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Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

You guys should change it up. Make the mansion some sort of formless void, where everyone is present and not present at the same time. Shroedinger's Maidgame.

As a bonus, the master could also have and not have a dick, at the same time.

Fuckin' like, that's how that shit works right.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I'm tempted to throw together a new game.

Set in a dungeon, rather than a mansion, with the girls filling important roles in the management and defence of said dungeon from raiding adventurers; things like captain of the guard, overseer, consort, magician etc.

As you might expect, the master is a demon lord. What a surprise.

At the moment, seems likely that all of the girls will get the demon trait for free, although I might modify that to a special roll that only includes appropriate things, such as magic or monster-like templates to ensure everyone's got their own dark gifts.

Intend to keep things fairly light and simple, unlike my last attempt at Maid.

Will need at least 3 interested players to make this happen, so let me know if interested.
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Yeah sure. ;)
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I am going to restart my maids game. First I have a few options for everyone:

1. Ero: Y/N?
2. Fantasy
3.Early Modern
B. Action
5.Old Edo

Feel free to pick as many as you like and combine them as you like. But these are just the ones I prefer. Once that is done I shall work on master/mistress, butler and head maid.

Edit: revised poll

1.Old Edo
2.Early Modern
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Ero: yes
2 fantasy/ B Action A romance a hard
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Ero: Yes

And I could go Light or Dark, I don't mind either just be sure to let me know before I design my maid's personality.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Ero: Yes

3. a.
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

So far I have three potential players, with 2 votes for fantasy and action, One vote for light, one vote for hard, I think 2 votes for Romance. I will wait for two to three more people and see what their preferences are, then I shall start on generating the rest of the world.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

1) DUR Yea...

Settting: 2B5A (Fantasy Action/ Feudal Edo Romance)

A fantasy themed Edo, with the sweet smell of romance and adrenaline in the air...

I beleive this could be an interesting scenario to play as well as GM...
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

actually... going to bow out of Tenta's game. Got confused and for some reason thought it was the same as Inky's game. (yeah I don't know how I thought it, but yeah... :p )
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Bump. Edited old poll for new mansion.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Bump. Edited old poll for new mansion.

Probably best to mention Tenta's issuing a re-vote.

As for me, I vote Early Modern - Light with Dark secrets hidden in the mansion
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

And I resubmit a 3 3 vote

Fantasy action

Player one makes seduction check... Wild Lickitung Attacks!

Wild Lickitung uses Scary Face... Player one freaks out and flees!

Wild Lickitung uses Lick! It's super effective! Player two shuddered!

Wild Lickitung gets a stiffie... Player two uses struggle and gets away!

Wild Lickitung uses Pursuit!
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread


So, Winter and I are no longer on speaking terms.

As I've got a High Priestess character in the story, I'd ideally like a replacement player (although we are certainly able to role up a new maid and retcon them in.

Alternatively, we could cancel the entire game, I'm open to this too, if players would like.

For now, I can push on with an NPC'd high priestess until a decision is maid. Dohoho.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

3 players, 6 positions.

I propose Doublemaid: The Two Characterening. This will work, and is totally not a bad idea.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Hah, dibs on replacement Consort.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

My apologies for holding up things, work has been a bit of a bitch lately and has sucked the inspiration right out of me.