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Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
=== Bio ===
Name: Yuki
Age: 24
Level 0 Trait: Magic 1
Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=552&pictureid=8280

Attitude: Whether angry, happy, or sad, Yuki is always smiling. Possessing a motherly instinct, Yuki is both strict and kind. She is just as quick to lecture one for doing wrong as she is to pamper them soon after. But even when she's in her most extreme state of emotions, Yuki never loses her calm and composed expressions or state of mind. Just like snow, Yuki appears cold and quiet, but her personality is very warm and welcoming. However, this calm demeanor is lost when she discovers something cute, developing an obsession for whatever caught her fancy, and desperate to capture it so that she may smother it in her motherly love.

It was quite early in the morning when Yuki arrived to the EGG headquarters and after a brief wait she was directed to a room empty but for an EGG pod and a middle-aged woman, who instructed her in it's use.

As she settled in comfortably, a screen opened in front of her.
"Welcome to EGG beta program!" After a while, the screen flashed and showed a list of selections.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futanari option? Y/N
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consentual Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): (1-5, five being very rough, 1 being very gentle.)
Additional Category? _______________?

followed by options:

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels

Defensive Levels
Antarctic research station(?)
Ruined City(?)
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

"Ara~ I'm quite excited," Yuki giggled as she stepped into the facility, and was led inside. "Others are here as well, it must be nice," she commented as the middle aged woman came into view, as well as her assigned pod. Requiring a second, and even third explanation, it appeared Yuki wasn't very good with technology, much to the possible frustration of the woman. "I'm very sorry~ The most complicated thing I've touched is a microwave~" she giggled as she apologized to the woman, before hopping inside the pod, clasping her hands together in anticipation, giggling and squealing with excitement as all the lights came and and the voice greeted her. "Ah! Thank you for welcoming me!" she giggled, before making her selections.

"I'm not much of the submissive type, I hope you won't mind~" she giggled again.

Humans: Y4
Male/Female: Y3
Female/Female: Y5
Futanari option? Y
Pregnancy: Y2
Birthing: Y2
Non Consentual Sex: Y2
Slavery: Y(-3)
Corruption: N
Body Alteration: N
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y2
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y3
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): 3

followed by options:

Difficulty (?): =Easy= | Normal | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels

Defensive Levels
Antarctic research station(?)
Ruined City(?)
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

An error message flashes too briefly for Yuki to see more than "Error: invalid value detected. Please", then she is embraced by the darkness, shutting down all her senses. The first sensation to return is cold, though it feels distant. Yuki finds herself in the middle of an enormous field of snow, empty save for a campsite to her right and a mountain range at distance. She is dressed in a warm yet stylish outfit, though most of the cold is deflected by her own magic. Distant memories appear in her mind, telling her that she volunteered for the expedition with professor Whitebridge as its leader, and that this is the base camp with supplies for months that they've set up after two hundred kilometer trip from the ship; that they've already been traveling for over two months and that she was chosen because on top of her scientific credit, she can pilot a plane. There are four small planes to aid in scouting suitable locations as well as for speedy transportation in emergencies.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

A sweat drop ran down Yuki's face at the alert. "Ara, it seems I'm in trouble~" she giggled, before she was sent to this new world. Looking at her warm and stylish outfit, she twirled about in the snow, watching her yukata sleeves spin, giggling as she did so. She always had a fancy for snow. It's beauty and elegance was something she truly appreciated. Just watching the snow fall was hypnotic to her.

But then, Yuki regained herself, and remembered where she was. "Right! This is just like a video game! I played one of those a while back! I have to complete some kind of objective and save the world! But first, I must talk to the wise old man who seems to know everything," she nodded with conclusion, before elegantly stepping her way through the snow, casually gliding over the white plains, until she reached the camp.

"Professor~!" she called out, "Where are you~?" she asked, looking all around for where the prestigious professor might be.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

The professor is in the main tent, looking over the map which seems quite sketchy and talking with one of the men. Her blonde hair is cut quite short and she's in excellent shape, only the lines on her face betraying her age, though that body is now covered in thick red clothing. "Oh hello Yuki. I was just about to ask you to come in, I think you'd be best suited for scouting ahead and seeing if there's any interesting sites between here and the next campsite. You should go about two hundred kilometers towards the mountains before landing to refill the fuel tank and coming back. Remember to maintain radio contact"
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Given her instructions, Yuki tilted her head to the side in wonder, before smiling, "Scouting mission, it seems," she nodded, before giving the professor a polite bow, "Yes, professor, I will scout over there!" she acknowledged her order, before heading out of the tent, and then towards the airplanes. "I don't remember ever knowing how to fly one of these things, but I'm sure I'll be fine." she concluded with a smile, climbing in, and strapping herself in. "I'm blasting away now~" she announced to the professor over the radio as she pressed several buttons she didn't quite understand. But the plane started up, and it began to move as she pushed a lever forward. Very excited with herself, she giggled as she began to soar into the air. "I hope I don't crash~" she said a small prayer.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

"Loud and clear" a man's voice acknowledges over the radio. The sky is clear and the air gets even colder as the small plane raises into the air, the wind blowing hard at the higher altitude. The fuel tank is full and all the other meters show normal readings as well. In some spots there are deep cracks in the ice, which the party had better avoid. Strangely, there's a huge number of penguins about 50 km along the way. There are also several darker spots, signifying places where the ground is highly elevated under the ice. After about an hour of flight, the fuel tank is about one-quarter full and Yuki has come the required 200km.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Flying overhead, Yuki suddenly gasped as she saw what looked like penguins. "Ah!" Yuki cried with joy, "Penguins! I mustn't let this opportunity pass! I must meet the penguins, and cuddle with one of them!" she stated, before picking up the radio as she tried to land her plane. "Professor, I see penguins! I'm going to go play with them, I'll be right back, okay~?" she chirped happily, eager to pursue the penguins, and 'study' them.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Silent cursing can be heard from the radio as she lands the plane in the midst of the penguins. They seem happy to waddle away from the plane and keep their distance, though when she gets off, some of them stare at her.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Stepping out of the plane, Yuki takes a moment to gaze at the penguins who were looking at her with eyes of excitement. "Ah, they're so very cute~" she giggled, before kneeling slightly, smiling in adoration of the cute penguins, before stepping towards them, seeking to scoop one of them up and snuggle it.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Save vs. penguins: 9 vs 20 ...oops.
The penguins seem more curious than anything else, and once Yuki is away from the plane, they crowd her from all sides. As she tries to pick one of them up, she notices that they're rather smelly and some of them push towards her from behind, causing her to fall over.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Yuki let out a small squeak as she's pushed over. Looking around her, she came to the realization that these were not very nice penguins, hardly cute at all. With that, Yuki attempted to push herself up, and scare the penguins away with her magic. "Don't even think of anything naughty!" she lectures the penguins. "If anyone will be thinking of something naughty, it shall only be me!"
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

A small demonstration of magic was enough to make the penguin hordes back away, but they still surround Yuki. Staring. She can see that one penguin has actually approached the plane, and though it's barely visible from behind the plane, it appears to be larger than the others.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

"Stay away from that!" Yuki announced, before turning to the surrounding penguins, "Go on! Shoo!" Yuki commanded the penguins, sending electric zaps at a few of their feet.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

As the rest of the penguins scatter, the one looking into the plane lifts its head to look at Yuki. On a closer look, it's not a penguin at all, but a harpy, only with smaller than normal wings and black and white feather coat like that of a penguin. It's also quite short and slightly sturdier, not meant for flight. "Hello. What's your name?"
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Turning to see the sight of the monster girl before her, Yuki's eyes shined as she closed the distance between the two of them in a split second, hugging the penguin girl to her, "My name is Yuki, what's your name, you cute, adorable little penguin?" she asked with a giggle as she glomped the penguin.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

The penguin girl hugs back with nearly-equal enthusiasm, it's body cool against Yuki's and the feathers soft and tickly. "I'm called Layla. What are you doing here?"
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

"I wanted to kidnap a penguin just like you and keep it as a pet~!" Yuki announced with complete honesty, and an intentful tone. "Now, let's get in the plane, okay?"
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Layla's eyes widen in surprise. "Can I fly? Can I? And will there be food?" She hastily scampers onto the plane, trying to get to the pilot's seat.
Re: Lost in the Snow(Yuki/Force Assault Mamono)

Yuki promptly followed the penguin, and took her in her hands, setting her down in the seat behind (if there was one), "Now, now~ I can teach you how to fly another time, for now, you can fly with me, okay?" she said with the tone of a loving mother, but her intentful aura never faded.