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Lorelai (Zilrax)

Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa shook her head.

"She is not a spirit. I attempted to use our bond to nature to commune with her, and there's nothing. She's not a spirit, of that I am sure."

She paused, sighing.

"I've heard the name used before. Some of our scholars were able to translate tablets that we found on our new home with your own people, and they tell a tale of a race that was highly advanced, called Lanteans. While certain parts of the tablets haven't been translated, or hadn't when I was back home, some of the scholars believed that they were the ones who constructed the gateways. At first, I was afraid that they were the ones who ran this place, but after what we've seen, I am beginning to think this planet may have once been one of their own, and whoever runs the place now may have found it, using what they left behind for themselves. If she truly is Lantean, then she may be in great danger. If our scholars were right about them, then whoever controls this planet may be trying to capture her so they can force information out of her. Or maybe she's trying to be a decoy and pretend, I'm not sure. Either way, if she's caught ... Or ... god I hope I'm wrong on this. What if she already is their prisoner?"

Moving into the Tower, the women came to a completely empty room, which was fortunate, because it was quite small, and would have been a great ambush point.


1: Walk and Talk.

2: Talk only.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nods, frowning as she listened to Melissa's explanation. Soon the tower came into view. Nowhere to go but inside. Fortunately the room itself was clear, so she continued on as she mused.

"I would bet she is already a captive myself. The way she acts, the way she comes and goes. We should remain wary, in case. There's many undercurrents here that we don't yet understand. For now, let's find someone we can try and free from demonic control. If we can release at least one creature, it's possible we may be able to undo some of the damage done here. Not to mention possibly gain valuable information."

Lorelai hummed as she looked over the stonework. "This place seems old, if well made. Archaic. I wonder who the original inhabitants were..."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa only shrugged to that.

"Good question, but I have no idea. Maybe Cassidy's people were, or a race they knew. Either way, you are right, this place would appear to be very old. We should keep moving though, the less time spent in this place, the better in my opinion."

Entering the tower, they found an area completely empty of pretty much everything. Save for a support beam or two here and there, the room they were in was completely empty. No tracks could be made out due to the stone floor, but from the way Melissa seemed to be acting, it was clear she sensed that something had been there recently.


1: Keep Moving.

2: Wait for a fight.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nods, them moving into the next area. It was empty, no signs of any passage. Not even any dust here. Stranger and stranger. Melissa seemed to be picking up on something though.

"Let's keep moving.," says Lorelai with a nod, moving with her partner.

While they moved she went over the magic in her mind, the formulas and spiritual contracts and severances. If she combined with Melissa, maybe she could with her aid pull this off. Just needed the right test subject.

These so called demons, this corruption; it seemed like the corruption was some sort of spiritual breaching. The demons were injecting their influence through close congress with them, weakening the bonds their souls had with their bodies. She suspected at a critical mass, it would form a spiritual breach the demons could invade and hijack the body and soul of the victim.

The demons ultimately seemed like some sort of particularly vile rider spirits. The corporeal demons may have once been other species that the spirits had existed in so long that they had warped them to their needs. There may not be any true helping those ones beyond severing the bond they had to the primary spirit that controlled them. Then again, if Blood Raven had been any indicator, maybe there was hope.

This was going to be hard, but she knew she had to try to find a way to undo the damage to these people, to find a way to save them without throwing the soul out with the demon. And she would one way or another. She was stubborn about things like that.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

As they moved along, they came across another shrine. Moments later Cassidy appeared, looking slightly worse than she had the last time they had seen her.

"This is a shrine of power. if you take this shrine, it will permanently increase your physical and magical status. If you wish to take it, you must defeat Weeping Kelaino, and her pet plant, a Venus Suck Trap. If you wish to pass this up, run."

She vanished almost as fast as she had come this time, and something made Melissa blink as the woman vanished.


1: Take the shrine.

2: Get the fuck out.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai blinked as they neared another shrine. Delightful. Another rematch with the clones of the tentabus? Cassidy appeared again then. She clearly had endured something. Just as quick as she said her words, she was gone.

Lorelai glanced at Melissa. "You catch something I didn't? Wait let's talk after, we need to deal with this Weeping individual it seems. Need all the power we can get, and who knows. Maybe we can work our ritual on her instead."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa silently nodded, filing her thoughts away for the moment, even as their 'foes' appeared.

One appeared to be some kind of plant like woman, most likely the mentioned Venus Suck Trap. The other was a colorful winged woman, who might have passed for Mathosian were it not for her wings, and her smaller frame. This must be the Weeping Kelaino their guide had mentioned.

"Well, come to challenge me? Let's see how quick on your feet you really are then!"

Initiative Rolls:

Lorelai: 11 (3rd)
Melissa: 7 (4th)
Venus: 25 (1st)
Kelaino: 18 (2nd)

Grapple Attempts:

Venus Suck Trap: 27 vs. Lorelai: 22. Counter Attack = NO.

Before Lorelai can react, the plant like woman grabs her, and pulls her in towards her center!

Kelaino: 7 vs. Melissa: 2. Counter Attack = NO.

Melissa likewise is too slow to avoid the Elite Virago, as she swoops down and quickly pins the Norn down!


1: Attempt to struggle free.

2: See what this plant woman has in mind.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

The creatures appeared, some sort of plant woman thing. The other seemed to be a winged woman of her own species, if smaller. She guessed by the names that the plant was the trap, so that made her Kelaino.

Lorelai was about to respond when the two pounced with shocking speed, Lorelai grabbed by the plant while Melissa was shockingly pinned down by something a third of her size! It was weirdly appealing, but Lorelai turned her thoughts to the fight as N'gaasha manifested, grinning lewdly, her four eyes still closed.

"Ambulatory plant women? Fascinating. But I've got things to do, and test, so you'll have to excuse me. Why don't you wait your turn and maybe we can try it on you too, hm?," offers Lorelai as she struggled. She doubted that she'd acquiesce but it was worth a try.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai: 12 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 17.

Lorelai is unable to break free, as the vines start to secure her more.

Melissa: 29 vs. Kelaino: 10.

Melissa savagely HURLS the winged harlot off of her, clearly annoyed.

Penetration Attempt:

Venus Suck Trap: 25 vs. Lorelai: 15.

The plant woman suddenly turns Lorelai upside down, and casts a spell, and Lorelai probably is grimacing as once more she's forcefully imbued with a cock. Her grimace likely turns to shock and horror as the woman pulls her in close, and wraps her shockingly warm mouth around Lorelai's cock, and starts to suck her off! Worse still, her plant petals close around Lorelai, trapping her inside, and in the dark! Lorelai suffers 50 pleasure, and gains 70 KP from the sudden blowjob. Lorelai has 120 stamina left until she has an orgasm!

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 9 vs. Melissa: 22. Counter Attack = NO.

Melissa dodges the Virago this time, eyes turning to watch in horror as Lorelai is taken into the plant, and vanishes from sight!


1: Try to struggle free!

2: Get sucked off until Melissa can kill the thing!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai cursed as she struggled. She should have called on N'gaasha pre-emptively, a costly oversight. Still, Melissa was clearly just surprised by the winged womans momentum, as something that tiny had little hope to pin the giantess. Kelaino was easily tossed off from her. Lorelai couldn't help but feel a little jealous of her size and impressive physique.

Her thoughts are cut off as a spell goes off, making Lorelai groan unhappily as once again her gender was altered. "Seriously? Oh lord I know where this is going." She gave a moan as the plant woman promptly took her returned shaft into her mouth, before sealing her in a plant shell with her.

"Hng it's like a bargain bin plant version of that tentacled woman," swears Lorelai, struggling to wriggle loose and away from that mouth, "So much for testing this easily."

She made a mental note to try and get a good look at this spell they were using for scientific progress. She disliked the content but maybe she could reverse engineer it then make a counterspell.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Lorelai: 20 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 27.

Lorelai discovers fighting in the dark while upside down is trickier than she thought, as she can't break free, and might be a little disoriented.

Attack Roll:

Melissa casts her Mantra of Speed. Melissa loses 50 MP and has 130 left.

Melissa hesitates a moment, then realizes she really has no choice but to try and help Lorelai. Focusing on the winged beast would take too long, and if Lorelai couldn't get free from inside that thing, she'd be in big trouble.

Melissa: 10, 2, 21, 18 & 16 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 10, 29, 7, 5 & 16.

Melissa lands 4 hits, 1 of which lands critical! Unfortunately, she discovers the Plant is much sturdier than she expected due to it's petals being closed, and her damage isn't as much! Melissa deals only 325 Damage, leaving the plant with 275 HP!

Melissa: 6, 7, 23, 14 & 20 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 13, 15, 6, 22 & 23.

Melissa only lands the one hit here, for a measly 65 damage. The Plant has 210 HP left still!

Inside the Plant, Lorelai can hear muffled sounds of a Staff slamming into the plant walls, trying to free her, but failing for the moment.

Rape Attempt:

Venus Suck Trap: 12 vs. Lorelai: 2.

Lorelai is unable to resist the pleasure, and continues to have her dick sucked. Lorelai suffers 50 pleasure, and gains 50 KP.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 12 vs. Melissa: 26.

Once more Melissa avoids the Virago, intent on freeing her friend!


1: Struggle!

2: Enjoy it!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai struggled, grimacing at her position. It was hard to get leverage. She groaned, as the blood rushed to both her heads. As much as she felt bad about it, she couldn't deny how good and sort of arousing this all was, held aloft in a dark place and used by something bigger than her. Were the situation any different, were she not fighting for her soul and the soul of her friend, she might have found herself enjoying this much more.

Her brief revelry made her blush, broken by the sounds of Melissa hammering bravely on the petals to save her. She could not submit, regardless how intimate and pleasant she felt about it. A potential fetish filed for later, she instead renewed her struggles, cursing away. She could not, would not, abandon her friend or her soul, or even her spirit to this world.

(Struggling! And yeah Lorelai kinda likes bigger girls and such. Might even be getting used to girls with extra bits heh)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((Haha, we'll have to remember that for later :p))

Escape Rape Attempt:

Lorelai: 19 vs. Plant: 29.

Lorelai finds that her struggles are almost meaningless, as the Plant continues to hold her in place and suck her off.

Attack Roll: (Melissa with 148 MP now)

Melissa: 17 vs. Plant: 22. Kelaino Counter Attack: NO.

Melissa: 12 vs. Plant: 24. Kelaino Counter Attack: NO.

Melissa can't land either of her spells!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 14 vs. Lorelai: 2.

Lorelai continues to be pleasured, the plant woman continuing to suck her off towards an orgasm. Lorelai suffers 50 pleasure and gains 50 KP. She has only 20 Stamina left until she has an orgasm.

Grapple Attempt:

Keilano: 26 vs. Melissa: 12. Counter Attack = NO.

Lorelai can hear a sudden sound made by the Virago, followed by the thud of a pair of bodies hitting the ground as the Virago finally pins Melissa down!


1: Struggle with renewed Gusto.

2: Give in and experience an orgasm.

3: Try to shout to Melissa to kill the Boss first, then come for you rather than risking herself too and (1: Try to get free yourself or 2: Orgasm!).
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(Heh, well having Melissa around don't help heh. Supreme Succubi too :p)

Lorelai whimpers as she struggles, inter mixing with her curses and snarls as she couldn't get loose. Her stamina couldn't last much longer, the plant had her right on the edge! The situation was definitely not helping.

She didn't know how the fight outside was going, though the sound of a loud thud told her it might not be going well. Still, Melissa was really strong and her opponent really small. She could do it, she was sure of it!

But for now her world was a big plant girl fellating her relentlessly. She doubted Melissa could help her in time. But she could hope. After all, one orgasm would not undo her. She would fight to the end for her soul.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Lorelai: 15 vs. Plant: 25.
Lorelai: 13 vs. Plant: 20.

Lorelai continues to struggle but to no avail, the Plant woman happily sucking her off towards a climax.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 29 vs. Kelaino: 24.

Melissa is free as fast as she was pinned!

Attack Roll:

Melissa: 2 vs. Plant: 13.

Melissa misfires her spell, trying to get it off too fast.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 28 vs. Lorelai: 16. (Critical Pleasure Hit!)

Lorelai can't stop the plant woman from continuing to suck her off, and suddenly the woman finds an extremely vulnerable spot to suck on! What started as normal pleasure suddenly intensifies, doubling the sensations! Lorelai, already on the brink of an orgasm, can't take any more of this pleasure, and finally she spurts wildly as an orgasm rips through her! Lorelai suffers 100 pleasure, and an orgasm! Lorelai gains 150 KP, and has only 90 pleasure left before she has another orgasm! Lorelai suddenly feels energized as her adrenaline begins to pump, but she's all too aware that she has at best two more 'rounds' before the adrenaline is, in this case, quite literally sucked out of her.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 15 vs. Melissa: 24.

Melissa dodges the attack.


1: Use your newfound strength and try to escape.

2: Get sucked off into oblivion.

3: Try to tell Melissa to focus on the avian woman, and let you handle this yourself.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai cursed and struggled further, but it was to no avail. As predicted, Melissa wasnft in time. worse, the plant woman seemed to gind some sort of weak point and hit it dedicatedly, making Lorelai cry out in shock and orgasm, launching her fertility down the plant creature's hungering maw. In the brief shock and afterglow, Lorelai noted that she seemed to receive a surprisingly large amount of oral around here. Well besides that one time she impregnated that de- She refused to think about that anymore, nope, never happened.

Regardless of any arousing thoughts of impr- No, stop that, it was bad! REGARDLESS, she felt more clearheaded now without that lust dragging her down, and it allowed her adrenaline to cut through the fog. She had to hurry though, the creature seemed no less likely to give up now.

Lorelai promptly began struggling with renewed vigor, growling angrily. "Hope you got a good taste, because it's the last you are getting! You hear me?! Last!"
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Lorelai: 10+5=15 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 18.
Lorelai: 29+5=34 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 5 (Bwhahaha, what a lopsided roll!)

With a mighty surge, Lorelai manages to free herself on the second try, almost too easily!

Attack Attempt:

Melissa tries to attack the Venus Suck Trap, but it manages to counter her, grabbing her and closing the woman inside of it's petals, just like it did with Lorelai! Lorelai can almost tell that the thing immediately starts raping her friend somehow. Melissa suffers 25 pleasure thanks to her Norn heritage blocking some of it out, but she still gains 70 KP. Melissa has 215 stamina left. The Venus Suck Trap has used it's turn! Melissa's mantra is broken!

Grapple Attempt:

Keilano: 7 vs. Lorelai: 15+5=20.

Lorelai deftly dodges the winged woman, feeling Melissa's magic end quickly, knowing the plant woman is raping her.


1: Attack the winged harlot.

2: Blast the plant and try to free Melissa.

3: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai snarled and as promised, broke free of her confines, booting the plant woman away! As she scrambled to her feet, Melissa rushed in to press the advantage. Unfortunately she had underestimated how fast those petals could snap shut, and was lost from Lorelai's view.

She barely had time to note the disappearence of Melissa's blessing before the tiny bird lady swooped in, Lorelai ducking aisde. She glanced towards the closed petals, imagining the giant's girl cock being a big struggle for the determined plant girl.

N'gaasha leaning down, grinning amusedly snapped Lorelai back to the forefront. "Shut up you!," she snapped at the perverted spirit, who was watching the scene eagerly, her massive shaft dripping spiritual seed, clearly having shared Lorelai's orgasm.

Lorelai thought fast, and called upon N'gaasha's fire claw, before casting her spirit thrash at the petals. Even if she got blocked by the harpy, she was certain the claw could finish the job.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai casts her fire spirit, and begins her attack!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 16 vs. Plant: 13. Counter from Kelaino = NO!

Lorelai deals 300 damage, as the shadow damage passes right through the 'ablative' petals, and KILLS the Plant, freeing Melissa in the process!

Her spirit, unable to attack the plant, decides to swipe the Elite Virago instead, dealing 300 damage to her!

Melissa, sensing a chance, wastes no time in casting her speed spell again, and then launching into a flurry of hits, her beat down skill recharging at a perfect time.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 21, 20, 26, 3 & 9 vs. Kelaino: 20, 12, 21, 18 & 3.

Melissa lands 4 Hits, one of which is a critical hit for a total of 500 damage.

Melissa: 11, 16, 20, 5 & 4 vs. Kelaino: 1, 9, 8, 25 & 28.

Melissa lands 3 Hits, and does 300 more damage. 800 total damage this turn. Kelaino has 3,900 HP remaining.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 10 vs. Lorelai: 29.

Lorelai dodges with ease.


1: Press the attack!

2: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai hissed and ducked the bird woman's attempt to knock her off aim, and launched her blast. Evidently the claw wasn't strictly necessary as the dark energy she pulled from N'Gaasha tore through the plant woman, freeing Melissa. "I told you it'd be your last!," snapped Lorelai angrily before turning to Weeping Kelaino.

"As for you! Meet my back hand, it's bigger than you!," snaps Lorelai, as N'gaasha's flame claw smacked the bird. This gave an opening for Melissa to quickly recover and recast her buffs before lunging into the harpy like creature, beating her down.

The harpy weathered the blows before taking another grab at Lorelai, who dodged quickly, summoning up N'gaasha's shield hand and launching her spirit thrash again. "Just gotta weaken her some more, then we'll try and combine energies and see if we can't cleanse her, or at least break her link to that master demon, Melissa!"