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Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Free from the creature's grasp, Letris proceeds to consider it beneath her attention. She turns her attention to the monster that (she believes) is in a better mood. The one that's getting busy with the other girl.

She lets out a gleeful cheer as she leaps into Selena's attacker, feet first, a sadistic smile appearing on her pink lips.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena grunts and tries again to squirm free, or better yet, smack it against something...
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

As Letris runs up on Selena and her new "friend", she lands a powerful dropkick against the oversized bug, crushing it's organs near to death, while knocking Selena down to the ground from the impact, the only pain inflicted on her was the slamming against the ground from falling, as she finds herself freed from her captor's grasp.

While she landed on the ground after drop kicking the bug on Selena, her old acquaintance quickly crawls back on top of her, holding her arms down against her sides again, as it prepares once again to remove her clothing covering her pussy for impregnation.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena raises her rifle and tries to shoot at the spider, trying not to hit the girl,

"Don't worry! If I hit you, it'll only be a flesh wound!"
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris's eyes widened as Selena raised her gun. She had never seen a gun fire, but she knew those things could hurt a little.
"NOT THE FACE!" she yells, as she tries to twist the spider on her back into the way.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena easily locks on to the spider with the help of Letris, and kills it in one shot. Turning her head, the other spider leaps at her again, but only to be stopped in midair as she raises her rifle, and pushes against it's body, forcing it back, as it falls down to the ground, unsuccessful in it's attempt to grab her.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Cringing as she hears gun fire, then sighing in relief as the jumbo arachnid falls off dead, Letris regains her composure. Then, seeing her first victim still moving, she brings her foot slamming back down into its exposed underbelly.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena looks at the other girl, then at the spider,

"Crude... but effective! Here, let me help you." Selena joins in on the stomping of the arachnid.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena brought her foot up a little too enthusiastically, and nearly fell over, while Letris didn't have this problem, and slammed her foot down several times on the spider, until it stopped moving entirely...

( All enemies have been defeated )
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena looks at the spider, then looks around,

"Welp, time to see if some poor girl lost her weapons around here, or if there's anything left!"
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris grunt's in agreement. This place should have a mop, and perhaps she would find it?

(Letris helps Selena search the place.)
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena and Letris search the hunting store, hoping to find some goods that were overlooked...

Selena found;

1 .38 caliber magazine,

2 .32 caliber magazines,

and, a brand new machete...

Letris didn't find anything, as Selena quickly snatched up anything she might have even found in this place...
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris sighs. "Figures this place wouldn't have anything I'm looking for. Where to next, Blue?"
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena shrugs and looks around the store, shoving the bullets into her bag,

"Dunno about you, but I think I'll head to the prison and see if I can't bum some clothing off them, losing your panties isn't exactly fun~"
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

"Quitting time already?" Letris asked, "Shouldn't we sweep the shops, one by one till we reach the end of the street at least? There could be more monsters."
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena shrugs and looks around,

"Up to you, but if I remember correctly, having no panties seems to cause the monsters to come out more often~"
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris rolles her eyes.
"That's a good thing," she replies. "The more the bugs come at us, the more w-WHAT HELL IS THAT?" she suddenly screams, pointing at the dong dangling from Selena's pelvis.
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Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

( Letris isn't bothered by seeing Selena's cock, eh? )
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

(Um, didn't see it yet?)
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

(It's pretty hard to miss, it's large, it doesn't belong on a woman, and it's a penis.)