I write inner monologue for flavor, not so your character can instantly discern my inner thoughts and go Rage on her, and even THAT was a bit extreme as well. I'd rather we not turn this into a major PvP fest, because it's not going to make the game any fun for me. I don't get pleasure out of making other people unhappy.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I think attacking someone who's drawn their weapon out at you is pretty much justified.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Brandishing it at her side in a non offensive stance is different from attacking.

But I was referring to the escalation before that - where from one post to the next Sammy was doing 180s in what she wanted, and then saying really mean things to a girl that was about to do her a favor.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Mind reading? It was more Harriet showing that she really wanted to help Sammy and Mae's sudden change from offering to help Sammy in any way she can to her wanting to fuck the mistress on her own whilst leaving Sammy tied up. Which is quite the opposite to what she said before, even going so far as to playfully scold Harriet for suggesting using the cuffs. So again, suspicion is justified as well.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

No, that's a clear case of you reading Mae's intentions the wrong way and also discounting the fact that Sammy was displaying high levels of lust, anxiety, and fear of being unable to control herself. Mae wanted Sammy to be secure, just to be safe, before they played with each other -- all three of them.

*sad head shake*
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Here's a download link for the tilesets in RPG Maker XP that I used to make the Minatsumi Estates map:

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread


First off, I apologize for the retardedly long period between updoots. Seriously three weeks, what the shit is that fuck.

Basically, I had a little writan crisis/block - and still sorta am, actually.

tl;dr, I'm kinda feeling that Harriet takes centerstage from you guise too often, and while I'm told you lot are enjoying yourselves anyway, that she does that sorta just flies in the face of what my understanding is that I'm supposed to be doing as a GM.

I would also kinda like it if you people interacted with each other more. Presumably that would be a good thing and stuff, although by no means am I saying HEY FORCE YOURSELVES TO TALK AND/OR DO THINGS AMONGST YOURSELVES or whatever because that would be silly

Also fuck I am sleepy, I'm going to click post before my judgement comes back and stops me.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread


I am personally leaning more towards a light hearted romp. So the mood will likely be a mix of Light, Romance and Action. With the Mansion Setting being either Fantasy, Contemporary, Space or Old Edo; maybe a mixture of two or three. The focus will be on typical anime mad cap humor- incidental peeping, accidental gropage, fanservice, nudity, and what happens when a lovable dope/dopess is surrounded by a gaggle of beautiful buxom servants. I will likely try to throw in some action events, some type of evil organization or sommat to keep things from going stale.


It will be either Fantasy, Early Modern, Contemporary or Old Edo, with a mood/theme of Romance, Action and either Hard, Dark, or Horror. If I go this path, the game will run a bit like a meido RE/Silent Hill, with the maids probably living in peace with the above listed fanservice and slapstick until some sort of horrible unimaginable evil is released and the Mansion turns into Other World with the T-Virus released. Something like that.


To help narrow things down everybody who might be interested please pick two to three of the settings and moods listed above and list your top three combinations.

  1. 1. Contemporary/Fantasy- Light/Action
  2. 2. Space/Old Edo- Light/Romance/Action
  3. 3. Old Edo/Fantasy- Romance/Action

  1. 1.Fantasy/Contemporary- Romance/Horror/Action
  2. 2.Early Modern/Fantasy- Dark/Romance/Horror
  3. 3.Old Edo/Fantasy- Romance/Dark/Horror
- Etc.

Master is 23 year old hermaphrodie aristocrat.

Master Choices:
Set 1

OCD priest
Brown Skinned Masochist
Albino Artist

Set 2

Cross dressing Bishonen
Blind Handicapped Oracle or
Lecherous Priest/Magician
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Edo/fantasy Action Horror
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

My 2 cents:

Edo/Early Modern-Action/horror
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Name: is a Secret
Nickname: Isidia
Age: not your business

Three Statblocks! Choose one:
0 Athletics
3 Affection
3 Skill
3 Cunning
4 Luck
1 Will
[1,1, 5,5, 4,5, 3,3, 5,6, 2,5]

Maid Types! Pick two:
2 Sexy
Cunning +1 Will -1
Charming, coquettish, womanly body, glamorous

1 Lolita*
Luck +1 Athletics -1
Childish, young, innocent, cute, sweet

(lolita is different than loli)

Special Qualities! Pick two or three:
- [4,1] Uniform ★
You’ve managed to make a special modification to your uniform. → To the Uniform Table
---- [3] Armor
Your maid uniform is actually a stylized suit of metal armor.

- [4,1] Uniform ★
You’ve managed to make a special modification to your uniform. → To the Uniform Table
--- [5] Miniskirt
Your skirt is very short, to the point where one can almost see its contents.

- [3,6] Angel/Devil
You are a being from another world charged with judging good and evil. The design and the details of your origins are up to you.

Stress Explosion:
[2,6] Teasing
You start persistently tormenting the other maids.

Maid Weapon

[4,6] Exotic Weapon
A boomerang, qatar, African throwing irons, etc.

Maid Colors! Distribute amongst your uniform, eye, and hair colors as you like.
Red hair
Blue eyes
Metallic skimpy bikini armor uniform

Maid Roots:

[2,1] Revenge
The master is your hated enemy, and you are infiltrating his mansion in order to extract revenge.

Insecurities: Aka Complexes.

-[1,5] Short
As far as you’re concerned, you’re not nearly tall enough. You have difficulty reaching high places.

-[3,1] Loves Sleep
You have trouble waking up in the morning, and you love to sleep. On top of that, you doze off easily, and you’re always sleepy. Everyone else is waking up on time and doing their work though.

-[2,4] Lousy Name
You hate your own name. You might resent the parents who gave you it.

Your maid power depends on what the highest stat you have is. (Luck)

Your Favor starts at Affection x2= 6
Threshhold 10.

[Maid notes]

Description/pic: Can i be half demon angel?
this but less demonic, maybe, can you reroll brown color? to give her green, red or pink eye color?

Isidia as she decide to name her because her big and hard to say name, come to Earth to make some works, however her fate changed and soon her mission turned into serve a mortal, for what she manage to get from her mission she must get all the info of this person, as also take control of it and the whole place where that creature live. Isidia have racial trails of demon and angel, as her mother was pregnant against her will by her father and even when she dont want to talk about them, mamy times had to say lies to cover that part. She have a nice sexy body than really make her a sex bomb in that small body of her, she loves herself so much than even a little scar on it make her cover it, however she can denny the world to see her naughty body and at her own world cover that would be a sin, so her uniform is really more skimpy than it should be and of course she cant just cover her divine body with just clothes, so she decided to use a black metalic armor like uniform bikini instead.

Even when she loves her body, she could be a little small for the others persons, this cause her a little trauma and even today is a Tabu talking of hight sizes at her side. Fortunately for the world, Isidia's mortal body is not athletic at all, unnused to the strange atmosphere and lack of magic has making her a sissy weak creature unable to even lift smaller things than her and of course she pass a lot of the time sleeping as she get tired easily by the lack of power, but fortunately her holy part still bless her and many good things happen around her, if she could endure a little at the street maybe she could even get rich in a day, but her mind cant resist the way thant the humans think and make mistakes, she easily get angry and start punish anyone around her to give them a part of the hell than they deserve or just eat until get sattled in an attempt to calm herself.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Since the OP was getting a little long already, I decided to put up a new post for Master Power Source, Mansion and Facility Options.

Master Power Source List
  1. Political Power & Assets
  2. Blood Ties & Military Might
  3. Renown & Magical Power

Stress Explosion
  1. Binge
  2. Sleep
  3. Crying
  4. Seclusion
  5. Running Away

Master Color List
  1. Sky Blue Hair and Indigo Eyes
  2. Brown Hair and Vermilion Eyes
  3. Cream Hair and Orange Eyes
  4. ++ If Albino is selected she will have White Hair and Red Eyes
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Master Power Source List

Renown & Magical Power

Stress Explosion

Master Color List
Cream Hair and Orange Eyes
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Master Power Source List

Renown and Magical Power

Stress Explosion:
Running Away

Master Color list:
Brown hair and Vermillion eyes.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

More master options:

OCD priest
Brown Skinned Masochist
Albino Artist

Set 2
Cross dressing Bishonen
Blind Handicapped Oracle or
Lecherous Priest/Magician

And something else: I just recently also got an idea for the game inspired by this anime: Thoughts?
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

More Options:
Brown Skinned Masochist

Game Idea:
Guess it wouldn't hurt to try. Dosen't have to b all doom and gloom.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Final set of options before I get onto character creation (unless I get more interested peoples at some point) then I will try to begin in earnest sometime this week:


  1. Red Light District- 2 floors max- 2 to 3 facilities
  2. Ninja Village- 1 floor max- 5 facilities
  3. Castle- 5 floors max- 5 to 6 facilities
  4. Samurai Residence- 3 floors max- 3 to 4 facilities

Early Modern/ Contemporary (True Modern)

  1. Palatial Residence - 4 floors max- 5 or 6 facilities
  2. (EM) Bar - one floor - 1 or 2 facilities
  3. House- 3 floors max- 2 or 3 facilities
  4. (EM) Military Installation- 3 floors max - 5 to 7 facilities
  5. Room- 1 floor- one residence

*Entries marked (EM) are Early Modern, otherwise a mansion can be in either setting.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I personally would run with Edo. Either Option 1 or 4.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

EDO 3 or 4