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Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"Kekekekeke! Make it out of the last room and you might find out!" Lyn hears as she bursts into the room and is faced with one last demon as it lunges towards her with the intent of raping her.
Jar World Demon
Lyn just isnt fast enough as the revolting demon tackles her to the ground with the intent of raping one of her holes.
Lyn's dodge goes up to 9/10
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

(your d6s have it out for me)

Lyn pants knowing that this is an extremely last ditch attack and summons all her might before suddenly breathing a plume of fire out at the creature situated on top of her. "The monks told me I wasn't ready to try this technique but I'm desperate..." She thinks to herself.

(Last fireball cast for now.)
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn lets out a fireball at the monster hoping to get rid of it.
Unfortuantely she somehow manages to miss the creature as the fireball goes whizzing right past it. The monster then goes to try to bring its black dripping revolting cock up to her mouth.
Luckily Lyn manages to jerk and move her head around to avoid sucking the creatures grotesque member.
Lyn's Magic goes up to 3/10
Lyn's Dodge goes up to level 1
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Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn growls as she jerks her head away before bringing her staff up under it trying to flip it off her.
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Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn brings her staff up to the creature trying to flip it off of her.
6 damage
Lyn manages to summon enough strength to flip the monster off of her sending it crashing to the floor, spazzing out in convulsion before going lifeless and limp. As Lyn takees the key and opens the last door she finds herself being ejected forcefully from the pot she jumped into earlier back in the same room.
Lyn's Fight Melee goes up to 9/10
Lyn finds a gold key
Lyn gains 2XP
Lyn is now at lvl 2! Do do doo do do do doo doo dooo!
Lyn gains 1 additional stat point to be assigned to the stat of her choosing.
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Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

(*jumps up and down pumping arms repeatedly* anything special a level brings?)

Lyn grunts as she bounces on the stone floor. "Ugh I do not want to go back in there again...." She stands up and starts looking for the voice that was heckling her.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Jen doesn't see anyone or anything around the room save the pot she came out of. It is completely empty.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"Accursed lying voice....." Lyn mutters and winds up with her staff to smash the jar before leaving the room.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn winds her staff up and hoists it high over her head and brings it crashing down on to the urn.
Jar demon
Lyn stumbles a bit, but still manages to bring her staff down on the urn, smashing it into many peices. As she does this a small darkskinned, green haired girl is ejected from out of the jar. She is laid out flat on her back and her eyes are nothing but spirals, completely unconscious.
Lyn's fight melee goes up to 9/10
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Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn takes deep breaths calming herself after knocking out the little demon inside the jar. "I must reserve my energy...I wasted a lot in those battles." Lyn calmly turns away from the girl sprawled out on the ground and continues on her journey deeper into the dungeon. "I think I've had my share of small opponents for the moment..." Lyn shudders thinking about the rape triangles. "Blech...."
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Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

There is a large 3x3 space up in the corner of your room, at the bottom there is a narrow passageway leading to a larger 4x3 room. Which way do you go?
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn ponders her choices a moment and chooses the smaller room in the corner hoping for relatively few opponents if any.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

As Lyn enters the room she sees a strange bull like woman doing what seems like milking a captured woman's enlarged breasts, drinking the milk that is streaming out of her nipples. "P-p-please miss. You n-need to get out of h-here. This place is dangerous, they've taken all of the females from my village and are turning them into sex slaves."
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn gasps but rather than jumping into an attack, uses the bull woman's current distraction to quickly consult her monster book. The jar incident teaching her that she shouldn't "leap" into action as brazen as she did when she first started this adventure.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn flips through her book and comes to this entry:

Minotaurus (Female):
A strong axe wielding bull like woman. Minotaurus have very strong sexual drives, a fondness of breasts and a taste for milk.

Forced Lactation
The female minotaur causes the victim's breasts to swell and produce milk.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn blushes a moment at the info before putting the book away. "You there! Minotaurus, release that captive maiden." Lyn prepares herself getting into a defensive stance hoping her staff is an equal match to an axe.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

The minotaurus releases the woman's breast and stares at Lyn for moment before asking, "Why? Are you going to take her place?" She saids with a snicker before she gives the woman's breasts a good slap causing more milk to spurt out of her nipples.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"No I intend to defeat you in battle....you may have strength and an axe but we will see how that matches to my training." Lyn point her staff at the bull. "I look forward to see if you are a true warrior compared to the orcs."
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"Hmmmm. You'll just have to find out for yourself, little intruder." The cow woman saids as she brings her axe up and gets into a defensive stance.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn takes a deep breath and leaps forward going for the minotaurus' legs. "And I'm quite happy with my current bust size." She smirks feeling confident.