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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'll go with A as well. Hopefully it's not some kind of human-eating equivalent to an anglerfish.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Sorry about the delayed response guys, I bought Minecraft the other day. And to quote an internet meme that I'm informed only gets funnier each time it's dragged out, one does not simply stop playing Minecraft.

Option A) Go towards the light!


Eve's heart leaps at the site of the light - these caves have been nothing but a massive detour (really, was that Goblin telling the truth about anything?). And immensely creepy, and life-threatening... so all in all, it'd be nice to be out in the open air, Eve reflects... at least there the horrifying rape-hungry monsters have a slightly harder time being stealthy.

So, it's with raised spirits that Eve steps forward. One step, two...
Eve goes to make the third step, setting her right foot securely on the ground - except there's no ground there. With a sickening lurch, Eve pitches forward, overbalancing on the edge of the precipice. Her balance kicks in, and she tries to lean back... but too late. A small gust air, and Eve tumbles, down and down...

To land with a soft squelch on the cave floor below. A quick check - thankfully it's not her body that's splattered on the hard rock - confirms her suspicions; this is all a trap. This pit is only a few metres lower than the upper part, but there's no clue that it's there at all until you walk right into it.

The floor's covered in a thick, mucous-y slime - it's not incredibly adhesive, but it severely limits movement. It's clearly designed for just that purpose...

"Brisingr!" Enough of this darkness - Eve needs to see what's going on. And almost immediately wishes she couldn't.

Snaking through the slime are what appear to be snakes. Or worms, or tentacles. Whatever they are, they slide through it like it's not even there. And there's hundreds of the things, coming from all directions...

By an amazing stoke of luck, however, the fireball strikes a protruding piece of wood on the far cave wall; it starts to burn, shedding light over the scene below.

The first worm reaches Eve, and coils around her left ankle. Eve tries to draw her foot out of the slime, but it's incredibly sticky - she can only pull it up agonizingly slowly...
A second worm (thick, muscular, sickly white) reaches her other leg and gives a quick tug. Eve topples over, landing ass first in the goo. Her hands reach out the sides automatically, and they too pierce the layer - only to be seized by more worms. Slowly, inexorably, they drag Eve's limbs apart, until she's left sitting up on the cave floor, her snatch twitching slightly in the cold air - it's exposed, just above the slime level.
"I wonder where this could possibly be going?" asks Eve, sardonic tone almost as cutting as the chill air.

Sure enough, before long an especially fat, muscular worm appears. Odd bulges appear all the way down the body, almost as if... it were carrying eggs...
It places its tip right at the entrance of Eve's pussy, poised to enter...
Oh fuck.

Option A) Accept the seeding. They might let us go afterwards.
Option B) Fight back! We could use magic, or a trick, or something. We can escape this! ...Right?
Option C) Erm... call for help and hope we get incredibly lucky?

HP: 48/50
MP: 100/110
Corruption: 27/?

Boy, you guys are in a mess. ;)

By the way, I was heavily inspired by these guys:

Admittedly, they use lots of lights - I took that idea and just made it one slightly bigger one, the better to trick humans and larger prey with.
Re: Lost in the Jungle


What happened to my stipulation to have her move cautiously? That was far from cautious! D:

B. No sense going down without at least trying to put up a fight.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Tricky. Calling for help is right out, more likely someone who created the trap comes then someone who actually helps. I can't see fighting back accomplishing anything positive except by accident, but I also can't see it accomplishing anything negative except by accident. But I'm not sure I buy "don't struggle and it'll let us go." "Don't struggle and it'll decide to keep us" seems more likely.

So... B. Put up at least a token struggle, but be careful not to do anything stupid. Like barbecue and/or asphyxiate ourselves.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'll go B. "Glue" implies "not going anywhere afterwards, so kill it with FIRE!
Re: Lost in the Jungle

This begs the question: If we kill ourselves, who do we inhabit?

Anyway fuck this cave. Abstain, cuz' I've seriously got nothin'. If/when we find that thingy we were looking for, we need to remember to go murder the shit out of that gobbo's tribe. If it's ACTUALLY in here we oughta kill them quickly at least, though.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Sorry, xgkf, but there's no visual warning the pit is there, so caution can't really help that much. I did vaguely allude to this by mentioning something about a 'rustling sound coming from below', but.... nevermind.
With the advantage of hindsight, B or C might've been a better choice... But, you know, hindsight. ;)

Gargantua: If Eve dies, we'll have to take over a worm and climb out through the cave. But don't worry, if this situation arises there'll probably be other, better hosts around in the cave/jungle.
Yeah, again with hindsight... perhaps shouldn't have listened so closely to that Goblin. ;)
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Oh, OK. No more responses.


Option B) Put up a fight!

"No!" cries Eve. "I am not going to die in this hell-hole!"
With an almighty exertion, Eve heaves on her arms. Slowly, they slide up... and pop out of the slime with a satisfying pop!
Unfortunately, the worms haven't been idle. The one poised just above her exposed vagina (her skirt having been awkwardly pushed up and out the way) rubs its head against it. It feels almost like soft kisses...
No! Eve grabs the disgusting thing around the middle of its body - eugh, wet, cold, slimy - and tries to pull it away. No luck! The thing is far too slick, and her grip just slides down the length of its body.
Improvising, she punches and beats at the worm, but no luck - it seems impervious to her blows.
Getting desperate now, she feels for her sword - bastard wont survive being cut in two - but it's attached to the side of her hip. Which is stuck under the layer of slime... and there's no way she's putting her hands back in that crap again.

Perhaps alarmed by her attempts to beat the shit of it, the worm pushes forward blindly, the tip of its... head? just entering the narrow, moist slit in front of it.
Eve calls out, her long, pained cry echoing eerily around the cave. The worm pays no heed, and begins thrusting roughly into her. The horrible squelching sound it makes disgusts Eve - with each push into her, all that can be heard is a wet splash. Fortunately, though, the sensation isn't painful. In fact, it's actually kind of pleasurable.

Although the worm has no subtlety as a lover - it just thrusts robotically, in, out, in, out - its size and shape means it's rather stimulating regardless. It fills her pussy right up with each pound, pushing past her cervix each time... a rather pleasant sensation, Eve finds. The thickness of it is delicious, even if the beast is not - wide, segmented, sickly white. No eyes or features to speak of... but damn, it feels good.
Before long, Eve's panting; her hands still enclose the annelid, but she's making no effort to remove it. The feel of it sliding back and forth in her hands, wet and slippery, is actually rather hot. Of course, being encased in adhesive slime rather ruins any efforts to thrust back, but the sensation... is... ahhh...

Wasn't there something important happening? Escape? Eve feels a little bit delirious, and her white, wriggly friend... oh he feels so good...
A shudder wracks the worm's entire body, and the bulges shift. Slowly, they inch down the body towards the head - and with a wet 'splat' the first drops into her womb. The sensation of the load is too much for her already over-worked organs to bear, and Eve cums; her legs and pussy contract around the invader, wringing him. Eve cries out again, but in pleasure this time. Ecstasy washes through her, and she collapses backwards into the slime. Thankfully, her nose keeps just out of it, allowing her to breathe. Down below, she can feel more eggs being dropped into her womb. Slowly her breathing and heart rate slow down, and the world starts to turn black around the edges...

When Eve comes too, she's somewhere else entirely. Scanning around, she makes a quick mental assessment of the situation.
"OK. On the bad side, I'm still encased in slime. Worms everywhere. My wombs feels unpleasantly stretched and full - must be a lot of eggs - and - ahhh, fuck, ahh - worm in the ass. Laying more eggs, it feels like.

On the other hand, I'm vertical, which makes a nice change. Can't move arms and legs, bound to the wall by worms. What is this place, some kind of pod? Ah, more like a cell, must be some kind of off-shoot of their nest. Barely enough room to swing a cat in here.
Wait a minute, how can I see? There's... no... fire...
Fuck yes!

Above her, Eve spies a hole in the slime crusted rock! And an honest to God hole, this time - there's smudges of green around it, and the sound of bird song is filtering down into this containment area. Christ, the Jungle sounds like paradise after being stuck so long in the cold and dark...


Option A) Just hang tight. The worms probably plan to release us eventually, it wouldn't make much sense to have the hole there otherwise.
Option B) Let's be proactive! Use magic* to break free of the worms, then crawl up through the slime and out the hole.
Option C) This is... too easy. Something's off. Let's escape downwards, go back through the caves, and find a different way out.

*Please specify what spells.

HP: 47/50
MP: 105/110
Corruption: 31/

Corruption passed a unit of 10! The small 'bracelet' of black fire burns more strongly, although it feels ice cold...
Eve grows slightly taller, and slightly thinner. Not unpleasantly thin, though. And, hey, are those small nubs of horn on the scalp?

Option to learn a new spell!

W) Bad Luck II (greater chance of the victim being unlucky, not the same chance of something worse happening. Requires 15 MP to use.).
X) Arouse I (I'm sure I've described this).
Y) Dread I (Makes the enemy afraid. Obviously, this doesn't have much effect on simple minded creatures, but animals will become skittish and people will become nervous.)
Z) Escape Plan. At the minute, we can only escape a host if it dies, but with this spell, we can kill it ourselves from within, then escape in orb form.
Re: Lost in the Jungle


Escape Plan sounds kind of pointless. It's relatively easy to kill yourself, after all - barring very specialized circumstances of super-severe fuckup, like total petrification. Hell, even if something keeps us from sticking our sword in our gut, climbing some shit and just falling on our head, or chewing a hole through ourselves when Eve probably dies eventually, we can just bite off our tongue and drown in the blood. That's how that works, isn't it?

Bad luck sounds as useless as ever. "A little more likely to make him suffer some mild inconvenience" sounds very unreliable to do shit we need it to.

Dread sounds nice, in theory. Things running, instead of murdering. But that's probably levels away, where now we probably just make them into one of those really dangerous cornered animals.

Arouse seems like the path to more corruption, and hopefully the route to things boning us instead of killing us. I would kinda prefer to have this body, rather than some shitty gobbo that got lucky. ...With like, a club, or something. Not that other way that saying goes. Still, with our apparent weakness to actually AVOID getting fucked...
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A and W

The worms belong in the cave, and we have worm eggs. We should wait and escape they are hatching and dropping out, while birthing them. At that point, the adult worms will be leaving us alone, since it's hatching time, not implant time.

Learning Bad Luck II is only logical. While all the option are fairly week, causing bad luck isn't situational. We can always capitalize on the misfortune of others in any situation. And since all of the options are rather week, specializing in one to make it dependable is better than having a number of possibilities that may not work out.

Hopefully, we can eventually figure how to make Eve lucky and have that up all the time.
Re: Lost in the Jungle


Are the options not to your liking? You can always suggest an alternative course of action.
Or is it the situation itself? Is there no obvious way out?

I'm trying to make this CYOA fun and interesting for everyone, so if my options are lacking, or too confusing, or redundant, let me know guys. :)
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Nah. Just paralyzed with not knowing what to do. Everything sounds like a crapshoot to me.

The slime keeps us from moving or swording, both lightning and fire would probably fuck us up just as much as the worms (of which there are probably more, and are both sturdier and more insulated than us) - freezing might be marginally better, but still seems like something that would fuck us up...

So, eh. I'll let the other people decide, and see how that goes.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

W, then C.

With bad luck 2 we should be able to struggle out. Then back to the caves, birds are not a good sign, it means even the pterodactyls don't come here!
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Apologies for the delay, guys; I've been feeling rather unwell lately, and I thought it best to update later, when I could write something halfway decent, than update immediately and post some random crap. But anyway, feeling fine now. :)

Anyway, as it's a tie between A and C, and I'm too impatient to wait for a vote to break the tie, I'll just accept the vote of the person whose reasoning impressed me the most.


Option A) - Hang tight, wait for them to let us go.

"This isn't so bad." Eve murmers. She's been awake for a few hours now, and starting to get a little bored. The constant wet, slippery sound of the worms moving around her is a bit irritating, and her womb still doesn't feel right... but any amount of discomfort is a fair price to pay for the sight of the hole above her. The sunlight filtering down through the gap seems like the very embodiment of hope and decency; like a sweet water after the depravity and darkness of the cave.

Hours pass. Although they move occasionally, the living bindings trapping Eve against the slimy wall never loosen their hold, not even for a second. Eve starts counting numbers to pass the time... then, when that gets too boring, recites all the spells she knows dedicating them even more completely to memory.
Her musings are disturbed only when the worm embedded in her ass finally pulls out - a gush of wet slime follows, and Eve can't help but squirm as it slithers out. Even as her sphincter tightens again after its ordeal, a firm weight seems to press on it from above. It seems she's been very thoroughly egged.

A few more minutes pass, and the beam of light from the hole grows weaker. At first Eve thinks night is approaching, but if so, her internal clock is completely out of whack (although the time spent wandering through the caves might account for that). Then, as drops of water begin to fall through the hole, the realisation hits her - it's not night, it's just raining!
As water begins to pool at the bottom of her cocoon-shaped prison, a change seems to flit through the worms. The ones sliding about on the wall opposite vanish quickly into holes in the cave wall - and more importantly, the ones holding against the wall release!
Delighted, Eve cries out in joy. Much to her surprise, she doesn't topple forward - the slime is viscous and adhesive enough to hold her back against the wall all by itself.
Thankfully, it's hardly superglue. Eve simply rotates, so that her front is pressing into the goo, her nose just inches away from it (thankfully, it doesn't really smell all that bad). Struck by an idea, Eve stretches her arms out in front of her - well, upwards - then pulls her body up, using the slime for support.
The disgusting stuff really does seem to be strong enough to hold her, and before long, Eve's practically motoring up the side of the wall. It's revolting, slow, tiring work - but worth it for the chance of escape.
Eventually, Eve arrives near the roof of the cave. The hole is just behind her head, although frankly, from this close... it looks a fair bit smaller. Regardless, Eve leans back, peeling away from the wall. For an instant, she looses her balance and wobbles - the walls swing wildly, everything shakes - but then her arms reach up through the hole, and successfully grabs ahold of some rocks surrounding the exterior of it. With a wet pop, her waist and legs peel away from the slime-encrusted wall, and begin to hang freely. Stretching every fibre in her arms, Eve heaves, and pops her elbows through the hole. With the support in place, Eve pulls again, and her head pops out. Freedom! Looking around, Eve finds herself in a fairly non-descript patch of jungle - just soft, loamy soil, a few ferns, trees growing a bit further away from her position. Never has the green hell looked so inviting!
Scrambling up, Eve squeezes her breasts through the hole, then... crap. Her hips are stuck in gap!
"Fuuuuuck..." moans Eve. She's stuck tight; impossible to wriggle forward, but prevented from slipping back.
"Arrrghh, fuuuck!" she groans - of course, the eggs inside her have chosen this moment to start hatching! A soft wriggling sensation starts to grow in both her pussy and ass; the feeling of newly hatched baby worms being born into the world. The wriggling builds as more and more hatch - it's an absolutely bizzare sensation, and not one that she'd really like to repeat - and finally the first brave individual slide to the front of her vagina. Of course, stuck like this Eve is powerless to do anything, and the newly-hatched infant slides from its wet home, and falls to the cave floor below, landing harmless in the slime. More soon follow, and before long it feels like hundreds are pouring from both her orifices - ironic, considering the heavy rain still pouring onto her face. The feeling intensifies, as the slippery customers make their escape, and Eve begins panting and squirming.

Eventually, the last worm drops from her sopping ass - God, that slime will never come out of my skirt, Eve reflects - and Eve has time to focus on her predicament. There doesn't seem to be any immediately obvious solution...

"Hey! What the...? It's her!". Looking round, Eve sees the voice comes from... oh, for God's sake. Sodding Goblins.
"Well look what we got here, Inh." snickers one of the pair. "Looks like that witch we was chasin' earlier's gone an' got herself all stuck-up, like."
The other one - shorter, stumpier, and slightly greener than his friend - only giggles in response.

It's the giggling that does it. A rage flares in Eve, a rage like she's never felt before. The deep, burning fury rages in her brain, and she's overcome with the urge for just one thing: revenge. Fuck these short, lying cunts. Fuck this stupid, green cess-pit of a jungle.

"Jeirda!" Eve screams - a spell she wasn't even aware she knew - and roars as the rock imprisoning her waist shatters and falls into the pit below. Swinging out on her arms, she leaps to her feet and draws her sword in a quick blur, leveling it at the nearest Goblin's head.

"Any last words?" she spits at the nearest Goblin - her voice strangely level, despite the fact her arm is shaking with rage.
A dark stain begins to spread out on the front of Goblin's loincloth, and he can only look up at Eve standing over him, fury practically blazing in the air.
His mouth opens, but the words are drowned out - an ungodly screech comes from behind him. Looking up, Eve sees the perpetrator; a huge, bipedal bird. She knows this species; vestigal wings, but thick, muscly, scaled legs, perfect for chasing prey. Shiny, green feathers cover the neck, wings and back, although the neck is both long and thick. The head is the terrifying part - it seems to be almost entirely beak - heavy, thick and sharp. And the fact it's a good two and a half metres above the ground. Small, squinty eyes focus on Eve, and the bird squawks again.

What's the plan?

Option A) Initiate combat with the bird. C'mon, we can take this thing! Ignore the Goblins, though.
Option A1) Focus mainly on sword-play.
Option A2) Focus mainly on magic. Saves getting too close to that massive head.

Option B) Kill both Goblins in one swift move, then offer up the corpses as an offering. It might leave us alone.

Option C) Run away. OK, it's designed for running, but we could probably hold it off with spells, and escape up a tree.

Option D) Wait. Maybe it wont attack, or maybe the Goblins have a plan. Let's not act in haste.

HP: 50/50
MP: 105/110 - (natural recovery and rock breaking spell balance out)
Corruption: 33/?

Spell list updated!

Heal I
Fire Bolt I
Fire Bolt II
Thunder Bolt I
Ice Bolt I
Break Blast (most effective on hard objects that can shatter).

- Bad Luck I
- Bad Luck II
- Flexible Shadow I

Gastornis, by the way. With touches of some Phorusrhacids.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A2, asking the goblins to help us fight the beast (temporary truce).

However, C if the goblins refuse/run away. With any luck we won't have to outrun the bird, just the goblins.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A2, asking the goblins to help us fight the beast (temporary truce).

However, C if the goblins refuse/run away. With any luck we won't have to outrun the bird, just the goblins.

Just C. Use Bad Luck II on them to make them easier prey! If the bird find our sexy ass to be a more tasty option, use Bad Luck II on it.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

A1! Fuck em Up, and make sure to kill Everything...
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Fuck yes, I love Shatter!

Set that faggot bird on fire with Burnbolt 2. Once it's dealt with and we have dinner, capture yon gobbos for interrogation, asking where the fuck the macguffin is. If they also say the cave, then we oughta come back when we're better equipped.