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Luigimobile RPG- Safe RPG I am working on.

Re: Luigimobile RPG- Safe RPG I am working on.

Added Bitty Witch.
Added Hammer Foofle.
Added Acmlm Building.
Balanced battling a bit.
Added Debug Shades in Luigi's room. In his dresser.
Required to talk to Barg, as I am planning on making him be a forced party join.
Re: Luigimobile RPG- Safe RPG I am working on.

when talking to aile, in the 4th piece of text get should be gets

for the acmcmcacm building, maybe less wall and more roof. currently it looks like a 4 story building that is 2 tiles thick.

many of the field areas seem very empty, the odd thing scattered around might fix that, but i'm not sure. Distant field 1 is ok but 2 is very sparse.

potions ay they heal 500 but they heal 50

if you don't get barg he still appears in the dialouges

the door out of the dungeon disappears when used. also it does not have a gap in the wall behind it to fit into.
Re: Luigimobile RPG- Safe RPG I am working on.



Don't really know what to do about that. Admittedly, this is the first big RPG that I have ever made seriously. I may need to look at layouts of other RPGs to get a good idea of how to make things pretty.

Fixed. MBS pointed this out to me too.

This bug exists because of future plans. I am going to somehow force Barg to be your partner as early as the beginning of the game. I just need to figure out how.


I also fixed the "Uncomfortable bed" bug you pointed out to me before. I can't believe I oversaw that.
Re: Luigimobile RPG- Safe RPG I am working on.

New version is out. Bowser Hydra, a game over screen, and slightly fixed landscapes.

Known bugs and future plans:

Fix the boss door.

Face Sprites for Apo and Toad

Make Abilities bought instead of learned. Will need help with this maybe.

Work on Mimiga Fields.
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Re: Luigimobile RPG- Safe RPG I am working on.

New version is out. Apo and Toad available, but no face sprites. Mimiga Caves partially done. Extra function for the shades. Can buy an ability from Luca. Area specific battle music. Custom overworld sprite. Custom item graphic.