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Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG

Good news. I have some free time to get onto a wifi spot at starbucks after work tonight, during which I'll dl the PDF and generator for maid rpg Abd get a character out.
Re: Maid RPG

Final sheet, awaiting approval by Master, with rolls by BlueSlime. No preference over mansion - shy sick girls are good hnngg material, and I think I'd make a fun punching bag for the sadist.

Peaches, AKA Momoka Ishikawa
Age 20

Attributes Final [Mods // Base]
Athletics: 3 [0/0 // 3]
Affection: 2 [0/0 // 2]
Skill: 3 [0/0 // 3]
Cunning: 1 [0/0 // 1]
Luck: 0 [-1/-1 // 1]
Will: 5 [+1/+1 //3]
Uniform Color: Brown
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Purple
Maid Types: Double Heroine

Special Qualities:
Glasses: You wear glasses and can’t use contact lenses. The frame design can be whatever you want.
Runaway Ninja: You've run away from your ninja village.

Favored Attribute: Will
Maid Power: Absolute Maid - You are the very epitome of a maid, and you take no penalties when not in full uniform.
Maid Roots: Admirer of Maids - You have long admired maids, and through much hard work you’ve finally become one yourself.
Maid Weapon: Hammer - You wield a hammer, whether a small throwing hammer, a big warhammer, or one of the squeaky toy variety.
Stress Explosion: Sleep - When life gets too much for you, you go to sleep to ignozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Trauma: Mistreated by Parents
PComplex: Body Odor - This is not necessarily a bad odor, but there’s some kind of scent to your body. SMELLS LIKE DEATH
MComplex: Uncultured - You know that grades and school history don’t mean everything, but you still worry that they aren’t up to snuff.

[Maid notes]
The eldest child of the Ishikawa family of the Ishikawa clan of ninja and thieves, and successor to the clan... except, she ran away.

The Ishikawa family is a clan of ninja that specialize in (non-violent) thievery and espionage. However, Momoko was born with the stink of death surrounding her, and although its (usually) relatively faint, it hasn't gone away or lessened with any amount of washing in the twenty years she's had to "grow out of it". The Ishikawa clan believes it is a terrible omen - that Momoko, as eldest child and therefore successor to the leadership of the clan - will endanger them all, by breaking the ancient family ways and flipping out and killing people. Even if she doesn't flip out and kill people, she would never be able to use the family's ninjutsu arts of sneaky fuckery, what with radiating the alarming smell of death and all.

Her eyes have been scorched by so many abrasive, burning, and powerful soaps, cleansers, and "magic" folk-cures that her parents have used to try and wash away the smell that her vision is blurry without glasses. Additionally, the extensive ninja training has left her alienated and unfamiliar with the average person's education.

With her inability to use the clan's ninjutsu and yet being the next in line for Head of the clan, the Ishikawa family has been extremely tense. Momoko was forced through extensive hours of extra training in hopes of somehow overcoming her stench with superior training, and although everyone acted polite and respectful to the clan heir as they should, they would often talk about her in hushed tones, whenever they thought she couldn't hear them, and the smell of death ensured the other children of the clan avoided her.

While her bodily strength, agility, and ninjutsu techniques were all exceptional for her age - especially with the extra training - Momoko displayed little talent for the aspects requiring cunning - she simply preferred to brute force her way through rather than attempt to hide or trick her way in "like a coward", as she put it. Her trainers were amazed at how far her straightforward approach took her, owing in no small part to her ability to tough through setbacks and injury. They were equally amazed at how things consistently would work against her - things always caught on her clothes or tripped her, and broken things would leave splinters and shards where she'd step next. Her favorite weapon was a hammer, used often by the Ishikawas to knock out nails, drive wedges to widen holes in wood walls, etc.

Airi, her maid, was the sole person who didn't avoid her, and Momoko had always envied her position. A simple existence of cleaning, cooking, and following orders sounded much more enjoyable than the life of dangerous spying and stealing she had slated for her.

After a particularly brutal day of training (which was still declared "unsatisfactory" by the trainers), Momoko just up and ran off, fed up with it all. Taking up the moniker "Peaches", she's gone off and found a job as a maid.

Momoko's history with people saying one thing to her and meaning or thinking another have left a bad taste in her mouth. She prefers to speak shortly and honestly, rather than muddy everything up like how this entire bio has been. She's quite tough, and will often go directly for something when she sets out to accomplish it. Also because of her treatment she is somewhat withdrawn, preferring to keep her opinions to herself.

Both Momoko's hair and eyes are a bright and lustrous purple. Her large eyes are usually half-lidded behind her silver-rimmed glasses, and her shiny hair is kept in two braids that reach nearly to her petite bottom. She stands approximately 5' 6", and as a more positive effect of the vicious cleaning that damaged her eyes, her skin's complexion is exceptionally clear, with a pale and milky look to it. She has long, well-built legs and abs from her ninja training, and modest C-cup breasts.

Her maid outfit consists of a sensible brown dress accented with black lace and frills over a black blouse. On her head is her maid's headdress, made of brown lace with a white border. Sheer black stockings cover her legs, held up with a garterbelt, while sensible brown leather shoes cover her feet. Underneath it all, she wears a simple white cotton bra and panties, more for comfort than anything.

She also has an extremely long smoking pipe, straight until the bowl at the end and made of silver and very dark mahogany. She often holds it in her mouth in spite of the length. It's a symbol of the Ishikawa family, though few know this, given that few know they exist in the first place.

Also a narcoleptic. It seems not to bother her often, but episodes occur often when she is stressed. The situation persists for an extremely long time, and the likelihood of sleepwalking increases dramatically. Oddly, even when she wakes up she remains terribly tired.

Incidentally, Airi had no sense of smell.

[Mansion notes]

Favor: 4
Spirit: 50

[Maid action log to desired degree of recording]
3,4,5,3,1,6,4,3,3,4,5,6,4,5,2,6,6,4,3,1,3,1,5,6,5,2,3,1,4,3,2,4,6,4,5,5,1,6,6,5,1,2,1,2,1,1,4,1,3,6, [used by Blue]
6, [Power]
3,1, [Trauma]
5,5, [PComplex]
3,5, [MComplex]



Where the shit did these Naruto levels of angsty background come from, Jesus Christ.

I bought the PDF for eight bucks waaay back when. My version has a colored, picture cover. : D Also rolled a testchar the first night of UlmfMaid thread, got brown eyes, black hair and a white uniform, which I thought was a cool color combo. The stress explosion and Maid Roots were exactly the same too, which is bizarre.
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Re: Maid RPG

This is a Notice of Full Capacity. We have 8 players, plus 2 GMs with maids of their own. That equals 5 maids per mansion which is what we're happy with as runners of the game, so if you don't have a maid made (hehe) yet, you should probably find a third GM, as the sign-ups are now closed.

Incubus and I have assigned players and here are the results:

Blue's Mansion

and Incubus

Incubus' Mansion

64bitbot - Withdrawn, one slot open (first dibs go to Avatar99 since he created this interest)
Unknown Squid

We will get a subforum up as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest!
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Re: Maid RPG

Name: Katrina Desmonex
Maid Types: Pure, Sexy

Athletics: 2
Affection: 3
Skill: 2
Cunning: 3
Luck: 1
Will: 1

Stress/Spirit: 0/10
Stress Explosion:
Spoiled Child

Favour: 6

Maid Colours:
Clothes: Pink
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Special Qualities:
Shapeshifter* (Fox)

Maid Roots:
Returning a Favour

Maid Weapon:
Wooden Sword/Staff

Maid Power:
World for Two

Complex (if used):

Background: A princess of the shapeshifting foxes. Katrina was kidnapped by slavers and terrible things were done to her. She has all kinds of whip and burn scars along her back that she is ashamed of because of this. Her mistress saved her from the slavers. Floralion being part of the town council has many rivals. Some of them are criminal. One of her rivals was running the slaving ring. Florian sent guards to investigate and break it down. Katrina therefore feels indebted to her. So she became a maid to serve her and try to one day return the favor saving her mistress' life.
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Re: Maid RPG

I may be willing if no one has any objections, to trying to run a maid session. Or I would love a game if anybody might possibly feel like tryin to be a third GM.
Re: Maid RPG

The question just crossed my mind, what do we do with Stress Explosions? We can't very well use IRL minutes for it in a PbP, right?

Also, I really have -no- idea what I'd do with my "sleep" one. Seems like I'd have to just sit out for a while, which kinda sucks, frankly. reroll?
Re: Maid RPG

You could perhaps sleep somewhere highly unusual, leading to RPing being woken/refusing to wake or some such?
Re: Maid RPG

Ah, yes. Blue and I already discussed stress explosions and other events/abilities that are measured in realtime and came to the agreement that things 12 realtime hours counts as one minute. While this may seem like a slow progression, lets be realistic about people's likely posting rate.

Still, anyone who has a high spirit score and stress explosion who removes them from the game for a time we probably should consider doing something about. My character being drunk for up to a realtime month if no one assists her in getting over it is one thing, but gargantublarg being asleep for that amount of time does put a bit of a damper on things.

Not sure what blue wants to do about it however, so I'll wait for their opinion.
Re: Maid RPG

Well, depends on how Incubus wants to field the sleep issue as your GM, Gargantua, but one fix could be that you enter a Dreamworld/Nightmare World every time you go into your Sleep explosion. So you'd suddenly be doing your own solo campaign as you have a dream sequence.

You could also be forced out of sleep by your other maids and merely take penalties to your actions while sleepy, (and must RP wanting to go back to bed, yawning, being sluggish, deciding to take a catnap in the middle of a battle, etc...)


You could reroll.

Seclusion is a bit more difficult I'd say because you don't have that dreamworld option as a GM. I'm not sure. Maybe you simply lose all contests against other maids that would not result in you getting away from them? (and take penalties against NPCs where the goal of the contest isn't getting away from them.)

What do you all think of those solutions. (heh, you'll probably want reroll.)
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

12 hours a point, huh. So assuming I explode in the first place, that'll be 25 days for me. Ouch.

Well, narcolepsy's always funny. If can dreamworld or stumble about half-asleep, drowsy or sleepwalking or something, then I guess that's cool, and if nothing else we can just reroll it ingame or something, right? Say it got cured with some shady drugs or somethin'. I'll keep it for now.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Just putting out a notion that came to mind, as an alternative timing method. Have you considered doing it by number of posts? Either total or by number of GM posts. It puts fast or slow post rates out of the equation and should probably keep it closest to actual game time.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

We did consider total number of posts, but at 1 post equals 1 minute, certain things go by way too fast (especially in things such as World for Two). By the same token, if one post any less than a minute, those stress explosions get nastily long. GM posts we didn't actually consider, but there will likely be times where players are off interacting with players and there won't be a need for the GMs to do anything until stuff wraps up.

With lack of a more attractive option, we decided that just as the game uses realtime rather than ingame time, we too would do so. In the end, I don't know if there is a way we can do this all that well... which is why I personally have no problem with trying to work around the more limiting stress explosions.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I'm thinking Sleep becomes Sleepy/Annoyingly Narcoleptic, and Seclusion becomes Cold Shoulder/Don't feel like sharing feelings at all.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

FYI, I'm busy this weekend, so probably post on monday.

Thank you everyone in my thread for posting so promptly!
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

For those not aware, I'm moving into a new apartment today so I'll be mostly without internet for at least a week. I can still access things via my phone, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time to type out a response with that. We will see.
Re: Maid RPG

I may be willing if no one has any objections, to trying to run a maid session. Or I would love a game if anybody might possibly feel like tryin to be a third GM.

I would had loved to had a second game as you as gm, but i cant, its a shame.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

For anyone who may be interested in it what type of setting would people prefer(setting, mansion, and mood)?
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

To those in my games, I will likely be unable to check in this weekend, except maybe late sunday.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Let this be a warning. Once iget regular access again, which should be soon, i will begin to enforce minimum posting rate and quality. At the moment looking at one post every 3 days as a minimum without notice of absence . If you'll be away or too busy i want to know ahead of time.

Players who cannot keep up will have their characters npc'd until they return, those who did not warn me will automatically fail any contested roll against another player (except seduction). Long term or repeated absences will result in the character being written out of the game

This, of course, only applies to my players. Other gms are free to set their own policy about posting rate.
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Once my game starts in earnest and genuine, my players will have aspan of three days to a week since my latest post to reply (unless warning/notice is given in advance) before they get warnings/penalties/etc. Now my question is if anyone has any preferences/ideas/etc. for the PLOT of the game. So far the only thing I have in mind for certain is that Mistress Hinako is terribly lonely and wishes to have some friends, which is for the most part why she has hired extra staff on top of the butler and Kiraiya. Everything else is up in the air.