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Lorelai (Zilrax)

Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

There was a brief communication this time, with the Countess projecting "I do what I must, you do what you must. In the end, one of us will move on from this day. But never, ever quit on a fight regardless of how hopeless it seems. Perhaps one day that advice will save your soul."

For the briefest of moments, Lorelai might have the distinct impression that this last communication had been partly from the demon controlling the shell of the woman the Countess had once been, but that the very end of it had most definitely been from the woman her foe had once been, and not the demon. Or perhaps some blending of both. Could it be that some of these turned creatures retained enough of the original person to be nigh inseparable, or impossible to distinguish between one or the other?

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 28 vs. Countess: 17

Lorelai breaks free!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 1 vs. Countess: 8

Lorelai misses her shot, but her spirit deals 50 damage! The Countess has 720 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Countess: 14 vs. Lorelai: 6

Once more the Countess grabs Lorelai!

Free Lorelai Attempts:

Melissa: 2 vs. Countess: 15
Melissa: 24 vs. Countess: 3

Melissa frees her friend on the second try, but the round is almost wasted with little damage dealt.


1: Attack and ... think?

2: Just die already!

3: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai blinked at the communication, nodding. "I've never been a quitter. When a problem confronts me, I go around it if I cannot go through. Multiple solutions to any problem. But I never give up on it."

A slight replay of the previous round played out as they both struggled their greatest for victory. She refused to give up though. She felt sorry for the countess but she could ill afford to give in for sake. The nature of the situation made mercy an unfortunate luxury she could ill afford. She'd be very glad to throw Thrembrikul, or whatever his name was, down so she can actually grant mercy to someone.

But for now she tried to get loose so she can end this fight once and for all.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai: 19 vs. Countess: 29
Lorelai: 23 vs. Countess: 16

Lorelai is finally able to free herself, and her spirit immediately deals 50 damage, leaving the Countess with 720 HP.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 4 vs. Countess: 12
Melissa: 10 vs. Countess: 4

Melissa lands her second hit, her smite spell for 800 damage and KILLS the Countess finally!

As the Countess dies, there was a brief moment where reality seemed to distort around the three of them, and suddenly some kind of energy erupted from the body of the Countess. It erupted in a blinding white light, momentarily blinding the two women. When it died down, they might be shocked to see a woman standing before them, a spirit it seemed.

"Thank you. For far too long I was a prisoner of that shell, forced into watching what it used my old body for. In death, I have finally found the peace I never thought would be possible. My time is short though, as I feel the call of what lies beyond this world... Before I go though, I wanted to thank you both, and to give you warning. Andariel, the one who corrupted me, she is extremely powerful, and very old. Andariel is an enormous succubus creature who has, quite literally, corrupted entire worlds by herself. Do not take her lightly, and try not to let her touch you. I misjudged her when I fought her, and that was my undoing. Watch each others back, and you have a chance. I was alone during my fight, and as I said, I underestimated Andariel's strength, and skills. Please ... do not make the same mistake I did. I wish you both the best of luck. If you return to Earth ... well, by now nothing of my old life exists anymore. It is unlikely after nearly 1,300 years anything remains of who I was. Farewell my friends ..."

A moment later she faded from existence, leaving the two women there alone. After she was gone, Melissa blinked.

"1,300 years? How has this been going on for so long without anyone having noticed before? Is this overlord here that powerful that he's been able to keep it hidden for so long? I just ..."

She trailed off, completely stunned by what she had just heard.

Loot Phase:

Tar Demoness: Full MP Potion.

Tar Demon: Nothing.

Demonic Bug: Full HP Potion.

Countess: Full MP Potion.

Taking the potions, both women are now FULL on all potions they can carry!

Both women gain 11,200 XP and reach Level 7!

Shortly after collecting their loot, a spot on the wall opened to reveal another stairway leading down, as well as another fake pussy trap. Melissa slightly rolled her eyes and muttered, "again? Damn things."

Shaking her head she turned to Lorelai.

"Want me to take this one?"


1: Let her do it and then move on.

2: Do it yourself then move on.

3: Let her do it, fondle her from behind while she is and then move on.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai cursed and struggled before booting the Countess off herself, and N'gaasha's claw sent her flying with a back hand, right into Melissa's smite flurry.

The countess' mortal shell was ended in a rather explosive light display, Lorelai grunting as she shielded her eyes a bit from the bright display in the... Wait they were deep underground now with no light sources. How the hell could they see so well?! God damned it, had they replaced their entire bodies?! That... Urgh... New theory...

Listening to the countess, Lorelai nodded. "May your journey to the spirt plane be uninterrupted and be far beyond these creatures grasp." She was starting to wonder if they truly were escaping though...

Looking to Melissa, Lorelai sighs and walks over and hugs the giantess, blushing a bit at the awkwardness of her showing affection and comfort, clearly unused to such displays. "Um, hey. It's not like we didn't know it's been happening a long time... Who knows how far we are from home. I don't even know what an Earth is. But she's right. Together we will overcome our opponents and put an end to this and make a home for ourselves somewhere, right? I mean, all considered we're clearly not even our original species anymore but superficially. Hunger seems almost optional, we only tire infrequently given the distances we travel, we can see in the dark, we heal supernaturally fast. My guess is that we're spirits in some sort of pre-corruption demonic shell. It'd explain how come we're so... Easily absorbing the demonic energies. So I'd say that we can probably survive almost anything heh. I mean I held my breath way longer than I could before. I wonder..."

Lorelai curiously started holding her breath as long as she could as she made her way with Melissa to the device, counting down in her head.

Once they arrived, she'd exhale. "It erm, it is your turn after all... Though if you like I can come with as emotional support or something? I mean, I know how they are but maybe you'd prefer company instead of some isolated violation or something... S'up to you..." She says awkwardly, blushing embarrassedly as she looks a bit aside.

(Let her do it, and if she accepts Lorelai shall hold her hand! Or hips. Course may end up at breasts if she moves her to them since Melissa's arms would be free heh)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

There was, what seemed to be, an amused expression on Melissa's face as Lorelai fumbled for the right words, trying not to chuckle.

"I'll leave that up to you, you know where to find me."

A moment later she walked over to the trap, and after a few moments, it activated.

KP Added: 3,637

The trap immediately made Melissa a futa, and began stroking her. Unlike the previous ones, it didn't madly stroke, but rather it seemed to gently, torturously stroke her at a slow, unwavering pace, even when she had her orgasms! It would stroke her for what seemed like an hour or so before finally releasing the woman, who, to her credit, somehow was still standing. Regardless of what Lorelai had done during this time, Melissa would look back to her and add, "alright, let's get out of here. Deeper under the ground we go!"


1: Move On.

2: other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai tried not to get indignant at Melissa's amusement and huffed a bit. Great. Now she didn't know what to do. She looked aside a bit as Melissa was swooped up into the trap. But this one wasn't the usual frenzy of motion and pleasure, it seemed determined to slowly milk the giantess fully of her seed. Lorelai couldn't help but stare in a slight fascination as Melissa's giantess cock was worked over.

Eventually she came over and indeed held Melissa's hand, not brave enough to go further than that, and simply waited while she "suffered."

Once done, Melissa seemed completely nonplussed though. Lorelai nodded quickly. "Yup, right. Down we go." She started moving, mentally muttering to herself.

The Countess was correct in that together they had a chance, but so much more felt riding on Melissa, the giantess was big, powerful, beautiful, and this hardly seemed to faze her. She could hardly see herself comparing to such, she barely held her temper whenever she got cock milked. Well, nothing for it. She'd just make sure Melissa made it out and solve this issue. She was curious to see just what those lich queens were up to though...
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Moving along, the two women found themselves going further under ground again, Melissa muttering something about hating closed spaces like this. As they moved along, things opened up slightly, and soon enough they realized they were in some kind of underground Catacomb network! As that realization sunk in ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Melissa: 29 vs. Trap: 18
Lorelai: 22 vs. Trap: 26

Melissa suddenly halted as something about the floor didn't seem right, and the sight of 4 enemies appearing made her stop. Unfortunately, Lorelai took that extra step, lost in her internal grumblings, walking into Melissa and knocking them both down into what felt like mud. A sudden sense of Deja Vu hit them, as she might remember the parasites from earlier and ... yup, there it was, that blasted futa cock growing on both women indicating they'd been infected with parasites!

Parasite Status Ailments:

Lorelai: 17: Causes you to become so sensitive to sex that you orgasm every time you have sex for five straight turns.

Melissa: 6: Makes you more sensitive to pleasure for 5 straight turns, causing you to take double the pleasure you normally would.

Lorelai would suddenly feel strange, as if some kind of super powered aphrodisiac had entered her system. A simple touching of her new futa cock would reveal how sensitive it was, so much so that she shuddered to think what might happen if it were sucked, or ridden. Unfortunately, there were enemies to deal with too, and all of them seemed to be female!

Enemy Spawn Info:

Level 9 Succubus: Stamina: 170. Pleasure: 50. HP: 700. Weak to Fire. Special Ability: Sexual Aura (Always on). HP Drains on Orgasm. Uses the Magical Chair Ability.

Level 9 Slime Girl: Stamina: 200. Pleasure: 55. HP: 800. Damage: 20. Weak vs. Lightning: Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Level 7 Virago: Stamina: 185. Pleasure: 65. HP: 800.

Level 9 Tar Demoness: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700. Weak to Fire. Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Initiative Rolls:

Lorelai: 25 (1st)
Melissa: 7 (5th)
Tar Demoness: 23 (2nd)
Succubus: 22 (3rd)
Slime Girl: 5 (Last)
Virago: 17 (4th)


1: Spend your turn and try to remove the Parasite.

2: Try to ignore the Parasite and attack a foe (which one?)

3: Have sex with something!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai moved around as they moved down into some sort of tunnel network, before gasping as she collided with Melissa. "Ah! Sorry, Melissa I didn't... oh no..." Ah crap, not again! Yup, parasites. And of course, wouldn't you know it, demons to follow it up!

She curses, wincing at the aphrodisiac going through her system. "N'gaasha, Shield!" N'gaasha's shield arm came down over Lorelai. She didn't like having to guard herself like this, but she was on a hair trigger it was so bad!

She cursed and aimed a Spirit Thrash at the Virago to follow up, reasoning of all the enemies, she was the one she couldn't exploit a weakness of next turn! She just hoped Melissa was capable of holding out for a bit.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai casts her Barrier Spirit and has 167 MP left.

Lorelai attempts to attack, but the Virago is able to counter it! Fortunately, her barrier spirit knocks back the Virago.

Grapple Attempts:

Tar Demonss: 22 vs. Melissa: 9

Melissa is grabbed, but uses her Impactor to make the Demoness let go in a hurry! The Demoness has 580 HP left.

Succubus: 23 vs. Melissa: 13

The Succubus manages to grab Melissa!

The Virago used it's turn.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 4 vs. Succubus: 10

Melissa can't break free!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Girl: 18 vs. Lorlai: 11

The Slime Girl rams right into Lorelai's barrier, not even trying to tackle her, but just deplete the shield!

((I'll take over for now on certain aspects since she's free obviously)).

Lorelai casts her Lightning Spirit, deciding it would be best to kill the Virago, and then the Slime Girl before tackling the ones weak to fire.

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 9 vs. Virago: 13

Lorelai misses, but her spirit deals 50 damage. The Virago has 750 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Tar Demoness: 7 vs. Lorelai: 5

The Tar Demoness slams into Lorelai's shield without any regard, and it's becoming clear her foes are making a decided effort to take down her shield as fast as possible, knowing they can't get to her until they do.

Penetration Attempt:

Succubus: 13 vs. Melissa: 3

Melissa can't stop the Succubus, who is stronger than she appears, from forcing her into a sitting position into a chair of some kind. As soon as Melissa is sitting in the chair, energy tendrils grab her limbs and restrain her!

Smirking, the Succubus literally climbs into the chair with Melissa and lowers her body onto Melissa's futa cock, sheathing the Chantress inside tight, corrupted demon pussy! Melissa's struggles do no good as the Succubus begins to casually ride her victim, forcing 50 pleasure on Melissa! Melissa gains 120 KP from her rape.

The Succubus has 120 stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 19 vs. Lorelai: 6

The Virago launches herself at Lorelai, slamming into the barrier, depleting it further....

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 16 & 9 vs. Succubus: 15 & 20

Melissa is unable to completely break free of the Magical Chair, and the Succubus easily holds her down, pushing her back into her pussy ride!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Girl: 5 vs. Lorelai: 1

The Slime Girl once more launches herself at the Barrier, depleting it to only one protection left!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 9 vs. Virago: 5

Lorelai manages to land her spell for 300 damage, and her spirit follows up with 300 more for a total of 600. Sadly though, the Virago is STILL standing, although she does have only 150 HP left.

The Tar Demoness tries to hit Lorlai's barrier, but this time the woman is able to counter attack, keeping her shield alive for at least one more attack ... The Tar Demoness takes 400 damage and has 180 left.

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 9 vs. Melissa: 6

Melissa can't stop the Succubus from continuing to ride her, and suffers another 50 Pleasure, gaining 100 KP. She has 157 stamina left.

The Succubus has 70 Stamina left!

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 14 vs. Lorelai: 23

Lorelai dodges this time, keeping her shield alive for now ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 26 & 1 vs. Succubus: 19 & 26

Once again Melissa can't fully escape, and the Succubus just laughs and pushes her back down into the chair, securing her once more and continuing to ride her!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Girl: 22 vs. Lorelai: 25

Again Lorelai dodges, trying to beat the odds!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 24 vs. Virago: 13

Lorelai kills the Virago!

Grapple Attempt:

Tar Demoness: 11 vs. Lorelai: 18

Once more Lorelai dodges, but she knows she might not be able to keep this up forever, and that every shot will count!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 18 vs. Melissa: 12

The Succubus continues to mercilessly ride Melissa, inflicting another 50 Pleasure and 100 KP upon the woman. Melissa has 107 Stamina left.

The Succubus has 20 Stamina!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 4 vs. Succubus: 26

The Succubus continues to keep Melissa in place!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Girl: 9 vs. Lorelai: 22

Another dodge keeps Lorelai alive!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 30 vs. Tar Demoness: 26

Lorelai kills the Tar Demoness, electing to change targets and reduce the number of foes trying to attack her faster!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 17 vs. Melissa: 13

Melissa again is ridden by the Succubus, who has a powerful orgasm around Melissa's captured cock! Melissa suffers 100 Pleasure and gains 200 KP from the rape! She has only 7 Stamina left until she succumbs to an orgasm herself!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 17 vs. Succubus: 25

Melissa can't get free, and the Succubus whispers in her ear, "relax, enjoy having an orgasm inside of me."

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Girl: 12 vs. Lorelai: 20

Lorelai dodges again ....


Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 26 vs. Slime Girl: 20

Lorelai deals 300 Damage, and her Spirit adds 600 More, killing the Slime Girl! Lorelai has somehow survived without being grappled once!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 14 vs. Melissa: 6

Despite Melissa's best efforts, the Succubus easily manages to ride an orgasm out of her! Melissa suffers 50 pleasure and gains 100 KP, but she doesn't give up her seed as the no pregnancy buff kicks in for her! Melissa is in the adrenaline boost state for 8 turns! She has 214 stamina left.

The Succubus has 90 Stamina left. She also takes 514 damage, but is still alive!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 3+10=13 vs. Succubus: 22

Even with her adrenaline flowing, Melissa can't get free!

Parasite Changes:

Lorelai: 5: Contorts itself enough and makes you penetrate your pussy with itself as it acts like a cock, making you rape yourself for five straight turns. Chance of impregnating yourself. (can't be removed during this time, has no effect if you are already having sex but will apply if you break free from it).

Melissa: 10: Causes you to become less durable for five straight turns, halving your stamina, thus making it easier to bring you to an orgasm.

Before Lorelai can do anything, she can feel the parasite change it's affliction upon her, and suddenly her futa cock began moving! Her eyes might widen as suddenly she lost all control over her own body, and the parasite forced her cock to twist in such a way that she felt herself pushing into her own pussy! Then, somehow, she was unwillingly thrusting into her own pussy, feeling it grip her fleshy cock perfectly! Over the next 5 rounds Lorelai suffers 350 pleasure and has an orgasm! She 54 Stamina left, and gained 400 KP! Thanks to the no pregnancy buff, Lorelai doesn't impregnate herself!

During the same 5 rounds, Melissa continues her struggles against the Succubus.

Pleasure Rolls:

Succubus: 11. 10. 22. 7. 16. vs. Melissa: 23+10=33. 6+10=16. 11+10=21. 18+10=28. 1+10=11.

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Melissa: 3+10=13. 13+10=23. 6+10=16. 3+10=13. vs. Succubus: 17. 29. 19. 15.

Melissa suffers 50 pleasure and gains 50 KP. She has 7 stamina left. After resisting for a brief period of time, she's pleasure again, and this time it's too much for her. She can feel the Succubus contract in an orgasm around her cock, intensifying the pleasure. On top of that, the Succubus hits all of her vulnerable spots as well, and Melissa suffers 100 pleasure, gaining another 450 KP as she gives up her seed to the Succubus, impregnating her! Fortunately, her special skill KILLS the Succubus right there, but not before the sheer pleasure of being raped sucks out her adrenaline and completely stuns her for the next 4 rounds. To make matters even worse, the Parasites are about to change again!

Parasite Changes:

Lorelai: 15: Causes you to become obsessed with an enemy currently on the field of play that is free, and you'll let it rape you (instant penetration) for five straight turns. If there was no enemy, you'll become obsessed with having an orgasm somehow, and either rape your companion, or jerk yourself off.

Melissa: 1: Instant 70 pleasure gain for five straight turns + whatever you'd get normally.

Things go from bad to worse as Lorelai has JUST enough clarity to realize the parasites are changing again, before suddenly her mind is filled with nothing but the thought of having an orgasm somehow. All of their foes were dead, and Melissa was laying there helpless, and looked so inviting. Lorelai couldn't stop herself, or the parasite from making her go over to Melissa, and thrust her own cock into Melissa's tight pussy! A shudder went through her as she began effortlessly thrusting away!

Over the 4 rounds Melissa is stunned for, Lorelai experiences 350 pleasure, surprisingly not getting stunned by this as she was the agressor. She also blows her load in an orgasm TWICE inside of Melissa, filling her to the brim with ease. Lorelai impregnates Melissa with demon spawn! Lorelai suffered orgasms on her first and third rounds. Lorelai has 108 stamina left. Lorelai gains 790 KP.

Melissa meanwhile can only lay there helplessly as Lorelai fucks her hard and fast! Melissa suffers 280 pleasure as well, and suffers an orgasm on the third round, intensifying Lorelai's own pleasure! She has 147 stamina left and is pregnant for 19 turns now. Melissa gains 850 KP.

5th and Final Round:

Lorelai: 20 vs. Melissa: 10

Lorelai continues to rape Melissa, and experiences 70 pleasure, gaining 70 KP.

Melissa suffers 70 Pleasure and gains 140 KP. She is pregnant 18/20

Parasite Changes:

Lorelai: 9: Disrupts the energy flow you rely on for special abilities, causing your class specific skills to become non-functional for five straight turns.

Melissa: 17: Causes you to become so sensitive to sex that you orgasm every time you have sex for five straight turns.

Control returned to Lorelai in a sudden rush, and in mid thrust no less!


1: Remove yourself from Melissa's body, collect your loot and try to remove the parasites.

2: Continue to fuck Melissa until you both have an orgasm again, you're so close to the edge!

3: Remove yourself, collect the loot and simply move on, ignoring the parasites.

((Loot phase and XP will be shown on the next post due to them not exactly being ready to do that yet.))
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

It was a hell of a battle.

Her barrier spirit was well chosen as Melissa was swiftly locked in one of those accursed demonic chairs! "Damn it! I'm coming Melissa, just... Just hold on!"

As she had before against Blood Raven she called up all her memories of that ancient battle, remembering the fighting styles as she focused, letting N'gaasha act in unison with her. Block, blast, duck, dodge, blast, parry. She was a whirlwind of destruction that would not be subdued by her enemies.

As her focus turned upon the succubus however, the parasite suddenly rammed her own cock into herself, her crying out in shock! No, she had... To help...

But the parasite robbed her of her strength, ramming herself into herself, her gasping as she panicked. She was about to cum! Into herself! She'd impregnate herself in front of Melissa! Unable to stop herself, Lorelai let out a howl of shame as she unloaded her cock into her own body, as her seed desperately tried to conquer as many of her own eggs as she could.

Thankfully, N'gaasha's shielding claw was metaphysical, and it simply dipped itself slightly into her own body, safeguarding her own womb from her selfcestuous parasitic load.

As she struggled back up, a new strange sight presented itself, Melissa's potent climax launching her seed, and holy light into her partner, disintegrating her away, dropping Melissa to the ground in a daze.

She hurried over to help her up, when it changed again, her gasping and whimpering. Oh god she needed more... And Mellisa was... She needed her.

She draped herself, well much as the smaller woman could, over the large dazed woman, before sliding her cock into Mellisa, moaning loudly as she thrusted swiftly into her, groaning in pleasure at the sensation of her friends body. But she wanted more than that. She had seen how much it took Mellisa to get off to the demonic attentions that she had suffered. She wanted to prove she was better than them. So using her shorter height and Mellisa's large endowment to her advantage, she wrapped her breasts around Mellisa's cock as she hammered away, giving the giantess double the attention.

Completely unwilling to resist her climax, she slammed home and fired off into her friend's body before returning to hammering away, moaning in pleasure as she kept up her attentions, favoring Mellisa's cock with a kiss. To her delight, as she unleashed her second load into Mellisa, Mellisa herself climaxed, unleashing her voluminous seed over her breasts and onto the giantess' chest in turn.

She was working for her third climax, getting close, when the fog lifted from her brain. What... What was she doing?! Oh gods, she had... She'd raped Mellisa and she had... She'd impregnated her with demonic life! Lorelai gasped and stumbled back, slipping out of the chantress, even at her bodies protests.

"Oh god, Mellisa I am so sorry, what have I... Fuck I've no excuse, I... I have to fix this... No way I'm letting... Not my blood, no...," stammered Lorelai, crying, before inhaling, getting a resolute look. No, she wouldn't destroy a child made between her and Mellisa, even if it was demonic. Flight would be an option, but she had other ideas. It just might cost her, but she was willing to pay to atone for this...

Demons were spirits ultimately, and though she'd just bestowed one with flesh, some things didn't change. She wasn't sure what sort of demon or demoness could be the product of them, two powerful mages of mixed but compatible species. And perhaps one day she'd find out. She wished she could take care of them on her own right. But she wouldn't leave a slave in his hands, not one born of them both.

And so she decided to gamble a bit. There were obviously forces arrayed against the overlord here, both within and without. The Liches, their spiritual guide, likely demonic rivals and opposing forces. There was no guarantee who or what might answer. But if there was a chance to give their child a better life, to perhaps see them again as not forced enemies, she'd give that shot.

So through the spirit world she sent a plea for someone to retrieve their child or break that control over them, to give them the chance they deserved, even if it cost Lorelai much to do so. She owed Mellisa and their child that much to try.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Loot Phase:

Succubus: Rejuvination Potion.

Slime Girl: Nothing.

Virago: Rejuvination Potion.

Tar Demoness: Nothing.

Melissa picked up the Potions in a moment of silence, shaking her head.

"No, it's not your fault, it's these blasted parasitic creatures. I can feel their influence on us, sense the changes that come over us just before they completely take control when they do. It could just have easily been me forcing myself upon you ... and what are you doing? You ... tapping into the spirit world? That's not a ..."

She paused, her head snapping up as she felt a sudden change in the spiritual energies around them. She shuddered at the sudden feeling of power around them.

"Gods ... what have you summoned?"

As Lorelai continued her plea, a powerful spiritual presence filled her senses, the entire cavern they were in seeming to distort. Time seemed to surge forward without warning, as suddenly Melissa was giving birth to a creature. After she gave birth, their child began to rapidly grow into something resembling a powerful succubus creature, something Lorelai's mind would recognize as a Kunoichi. Powerful assassin's in their own right, Kunoichi could be extremely dangerous if provoked, or on a mission, but this one seemed frozen in place.

Without warning the Kunoichi their child had become seemed to vanish, as if whisked away by whatever force was there with them, still unseen. It was them a powerful voice, that sounded male broke through the spirit realms, causing Melissa to freeze in both shock, and worry, unsure of what they had just encountered.

"We have answered your call, we will care for this one, guide her to a different path than what awaits her here. Know this though, do not attempt to contact us, or any again from this point on. This will have repercussions felt far and wide, beyond this world. From this point on, you must see to your own fates, and let them be as they will. That, and survival are your price and task Spiritmaster. Now go, there is much work left for you to do."

Just like that, everything suddenly was back to normal, save for the fact their child had vanished, and they felt completely rested, as if they had been resting this entire time. Melissa shook her head, her gaze still showing a hint of fear.

"I don't know what you contacted, but the power I felt off that being ... I'd wager it could wipe the floor with damn near everything on this planet with little trouble if it wanted to. What the hell was that thing?"

Both women gain 1,300 XP.


1: Take your potions, reply and move on.

2: Take the potions, move on and consider this for now.

3: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai shuddered as she felt that presence come and leave. She hoped... She hoped whatever she just contacted treated their daughter well. And that she'd have a chance to see her. That entity...

"There's many powerful entities in the spirit realm, Mellisa. Creatures of power, whom play by their own rules and standards. That we contacted one that seems to have such an interest in us... I'm sorry if I brought that on you but the thought of something baring our blood forced to be slaughtered... I had to give them a chance. To give something we made a chance..."

She takes a deep breath before making herself walk. "Wish I could do it again but I'll take it. I'm not shocked at the power we felt though. After all, the spirit world touches all realities. I'm only even touching fractions of N'Gaasha's strength and bringing them out into the world. I'm amazed I got an answer. The chances of that were astronomically low. The only explanation was I was already being observed, and one took mercy on us. We're clearly pawns in this game. Valuable pawns. Possibly related to other phenomenon but hard to say. Perhaps we'll see a better glimpse once we escape. And maybe reunite with our daughter. Pity I never got to name her..."

She sighs and leans against Mellisa as she moves forwards, "I dunno if you felt the same way about it though so it was really selfish of me... I mean, logically our offspring was a threat and a demon but I just... I couldn't help but see it as ours. Now, well... She's proof of our existence, something that can be more than a pawn."

She didn't regret her choice, not a bit. She'd get loose and reunite with her daughter. Maybe more than one, once this was over. But one thing was clear. Breaking the grip on this prison planet was just the beginning. There was more out there that they had to deal with, entities to maneuver amidst. And to talk with the Lich Queens and such. And well... on the off chance they didn't make it, perhaps their daughter could finish the task if she wished.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((So I forgot to give them the chance to remove the Parasites, so we're going to say that the entity that they contacted removed them FOR them.))

Melissa slowly nodded, things starting to click in her mind.

"I see, I probably would have done the same, though maybe not as direct as you did. Whatever that entity was, something tells me we haven't seen the last of it. The last time I felt such power though ..."

She trailed off, the memory seeming to invoke a less than pleasant memory in her, but she pushed on a moment later regardless.

"My brother and I were out, years before I was apparently brought here. We were learning the hunt on our own, as is the case with young Norn when we came across an area we knew well, Lake Sharval. Given how far north it is, the Lake is always frozen over, but on this day there were great cracks in the ice, and water was flowing freely near the center of the Lake, something no one had ever seen. Curiosity got the better of us, and we walked onto the Lake to investigate it, and as we did, we both began realizing we weren't alone, some kind of spiritual presence was there with us. I wanted to go back and get our elders, but my brother ... always the risk taker, decided to try and communicate with it. Whatever he contacted that day ... it was, until now, the most powerful spiritual force I had ever encountered. Pure evil as well, we both could feel it the moment a connection was made. I remember an explosion of power, my brother screaming at me to run and then nothing. I must have been knocked out, the next thing I remember was our father waking me, as I lay there with my head bleeding in the snow more than a hundred yards from the Lake. I'd apparently been thrown clear of the Lake, and my first though was of my brother. Some of the huntsmen ventured onto the Lake, and discovered it had been completely drained of all liquid, the remnants of it's ice shattered outwards as if some great force had torn it's way out of the ground. We searched for weeks, but we never did find out what created that hole, what we encountered that day, and ... that was the last day I saw my brother. That was 15 years ago, or at least, it was for the last memories I do have of my life before here. What we contacted today though ... it was far more powerful than that. Yet ... I didn't sense any malice, or evil within it. More a ... curiosity, and disgust with what's happening here. I'm sure of it, we have not seen the last of whatever creature you contacted today. Also ... it granted us one other gift, the parasites ... they're gone."

Sure enough, if Lorelai looked, her parasitic futa cock had vanished at some point, though how had she not noticed until now?

As they moved onward the two women entered a large sized room, dimly lit, but still somewhat passable if they took it slowly. As they moved through this area ...

Enemy Encounter:

Level 8 Tar Demoness: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700. Weak to Fire. Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Level 8 Scylla: Stamina: 185. Pleasure: 55. HP: 800. Damage: 22. Weak vs. Magic Attacks. Special Ability: Tentacle Bind (Physical).

Level 8 Lust Demoness: Stamina: 230. Pleasure: 40 (if she uses her dick). 50 (if she sucks or rides you). HP: 1,000. Weak to Fire.

Level 9 Gargoyle Girl: Stamina: 225. Pleasure: 60. HP: 1,000. Weak vs. Magic. Special Ability: Stoning.

Initiative Roll:

Lorelai: 2 (Last)
Melissa: 5 (5th)
Tar Demoness: 24 (3rd)
Scylla: 22 (4th)
Lust Demoness: 26 (2nd)
Gargoyle Girl: 29 (1st)

... Both women would nearly fall into a body of water that had been almost invisible until they were right on top of it, only just managing to stay out of it. Melissa suddenly cried out "Look out!"

Before Lorelai could fully react, she saw four new foes lunging for them!

Grapple Attempts:

Gargoyle: 1 vs. Lorelai: 30 (auto counter)

Lorelai manages to launch a counter attack at the last moment, dealing 400 Damage to the Gargoyle. It has 600 HP left.

Lorelai also manages to counter the Lust Demoness for 400 Damage, leaving it with 600 as well.

Tar Demoness: 28 vs. Lorelai: 12

The Tar Demoness fakes Lorelai out with a new move, and then grabs hold of her!

Scylla: 23 vs. Melissa: 18

Before Melissa can react, a Scylla pops up out of the water and grabs her, yanking her into the water!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 21 vs. Scylla: 6

Melissa frees herself almost as fast, but has to waste time getting clear of the water!


1: Get off me! (Would she give in if raped?)

2: Fuck me!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai listened, nodding with a frown. "Mmm, a sad tale. Not an unheard of phenomenon. I'm sorry for your loss." Such thievery was far from unheard of. Tricky, amoral or outright malign forces were known for such acts.

However their musings were interrupted as they were attacked! They stumbled in the hidden water trap, when she was lunged at by three demons! Lorelai raised two hands, blasting two of the demons off course, only to be tackled by the tar demoness!

Ugh she hated these tar goo demons! They were such a pain to get off. She snarled and struggled, trying to get loose, trusting Melissa to handle herself for the time being.

(Nah, Lorelai probably won't surrender to anyone. Well cept maybe Melissa. Or possibly a Lich Queen maybe but time will tell heh. course some other giant futa get's at her... well yeah)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 26 vs. Tar Demoness: 23

Lorelai frees herself!

Grapple Attempts:

Gargoyle: 24 vs. Lorelai: 27

Lust Demoness: 4 vs. Lorelai: 10

Tar Demoness: 29 vs. Lorelai: 22

Lorelai dodges the first two foes, but once again the Tar Demoness tackles her!

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 13 vs. Melissa: 9

The Scylla grabs Melissa again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 28 vs. Scylla: 23

And once again, Melissa rips herself free!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 29 vs. Tar Demoness: 28

Lorelai gets free again, though she really has to work for it.

Grapple Attempts:

Gargoyle Girl: 27 vs. Lorelai: 9

Lorelai is grabbed!

Melissa lands a Counter Attack as the Lust Demoness rties to grab her, dealing 400 damage. The Lust Demoness has 200 HP left.

Tar Demoness: 7 vs. Melissa: 12

Melissa dodges.

Scylla: 11 vs. Melissa: 8

The Scylla again grabs Melissa.

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Melissa: 28 vs. Scylla: 19

Melissa rips herself free again, snarling in anger.

Lorelai: 13 vs. Gargoyle Girl: 11

Lorelai gets free again!

Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai counters the Gargoyle this time, dealing 400 Damage. The Gargoyle has 200 HP left.

Lust Demoness: 3 vs. Lorelai: 16

Tar Demoness: 2 vs. Lorelai: 28

Scylla: 15 vs. Lorelai: 5

Lorelai dodges the two Demon women, but can't avoid the tentacles of the Scylla!

Melissa, finally free long enough to do so, casts her Mantra of Speed, and launches onto the Offensive!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 4 vs. Gargoyle: 30 (Aut Counter)

Melissa is baited into an attack, and instantly countered harshly. In seconds the woman is pinned by the Gargoyle, who makes her a Futa and then begins riding her! Melissa's mantra is broken! Melissa suffers 60 Pleasure and gains 140 KP from her rape as all her vulnerable spots are hit! She has 227 Stamina left.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 2 vs. Scylla: 3

Lorelai can't break free!

The Gargoyle used her turn.

Grapple Attempts:

Lust Demoness: 25 vs. Lorelai: 29

Tar Demoness: 9 vs. Lorelai: 8

Lorelai manages to avoid one of the foes from adding to her plight, but not the other!

Penetration Attempt:

Scylla: 3 vs. Lorelai: 1

Lorelai can't stop the Scylla from making her a Futa, or from sliding her incredibly TIGHT tentacled pussy over her new cock, and beginning to ride her! Lorelai suffers 60 Pleasure from the rape and gains 80 KP. She has 142 Stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempts:

Melissa: 24 vs. Gargoyle: 3

Melissa breaks free!

Lorelai: 28 vs. Scylla: 26 & Tar Demoness: 24

Lorelai breaks free of both enemies!

Grapple Attempts:

Gargoyle Girl: 23 vs. Lorelai: 14

Lorelai is once again grabbed!

Lust Demoness: 6 vs. Melissa: 11

Tar Demoness: 25 vs. Melissa: 2

Melissa is grabbed!

Scylla: 5 vs. Lorelai: 9

Lorelai avoids a double team.

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Melissa: 28 vs. Tar Demoness: 10

Melissa breaks free again, getting annoyed by this stalemate.

Lorelai: 26 vs. Gargoyle Girl: 1

Lorelai also breaks free.

Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai lands a Counter Attack on the Gargoyle, killing it!

Lust Demoness: 8 vs. Lorelai: 4

Lorelai is grabbed!

Melissa counters the Tar Demoness for 400 Damage, leaving her with 300 HP.

Scylla: 17 vs. Melissa: 3

Melissa is again grabbed by the Scylla!

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Melissa: 7 vs. Scylla: 2

Melissa breaks free yet again, and now the Scylla seems ENRAGED!

Lorelai: 16 vs. Lust Demoness: 3

Lorelai breaks free again.

Grapple Attempts:

Lust Demoness: 24 vs. Lorelai: 4

Lorelai is grabbed AGAIN.

Tar Demoness: 26 vs. Melissa: 27

Scylla: 4 vs. Melissa: 23

Melissa dodges both foes!

Melissa casts her Mantra again, looking quite pissed off as she begins to target their foes!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 17 vs. Tar Demoness: 6

Melissa KILLS the Tar Demoness!

Melissa: 29, 16, 15, 25 & 27 vs. Scylla: 5, 4, 9, 4 & 26.

Melissa lands all 5 hits, with the last going Critical. She deals 780 Damage, leaving the Scylla with 20 HP left!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 27 vs. Lust Demoness: 22

Lorelai escapes AGAIN.

Grapple Attempts:

Lust Demoness: 6 vs. Lorelai: 27

Lorelai finally dodges an attack!

Scylla: 3 vs. Melissa: 19

Melissa dodges!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 2 vs. Scylla: 15
Melissa: 13 vs. Scylla: 21

Melissa mis-fires both spells due to the Scylla flailing about so much in anger.


1: End the Scylla before finishing the other Demon Woman off.

2: Reverse attack order.

3: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai snarled as they played musical chairs with genitals, hopping from arms to arms, before getting an arm free to blast the gargoyle down. Mellisa made short work of the tar demoness, leaving the double gendered demon and the scylla.

The scylla seemed to be in a fury, so she was a priority before she did any serious damage. She promptly turned her assault on her. Better to risk fixable corruption than quite permanent death. Well... Probably permanent. She wouldn't risk losing Mellisa either way!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 1 & 25 vs. Scylla: 4 & 11.

Lorelai kills the Scylla with her second attack!

The Lust Demoness tries to grab Lorelai, but she is able to counter it, and end the fight!

Both women gain 1,000 XP.

Loot Phase:

Tar Demoness: Nothing.

Scylla: Nothing.

Lust Demoness: Map Piece!

Gargoyle Girl: Nothing.

Melissa picks up a map piece, grumbling as she reads it.

"Great, deeper still under ground. This keeps up we might end up walking in lava."


1: Rest to full then move on (2 turns needed, can't be caught).

2: Move on now.

3: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nods, taking some time to catch her breath. "We'd need to go quite far for that without walking right into a volcano. I suspect that we're more likely to hit a technological complex before then. The sheer level of power demands to mass produce entities would require a sizable structure I'd imagine. I mean, computers take up whole buildings, and you'd need those to handle that. The sheer amount of paper too...," muses Lorelai, "Well... Unless those changed in 1000 years anyways. Which is likely, 1000 years is a massive amount of time."

She hummed a bit as she stretched, "Still, we just arrived and already have one of the pieces so maybe we'll get lucky and get through here swiftly. Though then again, we still have to face this Andariel demon. If she's bigger than you, we can assault her shins, heh."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa nodded, grumbling at the mention of a Volcano.

"No Mount Maelstrom's, I just can't take another one of those. Rape is bad enough, but being cooked to death inside a Volcano? Yeah ... I know what I'd prefer."

Feeling fully energized, the two women moved onward and deeper into the Catacombs. Moving down the stairwell, they found themselves in a smaller room, though the walls seemed slightly cracked in here. As they moved through the room ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Melissa: 29 vs. Trap???: 1

Lorelai: 17 vs. Trap???: 20

Melissa started to make a comment about how the walls looked like they were badly damaged here, when suddenly Lorelai stepped on some kind of switch. A click was heard, and suddenly the wall next to each woman thrust a needle filled with some kind of fluid out at them. Both women instantly felt the needle prick their skin, and inject something into their bodies. Almost immediately, they both felt flushed and aroused, Melissa groaning as she made mention of some kind of Aphrodisiac!


1: Try to wait out the 'poison' in your blood (chance to be caught, 10 rounds needed).

2: Try moving on and hoping you'll be alright.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nods as they move ahead. Musing to herself, she didn't pay attention, when suddenly she stumbled into Melissa, tossing them both into a trap! She gasped as she got filled with aphrodisiac, moaning.

"Agh, damn it! Sorry... Ugh... Let's wait it out... We risk running into enemies regardless and I rather it be on our terms... And this way we can't stumble into elite forces in this state..."