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Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn found herself a nice seat. She got a couple of greetings but none of the senior soldiers made much of a fuss. They'd probably heard the rumors, she could tell because of the thumbs up they gave her, but they weren't about to bother her. Her wall as almost comfy was always. It was a strange spot, fences don't make terribly good seats but Lynn had always liked this spot. The fighters started to spar and she got to watch some impressive matches.

Even though he foremind was on the fight, Lynn found herself recollecting to the previous day, her thoughts blurred from one event to the next. She hadn't realized it during the day but she figured it out now. She had felt the day had gone by really fast. This morning she was a recruit, now she was almost the solitary reason the army knew of the bandit threat. To think of that she realized that the outfit must be pretty regimented and structured, for they to have operated so long under their noses. She thought there were probably bigger forces at work than just that small camp. Those thoughts weren't very happy though, so she pushed them out of her mind. Now was the time to enjoy and relax, not be depressed.

Eventually even the fights wound down, leaving Lynn with a little bit of time before her plans with the boys. She probably had time to grab dinner, or she could grab a quick nap in her bunk before getting ready.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

She returned the usual greetings from many or her compatriots, surprised that even the senior soldiers would give her the time of day. The fights proceeded with little fanfair and she cheered on whoever she could.

The fights dragged on and this left par t of Lynns thoughts to drift to the days events. What started as a simple patrol turned into something much bigger. A troop of bandits operating a good distance away from their camp. It was organized by the looks of things. For Lynn that brought a new fear into her mind that would make any future patrols all the harder. But she pushed such thoughts out of her head for now. She recalled her plans with Hugh tonight and felt she needed to get ready.

Hopping off the fence post, she made her way back to her quarters, looking to change into something other then her armor.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn returned to her quarters after the fights dwindled down. Now was the time late in the evening where recruits and older soldiers met for training. Once and a while a recruit would see one of the senior fighters and ask for training, sometimes the more experienced one would accept. Considering how busy everyone was they tended to meet in the evenings, going over techniques and other things. It was sometimes cool to watch.

But for tonight Lynn had plans. She skipped the mess tent, she could have food in town if she was hungry, even though it might not be as awesome. She probably had time to nap if she wanted, though she did have to get ready. She pondered over her clothes, she had a decent selection of off duty clothes, so what she wore really depends on how she wanted to appear. She probably had a few good choices no matter how she wanted to present herself.

It wasn't too long after she got ready that she heard the knocking at the door. Was probably Hugh and the rest.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The off duty hours of the camp were usually filled with more training, usually between new recruits and older soldiers. Heck, Lynn often took part in the training so she wouldn't get rusty. It was even rarer for her to pass up a meal, but one would hardly be the end of the world. She had to get ready and fast.

She started by removing her helm, boots and gauntlets, placing them on her equipment table. She then unhooked her chest plate, revealing a loose white tunic underneath. Like the other items, the armor was placed on a table. She then undid her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. But instead if the usual underwear, she was wearing a pair of bike shorts, offering her an extra safeguard from anyone looking to sneak a peak. Digging into her off duty clothes, she found a plain long skirt to wear, which she slid on almost immediately. She dug out the matching top and a vest, exchanging her work shirt for the two items. In all, she liked the tunic vest combo. Finding some proper foot wear came next, followed by her fixing her hair. If one didn't know it, Lynn looked like a different person entirely.

Hearing to knock, Lynn dusted herself off before stepping outside. "Sorry for the wait. Took longer then I though" she apologized to no one in particular. Though she knew they wouldn't care.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn opened the door and gave a short smile without realizing it. Outside was Hugh along with Jeff and Jim. Hugh gave a short smile and Lynn briefly noticed the lack of recognition on his face, which was helped along when he spoke. "Hi, we're here to pi--Oh." He paused. Lynn could see his eyes going up and down him and she couldn't help but smile as the recognition struck him. He decided backstep in his speech, only stammering slightly. "H-hey Lynn, all set?" Lynn saw his face, and the boy was blushing quite badly. It was hard to tell if it was embarrassment at not recognizing her or just a reaction to how she looked. It was probably a good mix of both.

The boys were all dressed pretty similarly. Their pants were nice but looked well worn, probably old pairs that were quite comfortable. Jim was the only one wearing a longer sleeved shirt, though Jeff and Hugh had jackets tied around their waists for when it got cold later. As Lynn left she noticed something she had almost missed. Amy was also there, she'd been standing off to the side so she almost missed the girl. She gave a short smile and wave to Lynn. "Good evening Lynn, we meet again~" The pink haired girl was wearing a simple one piece dress that went down to a little below her knees. She was wearing long socks and had a simple jacket on.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Spotting the usual subjects, Lynn was quite surprised at Hugh for not recognizing her. Did she really look that different without her gear on? Man, she needed to go out more. And what surprised her even more was the sudden change of attitude from before. At the sparing ring, Hugh was confident and relaxed. But here, he was a stuttering mess before her. Guess some boys really do like the tomboyish girls. Who knew? Not wanting to keep the boy on edge, she simply responded. "Y...yup. All set! " look at her! Now she was doing it! Her face turned bright red and she turned away for a moment.

Seemed the boys had a similar fashion taste, which didn't really surprise her in the slightest. However, a feeling of relief swept over her as she saw Amy among the group. Lynn ran up to the girl with a joyful expression. "Amy? My god is it good to see you!how did these guys convince you to tag along? " More then anything, Lynn was just happy to have another girl to talk to, instead of just being the arm candy for the trio
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The boys blink a bit as Lynn shows such excitement at seeing Amy. And Amy blushes a slight bit as Lynn ended up running over to her. She dismisses it after a moment though as she smiles. "Well Hugh seemed worried that you might feel out of place with just guys around so he asked me. Even though you were the one who asked to go out with them. I figured it'd be a nice chance to get out, since I'm also off tonight."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn wasn't surprised that her reaction would garner a few confused looks. Tonight was a night to try new thing anyway. She was not expecting Amy's reaction which caused her to look away in embarrassment. That faded though as Amy explained her reason for joining. Seemed Hugh had her best interest in mind, again causing her face to redden slightly. But enough talk! There were drinks to be had!

" Well come on! No use standing around! Lets go!" Lynn did her best to motivate the group, knowing someone had to. However, the boys would need to lead them to town as Lynn had never been there herself.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The boys chuckled and got back to their usual selves. Amy agreed with Lynn and shortly the boys were leading them off. They took the road south out of camp and when they reached the main trade road turned west. It wasn't a terribly long walk to town but there was a bit of it. And sadly there wasn't much better transportation to be had. The boys joked and there was lively conversation. Amy joined in once and a while too and Lynn found herself joining in. She wasn't used to it but she started to feel a more more comfortable around them as they walked together. Maybe that was part of it, having the time to get to know them all better before they actually started drinking. Lynn gave a little bit to thought of that and she was glad she had the chance now, since going out drinking without really knowing them would have made it a bit strange. Amy's presence did keep it nice and even, so she didn't feel overwhelmed by the guys. The conversation was light and fun as everyone told stories from basic and the few missions they'd been on. Jeff had seen a bit of actual combat but he said that it wasn't much in comparison to what he'd heard about Lynn today.

It was dark by the time they reached town. Town seemed to be a little quiet. There were people making their way from place to place but it looked like most placed had closed up shop for the night. The only places light came from were apartments and the bar, where Hugh and the rest lead the girls. They seemed quite happy, and why wouldn't they? They had a pair of absolute cuties with them. They made their way into the bar, which didn't seem to busy yet. There were a couple of older guys drinking and playing poker off at a side table, sharing stories in loud boisterous voices. Aside from that it was empty aside from the elderly gentleman behind the bar, his eyes seemed to be covered by overgrown eyebrows, and he had a silver gray mustache that covered his mouth, and a splendid beard under that. Aside from that there was a fairly busty girl in a low cut, short skirted dress who greeted them. She had medium length black hair, falling down to just below her shoulders. She greeted them kindly as they came in, showing them to a table while the elderly man at the bar just gave a short and friendly nod. "Sa wha' can I get for'ya all tonight?"The girl gave her best smile as she greeted them.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

With the party in good spirits, they set off on their journey. To be honest, Lynn still wasn't entirely comfortable in what she was wearing. Sure, she wore it back home but that was among family. People she was familiar with. Wearing this get up in front of friends or strangers was an entirely different case. She put those thoughts out of her head and looked forward to the evening at hand. Having to walk was actually something of a good thing for Lynn. More time to talk. The boys started out talking among themselves at first and on occasion Lynn and Amy would join in. As time went on, she was gradually getting used to the company around her. Sure enough, she was among friends. Fellow recruits and soldiers who all had to face the same hurdles and difficulties. They all signed on for this expedition and they were going to face the hardships together. Plus, finally having a group of friends would mean she'd get out more and it would make the drinks taste all the better. A drink shared amongst friends is always the tastiest. Never a bad thing. The company continued telling their stories, with Jeff and Lynn's being the one to grab the most attention. They had seen the most action for certain, despite being so low on the totem pole.

Arriving at the town, it was obvious that things were winding down for the night. Stores had closed, the lights on all the various buildings were unlit and the only place open was the bar and a few scattered apartment lights. Hugh led the company to the bar and if Lynn looked close enough, she would notice the boys were rather happy. Sure enough, it seemed like Lynn and Amy were eye candy for the evening. Surely the bar would welcome the company of two fine young women like them! The scene at the bar was rather quiet for this time of night. Lynn could only guess the larger crowds haven't shown up yet. Loud voices were heard as the older men told their stories and played their card games. The bartender certainly seemed friendly enough, based on his appearance and him welcoming the company as they arrived. The girl that greeted them at the door was a sight to behold with her rather provocative outfit and beautiful black hair. Downright put Lynn to shame by comparison who was dressed rather conservatively and had short red hair. But she didn't think on this for long as the barmaid requested their drink order.

"What would you recommend...for someone who isn't sure what they'd like?" Lynn spoke with some measure of hesitation. Unlike some women her age, she had never really taken to alcohol of any kind. Her brothers drank and her father enjoyed a pint every now and again, but she always kept herself away from the stuff. Now, in front of her friends, she had to sound almost like a child in asking for a recommendation. Boy would this be a long night.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn can't help but feel just a little twinge of jealously at the barmaid before taking a seat. Her eyes wandered to Amy for a second who happened to be looking down at her rather flat chest with a frown. Lynn caught her shaking some thoughts out of her head before the group sat down. The three guys ordered the house brew and it looked like Amy was undecided.

The black haired girl smiled at Lynn when she was asked for a recommendation. She put a finger to her lips in thought, bending forward a little. The guy's eyes were easy to follow, though it was clear they were trying hard not to stare too much. The girl winked at them though, obviously enjoying the attention before talking to Lynn. "Well we've got this new drink Hal wanted to try out the other day. It's punch with some apple liqueur. It's got a sweet side with a touch of caramel and it goes down really easy." Although Lynn wasn't entirely too sure what that was, it sounded pretty good. And having no real idea of what else there was, decided to go with it. Amy decided to give it a shot too. Lynn had the feeling the other girl might not have done much drinking either. The waitress girl went off to get the drinks, and the table went to small chat between the recruits. When she returned she had a handful of drinks, setting a bottle down in front of each of the guys and two glasses down in front of the girls. Before anyone had a chance to drink though, Amy raised her glass with a small smile. "A toast, to Lynn's triumph today against the odds." Each of the guys raised their bottle, joining in.
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn couldn't help but sympathize with the perceived jealousy that Amy must have been feeling. The gods did ever so enjoy playing games with their subjects. But she couldn't let such petty thoughts consume her. Seemed the time to order had finally come to her, since Amy was equally undecided.

While the black haired girl thought of what to recommend to Lynn and Amy, Lynn was able to see where the boys attention was drawn. And how could she blame them? But the girl didn't seem to mind and she gave her recommendation. Seemed tasty enough and Amy was going to give it a try on top of that. Well, what harm could there be? With the orders complete, the table fell back into more idle conversation and chit-chat. But that changed the moment the drinks arrived. Lynn took a moment to look at her drink, giving it a sniff before Amy raised her glass and started speaking. A toast to victory? Never anything wrong with that. The short haired girl lifted her drink as well, actually responding to the toast. "And may you all meet with great victory as well!"

It was official. The night was in full swing. The clicking of glasses could be heard and the liquor began to flow.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"Cheers!" All the recruits cried out, clanging the glasses. Lynn took her drink, finding that it went down really smooth. She shivered a bit, unused to the alcohol. Then she felt her arms and fingers become warm, very comfortably warm. Her face spotted a blush and she couldn't help but smile. Then the rest of the body joined her and she couldn't really think exactly the same. She still could if she tried, but the new simpler and happier thought processes were much nicer. Looking around the table Lynn could see that the guys were holding their drinks better. Or more accurately their drinks were as heavy, she might not have known that though. Looking over to Amy Lynn could see the pink haired girls face was as red as her hair. She had a sort of lazy smile and looked fairly content. Looking at her glass Lynn could see the other girl had taken a bit larger a drink than she had.

That chat continued, the guys feeling pressured into drinking more, considering how tipsy the girls had gotten off their first drinks. Eventually Lynn found Amy leaning against her, almost cuddling against her side. Lynn wasn't sure what to make of it, but it seemed harmless enough. Amy was a little quieter than she usually was, though the boys talked a whole lot more. Their speech wasn't really slurred but they sounded a lot more relaxed, and they weren't exactly using the girls as eye candy anymore. Of if they were, she didn't notice. Eventually the bar filled up a little but not too much. Even then it sort of felt like they were in their own little world, everyone else paid attention to their own table. As the first couple of drinks were emptied, Jim put a pack of cards on the table, suggesting they play a round of poker. In addition to normal winnings, winner got a favor from each of the losers, and you had to take a sip whenever you lost a round.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Taking her first sip, Lynn was surprised at how easily the drink went down, something she wasn't thinking would happen, especially for her first real drink. The smoothness and the interesting combination of flavors made the drink delicious but she started feeling...different. Her arms and finger became warm, her face became flush and Lynn felt...happier for whatever reason. Whatever this was, it was having a strong effect on her. So how come the guys weren't getting all like that? Ugh. Jerks.

Turning to Amy, she noticed that Amy even looked noticeably red, the drink having the same effect on her as it did on Lynn. Heck if not more so as she noticed more of her beverage missing then Lynn. The boys continued their drinks, almost spurred on by the state that the girls were in. As time passed, Lynn felt the weight of Amy leaning against her. She simply patted the girl on the shoulder and tried her best to reassure her. "Don't...don't worry. You'll...be Ok" Her speech was somewhat stunted, most likely another side effect of the drink. What the hell was in this stuff? She kept her attention focused on Amy as the boys continued to talk, almost going out of her way to protect the pink haired girl.

The crowds began to pick up as the night dragged on but no one would bother the 5 of them, save to get them more drinks. Jim even decided to pull out a pack of cards and suggested a game, with rather familiar conditions. Normal winnings were understandable, but the winner also got a favor from each of the losers, only adding to the risk of the game. Toss in a healthy dose of drinking into the game and you have the likely hood of the evening ending badly for someone. In normal circumstances, she'd tell Jim to not add those stupid rules. But in her current state, she couldn't help but agree. "You...You guys will owe me so many favors...I might as well start running that dang camp! I'll practically be a queen!"

Now she was just starting to make no sense. Jim would be better off starting the game before she said something even weirder.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Amy blinked a bit at what Lynn said, giving a short smile and a giggle. "You misunderstand, silly~" She blushes a bit and cuddles a bit more into Lynn's side. "Of course I'll be okay, I'm not worried about that." She smiles a bit and closes her eyes, resting again'st Lynn's side. The evening continues until the poker game is suggested. Most of the group readily agrees, but Amy negotiates down the drinking penalty. Since the boys were obviously looking forward to playing, they accept. They know they should probably stop the alcohol flow soon themselves.

But the game starts, and although the penalty was lifted, Lynn finds the boys still adhering to it, since they had drinks to finish anyways. She had a bit of her glass as well, and could join in if she wanted, but Amy had already finished hers, and wasn't keen on having another. Lynn finds playing it a little tough to play while drunk, but she thinks she did a pretty good job with it. The end result of the game though had Amy end up victorious. Weather she was just lucky or perhaps that she had stopped drinking right before was the cause, she wouldn't tell. The boys groaned a bit, but shrugged. The chatting continued for a little while longer, Lynn felt her head start to clear a little. Not a whole lot, but just a tiny bit, it felt good but at the same time made her long for the buzz that had just been lost. Though it wasn't too long before Amy suggested they get back. "Well, not that it wasn't a fun evening and everything, but some of us have duties tomorrow, right? We should probably get headed back."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

A part of Lynn was upset over Amy's reaction but that might have been the liquor talking. Amy was cute, sure. But But she could have just about anyone. For now, Lynn would just accept the situation as is and let the night burn on. The boys were eager to get started with the card game but Amy saw fit to step in and negotiate removing the drinking penalty. This was a relief to Lynn, who honestly wasn't sure how much more she could handle.

The game began and despite the penalty being lifted, the boys just kept drinking. Lynn downed what little she had left, the drink leaving her more tipsy then she thought. Amy ended up winning the day, much to the disappointment of the boys. Lynn on the other hand was quite happy, letting out a spirited cheer. "Woo! Way to go! Show those boys who's boss!"

The night continued and the buzz wore off. Lynn was a tiny bit upset over the loss. It was the first she ever felt truly relaxed. No cares or worries in the world. However, Amy was right to suggest leaving. No doubt Lynn would have to prepare for another mission with Mykal and company. "All right. I got no issue leaving. But we gotta do this again! And with more people! Like a giant party!" The last oddly chosen words uttered, Lynn waited to hear what the others would think.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

All said and done the evening was a pretty good one for all involved. Lynn's head cleared more on the way back to camp, and she felt thirsty. Amy had some water, and shared it around, it helped take the groggy edge off. The group was quiet during the walk back. They'd spent all there energy at the bar. Lynn felt as though it was a little quiet for the entire evening, actually. There weren't any sounds all around them, just the quiet crunch of the gravel beneath their feet. Amy continued to cuddle against Lynn's side for the duration of the walk. Before they had left the boys had said they liked her idea, though Lynn wasn't so sure about it now. Sure the night had been fun and all, but she still barely knew the other recruits. Maybe they had felt the same way. Well, drinking might not have been the best choice for the first time to hang out, but overall it had worked out pretty well. Amy only giggled whenever anyone asked her what she'd use her bet for, only telling them they'd see.

The night continued and they were almost back to camp. Lynn spotted something a little in the distance, past the hills. It looked like a flickering light, but it was very very faint. Maybe she had imagined it? But she didn't think so, she blinked and it looked like it might still be there. The others didn't notice it, it was an incredibly subtle change in the lighting. But she couldn't tell herself she didn't see it. She could go to investigate, or she could ignore it, and go back to camp with everyone.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The night coming to a rather successful close, Lynn was much happier for having taken part. Her head was still a tiny groggy, but thank the gods that Amy had some some water! The parched soldier took a swig, further clearing up the haze. The group as a whole began the trip home, their energy finally spent. As they headed back, a part of Lynn just could help but feel something was off about things. The road was quiet. A bit too quiet for her taste. She wanted to raise a concern, but she didn't want to spoil the good mood of the evening. For whatever reason, Amy continued to cling to her fellow soldier. Not that she was complaining, but it was more then a little awkward and could give the boys the wrong idea. Rumors in the camp spread like wild fire. Lynn had only spent one proper night with her new companions and while well on the way to calling them friends, she didn't want unsavory rumors to start going around. The boys did continue to prod Amy over just what she was going to use her free favor for, god only knowing in the end.

The trip back to the camp was uneventful to say the very least, but at the corner of her eye, Lynn swore she saw something. A light. Something very faint past the hills. Who in heavens name would be out at this hour? Whatever it was...it bothered Lynn a small bit. The others hadn't said anything and she must have been the only one to see it. Were this a proper night patrol, she'd go and investigate. But she was unarmed and in civilian clothing and was still a tiny bit groggy from drinking. Investigating now would be suicide. She would proceed on with the trip, praying that it really was nothing.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn shakes her head a bit, freeing it of the annoying thought of what could be out in the hills. The group continues, camp being so close, and it isn't long before they arrive. It's quiet, everyone was probably asleep. There's a few people on night patrol and they greet the returning soldiers. The boys head off to their quarters, and Amy returns with Lynn to theirs. It's late and they're tired. Though Amy is willing to sit around and chat if Lynn wants to, it doesn't take her too long to get changed and plop into bed, pulling the covers tight. The camp is quiet tonight. Lynn probably could go around and do things if she wanted, but sleep was another decent possibility.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Shaking off whatever the distant light could have been, Lynn let the trip continue uninterrupted for the rest of the trip. They finally returned tot he safety of the camp, getting greeted by the few soldiers on night patrol. Lynn was all to familiar with the woes of night patrol, having pulled a few shifts of it herself. The boys were quick to return to their quarters and the girls to theirs. While Lynn was in the mood to talk, she felt she had to let the girl go. Let her get some sleep. Lynn wanted to shower before she went to bed, in preparation for what promised to be a busy day tomorrow. After she parted ways with her companion, she would retrieve the proper effects and make her way to the showers, knowing they'd be empty at this time of night.