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Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 22/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

Yep, and you're right, it takes place about three hours ahead of where you are now.

The demon seems awestruck by Sables actions as she reaches down and begins playing with his member, which isn't much different form a normal human cock, save for the fact that its owner happened to have grey skin. His hands cease to move on her breasts as she strokes him, and his cock quickly goes form a slight erection to fully erect in her hand after only a few seconds. The demon doesn't reply for a moment after she speaks, until he says; "Mistress..... If you would grant me but one night with you, I would serve you for eternity!" The creature keeps his craven demeanor, despite Sables attentions, though his features and mannerisms are still too alien for either of the women to detect whether he is in earnest. It seems likely, however, that Sables actions are making him a bit more sincere.

Eleas attention is drawn back toward the direction of the demons camp, as she can hear a series of roars and cries coming toward them from vaguely that direction, indicating that another group of demons was closing in on them, though they still had time to do more preparations.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

The sudden cries of the incoming demonic horde snaps Elea's attention away from Sable and the stalker's lewd performance. "They're coming," she thinks soberly over the mental link. After quick glance back at Sable, she grins and adds, "And from the looks of it, he will be soon too. Maybe if you make him wait until after the battle, he'll fight harder."

Her eyes sweep over the scene of the previous battle and she sets off doing what she can to reset the simple traps that had been tripped. While doing so, she also looks over the area, trying to see if there's anything she can do to create more areas that she can take cover behind to better utilize her stealth-based training. In addition she focuses her spirit, knowing that with her near total defeat in the last battle, she will need every advantage she has to have a fighting chance against the next wave of enemies.

(Reset traps if possible, maybe knock over or move things to make more spots she can hide behind. Before the enemies arrive, Elea will use Blessing 3)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable chuckles softly as she gives the little demon another kiss on the cheek, smiling softly at him. "You ask for so little in exchange for your life. It makes me fear you are insincere, my would-be follower." the catgirl chided, her hand slipping away from the demon's member and she began to take several steps off, waving him off almost dismissively.

"Prove your worth. Show me you are mine in body. And after this little scuffle, I shall test your mind and soul... if what you say is true, my body shall be yours for a night of bliss... yours, and anyone else who willingly gives themselves to me completely. No doubts, no double dealing, no betrayal. Simply... to be mine." she spoke as she gracefully walked off, "Tell your brethren as they arrive. I am unbiased by what they are. I merely demand full obedience, and knowledge you will not betray me the moment you fear something stronger has come along... Now stand firm against your fellow demons and praise my name to them... Tell them Sable is your new leader, and they may join me as well..."

Sable was still acting in that grand way, but her time as a slave made her cringe. Elea would feel through the link that as wild of a promise as it was, the catgirl would keep it, was compelled to keep it. "Our friend won't convert any... not in honest... Matthias can read his mind to tell if his words are sincere... if he is.. well..." Sable blushed at this, having never considered this more than an act. She was almost certain the beast would betray them, though hopefully not before offering some minor assistance in the battle to come.

A slightly queasy filling filled the woman as she quietly thought through the link, "I wonder if it's better that none of them follow, and this battle rages on needlessly for until Matthias returns... or if it's better they all convert... it'd be quite the army, but ..." her words cut short, and it was obvious where her train of thought was headed.

Trying to shake it from her mind, Sable returned to casting scorching mines across the area as soon as her follower turned to obey her... she just hoped he'd do it quickly, as their moments before the battle were drawing thin.

(Sable has completely abandoned the gloves and boots, slipping out of them and her attention on morale of her follower, ordering him, and setting her mines.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 38/43, Blessing 3
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 22/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

The stalker wizard replies; "Yes mistress! I will try, but I fear that none of my brethren that currently head this way will listen to my words. Many are little more than animals in intellect, and will not listen to what I say over the words of their superiors." And, with that, he turned toward where the demons were coming form and stepped forward past the line of mines that Sable had begun to re-assemble. She quickly had the mines restored to their full complement, while Elea managed to repair one of the traps that had dropped a small stand on a passing stalker, ensuring that the demon was finished in the process, as well as one of the snares. Then, as she moved up to rejoin Sable, she saw the first of the demons that comprised the next wave come around the corner eighty feet ahead. It wasn't long before Sable spotted them as well, and they watched as the next wave came forth to attack those that had dared assault their sanctuary.

Ten of the small clawed demons came first, with a group of four hellhounds coming in right behind them. Taking up the rear were six insect-like monsters with a swarm of writhing tentacles sprouting from their backs, each of them tipped with some viscous weapon or disturbingly familiar rounded end. The stalker they'd 'turned' began shouting to them in its native tongue as they charged, the closest of the demons within sixty feet of them and forty of him as the two women watched. Neither of them could understand what Sables servant was saying, but they guessed that he was trying to convince the charging demons to stand down and join him in serving the cat-woman, and talking of the reward that was to follow for him after the battle. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to be deterring the hellhounds one bit, and the rest had never been anything more than beasts as far as Sable or Elea knew.

Elea stands behind cover, using a stand covered in rotting bread to hide her form the demons sight as she and Sable stand ten feet back from the line of her magical land mines, and twenty back from their demon ally as he tries, ineffectively, to convert more of his kind to their cause.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"That's enough." Sable called out with her booming voice again, "You've spoken to them. Now they either bow in my mercy, or perish in my fire... Come stand beside me." she told her follower,knowing if he came straight towards her, he'd be safe from the many multitudes of mines.

Sable knew all too well, if it came down to just the mines, a few lightning bolts, and her questionable lackey, between herself being made into this group's latest victim, or making it out without the need for a long, long bath afterwards, then she'd find herself tongue-bathing for hours against the onslaught of enemies approaching.

She needed an edge. She needed something that would declare herself as an unrivaled queen. She needed... Her eyes glanced upon the spiked black metal glove that had been recently tossed aside. "if only I had something so dark as my own... something... menacing... forboding... spiked... .s...pi...ke...ed.... wait..."

Sable's grin turned into a wicked one of glee. With her minion hopefully following her order, she raised hands to the air and began to chant softly, showing off her body with slow fingers tracing over her curves, cupping her breasts and almost dancing out the motions of her spell like a stripper performing for a crowd... It was a pity the group had no idea what was in store for them, as she began to mentally resculpt the landscape, her spell making sure that what her mind created, the world around her would follow.

(Shape Stone, Nature level 4 spell.)

Purring in the release of her magic, she let her mind drift over the area, she was almost ashamed she hadn't thought of this before... If she was to play a goddess, she needed to really ham it up.

First, rows of slender stone pillars erupted ahead of her, forming two perfect lines down the center of the street, 'perfect' in that they narrowed ever so slightly with each set, making any group trying to rush her need to gradually form a line to do battle, the first step of her ploy, encouraging the attackers to divvy off into three groups... a section on either side of center, which would run headlong into scorching mines, and a central group, that would be forced to cluster close enough together she could lightning-bolt the lot of them.

The pillars would be thin, but firm, her spell not having the power to create full walls for this stage of her plan, at least not within the time she had left to enact it.

Following the pillars, large stone spikes would begin to emerge from the ground, seeming well scattered, as if their job was merely another deterrent, something that would get more of her foes to back away... though quietly, she added a few 'special' rows of these violently dangerous spikes. Every single scorching mine she laid was settled over delicately, the spikes barely attached, so the slightest bump would knock it loose, and with the explosion of a mine, it would turn the once stationary lump of stone, into a hurtling projectile of death, every single mine perfectly surrounded so the spikes would tear apart as many enemies as possible, if she was lucky, perhaps even launch more of those spikes deep into the enemy ranks, while on her side of the mines, they were, not just completely bare, but actually sealed over the backside to reinforce the direction of the blast, imitating the concepts used in her gun to fire the bullets, giving the force of the explosion nowhere to escape, to create an explosive chamber that would fire off the spikes at a far more violent and deadly manner.

Her final task was to create a small stone pillar of sorts, for herself to leap upon behind herself, a playful wink encouraging her foes to come at her as she sat legs crossed, and breasts bared still, waiting for the slaughter to begin. "MMmh, my little follower. If anything should pass those two final pillars without having bowed and pledged loyalty to me first, burn them to a crisp... Do not fear. You are protected."

(.... o.m.g. It's times like this when I know where that whole "Munchkin" concept came from. And I hate to say it, but I am one sometimes.)
(Math behind how this all works out to set this up in 2 turns based on a 20 cubic feet (cu.ft.) shape-stone per turn.)

(Mmmh, rough math... 1 foot diameter pillars, about 7 feet tall. (0.5^2 x3.14 x5), Say 8 of them, 4 on either side of the road, slowly narrowing and forcing the group to gather. (8.8 cu.ft.) Cone (spike shape) formula is 1/3 a cylinder. So I could create 2.5 foot long spikes with around a 6 inch diameter base, for about 0.16~ cu.ft per spike. Or adjusting to a 3 inch base and 1 foot spike for the mines, makes them 1/10th that. Or 0.016~. Assuming 30 small spikes per mine, and 10 mines, that's 300 smaller spikes, costing 4.8 cu.ft. (can assume 6 including reinforcing the structure for better firing), leaving 5.2 cu.ft for other spikes, or about 32 spikes scattered menacingly across Sable's new temple to herself, in turn 1.

Turn 2... Unless the enemies can close the 80 foot gap in a single round... Will add another 100~ or so spikes to the "temple", forcing enemies to run down a gauntlet of death and destruction, or try to find another way around, forcing them to take substantially longer to reach Sable, Elea, and our new lackey. The remaining 4 cu.ft from turn 2 is used to forge herself her pedistal/throne.)

(Results of Sable's spell if allowed to go on for 2 turns, until the enemy nears her enough to fall into the 20-30 foot stretch she's effecting.)
(Scorching mines are now set to detonate with a rain of 30 spikes towards the enemy group whenever one pops.

8 pillars along the street are forcing the enemies to choose their paths, into the mines or up the center.

and approximately 15 enormous fucking spikes are lined across and around each pillar (130 total), further complicating and making it difficult for any enemy to approach without suffering even more injury. While Sable attempts to get her minion to guard the center... Which is, ironically, the closest thing this whole setup has to a weak point... as it funnels enemies into a straight line before Sable if they're foolish enough to take that path.

Even if the enemies attempt to go around, that only adds to their delay, and gives Sable time to setup more while killing the ones coming into her Temple Of Death (tm).)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea calmly crouches behind her cover, bow and arrow ready as she watches the demon attempt to convert the approaching beasts. 'That's a big group for us to fight, if he even manages to convince one not to assist us, it would be of great help,' she thinks grimly. 'But on the other hand, would you really want to have to keep your promise to all of those things?' Elea's normally focused mind begins to drift to thoughts of what such a promise would entail, to satisfy so many of the creatures. Hours and hours...

Shaking her head, the elf once more turns her attention to the coming danger. They were too far away for her to start thinning their ranks, so she merely waits, trying to pick out which of the beasts seem the strongest. Although the ant-like creatures seem particularly dangerous, as well as well suited to the lewd practices of the demons, her earlier experience with the demonic hounds lead her to conclude that they were the biggest threat.

(wait >.>)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 36/43, Blessing 3
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 16/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

(Math seems a bit off to me on the 8 pillars, but I'll give it to you anyway because I can. The limit was more a guideline than a rule anyway.)

Casting: 9 + 24 + 12 + 3 = 48 vs 30 == Success.

Sables new ally turns and rushes back behind her line of mines, narrowly missing setting one of them off as he passes. He turns as he reaches her, and stands next to her as the rush of demons continues toward them, and starts and jumps away from her as she rises, her new plan fully in her mind. He backs away slightly and watches her dance, another odd expression on his face, and gasps as a series of eight stone pillars erupt from the ground in line with the mines, followed by a series of spikes, as the stone forming the street and the ground beneath it is risen up. Not only does this provide a barrier to funnel the demons through, but weakens the ground beneath the series of traps, so that it might collapse into whatever was below it if too many of her mines go off. Her supplies of energy were beginning to stretch thin, however, and she knew that she likely couldn't keep doing things like this forever. Her temple had been built rather successfully, however, and would funnel the demons into lines that she and her allies could more easily deal with.

By the time her shaping is complete, the demons have come within forty feet of the group, the hellhounds having broken even with the clawed demons. Suddenly, each of the wolf-like demons emits a loud howl, and a black carapace forms over their flesh, giving the demons added protection. If Sables magics or the stalkers words had deterred any of the demons, none of them could see it.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

It's obvious to the ranger that none of the demons are responding to the attempt at diplomacy. "They may be interested in your offer," she thinks to her companion, "but I'm guessing they wish it on their terms." Elea calmly draws an arrow from her quiver and presses it against the bow string. "I believe it's time to start dissuading them of that notion." With that, the elf springs from cover and unleashes the arrow towards the head of the nearest of the hounds, hoping to bring it down before it could set off any of the mines. Hopefully she could kill some of the stronger creatures, and let the weaker ones destroy themselves with Sable's traps. As soon as the arrow left her bow, Elea ducks back down, hoping none of the creatures notice her.

(attack one of the hellhounds, stealth again)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable laughed softly, an inward laugh that would be heard through the link, but nothing else. Her internal voice seemed tired, as if she was exhausting herself, despite her external appearance taking that same bold front, looking unfazed by the sheer amount of magical energies she was expending. If thoughts and subtle emotions were transmitted through the link, then Elea would feel it. The poor catgirl only had a couple more fancy displays of power left before she'd need to fall back on more mundane skills.

"I'm glad one of us thinks we can stop them... I don't think I could take the kind of fucking they want to give me for long otherwise." she uttered weakly through the link, only realizing after that first arrow let fly that she'd neglected restoring the rolling mists over the area, whispering the weak spell in a hope of doing something without further hurting her energy reserves.

Her eyes quickly turned to her follower though as he neared her, giving him a soft hug to her bare body and teasingly whispering into his ear, "Don't worry too much about them... you're safe with me. Now let's see what you can do... cast something upon my foes."

(Cast Rolling Mists, order stalker mage to cast at the enemy group.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 36/43, Blessing 3
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 16/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

Casting: Success.

A wave of mists rolls out at Sables calling, concealing her, as the demons come within twenty feet, just on the far border of her fortifications. The tentacled creatures seem to be falling behind the rest, however, being thirty feet away. Meanwhile, the stalker begins uttering something in its strange language.

Casting: Success.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 6 - 4 - 18 = 0 damage.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 6 - 3 = 8 damage.

The stalkers magic calls up a cone of searing light that sears the flesh of the creatures charging toward them, making the smaller ones screech in pain. The hellhounds, however, don't even seem to notice the light through their black armor.

Stealth: Success.
Damage: 2 + 18 = 20 x 2 = 40 - 4 - 18 = 18 damage.

Eleas darts out of hiding, looses an arrow, and ducks back into hiding without being seen, and her shot strikes the lead hellhound in the shoulder, penetrating its armor and sinking into its flesh. The creatures roars and continues on, despite the injury.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable purred lustfully as she reached out and stroked her good little follower's cheek, whispering soft nothings in his ear as she ran her fingertips over her own body, trying to remain as aloof and unconcerned seeming about the oncoming attackers as possible...

In truth, she was only half atop of her demonic follower so she could keep her eyes on the oncoming enemies, one fist balled up and carefully waiting... if she'd planned this right, she would have one shot... maybe two left in her, to wipe out the entire group... if this failed, she knew things would turn very bad, very fast...

She laughed playfully in the stalker mage's ear, drawing his fingertips back after his spell to cradle her cheek as she spoke, "Mmmh, is that really your best? Did you actually expect to harm me with such a pretty light show, or am I giving you... performance anxiety?" she murmured in his ear as her fingers traced down his body once more, "Cast again... this time with... feeling..." she told him, as her eyes counted down the pillars... by the time the group reached the edge of her spiked death-trap, they still, hopefully, would be unaware of just what she had in store for them...

Now, she waited... if they split off, her mines would hopefully slay the ones rushing up the outlaying sections... while the ones coming straight up the center, she needed just another moment for... waiting for the entire lot of them to line up... a spell softly chanted under her breath, whispered words of lightning magic caressing her stalker mage's ears, "Cast with me, my loyal follower..." she cooed at him, the lightning magics building up in her outstretched palm as she pressed her warm furred body around him, drawing him back into her lap and encouraging him like a mother teaching a child, her body bared to his every touch and whim as only her commanding will kept him in line while the spells prepared to finish the task of wiping out this second group...

"Lightning." She whispered into her stalker's ear, encouraging him to recite his own most powerful magics, or even attempt to copy hers...

(Sable is waiting for the enemy to start rushing through her gauntlet of death, while attempting to coax her mage follower to cast something stronger, leading him in casting lightning magic, if he's capable of following.

Cast Lightning (level 4 lightning magic) when the last of the group enters her pillars, hoping they'll line up so she can simply unload on the group. >:3 )
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea watches as her arrow strikes the hounds shoulders, disappointed that her aim had been off, but also that the beasts armor had absorbed so much of the blow. Ducking back behind cover, she takes a moment to prepare for another strike, then leaps out again, another arrow speeding away from her, though this time she aims at a different hound. Rather than simply continue to attack the same target again and again, Elea sens her arrow at the next closest hellhound, aiming the arrow for the creature's legs, in an attempt to slow them down. As soon as she does, she once again ducks behind her cover, sticking closely to the guerrilla training she had received from the rangers.

(attack next closest hellhound)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 36/43, Blessing 3
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 10/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

Stealth: Success.
Damage: 4 + 18 = 22 x 2 = 44 - 4 - 18 = 22 damage.

Eleas second arrow strikes a hellhound in the ankle, penetrating its armor, and its falls dramatically to the ground, causing another of its kind to get tangled up in its flailing body as it yelps in pain. It's far form dead, but it had clearly halted its advance.

Suddenly, the first of the creatures go though Sables gauntlet, and several of the mines go off at the same time. A torrent of spikes shoots out and tears into the advancing demons, slaying every single one of the smaller clawed creatures, as well as two of the four hellhounds. Unfortunately, now there is a hole in the wall, which the two remaining hellhounds immediately head for once they are untangled form one another, as well as the six tentacled insects that had gone through the blast unharmed, having been out of range of the deadly spikes. They were, however, still ten feet away form the barrier by the time Sables spell went off, and all in a line.

Casting: Success.
Damage: Lots (What can I say, I'm lazy.)

Sables lightning bolt strikes the two hellhounds, as well as two of the lesser tentacled demons, and she watches as one of the massive beasts joins its brethren as a fleshless skeleton on the ground, the beasts having done just like the ones before and evaporated once they died. The two tentacled demons simply explode, while the last hellhound drops, its armor disappearing, as it was clearly on the way to joining its comrade. The tentacled demons, four remaining, keep on coming, the unintelligent creatures clearly unaware or uncaring of the death of their comrades.

Casting: Success.
Damage: 6 + 6 = 12 x 2 = 24 damage.

The demon wizard sends out a ball of flame, which streaks out and explodes as it reaches the pair of the tentacled demons on the right, immolating them. The demons come out of the blast alive, but are clearly badly injured, especially because they are still on fire. Afterwards, he says; "I prefer fire, mistress."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable shivered after casting her spell, the strain of repeatedly expending her power and cycling magic through herself was starting to show, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

She leaned more heavily upon the demon follower of hers, arms wrapped softly about him for a moment so she could recompose herself, her voice raspy and weak, as she found her eyes half lidded, feeling as if she would pass out at any moment, even her background thoughts through the mental link were starting to diminish as she was less and less able to keep her mind on the battle and in the thick of things.

"Elea... I need some help here... my magic may not be as harshly backlashing as when I cast chain lightning, but my strength is leaving me... if I keep this up much longer, I'm going to collapse right into the arms... tentacles... of these demons... what do I do... if I don't keep casting, they'll be on me... and I'm exposed as not being as powerful as I claimed... but if I keep casting, I'm just going to collapse anyhow at this rate... I'm... out of ideas..." Her voice through the mental link was slowed, strained and difficult to keep her words in check, at the rate this fight was going, it would be her last for the time, and she'd be lucky to end it before losing consciousness.

"mmh... fire it is, my little one..." she whispered into the demon's ear, starting to chant gently again, the words slower and less practiced, and if fire was one of the demon's specialties, he might've noticed her limited talent with the different element as she cast...

One hand resting heavily upon the demon's shoulder, Sable stepped forward to just barely ahead of her follower, her sweat-drenched body panting hard as she forced what magic efforts she had left together, her nude body shivering against the backdrop of carnage that she'd caused thus far. "f.flame.." she whispered out, back arching and her hand not using her follower for support was thrust outward, fingertips spread wide as a focus for the spell, a stream of ruthless fire splashing outward from her palm, cascading over the ruins of her hastily made temple and the final foes of this attack... (Flame, level 3 fire spell. Stream casting: 90 degree arc, 10 foot radius. Enemies cannot push through without high fire resistance, as per spell description.)

Exhausted, and straining the last of her magic as a combination of a powerful attack, and a defensive barrier, Sable's eyes closed tightly, and her entire concentration locked onto maintaining the magic, her eyes fluttering open from second to second to try to adjust the direction of her fire to ensure the enemy would be destroyed, and hope she could dodge any incoming counter-attacks, but in her hazy state, she knew that any retaliation would more than likely be the end of her participation in this fight, knowing her final ounces of strength would be used to try to avoid being captured by those tentacles and leaving the fight in Elea's hands... and in the hands of the demon that she was leaning against for support, realizing all too well that she was completely undefended against him should he turn on her...

(Fighting at -5 to hit, +10 dodge, if allowed. RP fluff is RP fluff.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea ducks behind her cover once again, peeking out just enough to watch the demonic hounds stumble over each other. She smiles at their fumble but makes no sound to celebrate. 'They might be fearsome, but they are still beings of flesh, and share the same weaknesses as anything of our world,' she comments gleefully over the link. Almost as soon as she finishes her mental smirk, however, the magic of both Elea and the demon spear out at their attacked.

Wide eyed, Elea watches as more than half of their attackers are swallowed up in Sable's expertly crafted trap, and then rocked by streaks of lightning and fire. When the terrible display is done, only a handful of demons remain, and Elea is once again left in awe of Sable's power. Even if she hadn't been attempting to remain hidden, the elf, schooled in nature and the strength of a wall aimed arrow, is unable to muster any words to describe what she had witnessed. Sable's increasingly weakened state, now undeniably evident over the mental link, however, rocks Elea from her stupor. Looking over at the catwoman as she expresses her worry, the elf's jaw sets as she decides to do as she promised and protect Sable, no matter the cost.

'Rest, Sable,' Elea says, laying down her bow and drawing her sword from it's sheath silently. 'Retreat to our fallback position and try to regain your strength' Though the catwoman says nothing over the link, Elea can feel her concern about both the demon attackers and their stalker 'ally.' 'Tell him to stay with me.' She thinks, though she doesn't specify if she wants the stalker to stay to help her fight, or so she can finish the creature off before it can do anything with Sable. With her eyes set firmly on the remaining demons, Elea prepares herself for what she is about to do. 'I will make sure none of them reach you."

With her spiritually enhanced strength, Elea screams as she flings herself against the wooden stand she had been hiding behind. With all her might she pushes, hoping to send the cart hurtling down the steps of Sable's magic-forged temple to land between the demons and her companion, blocking their progress towards the catwoman. Now in full view and likely catching the eye of at least one of their attackers, the elf rushes towards the incoming monsters, sword held out away from her as she readies herself for an arcing swing at the creatures, while counting on her speed and the suddenness of her appearance to prevent her targets from catching her.

(knock over the cart into the path of the tentacle demons, if possible, then move forward to attack the most injured one [or the closest]. fight with -9 to-hit, +18 dodge [offset blessing to-hit bonus])
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 34/43, Blessing 3
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 4/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

Casting: Success.
Damage: 6 + 8 = 14 x 2 = 28 damage.

Sables stream of flame takes two of the tentacled horrors and envelopes them, pushing them back and away from Sable and her demon ally. The flames char the creatures flesh, and the demons emit high pitched screams of pain that grate at the combatants ears, but they remain standing, injured but not dead. Elea, meanwhile, pushes aside the stand she'd been using as cover, blocking the other two tentacled creatures form reaching her companions, but leaving herself as the only one they could get to.

To-hit: 15 + 36 + 10 + 9 - 9 = 61 vs 25 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 12 = 18 damage.

Elea rushes forward and slashes across one of the tentacled creatures backs in a wide arc, her elven blade slashing easily through the first row of tentacles on its back, causing it to screech in pain just like its comrades stuck within Sables flame.

Casting: Success.
Damage: 6 + 4 = 10 damage.

If her strange new ally noticed that Sable was leaning on it a bit more heavily than before, he didn't show it, and immediately began casting once more, intent on stopping its new masters enemies form reaching her. The stalker mage stretches out his hand toward one of the demons Sable held in her flame, the fire gradually weakening as Sables energy and concentration waned. The tentacled creature he'd pointed toward suddenly stops screeching, and it halts its pathetic attempt to advance through Sables spell. Then, after another second, the demon simply explodes, showering the area in icy cold and strangely solid chunks of it.

To-hit: 6 + 44 = 50 vs 45 + 18 = 63 == Miss.
To-hit: 7 + 44 = 51 vs 45 + 18 = 63 == Miss.

Both of the demons up against Elea lash out at her with their writhing tentacles, but the nimble elf dodges out of the way of both demons attacks. The one remaining in front of Sable and her demonic ally is unable to advance any closer than ten feet thanks to Sables spell, and the last hellhound is limping away pathetically, no longer interested in a fight.

(Current battlefield: 2 up against Elea, 1 up against Sable and stalker, which is badly injured. An obstruction prevents Sable and stalker from attacking the demons in front of Elea.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable's mind was wandering without her realizing it, exhaustion giving way to dirty thoughts as she stood nude in the town, soft images flashing through her mind of her master and their friends, silly sexual games of children, daring one another to remove their clothes or kiss...

Her mind snapped back into focus just before she lost her spell, redoubling her efforts and forcing the wave of flames over the hound that still insisted on a fight while forcing herself to her feet and walking towards it, and Elea, hissing dominantly, "BAD PUPPY! Go on! Get back!" she demanded of the thing and only if it refused to comply would she rush it and finish the task, burning it to a crisp while trying to move into position to do the same to the pair facing off against the elf.

Her eyes caught the single hellhound in retreat though, and instantly she grinned to herself, "Oh Elea... I think we may have another pet, if we play nicely with the injured one." her mental link cooed softly... at this point, Sable couldn't even tell if she was having brilliant ideas, or scatterbrained, magical power-emptied thoughts that were pure nonsense.

One way or another though, as her flames began to die out for a second time, it was fairly obvious to her that this was the end of her rope. She could only hope that the battle was finally at an end by the time her magical flames cleared.

(Hold flames for a round, attempt to use it to strike at the two fighting Elea.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

With the mass of tentacles from the two demons flailing in front of her, the sudden flashes of childhood games surprises Elea, though she keeps her mind focused on the battle before her. Still, the images bring to mind her own experiences, somewhat more innocent, but still as playful.

Sable's soft but sleepy comment over the link brings more memories to mind, though these less childish. The thins she had seen of nature in her time living in it, as well as the training her ranger masters had given her, attempting to prepare her for every outcome in battle... The recollections embarrass her, arouse her, but also spur her on to fight harder. "If you keep taking pets like these, you won't have a chance to sleep tonight," she thinks, a friendly jab at the woman's plan, "And I'm not going to carry you out of here."

With both of the demons seemingly unable to catch her, Elea presses the attack, leaping in again to make another swipe at the already injured demon.

(attack the injured tentacle demon. keep -9 to-hit, +18 dodge)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 32/43, Blessing 3
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 3/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

Casting: Success.
Damage: Lethal.

Sable keeps her flames focused on the demon in front of her even as her powers begin to wane. The creatures screams cease after another few seconds in the flame, and its charred corpse drops to the ground. Unfortunately, the stand Elea had pushed over kept her form turning her dying fire onto the demons facing her elven ally. Despite her advancement, Sable can't quite get the hellhound into her flame, despite the fact that it was just as weakened, if not more so, than she was. If she took another moment to keep her spell up, however, she could easily slay the limping demon, keeping it from fleeing and harming another.

To-hit: 2 + 36 + 10 + 9 - 9 = 48 vs 25 == Hit.
Damage: 4 + 12 = 16 damage.

Eleas second strike hits the demon in the jaw, cutting off its screech of pain and turning it into a pained gurgle. It teeters for a moment before collapsing onto its side, its tentacles going limp as its brown blood flowed out of the wounds Elea had inflicted on it.

To-hit: 2 + 44 = 46 vs 45 + 18 = 63 == Miss.

The remaining tentacled demon reaches out toward Elea again, but its tentacles don't even come close to touching her. The badly wounded hellhound continues to try and limp away form the fight, but it doesn't get far. The demon wizard, meanwhile, began supporting Sable in full, holding her up and helping her along toward the fleeing hellhound.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable's hand withdrew as the flames stopped, letting the last whisps of fire erupt off into nothing, having slain all but the final few hellhounds... her mental focus waning and all of her support spells faltering, quickly dropping as she let her mind rest and wander, needing time to recover.

"Mmh... This body has it's limits contorting and directing the flow of magics..." she whispered, half ironically as if implying that she was greater than that, half truthfully, declaring simply that she had little power left to give.

She gently stood of her own accord and leaned back against one of the pillars she'd created, softly nestled between the spikes and purring at the support of the structure while she motioned for her demon companion to go assist Elea, "Help the elf some... I've had enough playtime for now." she grinned as she spoke, a silly grin over how well her plans had worked, and how effective she was so far, in sharp contrast to her exhausted appearance and near helplessness now.

"Elea... I'm sorry... if I push this fight any longer, I'll soon become more of a burden than my couple moments of assistance would have been worth... I told the demon to help you, but you're mostly on your own..." Sable's last mental communication before her mind drifted off slowly, basking in comforting memories of leisurely days of magic study, climbed up a tree with a book nestled against her bussom while she recited the simple words of magic over and over, committing them to memory... the words instinctively coming to her lips, as if retracing the steps of her power and trying to fix her diminished magical presence, while letting her mind and body restore themselves.

(actions: drop all magics, order stalker mage to assist Elea. begin to rest/recover.)