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LustFire Artworks

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LustFire Artworks

In terms of proportions, I always observed girls as having smaller torsos, long legs, and heads just as big as guys. It looks weird to have her torso be so long and her legs be so short imo.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2013
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Re: LustFire Artworks

In terms of proportions, I always observed girls as having smaller torsos, long legs, and heads just as big as guys. It looks weird to have her torso be so long and her legs be so short imo.


Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

Yup. The way they look now, it rather looks like the female is a child, since larger head to body proportion is a juvenile trait, not a gendered one, really.


Mystic Girl
Mar 25, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

Reverting back to the female's base is an option I can consider. I'll decide on that later after I create my other resources. I've gotten pretty accustomed to spriting at this point.

But I'll definitely find a lot of use for this model even if I decide on an appropriate base.



Mystic Girl
Mar 25, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

As usual, trying keep myself low-profile, but I'll try to update my art stuff at least every week for now.



Mystic Girl
Mar 25, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

Wow, I've been away for quite a while. Anyways, I told myself that I wouldn't explain what I'm up to until I make enough artworks and content, but I'll say what I can for now.

I'm working on an H-RPG, made through RPG MV. I'm collaborating with someone, because he has the program and default assets. However, I'm also creating my own assets to apply in the game, mainly character sprites and animations. I've made several sprites, and also got help from an expert sprite artist I've been in touch with.

At the moment, I'm not really sure what kind of monetary support I want to begin with. I have my Patreon, but I still haven't created enough content to show everyone the basic gameplay yet. Furthermore, my partner also has his own Patreon, but I still need a few months before we get something playable.

On the H-content, it'll be a lot of work, but surprisingly I spent the whole 6 hours today from sketch to color animation. On top of that, I'm getting so used to artworks that I'm feeling less upper body strain. The game will mainly have standard RPG combat, but with special "H" moves in the mix. Sex won't directly affect HP, so instead we've added an "Arousal" status. There will be various systems, such as corruption (demonstrated by the appropriate facial expressions). My minimum goal is to have at least 10 animations and 10 CG events, but it might be small and bore people out a little quickly.

Oh, and every animation will use After Effects animation, so this is the first phase.
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LustFire Artworks

If the game is good at least on a decent level, your artwork should help it take off. I think h-games nowadays just need to not be annoying to play in order for the rest of its assets to flourish.

Here's to hoping your buddy does a good job.


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
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Re: LustFire Artworks

If the game is good at least on a decent level, your artwork should help it take off. I think h-games nowadays just need to not be annoying to play in order for the rest of its assets to flourish.

Here's to hoping your buddy does a good job.
Yeah, with this art and animations it would be sad to see something annoying to play :D
Then again, sometimes you just need to play some H games, note everything that is annoying af and try to think of a way to deal with it.

Still, it's great to see that someone is making another game that isn't 3DCG... More devs from west we have, better for everyone :D


Mystic Girl
Mar 25, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

I may be spoiling a lot from a job I’ve only done yesterday, but I’ll still be encouraged to create a lot of animations for the full game. Every animation will consist of:

1. Naked / Clothed profile
2. 3 Corruption status facial expressions
3. 2-3 Phases, consisting of (1) normal, (2) fast, and (3) climax
4. Cum on the body, affected by climax experiences

So, I don't know whether or not I should move this kind of discussion to a game development thread, but I wanted to ask around regarding RPG MV. In this animation set, I separated parts as layers to conserve space, and the entire set turned out to be a 50 MB file in the game. That means if I pre-load this, the game client will add 50MB to the RAM usage. The game at the moment is just a small stress test, and uses 600 MB RAM already without loading the animation set.

Assuming there are people who just want to explore the entire "final" game, the RAM usage could rise to even 2GB, mostly due to the animation files, collectively, being over 600MB. This will hardly be a problem for people with 8GB RAM (I use 24GB for Adobe programs), but I understand there are still people with affordable 4GB computers. That's why I'm still open to suggestions, both regarding my art assets and the game's engine modification work by my partner.


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
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Re: LustFire Artworks

And it will bloat like that.
Biggest point right now is making sure of 2 things:
1. Having rpgmmv up to date
2. Having your project up to date.
As for 2nd point, updating rpgmmv won't update project, this procedure is done manually (check updates info, should be explained there).

There is garbage collection since 1.3.1 (I am not sure), I think yanfly core plugin had it also - can't say as I am not using it.
Most of memory leaks have been dealt with in 1.3.3.

There are ways to deal with it but honestly... I wouldn't bother, assuming everything is up to date, there shouldn't be problems with memory management (be aware, I may be wrong af here).

Also, you said you are pre-loading those and that's all there is to that. With preloading only stuff needed for active map - I don't see a problem even if it's 500MB of images :D

For shit and giggles you can always try using it on something with like 2GB of RAM, copy-paste those sets shitload of times and see what happens when game reaches 1GB+ :p

And last thing, it actually doesn't matter for rpgmmv if you have 4/6/8/16/32/64 GB of RAM because it's 32 bit app.
Running on 64 bit OS you will initially get only 2GB (or 4GB depends).

I would be rather bothered more by game logics and forcing it to do crapload of cpu heavy things rather than images.

There are tons of topics on this and I am mostly just babbling here :p
But hey, you can always scale those down if it really bothers you so much :D

EDIT: Oh and last thing. It's good that you have concerns like this, this shows that you care. :D
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Mystic Girl
Mar 25, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

Apparently, my partner is very sensitive about my cum splatters, because well.. let the gif do the talking. So, I felt obliged to go around and receive feedback about this. Here's my question:

What makes you horny? The fantasy or the realistic imagination?

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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LustFire Artworks

I think that the question is a little too vague. In general, what I think was always better done was climaxes that appeared to have big impact. So that more leans on the fantasy scale of things to be sure, but to be more precise, what really seems to work best are grand scenes of climactic display. Sort of like what you have below. Though if sound were to be included, probably accompanied with a very grotesque and gooey audio.

That's just my two cents anyways. Always preferred a finisher to a scene that had a big climax.


Aug 28, 2009
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Re: LustFire Artworks

Why not add some small nice things like throbbing/swelling cock for that pumping action?
Pretty sure that can also give some points to whole picture.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LustFire Artworks

Yeah, that's always nice. I think one of the better displays of climax is ironically on the clearly best h-game, skyrim. Or at least one of the mods I have for it. The screen shakes, the dude's cock and balls throb (to simulate the idea that he's pumping her up), and a loud sound plays. I'm not sure what it is but the sheer impact and idea that she's being filled with semen is fairly arousing. Far more than a lot of H=games I've seen out there that has a weird... Cum splash over the point of contact and the same animation just played slower.

Even Nightmare Sphere does this SOMEWHAT well, just in sound alone mostly, but at least it's not abysmal. However even then it still leaves much to be desired since there's very little visual in the way of sex or penetration while it looks mostly like fervent dry humping.

So, I think in general, the juicier the display, the better.


Mystic Girl
Mar 25, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

I actually intended to animate the penis throbbing in the first place, so I tried a couple tests on AE. I'll try to get a final sample of my next CG Animation to show before December! Though, that's stretching it too far with my other busy stuff..


Mystic Girl
Mar 25, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

So, I had an enormous amount of school-work before break, but I'm finally free! I wanna use all my time on the H-artworks for the game I want to make, and I finished another animation set. I had a lot of arguments and criticism from my partner, so it was kinda stressful. :( But as always, anything you say is good for improvements later on!

When I finished the animation set, it turned out to be 200mb of in-game file. This is probably because I didn't go in-depth with the layering this time, as organizing these to fit in-game situations is a lot of consideration. 30 FPS may be acceptable and reduce the size by half, but I like to push for quality if I can.

This is censored, but I also have the uncensored file. I'll likely consider sales in JP as I get further into the development.

*Image is reduced from the original resolution size.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LustFire Artworks

I mean, some of the most successful business models out there more rely on customer feedback rather than internal debate. Since we're going to be the ones buying it, I'm not sure why your partner isn't here with you asking around for opinions.

I'll be very upsettingly blunt, if decisions made during delegation render the game undesirable, it's not going to sell for anything.
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Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
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Re: LustFire Artworks

When I finished the animation set, it turned out to be 200mb of in-game file. This is probably because I didn't go in-depth with the layering this time, as organizing these to fit in-game situations is a lot of consideration. 30 FPS may be acceptable and reduce the size by half, but I like to push for quality if I can.
Just something that hit me on topic of trying to reduce size.
Do you use PNGs with transparent background or just a simple color? Because if it's the latter one, you can reduce file size by making BG transparent and providing that base color via screen tint.
Though, you will probably save like 1-5% on single file, but it's always something :D

I do hope it helps in any way, mostly because I am grateful af, due to you saying something that pointed me to a direction I wasn't aware of and giving me an awesome results :D
I mean, some of the most successful business models out there more rely on customer feedback rather than internal debate. Since we're going to be the ones buying it, I'm not sure why your partner isn't here with you asking around for opinions.

I be very upsettingly blunt, if decisions made during delegation render the game undesirable, it's not going to sell for anything.


Mystic Girl
Mar 25, 2014
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Re: LustFire Artworks

@MAF: I mentioned what I said because there's only so much I can show, but perhaps I'll try to be a little more open about my activities, since everything is demo content for a while. Though, could you elaborate on your last statement? I kinda didn't understand well enough.

@Yoshiiki: My animations are PNG sequences, with transparent BG, so I generally know my best options, I think. What I can't figure out at the moment, however, is "why" my layers vary in size or are comparatively bigger. It would definitely help me decide with future animations.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LustFire Artworks

Well, I'm not trying to tell you something you don't already know, in some respect or another. The fact that the two of you are having an argument in the first place means that there's a discrepancy on what you two think is right. When something like that pops up it's a good sign in general that such an asset of your game of the topic's discussion might be a key decider of your game's popularity and financial growth, since it's something the two of you care about in the first place.

If the decision falls without further discussion or advice from a third party to get a better perspective on what is the correct decision, then there's a chance that whoever gets their say is "wrong" and when you reveal your game, the people that play it will encounter that asset, and return to discourage others from buying your game in some form or another. Especially in a scene like H-games, where popularity with the crowd is so important as it'll spread news of your game like wildfire among the gaming communities that talk about this kind of content.

That's where your sales are going to come from, getting your game known and out there, and it'll mostly be done among the various large social groups on the internet. If it's a good game, people will be dying to tell their each own community about it. If it has a feature that brings it down, people will mention that too.

Basically, if there's an argument going on, it's not a concern of who is right, it's a concern towards the future success of the game, and must be addressed.

Edit: And if it's a matter of how much to show, revealing snippits of your game to appeal is helpful to build hype for the game, but can backfire if you hype up the game for more than you actually got, or hype up everything about it because then there's no surprises. If you choose to reveal nothing, then people will stop caring and you won't have a good start for sales. It might even take a long time for sales to accumulate until people start to realize your game exists. So unless a game is just a cash grab, being too secretive just means nobody cares when you release.
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