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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

shouldn't you guys who wanted a "reward" choose B instead of any other choice?
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Option C - Food, Crossbow and Rope in particular!


"Well, no harm in having a look around," says Eve. She had previously tied the sword she took from the Night Elf across her back - even though the Night Elf could turn on her with magic at any time, it felt comforting to know she was at least denied that weapon.
The Night Elf nods agreeably to Eve's comment, and glances cautiously down the street.
"What we need more than anything is a good amount of strong rope. You never know when that could come in handy," Eve continues. "But a ranged weapon, some health potions and any other useful stuff we come across would also be good to take with us."
The Night Elf looks up at Eve curiously. "Where are you planning on going?"
"The Field of Bones. I'm looking for the Temple... of Knowledge, I think it's called. Something cliché like that."

The Night Elf's jaw drops. "You do know why it's called the Plain of Bones, don't you?"
Determined to avoid such an inconvenient question - the library book hadn't been too informative, thinking back - Eve presses on. "Of course. What are you worried about? Let's get going."

The pair of them set off down the ruined street, stepping carefully over the splinters and bits of rubble that lie in the road. They pick their way past particularly large chunks of collapsed buildings, and, having no better ideas, close in on the nearest remaining complete structure.

When they get up to it, Eve reads the sign above it, but it offers no help; it simply says 'Firphaldings'. Must be a family name or something, Eve guesses.
"After you," Eve says to the Night Elf, gesturing at the door.
"My pleasure," she replies, performing a small mocking courtesy before pushing the door aside and entering. Eve follows her in with little delay.

It's a treasure trove. Not literal treasure, but Eve lets out a small gasp of excitement none the less - all the equipment they could ever want is contained in this shop. Bows and quivers hang on shelves, boxes sit stuffed full of arrows, there's lots of rope... what looks like a spade, a small metal rod. No potions, magic-based or otherwise, but it's a remarkable haul none the less. And best of all, there's no-one in the shop, so no feelings will be hurt when it all goes mysteriously missing!

20 minutes later, Eve and the Night Elf are standing back outside the shop. Both of them carry large leather backpacks (Eve's hung rather awkwardly over the sword also still strapped to her back). Eve has a thick coil of rope held her bag - at least 30 or so meters long, and strong, quality stuff - as well as a spade, a piece of glass, a weird rubber ball that fits in the palm of her hand, and a metal tube is stored safely in the pocket on the side of the rucksack. The wand-like tube seems to be a strange combination of steel and copper, with 4 metal prongs at one end surrounding a light that flares green and emits a sharp whine when she presses a discreet button near the center. It has no obvious uses, but she takes it anyway out of simple curiosity.

The Night Elf has a large, lethal looking white wooden bow strapped to her back, complete with a separate quiver containing a mixture of vicious, barbed arrows (probably poisoned) and sharp, metal ones that look designed for puncturing a deep as possible into flesh or armor.

Eve looks warily at the Night Elf's new weapon; the Night Elf spots this and winks again at Eve, before explaining:
"You said we were going to Plain of Bones. Tempted as I am to run a mile away from someone as clearly insane as you... it's not like I don't crave a bit of adventure now and then myself. Especially now it looks like I've lost my job. Does that make sense? And if I am going into that hell-hole, then I'm going in prepared. You'll give me back my sword before we get there too, right?"

"Erm... sure."

The pair of them, loaded down with their gear, head off towards the main gate of the town, where it leads back out into the Jungle.
When they arrive after ten minutes brisk walk, they find another building still standing, right next to the remaining column that previously supported the wooden gate-come-entrance.
They've got lots of supplies, but some restorative potions wouldn't go amiss...

"Fancy checking it out?" the Night Elf asks, voicing the question that had been lurking on Eve's mind.
"Sure." It wouldn't do to appear timid.

Eve kicks down the simple wooden door, which collapses backwards in a puff of dust. She crosses over the threshold first, the Night Elf trailing behind.
"Hello?" Eve calls, her voice echoing through the building. The room immediately behind the door seems to be a living room of some kind - plush carpet (now covered in bits of dust and splinters), bookshelves, and a wooden table. Stairs lead up to the next floor - from which comes a muffled squeal.
Bounding up the stairs, Eve reaches the next floor and comes upon a bizarre sight.

In the center of the room floats a pale yellow orb, and radiating out from it - a swarm of tentacles. Thick, thin, ribbed, slender, slimy; a whole catalogue of the things. They fill almost the entire room.
Beneath the orb lies a woman. She's been stripped of all clothes (they lie in tatters in a rough circle around her) and she's being raped by the tentacle-orb. Thick, almost muscled tentacles hold her limbs spread eagled as she lies flat on the floor, whilst smaller, thin strands skate across her breasts, flicking teasingly at the nipples. A thick, ribbed member is buried between her legs, thrusting roughly in and out, with the woman bucking her hips and moaning in time with it. A visibly slick, wide tentacle is also penetrating the woman's mouth - as Eve watches, it withdraws and sprays a vast amount of cum over the woman's face, spilling it over into her short, curly blond hair. It rubs itself dry on her breasts, then slides back into her mouth, pounding away enthusiastically.

Eve and the Night Elf are dumbstruck.


Option A) Kill the tentacle-orb thing, and save the woman. She'll probably be very grateful.

Option B) Use a sweep of the sword to separate the woman from the tentacle thing raping her, then:
Option B1) Push the Night Elf into its clutches and let it take her.
Option B2) Offer yourself up to the tentacles. Haven't had a good fuck in ages!
Option B3) Grab the Night Elf and pull the pair of you into the tentacle's clutches.

Option C) Revolting. Let's just leave.

Option D) Kill the tentacle-thing, incapacitate the woman, and search through the house for potions.

HP: 47/50
MP: 45/110
Corruption: 49/1??
Re: Lost in the Jungle

E? Keep watching and see if finishes soon?
Re: Lost in the Jungle

B2. Nice gentle introduction to us for our new smexing partner.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

E-B3 why the hell not we need the corruption any ways but while its finishing her *lol mortal kombat* we should collect the things we need like potions and any good maps
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Strip, then B3, Tell the elf to strip as well, don't want our gear getting damaged.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

can we change E to ignore the "display" and lootz the store? until he is done I mean sure it will be distracting but at least we will be ready to leave after our fun times.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

B2. Also, at some point, remember to ask the Elf why the shit they came in and blew everything up.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'm kind of torn between A and B3.
Since B3 already has so many votes, I'll go with A.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

B3 wins by miles. You perverts. ;)


Eve slides her backpack off, and tosses it out of harm's way down the stairs behind her. Acting quickly, she unstraps the Night Elf's sword from her back, tosses it down after her supplies, then unsheathes her own sword. Wasting no time, she dives forward to meet the tentacles. With a single rising slash, she severs all the tentacles binding and penetrating the woman. She's rewarded with a howl of pain from the orb, but it's entirely silent - apparently this individual is capable of basic telepathy.
The remaining strands writhe once, before retreating in a rapid blur back into the central orb, out of sight.

Eve bends down, picks up the unconscious woman bodily, throws her over her shoulder in a fireman's lift, and carries her down the stairs to the lower floor over her house. There, she lays her down gently in a soft red armchair, before jogging back up the stairs.

The Night Elf hasn't moved from her position for the 10 seconds that these events took.

Back on the second floor, facing the orb and with the Night Elf at her side, Eve is struck by a sudden urge. Thinking quickly, she slides out of her midnight-black dress (which joins the growing pile at the foot of the stairs) and stands there stark naked. Getting rid of her sword, she leans forward and grabs the stunned Night Elf under the arms, lifting her bodily off the floor.

"What-" the Night Elf begins.

Eve dives forward again, carrying herself and the Night Elf directly under the yellow orb.

The tentacles spring back out.

"Oh, you bitc-" the Night Elf has time to utter, before a thick, swollen red member, head leaking slime, pops itself into her mouth.

Before Eve can react, thick, muscled tentacles bind themselves around her arms and legs - just as she knew they would. Thinner, writhing ones capture the Night Elf and slowly, agonizingly, spread her limbs wide. A pair of the more inquisitive appendages slip down the Night Elf's front and explore her cleavage - before dropping down sharply and ripping the front of her top open. Silenced by the member sliding around joyfully inside her mouth, the Night Elf can only glare at Eve as her breasts - full, rounded, with already hardened nipples - break free, and sit up most appealingly on her chest.
The curious tentacles return, wrapping themselves around the Night Elf's breasts in a sideways 8 pattern, rubbing and squeezing the fleshy mounds tenderly, almost lovingly. Small amounts of slime ooze from the side of the red, twisting things, coating the boobs in a lovely pale sheen.
Thinner, flicking tentacles emerge from the yellow orb and begin to tickle and tease the Night Elf's nipples, drifting daintily across the surface of her breasts.
The Night Elf's eyes roll back in her head - for the first time it looks like she's been overcome by the pleasure. Only for them to snap open again a second later, as the red member in her mouth shudders violently, releasing a small flood of spunk onto her tongue and down her throat. Satiated, it pulls out, and the Night Elf coughs the remains up onto the floor in front of her. From her standing position, her knees give way, and the tentacles allow her to drop to a kneeling position on the floor.

Receiving faint telepathic ideas from the orb - ideas she agrees with most enthusiastically - Eve also gets down on her knees, the tentacles binding her stretching to accommodate. Shuffling forwards, Eve kneels face to face with the Night Elf - whose eyes are closed again, and is moaning softly with a new, yellow phallus stuffed into her mouth - and feels the organic shackles on her arms drop away. She moves forward, grabbing the Night Elf's shoulders and pushing her backwards onto the floor, so that she lies there, face up. Sliding backwards again, she parts the Night Elf's knees (which are pointing up at the ceiling), pushes her skirt up to her midriff and out of the way, then lowers her face down to the Night Elf's sopping wet pussy. It's completely smooth and hairless, and right now Eve couldn't imagine a more delicious sight in the world.

With the sound of the tentacles squelching cheerfully around the Night Elf's boobs, Eve runs her tongue delicately up each side of the vagina, her saliva mixing freely with the delicious juices oozing from the center. The Night Elf squirms once, apparently shocked by this new turn of events, before moaning even more heavily, just as a pair of cock-tentacles ejaculate over her face, thick, steaming spunk pooling over into her hair.
Eve places her hands on the inside of the Night Elf's legs, holding them apart (although the tentacles are doing a good enough job of that as it is). Her fingers dance lightly around the swollen sex organ once, then her head lowers again. Delicacy forgotten, Eve rams her tongue into the Night Elf's dripping sex, flicking it up and down.

In this awkward position, rump stuck up in the air, Eve begins to pleasure the Night Elf - but she's not immune herself. Behind her, two new, ribbed protrusions emerge from the orb. One runs down the length of Eve's spine, before turning and sliding into her ass, catching her completely unawares. A second, equally thick and turgid, sneaks up behind, and in one powerful thrust launches itself into Eve's own wet cunt. There, it vibrates heavily, sending waves of pleasure crashing through Eve, whilst the tentacle in her ass begins to pump in and out. It should be painful in such a tight orifice, but strangely it doesn't hurt a bit - not that Eve would notice.
Groaning heavily, she resumes her work on the Night Elf's pussy, her tongue running thickly and slowly all around her inner walls, rubbing furiously on her engorged clitoris. The Night Elf's moans also fill the room, and she begins to beat on the floor with one free hand - the other now jerking off another swollen tentacle, thoughtfully provided by the orb.

The vibrations in Eve's dripping cunt tip her over the edge - without warning, she cums, a huge wave of pleasure ripping through her entire body. She shudders, once, and very nearly passes out with her face still pressed into the Night Elf's genitals. The tentacles inside her ass and pussy both ejaculate simultaneously. Sweet, sticky goo fills Eve's holes, and with a slick squelch the tentacles emerge. The same fluid starts to spill softly onto the floor, pooling out from Eve, mixed with a healthy amount of her own juices.

In front of her, the Night Elf finally climaxes, a powerful spurt of her juices landing in Eve's mouth. The member lodged in her mouth ejaculates, filling it to the brim, then slips out with a pop. The Night Elf swallows the load hungrily, before releasing a huge moan that seems to fill the entire room. The Night Elf orgasms again, jerking around Eve's mouth, and the tentacles finish their job - every single one of them spurts a load or two over the two women lying prone on the floor.

An hour later, the women are both still lying on the floor, breathing slowly and recovering. Drying spunk covers their entire bodies and the floor around them. Above them, the yellow orb hums softly, swollen and satisfied. Eve's clouded mind brings up a brief instruction to broadcast to it, and she's pleased to see it comply - it speeds off to the side, smashes through a window, and whizzes off through the air. In what direction, Eve doesn't see, but she's past caring.

Some amount of time later, with the sun starting to dip below the tree line on the horizon, the silence is finally broken. By some unspoken, mutual agreement, both Eve and the Night Elf sit up, peeling themselves off the sticky floor.

The Night Elf licks her lips, then looks across at Eve.
"Bitch," she reiterates, but it's a light -hearted, joking comment, confirmed by another salacious wink.
"No problem," Eve counters, a grin beginning to spread across her face. "That was quite something, eh?"
"You know, I think I'm going to stick with you for a little while yet," says the Night Elf.
A thought occurs to Eve.
"You know, after all this," she gestures vaguely around the room, "I still don't know your name."
"Formora," replies the Night Elf. Her eyes still twinkle mischievously, and she waves her hand. A ball of magic rolls out of her, and Eve flinches - but when she looks, all the dried semen has vanished, and the pair are completely clean.
"I'm Eve. And I was going to have shower to get it off, you know! There's one in the next room." She points at a door that had gone unnoticed up until now.
"Well..." murmers Formora. Her voice drops low, as though whispering some devious secret. "...We could have a shower anyway." And she winks.


The next morning, the sun rises over the gently smoking village. The light shines into the room where Eve and Formora lie entwined, limbs all tangled together.
Waking first, Eve disentangles herself, slips her dress back on, and has a quick look around the house. The woman that was recovering in the armchair seems to have slipped away in the night. Further examination of the rooms turns up no potions, restorative or otherwise, but there is lots of stored food. Eve takes some tins of snacks for her rucksack, and polishes off a few rashes of bacon and egg right there; she's famished. In addition, Eve also finds a map. A very informative one. The Plain of Bones - which rather ominously is labeled with just a name, and no other iconography - lies due north of the village. It covers the entire top half of the map, so it can't really be missed.
There is a river that runs down to the base of it though; with a raft, that'd get them there quicker, and it's only a mile or so through the Jungle to get to the raft... not far at all, really.


Option A) Wake Formora, and head through the Jungle to the river. There's bound to be trees and stuff we can use to make a usable raft.

Option B) The last river we travelled on very nearly killed us... just trek through the jungle and be done with it. It's not that much further anyway, only a day's brisk walk.

Option C) Other.

HP: 50/50
MP: 45/110
Corruption: 57/1??

Hope you liked the sex scene, it's the longest and most intricate I've ever written. And hopefully the best one as well, lol.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

A. I liked it, especialy the inuendo at the end.