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Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena in response pulls out her rifle and aims at Dixie's neck,

"Drop her! Now! I've done everything you told me to fucking do already! I marked us both differently it's just your goddamned girlfriend wouldn't let us go back to the inn!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo stared at the ground in response to Selena's accusation. The girl was hurt so trying to argue with her wouldn't do any good, especially with Jo feeling that it was at least a bit true. Her eyes shot up again as she heard the shotgun pumped, to see it staring Selena in the face. She desperately wanted this to end, she just wanted to be back in her room, safe in her bed again. Enough so, that she found herself shouting.


"Selena, please! She still needs help!
She started to calm down a bit, but her voice was still quavering.
"Just let us help her... Dixie, please patch her up?"

She kept trying to think of what could possibly drive them all like this. Just when she thought everything had been solved, it starts falling apart again. Her threats from before were now completely empty, she didn't want anyone to die, even the attempted rapist that lie in front of them, possibly not even really human. She just wanted everyone back inside.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie ignored Josie, too outraged by Selena's threat, "You're the one who cut her fuckin' veins open!" she changed the shotgun's aim to the clone under her, and her clone's eyes went wide at the barrel pointing at her skull, all while she was still fighting for air, "I should put her out of her misery. She's in pain, she's bleeding badly, why not!" she shouted, "Hell, I'd be doin' her a fuckin' kindness by blowin' her brains out!" she pulls back slightly on the trigger, ready to kill Selena's clone if Selena did anything.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena took her chances, she had seen this a few times while working at the gun store, some nut that was gun happy threatening the customers and that had taken their aim off her briefly...

She considers shooting the cop's arm, but she knew that it could cause the hand to jerk and for her clone's brains to be splattered onto the ground so she did the next best thing she could think of. She lunges forward, aiming to tackle Dixie as hard as she can while twisting her body so that she could hopefully intercept any shotgun blast going for her clone.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena charged fast enough to knock Dixie back, just as she pulled the trigger, and thankfully, only made a shot towards the sky as she was tossed back.

As Dixie struggled with Selena on the ground, her clone got up, holding her still badly bleeding arm.

"You're all fucking idiots!" she shouted, coughing as she started gasping for air, "You cut me, choke me, then you shoot each other!" she then shakes her head, and decides to take her chances, and starts running away from the three of them, desperately trying to get away from all of the three people that were trying to kill her.

As Dixie was unable to kill Selena's clone herself, being held down on the ground by Selena, she shouted to Josie, "For god's sake, Jo! Just kill the fuckin' clone bitch! Take my handgun, and shoot her! Just like you were askin' me to do a second ago!" she yelled.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena untangles herself from Dixie and grabs her rifle, running after her clone,

"You two just go back to the goddamned inn!" She yells at Dixie and Jo, trying to catch up with her clone, "Hey! Get back over here! You think you're going to survive by yourself for long out there?!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo gasped at the gunshot, but shook herself out of it seeing no one was hurt. She started to take off after the clone when it took it's leave, but seeing Selena abandon her fight with Dixie, Jo ran over to her and tried to help pick her up, speaking softly, knowing Selena wouldn't hear her, running after her clone.


"Just let them go, forgot about 'em. She's still bleeding and if her 'sister' wants to run after her, so what. She was causing enough problems anyway."

Trying to ease the situation, Jo tried to think of anything funny possible, helping dust Dixie off.


"So remind me, which was the evil one? Hehe"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie growled, starting to get up from where she was, "I don't give a damn," she said, "I'm not sayin' I'm an expert in the medical area, but it's a load off my mind that that thing is gonna bleed to death in a bit," she said, patting all the part of her armor that had dirt on them.

Given her condition, it didn't take long before Selena caught up with her double, although she did manage to get quite a bit of distance between herself, and Josie and Dixie...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena grabs her bag and holds it against her clone's arm,

"C'mon... let's go back, I'll let you call me pickles or whatever you want, we need to get moving before you bleed to death though!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo put her arm around Dixie and tried to sort of lead her way to the inn, again trying to take her mind of the blue-haired twins.


"All that matters is we get back, right? I mean we got all the stuff out of the armory that we could carry, we're the ones carrying all the equipment, and we didn't get hurt. I'd say mission accomplished."

In all honesty, she still felt bad. Once they weren't in danger, Jo no longer cared for the idea of killing that girl, and now that Selena's gone. Sure, she caused some trouble, but not more than the help she was worth. She knew she'd start to worry if Selena didn't find her way back to the inn soon, thought she could tell Dixie was less than enthusiastic about whether or not Selena returned.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie only sighed, and went with Josie towards the Inn, leaving the two blue haired women behind...

Once Selena reached her clone, and put her bag on her arm, her clone said in a slightly grim tone,

"Hey, I'm gonna die... So, take care of kitty... Alright?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena laughs as she starts heading back to the inn,

"Nah... you won't die, you're me, right? Bleeding to death would be a stupid way to die! And won't Kitty be surprised tonight~!" She smiles with optimism as she picks up her pace, holding the bag against her clone's arm, "And Jesse! We'll have so much fun, right?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(I'm actually laughing my ass off now, now that I look back at the way Josie went back and forth between, "Shoot her!" -to- "Help her!" -to- "Let her bleed," XD)

Selena's clone grabbed Selena by her armor, and yanked her close,

"Look, you idiot, your friend said she could patch me up, and I know I'm going to bleed out before I reach that Inn. So get her back here to patch me up, before I bleed to death, hm?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena yells for Jo as she walks back towards the inn,

"Hey! Stupid girl that I was with! Get your ass over here and help patch up my sister will you?!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(It was so much that she didn't really want to die as long as she was cooperating, then when it came to her attacking or her running, it became more of not wanting to be the one to kill her. Anything about shooting her was a joke.)

Jo turns a bit as she hears Selena yell something after her. She didn't make out every word, but got the gist of it. She was really torn at this point because she knew the girl wasn't going to change, and it's hard to deny someone dying, but then again, was she even human? She decided it wasn't her choice anymore and she's not gonna get involved, especially since she's not the one who cut her, and she's not the one who can patch her up. Anything she brings to the table right now is useless, so she laid the option on Dixie, speaking so Selena couldn't hear.


"Hey, the girl's calling for you. I think she wants you to stop the wound she made.... and we're the stupid ones."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie growled, "Why the hell should I? She's the one who cut her, and if she didn't have a plan for patchin' her up, then it's her own damn fault. Can't say I feel sorry for the victim of all this either. Probably not even human!" she spat.

After the fact that there was little response, Selena's clone simply fell back, and sat down on the ground.

"It's already getting cold... I guess I've lost a lot of blood, huh?" she said, looking at all the blood, her blood, all over the streets, and fell back even more, laying down in the middle of the street, "Well, I'm doomed~"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena looks at the retreating two, then dumps her pack's contents and tries to wrap the bag as tightly as she could around the clone's arms before pulling her onto her shoulders,

"You idiot~! I'd never give up on something as sexy and cute as you!" She starts to break into a run, doing the best she could as she works her legs the to their limit, "Don't fall asleep... okay~? Kitty's gonna be waiting there for us!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo still fought with herself about how much she should actually try to sway the situation and it showed in her words. They did seem desperate for help, although given how they've acted, it doesn't necessarily mean they're up for compromise. And if the girl does get healed, then they have everything they need to tell the two apart. If not... Jo couldn't even think of it. She just wanted to place herself as far away from the clone as possible, hoping more distance will somehow translate to less responsibility.


"Good point, though it does make me curious. I mean, there were doubles of all of us, nothing ever happened to me and I think you know the same, so where did they come from? If she was a monster... do you think there's anything we can learn from her?"

(at this point, she just wants to be at the inn one way or another, whatever means the girls not gonna die right in front of her. That could either mean sit here and patch her up or just break to the inn now. It's kinda like farmtimes when the dog bites someone and you know it has to be put down, but you shake your head when the guns handed to you)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

As Selena's clone continued to bleed, something strange started to happen to her... She actually started losing her color tone that was Selena's...

"I'm... Feeling kind of... weird..." she complained, sounding half-asleep.

And as Selena and her clone on her back came into view, Dixie was about to curse, before she saw one Selena was actually different looking than the other. "Great... They're comin' back... Get your axe ready, Jo. I'm gonna put her out of her misery," she said, while glaring at the two that were drawing close...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena continues to run towards the inn, panting as she had not done much physical exercise in well... ever. She notices the two and smiles, at least they had stopped,

"C'mon... we're almost at the inn... don't die on me now! She needs someone to patch her up! C'mon! Get over here and help me!"