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Magic: The Gathering

Nov 11, 2008
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Just wondering if anybody on here besides me plays or has in previous plays magic.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

*Raises hand* Previously.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I did a long long time ago...
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Same. Haven't played it since high school, many moons ago. Stopped about when I was in college when they started introducing all those phasing rules and token generators and whatnot. Give me Karma and a Winter Orb and I'm happy.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I used to play. Then some asshole stole my cards after a match, one which I specifically stated I would only play in if it was for fun, not for cards... I also won it.
That didn't stop me from playing, but it sucked big time.
The reasons I stopped were because A) they came out with too many rules, and B) not enough people around that simply wanted to play, just to play; I spent money on those cards to play with them, not to lose them.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I do, but I pretty well only have those piddly 10-cent cards that the hardcore gamers discard when they get the newest sets in. XDD I only play for funsies anyways! Red/Black or Blue/White (I freaking hate Green *fistshake*)
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Oh yeah, apparently in the next set, mana burn no longer occurs :x
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I still go to the prereleases when they don't clash with other game tournaments, but I don't play constructed any more, it's too expensive.

FYI two prereleases ago I resolved a progenitus in a sealed tournament. It was a very good moment. And yes I won.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I play. The most recent set is all mixed colors, but it's also one of the single most broken sets known to man when played correctly. Also, I'm very adaptable as I never owned any cards when I first started and learned all of the rules by playing. Admittedly, some of the token decks can be ridiculous, but that's half the fun.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Needs more unglued
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Needs more unglued


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Re: Magic: The Gathering

I used to play...
A: "...and I hit you for 2 more. Okay, your turn."
B: "Dang, down to 3."
Me: "Wait, you're at 3, you're at 3, and you're at..."
C: "3."
Me: "And I'm at 20. *pregnant pause* Pestilence, pestil for 3."
A, B, C,: *scoops*​
Too bad the deck was so dang slow.

Hey Random_Knight777, that card image only showed a "linksteal" image before I went to the Troll and Toad website and looked it up. Maybe copy it into your album and relink it there?
Re: Magic: The Gathering


Re: Magic: The Gathering


EDIT: fix'd
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Re: Magic: The Gathering

Geez... Troll And Toad does NOT like their card images being "borrowed". Hey Kusanagi, that card image only showed a "linksteal" image before I went to their website and looked it up. Maybe copy it into your album and relink it there, so random passersby don't just view a black square with white "stop hotlinking our images!" text in it?
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I'm off and on.