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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'd have to say C. If neither show up, fine. If both, we should be able to fend them off or play them against each other. Or just get raped (willing or otherwise) and grab the coruption points. Will those points eventualy do something bad once we get enough of them, even if it's just to the body we inhabit?
Re: Lost in the Jungle

If both, we should be able to fend them off or play them against each other. Or just get raped (willing or otherwise) and grab the coruption points.

We can die, remember? Eve is technically expendable, and if we get too derpy about it she'll probably die horribly. Then we'll be a centipede or something, and also lose all our awesome corruption!
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Or just get raped (willing or otherwise) and grab the coruption points. Will those points eventualy do something bad once we get enough of them, even if it's just to the body we inhabit?

Yes. As it happens, I reckon the narrative will conclude before the corruption points max out (I set the limit way too high) but if they did... you wouldn't be able to inhabit Eve anymore, let's put it that way.

Full update later, but I thought I'd give you some teasers for the temple while I'm here (I'm nice like that). The lowest level is a low visability s____ full of the d___, next one up is b_____ h__ because of the v______, and above that, there are only 4 enemies in a darkened room; 4 W______ A______. The rest... spoilers. ;)

EDIT: Eve does still have her enchanted breastplate on, I forgot to mention that the last couple of updates. And Formora knows (but Eve doesn't) that the army attacked the town solely to capture us and stop us getting to the Temple.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

We can die, remember? Eve is technically expendable, and if we get too derpy about it she'll probably die horribly. Then we'll be a centipede or something, and also lose all our awesome corruption!

Gargantua is right, Eve is not invulnerable. She has a certain amount of plot armor on, but nothing too sturdy.

Option A wins, by only 1 vote!


Cautiously, tentatively, Eve steps out on the Plain of Bones. Selecting a nice, wide rib to place her foot on, she shifts her weight forward and is pleased to find the bone doesn't instantly crumble to ash; it's both secure and sturdy.
More confident now, she starts to walk forward, Formora following close behind.

Eve decides to take the north western route - the insectile screech may have been horrible, but the mammalian howl was downright terrifying.

Fortunately, the insect (presumably) must have been further off than the sound suggested - for half an hour Eve and Formora walk completely unmolested, silent beneath the dark sky. In fact, they close half the distance to the Temple, and start to feel almost upbeat. Not too much further.

They almost miss the monster.

A faint whistling sound - and Eve drops the ground instinctively, chitinous blade slicing through the air where her head was half a second ago. A protruding knee bone strikes her in the stomach, and for a moment she's winded - and only saved by Formora's quick thinking.

"Hey!" she calls, standing a couple of metres away from Eve. "Over here, you big bug!"

And what a big bug it is. Eve looks up and catches sight of it; pale white, well camouflaged against the bones, tough exoskeleton... and roughly the size of an elephant, with huge buzzing wings protruding from its back. 6 legs hold it securely against the bones with remarkable poise - as demonstrated when it scuttles, clicking angrily, towards Formora with alarming speed. Formora quickly notes the front end is most dangerous - a gigantic, triangular head, huge eyes, flashing mandibles inside a rigid, unmoving mouth. And the pincers.

The pincers are as tall as itself, and closely resemble a mantises'; long, folded, with wicked spikes curving out from them, designed to impale prey and hold it still.

All this drops from Formora's mind as it lowers its head - and lunges its thick, scorpion-esque tail straight at her torso. Formora flinches, and the skewer misses by a hair's breadth.

Recovering, Eve clambers to her feet, just in time to see the Mantidfly bearing down menacingly on Formora.


Option A) Join the fray, letting loose with magic and steel!

Option B) Sad to say, Formora's done for. Whilst it's distracted with eating her, we can escape.

Option C) Distract the Mantidfly from Formora, but don't battle it. She may have a plan.

Option D) Other.

HP: 50/50
MP: 45/110
Corruption: 57/1??
Re: Lost in the Jungle

MY vote isCBecause the possibility of avoiding both monsters is too good to pass up and we can likely fend off/escape both of them.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'll vote C, me too.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

MY vote isCBecause the possibility of avoiding both monsters is too good to pass up and we can likely fend off/escape both of them.

I think you may have missed the last update.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Vote changed.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

Why is the vote for C so unanimous? It's allowed, obviously, but you're going to be a bit stuck if Formora doesn't have a plan.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A! Blast the crap outta it! Literally! Hit it in the butt. Most of the time when it comes to insects in a fantasy setting or game that have such a well armored front, it leaves the soft squishy underbelly rather exposed.

ugh would of posted earlier but i kinda feel asleep while writing my next update... >.<
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Why is the vote for C so unanimous? It's allowed, obviously, but you're going to be a bit stuck if Formora doesn't have a plan.

Simply fire off some spells. Formora is skilled enough not to get killed before we relise she's got jack.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A hit it with bad luck II and Ice III then proceed to use Fire III if it refuses to die




Sounds like A job I had once...