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Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Mykal nodded a bit. "Right...the other plans I had considered were fighting out way through, or using they guys as hostages, if whoever's hiding behind the rocks is friend with them..."

She gave a short smile to Lynn. "Thanks...none of the plans are surefire, but I think this is probably the best one." She gives Lynn a few moments to consider her other plans if the recruit wanted to try one of them instead. If she didn't give an indication, she'd step forward to the prisoners. "Alright you two, we're stopping for a moment, so hold."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"If I may...ma'am. I have a suggestion. Lynn spoke to her superior, unsure of her own plan. It would be a nice mix-up of ideas that would hopefully produce some sort of result. "We go around as normal, but we have one of us in front of the two while the other remains behind. That way, should anyone show up, we can use them as a sort of hostage. Not a whole lot a friend can do when their buddy has a spear to their back. Best of both worlds.

Once again, this plan would need more then a little luck and some really stupid bandits for it to work as she had planned, but she had to try something. "What do you think?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Mykal gave a short smile, paused before she went to tell the bandits to halt. She nods. "Sounds like a good idea. Alright, we'll go for that, good thought." She went up to the two bandits. "Hold, both of you. We're taking a different path."

One of them looked like he was about to open his mouth and protest but the girl had her sword at his back before he could say anything. "Both of you will stay quiet, you will say nothing. If you do, it will be the same result as if you ran. Am I understood?" Both of the men nodded their heads. "Lynn, take point, I'll take up the rear to watch these two knuckleheads."

As Lynn looked off the path she thought it would be difficult to make it through these rocks, but as she kept staring she though she saw a way they could navigate. She set off, the two prisoners and Mykal close behind. The going was rough, as she thought, but she managed to find a high path that was simple. She paused for a moment looking around, she was much higher in the rocks than she had expected, and looking down she could spot where three men had been lying in ambush. Mykal kept her sword tip close against their captives, scaring them into silence. If they had yelled out it probably would have gone messy, if those three were friends of them, then it wouldn't end well, being a possible five against two.

Mykal kept them quiet though, and they were too afraid to do anything to risk their lives. Lynn eventually lead them past the rocks. It would have been foolish to fight the men hiding there, even if her and Mykal could ambush them. They got back on the road, and it was clear after that. They still moved cautiously, but they found no more trouble till they got back to camp.

Camp was busy they noticed, but they drew some attention when they returned. A couple of the guys came running over to ask Lynn and Mykal what had happened. Mykal was busy handing the prisoners off so they could be held somewhere, which left Lynn to tell the crowd about what happened. She also knew she'd have to report to Rickter's tent, after that, for debriefing.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn simple watched as Mykal corralled the men into line, surprised they hadn't tried anything more drastic. However, she was fortunate that these men were smart enough to not make that drastic decision. Being told to take point, Lynn simply nodded and took her position, leading the group through the rocky terrain. Fortunately, she was able to locate a high path that would ease the trip greatly.

The crossing on the high path was a little unnerving as the height difference was much greater then she expected, but it was that height that ended up saving them from the looks of things. Down below, she spotted the trio of men waiting in ambush, only confirming that those men were out to save their buddies. Thankfully, the prisoners were not dumb enough to try and call out to the men below, what with Mykal caring them into silence. Eventually, they reached the paths ends and Lynn breathed a sigh of relief as their trip continued uninterrupted. For once, the monotony was actually a god send

Promptly arriving back at camp, the returning pair was suddenly ambushed by questions. Mykal was too busy dealing with the bandit prisoners to address them, leaving Lynn to fend for herself and give them the story. "Well, we split the patrol and me and Mykal went to the river to look for any leads. We didn't find much at first but then we split up and followed the river north and south. As luck would have it, we found a camp where a few thugs were hanging out. We got their location and we started heading back, hoping to meet with the other patrol. When we found that they weren't back, we decided to look for them. Mykal went looking while I stayed back and waited. Suddenly, those bandits we saw earlier tried to sneak up on me. But I saw through their little plan and was able to fight them off all by myself. Took both of them down! We took the two prisoner and then decided to come back. On our way back, we avoided a second ambush, which was most likely 3 of the bandits friends. It was amazing!"

The excitement was clear in her voice and she just knew the story would win her even more fans in the camp, which could be considered both a good and a bad thing.

"I wish I could stay, but I gotta see the commander. I'll be back in a bit!" Was the last thing she said as she made a dash for the commanders tent.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn managed to answer most of the major questions that the guys were asking around her. If she had thought back to it she might have been a bit overeager to tell the tale, but she really had had quite the adventure that day. She easily broke off from the crowd when she mentioned needing to go talk to the commander. She could hear whispered talks as she left, apparently the rumors were already starting. She knew the story would be blown out of proportion by the end of the day.

When she got to the field commander's tent she was quickly given entrance. Rickter was reading through a report on his desk when she came in. "Lynn. Good to see you. Report." He closed the report he was reading to look at her, folding his hands on the desk as he listened. He was all business right now.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Not use to the constant attention made answering all the questions all the more difficult, but Lynn did her best to address them. Sure she jumped the gun on the story, but she just had to say something! It was too exciting not to! Finally slinking away, she could already hear the whispers from the crowd. News spread fast in a camp like this and the story was going to be big news by the end of the evening. Part of her was curious just how blown out of proportion it was going to get.

Reaching the field commanders tent, Lynn made her way in the moment she was able. The commander, as usual, was busying himself over work, but took the time to request her report. "Sir, while patrolling the northern road near the river, I was able to locate a small camp with a pair of occupants. It seemed said camp had seen significant use over the past few weeks, meaning they'd been in the area for some time. Upon returning to the meeting site, the other half of our team had yet to return and Mykal went into the woods to search for them. During that time, the occupants from the camp most likely followed us back and waited for one of us to be alone. The men assaulted me and I was forced to defend myself. I was able to incapacitate the men before Mykal could return and assist me. We then decided to return to camp, on the idea that the prisoners may have valuable information. On our return, we took a slight detour and noticed a trio of men in a rocky outcropping. These men may have been the remainder of the bandit force that our prisoners were apart of, meaning they had at least 5 men prior to our arrival. We also have yet to hear from the second patrol. We assume they will return sometime before the night. If I may say off the record sir, it has been a very tiring day. I didn't think we'd actually find anything."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rickter listened carefully to Lynn's report. He nodded at several moments. When she finished he stayed quiet, likely thinking of his response. He frowned. "Most of that is bad news, unfortunately. The missing patrol is especially worrying, though they're tough and wilderness trained, so as long as they weren't attacked or something, I figure they're probably okay." He paused to take a breath and for a slight bit more consideration. "The size of this operation is still unknown. Are you absolutely positive it was the same men you saw at the camp that attacked you? If not then I don't think it's good to assume they are. Alright though, thank you for the report Recruit. This information is extremely valuable and you did excellent work getting it." He paused a moment. "Off the record, I didn't expect that this mission would actually turn up anything either. Aside from our missing infantry, this mission was a success, give yourself a pat on the back and relax tonight. I'm sure you could use a good rest."

With that the Commander gave a salute and dismissed her from the tent. The crowd from earlier had dispersed, and Lynn was free to do with the rest of the day as she choose. Some of the quicker options that popped into her head were to head to bed, find Mykal and ask about the captives, go and watch the sparring fights, or maybe even head to the rec tent for some relaxation. Aside from that, Gunther had probably prepared lunch by now, and she could probably do with some food. Though, lunch would be there all day. She had a fair bit of free time and plenty of options.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn listened to the commanders assessment of the situation, not surprised he would say any of the things he did. The missing trio was a concern and she would have liked to have found them, but the bandits altered those plans somewhat. And she really didn't consider the true numbers of the bandit camp. In total, she only saw 5 men. The camp seemed big enough for only a half dozen people, so her guess couldn't have been too far off. Regardless, she just had to accept his assessment with little objection. She was swelling with pride as he complimented her performance on the mission, remembering his earlier efforts to cheer up the originally nervous girl. The man certainly knew how to give a compliment and cheer someone up. Guess he wasn't the commander for nothing. She promptly returned the salute, relieved that she was finally free. "Thank you sir. I'll enjoy my evening."

With that, she was off and back to the busy life of the camp. With the afternoon in full swing, she had a variety of options to choose from. A part of her did want to just head back to her quarters and go to bed. The day had been a strain both physically and mentally and she needed the rest in the event she was called to another mission. However, sleep was just one alternative. She could check up on Mykal and see how she was dealing with the captives. Might be good for a laugh. She could also go to the sparring arena and watch some more fights. Heck, with her performance in the ring and in the mission, surely people would be lining up to take a swing at her. The rec tent was also very tempting and it was very likely she could use a bit of relaxation. And, ignoring all of that, she could easily get some lunch. Gunther usually had a varied menu no matter what part of the day.

Taking a few minutes, she decided she'd tackle a few things in one afternoon. It was hers after all. First stop would be the rec tent. Help her relax a little before moving on to the sparring ring to watch a few fights. After that, she'd grab a bite to eat, take a nice shower and head to her quarters for the rest of the day. Hopefully in all of this, she wouldn't be harassed by any fans or admirers that she was sure to have gained after her escapades from the morning. Who knew a farm girl fresh from the fields could go from relatively unknown to something of a celebrity in less then a day.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Rickter gave a short smile and nodded as Lynn left the tent "Good, see that you do." Lynn had the feeling the commander was going ot have his hands full in the next coming of days. But that was his job, and the man never complained. He was probably too busy to complain, in all honesty.

Lynn thought through her options and eventually reached her decision. She made her way to the rec tent, seeing people move about camp scurrying form place to place. Though she got a few waves and thumbs up, it wasn't as much as she expected. Regardless of how much buzz might be going around, it was still a camp and people were busy, they had things to do and places to be. Maybe she'd be noticed a bit more when everyone was off-duty. She arrived at the rec tent before long and made her way inside. It was a pretty comfy place, a good handful of large couches and chairs. There was a shelf with books and a couple of tables for playing cards. She recognized a few people in the tent, most of them were relaxing. She did spot Jeff and Hugh lazing about on one of the couches though, apparently discussing something. As she expected she got a wave or two when she entered, and a few smiles her way, but it thankfully wasn't something embarrassing like everyone dropping what they were doing to question her. She was probably thankful that the army was at least that professional.

Hugh gave a wave when he spotted her, calling out. "Lynn! Hey, a few of the guys were going to head into town for some drinks tonight, you in?" Apparently she'd get the chance to make good on her bet sooner than she thought. And of course Jeff still owed her one too, though he probably wasn't about to remind her.
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The rec tent was always an interesting place for Lynn. Just like everything else in the army, it was professional Books, cards and conversations were the order of the day and the place retained a very relaxing feel. She was greeted as normal, returning many of the waves and pleasantries. Sure things were calm now, but she could only guess how things would be once the day was over.

She was met with the sight of Hugh and Jeff, with the former approaching her and telling her of his plans tonight. Seemed she'd be able to call in her debts early. If she wanted, she could harass Jeff over his favor, but she'd be the better person. Not wanting to leave Hugh waiting, Lynn spoke up

"Drinks? I think I can join you guys. Have nothing else planned tonight. Just give me a time and I'll meet you just before then."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Hugh smiled. "Awesome. We were planning to head in a little before sundown, it'd be dark when we got back. We can pick you up at your tent if you want." Jeff shrugged a bit, and both boys invited her over to sit with them if she didn't have anything else she'd like to do. Jeff spoke up. "I heard you had quite the day out on patrol."
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"That sounds great. You'll have to give me a few minutes thought. Unless you want to escort a lady in armor. Up to you guys. " She had a good laugh before taking a seat between the boys. Jeff started the conversation, bringing up the events of the mission.

"It was a very interesting day. Who knew we would have found bandits all the way out here. Thought they were still on the mainland." The last bit was spoken with some frustration, the boys noticing her getting noticeably upset. No matter what, this was always a sore subject. But she didn't stay like that for long, trying her best to crack a smile. " Sorry. Got angry over nothing"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Both of the boys nodded a bit when she talked about the bandits. Jeff gave a short joke at the armor thing. "Well...it's not like you look bad in your armor you anything.." Lynn felt her cheeks flush a tiny bit. That faded pretty quickly as she continued though. When she got a bit angry they looked maybe a tad bit surprised. Nobody liked bandits but a lot of the time it was the way it was. When she apologized though they shook their heads. "Don't worry about it, nobody is a fan of bandits around here I think. So we understand."

Hugh gave a short chuckle and nodded as well. The boys moved on to small chat after that, suspecting that Lynn might want to get a break from talking about her day considering the rumors that had been around. It didn't feel like it took too long before they got up. They gave her a short wave since they had to get back to their duties. Lynn could sit around if she wanted, though it looked like the tent was emptying a bit. Probably everyone getting back to work. There were still a couple people taking cards and a couple of people reading books. Lynn noticed another one of the rare female recruits in one of the reading chairs. She thought her name might have been Amy.

Lynn still probably had a bit of the day to go, so she had plenty of options for what she'd like to do.
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn almost couldn't believe what Hugh said. She thought the boys liked it when tough girls like her dressed up in more feminine clothing. Made them seem vulnerable. Regardless, his words did get to her, leading to her bright red face. The chat continued with Jeff injecting his comments when he could. The topic change was also a welcome change of pace.

Enough time passed and the boys moved on, most likely back to work. This left Lynn with an opening. She saw the crowds breaking up, meaning many of their breaks we're ending. She did however, catch sight of Amy. Like Lynn, she was a rare breed of female soldier and a recruit like her. Looking for another woman to talk to, Lynn sat in the empty reading chair next to her. She cleared her throat to get her attention before addressing her properly. "Afternoon Amy. Enjoying a nice book?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Amy blinked and looked up from her book with a smile to Lynn. Her light strawberry hair fell to her shoulders where it curled a little bit. Her voice was a little quiet, she had the makings of a shy and timid girl but Lynn knew she was pretty outgoing when it came down to it. "Good evening Lynn! And yes, I am. I've finally got a day off from guard duty, so I figured it would be nice to spend it reading. My parents sent me a care package with a few books, so I wanted to get the chance to read them. I'm usually exhausted after duty and fall right asleep. What about you? I'm sure you're appreciating the time to relax."" The girl moved her bookmark to the page and closed the book, setting it down while talking, giving Lynn her full attention. She was a very polite person like that.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

That was the one thing Lynn liked about Amy. She was the girl that she wished she was. Lynn was raised practically like a boy after her mother was kidnapped and she never had that feminine influence in her life. But all that aside, Amy was far for outgoing and it showed. But she always was reading in her time off. Lynn listened with rapt attention as she talked about her day off, making Lynn a little jealous.

Finally getting the chance to speak, Lynn was not going to turn away an open ear. " More than you know, especially after the morning I had. Too many close calls. But even if I had a day off, I really wouldn't know how to spend it. " Lynn almost looked embarrassed, nit really sure where to take the conversation. Amy was usually the better talker of the two
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Amy smiled and listened as Lynn spoke. She nodded for parts of it, then gave a small laugh, more of a giggle but it felt silly to call it that. It was a friendly sound, that was for sure though. "I see. From what I've heard you had a rough day, did you really fight off eight bandits all by yourself?" The recruit tilted her head curiously. "And I'm sure you'd find something to do with your day off, from what I've heard it's a lot easier to enjoy R&R days after you've seen real action."

If Amy noticed Lynn's embarrassment at not being as good as conversation as she'd like, she certainly didn't comment. Lynn had never really had the chance to talk with Amy too much before now, they both tended to be stuck on guard duty with different shifts.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

It was good to finally share a laugh with another female recruit for a change. It was fun talking to the boys, but she couldn't talk about certain things with them that she could with a woman. This changed however as she heard the number of bandits. Eight?! Where did that come from. How did two become eight? "Well it wasn't that many. It was only like two. Not sure where eight came from. But I do actually have a plan for today. Going to the sparring ring to watch some fights, get a bit to eat, take a nice shower and then I'll be going into town for drinks with Hugh and his friends. "

It felt weird, explaining her whole day, she was just so excited that she couldn't help herself. Feeling she had little else to offer, Lynn stood from her seat. "It was great talking with you, Amy. I'll let you get back to your reading. Have a good night!" With that she was out the door. She knew she could have left on a better note, but she just couldn't find it. She made her way to the sparring area, hoping to pass more time
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Amy grins a little at Lynn's reaction to the bandits. She giggles again, a bit more fully this time. "No, no. I know it was only two, I'm sorry, I was just teasing you a little." She gave a warm smile and Lynn couldn't find it in herself to be mad even though the girl had just played her quite well. She nods as Lynn talks about her plans for the day. "That certainly sounds like a good way to relax, even when you're free, you're busy it seems. I guess some people are just like that."

As Lynn made her way out the door Amy gave a short wave and wished her a good day. She opened her book smiling and continued. Lynn could tell that even though she may have interrupted the girl's reading, that she hadn't minded. Amy certainly seemed like the person to enjoy a good conversation. Though those thoughts aside she still had some time in the day. From here she could tell that the sparring ring was a bit quieter, only a half a dozen or so of the men were sparring, mostly the more experienced warriors now, though there was a recruit or two there she could tell. The food tent would probably be packed soon too, she had heard that Gunther had gotten his hands on a roast, and that he would be making it for dinner. She didn't think anyone in camp wanted to miss that.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

While the ring was quieter, this was her chance to really watch some of the senior soldiers fight and Lynn was always in the mood to watch a fight. Making her way to one of the rings, she hopped up on the guard fence and sat on one of the wooden walls. She may have looked odd to the outside observer, but she always took a seat there to get the best view. While she was on the fence, she smelled something delicious coming from the food tent. Gunther was cooking up a roast and it was gonna be good!

Trying not to let her hunger beat her, she remained on her soot, looking to cheer on the fighters.