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Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

The evil Selena smiles, and grabs the Tazer that was thrown at her.

"Maybe you're not such an evil clone after all~" she said, before ramming the tazer into one of the tentacles holding Josie. And while Josie herself was a little fried in the process, they dropped her to the ground. And when she landed, still shaking a little from the electrocution, the evil Selena laughed, "Don't complain, I'll bet you're pretty tasty when you're cooked~"

Meanwhile, as the tentacles that previously attacked Selena's clone, looked to snare her once again, Dixie turned, and blasted the mass of them with another shotgun blast, blowing many tentacle chunks all over the street, giving her a very powerful feeling...

Finally, after reaching into her pack, and fetching the tazer to give to her clone, Selena closed her pack, and fumbled with her rifle to get back into firing position... (Tossing the tazer pretty much counted as a turn.)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena readies her rifle, letting fly another aimed shot at the tentacles,

"You're more interesting than I thought~ Maybe I won't shoot you later when we get back to the inn!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo landed hard on her ass, still a little shaky from her little bout with electrocution. She looked up to the clone fiercely but ignored her comment, mainly because she couldn't think up anything in return. The best she could think of was 'let's see how you taste when I fry your ass.' but decided against making trouble.

She grunted as she got to her feet and back away from the tentacles defensively.

*Attacking doesn't seem like a strong point for the melee-oriented*
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

The other Selena laughed,

"And maybe I won't rape you! No promises though~" she said, kneeling down to the electrified tentacles that went after Josie, giving them another zap.

And as Her other held those tentacle at bay, Selena took a shot at the mass of tentacles coming for her instead of the others, and they all dropped dead once she destroyed the pink tentacle. And as the tentacles on the ground thrashed about like fish, Dixie walked over them, and pointed her shotgun at the one that looked like a cock, and blasted it dead, then pumping the gun, and reaching for shells to reload it, now that the coast was clear, and all tentacles in sight were not moving.

"Hah! I love this gun!" Dixie exclaimed, then turned to the two Selena's standing at the scene, "Alright, now what the fuck are we gonna do about this?" she asked, gesturing to the clone of Selena, wearing the panties and bra she wore when she met the mirror.

The Evil Selena smiled so that one of her sharp teeth poked through her lip,

"I promise I'll be good! Maybe not~" she giggled, and seemed to be looking around for an escape route, should this reunion turn hostile...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena turns to her clone as she reloads,

"Not if I rape you first~ anyway..." She looks around and thinks, then she smiles, "The easiest way to get you into the inn is to knock you out and cover up your face~ Kitty's a doctor so she should be able to get you in... also, your name can't be Selena, cause that's my name!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]


Brushing herself off, Jo stepped up a bit, not trying to take command or be overbearing but trying to offer some sort of opinion out of worry.


"I'm going to be up front about this, I don't trust this girl at all."

She took the time to look at the girl for a direct statement. Almost giving a sneer as she said it.


"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you. I thought it would be best to leave this up to Selena since you two are... the same? or something? I don't know. Look, the point is, I'm a bit worried about this. You want me to keep it a secret for you? I will, but if she does something to try and usurp you, there's no way for us to tell who's who in the future. Keep tabs on her cuz I don't want to be guessing. If it comes down to that, I'm sure Dixie would love for her new weapon to make the decision. K? Not that I don't trust you Selena, I just don't want you getting raped, killed, and stuffed in a closet while we're all in the dark about it."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena nods and points at her clone,

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person to kill, rape, or stuff people into closests... well, rape maybe." She looks at her clone, "You're okay with being raped, right?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo's face turned to one of shock and question at her comment, but shook it off as a joke. It wasn't her sense of humor, but who knows this girl better than her clone. Maybe they both found it hilarious. Jo turned to start walking towards Dixie. She knew she got her feelings out, but she still didn't feel entirely safe about the decision, and she kinda hoped Dixie felt the same.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie sighed, and whispered to Josie, "Look, as far as I can tell, they're both just as crazy. I mean, both of ours had obvious differences... But fucking look at them! Are they really that different? What's stoppin' me from just doin' what you said, and puttin' them both down?"

The evil Selena laughed,

"No way! That's my name~ And only I can have my name!" she announced, "So, you're name is going to be... Fuzzy Pickles! That's a great name~" she chuckled.

And when she saw Dixie whispering to Josie she shouted at the top of her lungs, hurting everyone's ears, "STOP BEING SO QUIET, OR I'LL COME INTO YOUR ROOM AND EAT YOU WHEN YOU GO TO SLEEP!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena looks over at the two whispering, then pokes her clone on the breast,

"No~ you can be Fuzzy Pickles~ or better yet, you can be Doggy~!" She waves over at the two after her clone yells, "What are you two being so secretive about~? Oh, and Doggy, no eating people! That's bad!""
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo sighed, not realizing the girl's paranoia would cause any issue with their side conversation.


"Look, we're just talking it over ok? I already said I wasn't going to kill her and I wasn't going to tell anyone. There's no problem right?"

She tried to look at Dixie getting her to confirm and go along with it, though she knew they'd have to talk about it more later alone.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

The evil Selena's corrupted smile grew brighter,

"Don't make me angry, Pickles~ I get horny when I'm angry!" her clone said, and using the proximity of her original, she went in one swift movement, and ended up behind Selena, and found one spot in her armor that she could slip her finger into, and delivered a fierce poke to Selena's butt.

Dixie sighed, "God damn it, Jo... You killed the other two like they were nothin'! Why not just lob this one's head off?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena lets out a yelp as she quickly scrambles to get behind her clone,

"Alright~ that's enough out of you Doggy~!" One hand quickly reaches into her clone's panties, stroking what she would assume is a cock, and the other hand goes for the bra while at the same time pressing herself tightly against her clone's back, "Hm... or even better! You can be Serena! My twin that I thought was killed when all this crap started~" She leans in closer to whisper, "How much do you remember from before you became me anyway....~"
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Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo gets a better grip on her axe, not showing it or threatening with it, but holds it in case the clone tries to keep attacking or get away. She spoke softly to her friend next to her..


"Trust me, Dixie. I'm tempted."

She turned towards the two 'twins' in an attempt to stop the little scuffle they had.


"Hey! We're already taking you inside, why are you starting trouble? Can this wait for a time we're not around the corner from people who'll kill you? If we could find some way to mark her or at least signify that she's different than you in some way, I don't see a problem. "
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

The evil Selena gasped as Selena got behind her, and started rubbing her cock, while responding to Josie,

"That's easy~ I'm the one on top!" she announced, "Okay~ You're name is Serena! Since we all know I'm the real Selena, and you're the evil impostor~" she laughed, and didn't make much protest as she was fondled.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena shakes her head as she gently bites her clone's neck, letting out a little growl,

"No, you're the good clone, so you should be called Serena!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena's clone yelped when she was bit, and quickly turned around to face her double, with her teeth poking out of her lips as she reached around Selena's back, and grabbed her ass, squeezing it,

"No biting, Pickles~" she told her double, as she pressed up against her.

Watching, Dixie growled at Josie, "For God's sakes, this ain't the fuckin' circus! Let's just leave 'em to fondle each other, I wanna take a bath," Dixie complained.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo's eyes just opened at the fact that, although they were speaking to her, they were almost ignoring what she was saying as they played with each other. They just needed to move on, and this act was getting old in her eyes. She sighed and turned to Dixie.


"Oh god, just shoot em both."

She was obviously joking, but the tone in her voice did support the fact that she was fed up with the behavior.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena grabs her clone... no, for now Serena's arm and yells at Jo and Dixie as she suddenly runs, heading back for the inn,

"C'mon you idiot~ let's go play with Kitty, you haven't really even met her yet!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo suddenly jumped as Selena yelled towards them and took off. She tried to yell after them, they still had no real plan on getting her back in, and if they did, there was still no way to tell the difference.


"Wait, not yet. We still can't tell you apart!"

She ran for the two of them, hoping to catch them before they got in view of the inn.