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Logs of the fortress manager


Nov 10, 2008
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A new fort has started, the goal:
Make a dwarven underwater city of glass and steel.

Readers can:
1. Pose as the (Crazy) dwarven king and make demands of the project.(As long as it's not too weird, but remember, weird is good for a crazy king)
2. Adopt a dwarf, currently available:

Starts here

The first fort can be downloaded, watch the lagg, even though I cleaned up a big enough section of it.

Old info below here.

Some of you might know that I've been playing a game called Dwarf fortress lately, and here's the thing.

I'm thinking of writing the stories of one of my forts in dwarf fortress as a leader's logs kind of thing, it will chronicle the fortress and all the important things happening in it, and for involvement of people, everybody may pick a dwarf, and choose his name and profession, and I'll see to it that it gets transferred to the game.

Eventually there will be more then just a fortress, and there might be huge projects starting, a massive mountain hall, a temple, large tombs, castles, defensive structures, arenas, it may even be possible to hollow out entire mountains. Anything is possible, just suggest it.

I've already asked in the chatroom, and people seemed to like the idea, so here it is, any posts about it, discussion, suggestions, claiming dwarves, whatever else, goes in this thread.

Dwarves still accepted, and will arrive next migration.

Professions to pick from(Any combination allowed)

Stone detailing(engraver)
Animal handler
Fishery worker
Clothes dyer
Soap maker(Useless here)
Furnace operator(Smelting ores into bars)
Wood burner(Making charcoal)
Blacksmith(Assorted metal items)
Metalcrafting(Valuable metal item creation)
Glass maker(Completely useless for this fortress)
Seige engineer
Plant gatherer
Cheese maker(Near useless)
Hunter(Higher then average mortality rate)


Captain of the guard
Royal Guard
Dungeon master
Tax collector

Note, the last 3 are prone to unfortunate accidents at times, but a good one can last forever.

List of nobles so far:

Inod Sigunstool, count, and Ducim Besmarnecik, countess, death by dehydration and starvation.
Urvad Zarut, hammerer, lost in goblin attack.
Olon Keshandastot, tax collector, lost in goblin attack.
Kadol Tetothstinthäd, duke, lost in goblin attack.
Zuntir Koladil, duchess consort, alive.
Tosid Siguntost, dungeon master, alive.
Momuz Onulasteb, philosopher, alive.
Goden Lecadfikod, duchess, splattered all over the moat.
Vabok Thimshurmörul, duke consort, alive.
Stukos Mafolthoth, hammerer, alive.
Oddom Lumasherith, tax collector, death by dwarven engineering.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Claiming a dwarf.

Miner, just call him Burrito.

Low mountains, as well.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Sword or Axe soldier Dwarf... I guess Sin could be my name.

and the low mountains.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Claiming a Dwarf.

Profession; Fishery Worker
Name; Kharak Carpmongler

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Calling a Dwarf!

Name: Beardy McDemonElfWrestler
Profession: Miner/Wrestler

Also, Low Mountains. And what are you using as a starting inventory?

I fucking LURVE this game. If enough people play this, then we could even probably start a succession game.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Calling a Dwarf!

Name: Beardy McDemonElfWrestler
Profession: Miner/Wrestler

Also, Low Mountains. And what are you using as a starting inventory?

I fucking LURVE this game. If enough people play this, then we could even probably start a succession game.

I'm going to be choosing based on the professions, with just one miner I'll take just one pick, besides that I'll basicly just grab what seems usefull.

Besides that, a succession game would be great, untill someone decides it's fun to link the magma floodgates to the fortress defence switch, and not tell anybody untill the fortress is flooded.

Still 2 available dwarves, I'll start this game tomorrow.

There will also be more dwarves available when the first migrants arrive.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

why not, might as well get in this as well :)

Name: Shrike
Profession: Metalcrafter
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

well, im am bit late and this will go over the amount of player-dwarfs but

Name: Orrin Burntbeard
Occupation: ArmourSmith
Location: Forest
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

You're not late, that was the last dwarf thats coming at start.

Anybody else that wants to join, just post name and profession here, and you may get in with the next migrants.

You can also ask to have your dwarf change profession halfway through the game, or at any time.

And the fortress has been decided to be at low mountains, I'll edit this post with the first logs from the starting dwarves, and details on the dwarves.

Leader's log, page 1,

The year is 234, and just past new year. I have started work on my logs to detail the events that will come in the next few years, my name is "XSI" and I have brought 6 volunteers with me to settle Lunlibash Thol, "Cloudaxes the deep". We are expected to arrive at the site at the first of Granite, in the early spring. Our homeland are the mountainhomes of The stable Furnaces, an roughly average sized dwarven kingdom not too far south.
The prospectors have found us a small mountain range of some tactical importance, guarding one of two passed between the northern regions and the south, they also claimed there was a brook, an underground river, and a magma pipe, no doubt coming from the volcano a bit to the east. The only thing I'm missing is the sand that would be needed for the production of glass, but it's a small price to pay for such a beautiful location.
While the nearby volcano may heat up the outsides, I am confident we will be able to keep our settlement at bearable temperatures. My companions are as follows, each and every one of them brave dwarves that will no doubt earn their share.

"Burrito", a miner, I expect this dwarf to spend most his time digging, so we won't have to stay outside, being one of the miners, he will have to work hard to keep up with the demands of the settlement.

"Sin", our axedwarf, I have no doubt she will protect us from any early attacks, and will keep our fortress safe, even from the minor inconveniences such as kobolt thieves and the local wildlife.

"Kharak Carpmongler", the fisherdwarf, I assume his nickname means that he's the one catching the carp, and not the other way around. Whatever the case, he might not even find any carp here, but it's good to have someone supply us with food.

"Beardy McDemonElfWrestler", another miner, this dwarf will earn his share the same way all miners do, digging out our rooms and mining the ores, it's good to have multiple miners if we want to expand.

"Shrike", metalcrafter, She will be able to do a lot with metal, and I expect to have a lot of metal for her to work with. She will without a doubt help the fortress gather wealth from the ores mined.

"Orrin Burntbeard", armoursmith, This dwarf will make sure we always have the finest armour available to our soldiers, gaurds, and anybody else in danger, a fine dwarf to have on the expedition.

And then there is me, I mostly work administrative duties and organisation, although that is not so useful at the early start of a settlement, it will be important later on, and I expect to be busy every day after we've grown a bit.

In addition to the dwarves we also took 3 cats and 3 dogs with us.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 2, 1 Granite

We made our way through the mountains and reached the other side, it is early morning at the first of Granite, just as planned. In the distance I can see a swamp, and a few steps away from the boulder I am sitting on there is a cliff, going all the way down to the start of the brook. There are no carp in the river, and I didn't see any trace of other dangerous fish. Kharak seemed a little disappointed at the lack of challenges, but who knows? He might get used to it.

Unfortunately, our wagon hit a boulder and we can no longer use it, we will have to carry the goods ourselves for the last few steps, but fortunately the muskox pulling the wagon remained safe.
On the way here we found a stray camel, and took it along with us. It also seemed that the supply officer back home misunderstood my request for 3 fierce war dogs and instead loaded up 3 puppies, at least they won't chase after our 3 cats this way.

As the first news of my companions, I'm noting that Shrike adopted a cat, it's of calico colour and she called it "Badu". I expect the others to adopt a cat in the next few days, but the critters do fine without owners.
The only wildlife in the area are a few hoary marmots, no problems there. I'm searching for a good location in the rock to create our first way into the mountain, being this close to a swamp I suspect we may be getting heavy rainfall soon, so digging to stay dry should be one of our top priorities.

(Details on the dwarves below this)

Likes: Loam, silver, opals, glass, teal(light blue), and battleaxes.
Personality: Doesn't handle stress well, needs alcohol, friendly, happy and optimistic, likes working outdoors.
He worships the god of dance

Likes: Billon(Silver and copper mix), zircons(Gems), coral, dark blue, stars, battleaxes backpacks and cats.
Personality: Quick to anger, rarely discouraged, very active and takes no risks, loves the company of others, needs a shitload of alcohol and likes working outdoors, as well as a hate for authority and tradition.
He worships the goddess of jewels and minerals.

Likes: Black sand, amethists, amber, crossbows and bracelets, absolute hatred for maggots.
Personality: Often discouraged, avoids crowds, finds it hard to trust others, is careful, sincere and honest, and likes working outdoors.
He worships the goddess of mountains.

Likes: Serpentine rock, bronze, onyxes, dark tan and monkeys.
Personality: Calm, selfconscious, and a lover of art, she is compassionate and straightforward, and likes working outdoors.
She worships the goddess of metal and defences.

Likes: Mudstone, bronze, diamonds, birch wood, pig tail clothing and donkeys.
Personality: Happy and optimistic, but doesn't show a lot of emotions, doesn't handle stress well and likes the company of others. Likes new experiences and likes to work outdoors.
Worships the goddess of writing, trade and wealth.

Likes: Platinium, crystals, crystalised glass, amber, crossbow bolts, large gems, and cows.
Personality: Can handle stress, is very active, often cheerful, and naturally trusting. She is sincere and has a sense of duty, she likes being outside.
Worships the goddess of mist.

Likes: platinium, lead, large gems, crystals, gold, silver and opals.
Personality: Organised, open minded and helpful, as well as trusting and cheerful. Likes being outside.
Worships the goddess of mountains.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

(I'll make one or two logs a day I guess, as long as even just one person is interested it won't be a complete waste of time)

Leaders log, page 3, 2 Granite.

We slept in the wagon for our first night, as our miners were still digging their way into the rock. I looked around yesterday, and found platinium, iron ores, copper, silver on the surface alone. I've also spotted a few exposed veins of cobaltite, a rock mostly used in construction for it's deep blue colour, and microcline, the same kind of rock, but then in a bright teal colour.

The first thing Kharak did as he woke up this morning was to grab his rod and run to the brook, and to my surprise he just walked right into it. Strangely, he didn't fall in, and drown. It seems the brook is very shallow, with the only possibly way to have someone drown in it would be if they laid down in it and hoped the water washed into their face. I'll update on our progress tomorrow.

Leaders log, page 3, 3 granite.

Some progress, we are deep enough into the rocks to order construction of a small room. Kharak has been fishing nonstop, every day before he goes he complains to me about the lack of carp. I told him that we would buy some from traders if they bring some, which seemed to make him happy. I'm not sure about the sanity of this guy, but he's a good dwarf, and if he wants a pet carp, then I don't see why not. I won't write a log every day from now on, only when something of note happens.

Leaders log, page 4, 4 granite.

We found more microcline right in our entrance, everybody entering our little place will be treated to a blast of bright teal retina scorching rocks.

6 granite.

Designated the first sleeping area to be dug out, it may take a while. Also a public dining room.

10 granite.

Everybody might be getting tired sleeping in the wagon, so I've ordered the construction of beds for us. I've found a small problem though, we don't have anyone that actually can make beds. So I figured I'd give it a try, how hard can it be?

11 granite.

Well, turns out this making beds thing is kinda hard, especially when we don't have anything to make beds from. I've asked Sin to use her axe to cut down some trees in the nearby swamp, I'm sure she would be fine, I just hope she cuts the trees into usable logs, and doesn't use them to relieve the boredom from not having anything to do.(Read, cuts them into tiny pieces)

15 granite.

First beds are made, and we found more microcline. It seems there were mostly palm trees in the swamp, either that, or Sin thought that by swamp, I meant the distant tropical beach halfway across the world. Ive told Shrike and Orrin to gather the logs, they seemed to be happy enough to do something besides sitting around the wagon.

17 granite.

More microcline, Burrito seems to like having his favourite colour everywhere. The beds are done, but the sleeping room isn't dug out yet. I haven't gotten a lot of complaints about the beds, well, except for the part where everybody complained about my carpentry skills, being outside, and the rotting remains of something a cat killed right by our entrance. I've taken up masonry to make us some doors, that should go better then carpentry.

9 slate.

Ok, so I managed to make rock doors that make creaking noises when opened, I don't know what went wrong either, but at least we're not sleeping outside anymore. Time to make some tables and chairs for the dining room, I won't be surprised if I end up making chairs that are too low, even for dwarves.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

well, since orrin wont have anything to do untill a metalsmiths forge/ magma forge is built i suggest he also becaomes a mener so at least he will be usefull for the moment.

EDITTED: well in that case, carpentry
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

That would be good if we had picks to mine with, as it is now, we only have 2 picks, for 2 miners.

Maybe carpentry, or masonry?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Claiming a dwarf.

Name: Oni Woodchoppin'ton
Occupation: Woodcutter, Carpenter
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Name: Chip Samnotha
Dwarf claim
Profession: Farming
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

(New dwarves will be entered the next immigration wave.)

Leaders log, page 4, 11 slate.

We all went straight for the wagon today, the alcohol in our blood reached a dangerously low depth, some of us thought they might become sober. Needless to say, we each drank a full barrel of our choice, and any wierd feelings are gone now. At this same day I noticed all the fish Kharak got us was rotting, so just had it tossed out, no use eating rotten fish.

15 slate.

One of the cats brought some vermin to us today, a strange creature which I believe to be called a "Fluffy wambler", most likely because... It's fluffy. Since we have more then enough food for now, I gave it to kharak to experiment on, by his request.

16 slate.

There are bits of fluffy wambler everywhere. Thanks Kharak, it seems that fluffy wambler bits make good bait for your fishing, and they are great at stinking up the fortress.
I've asked the help of Orrin, which for now was just busy hauling logs, to help me build doors. I know this is not where his skills are, but I'm sure he won't say no when the smell of fluffy wambler bits is getting into the sleeping room.

5 felsite.

What can I say? Not much happened lately, Badu kept bringing fluffy wamblers to Shrike and I had to personally make sure Kharak didn't get his hands on them. We now have doors, a small sleeping room, and a temporary dining room. Most our labour right now is tied up taking rocks out of our food stockpile, but that shouldn't last too long before I'll have to think of other ways to keep people busy.

Side note, Beardy adopted a cat, he named it "Atír", I preemptively told him to toss out any fluffy wamblers the cat might bring.
Sin has mostly been sitting around, she went out a while back and in one cutting frenzy cut down half the forest, so there are more then enough logs.
Everybody just worked for their share, not much more I can say.

6 felsite.

We struck alunite, a white or light grey rock today while digging, and Kharak appearently had a stash of rotting turtles under his bed. I know he's a good fisher, but he should really put those in the food stockpiles so they won't rot.

8 felsite.

The ground turned yellow, and the pools a dark brown. The heat is becoming unbearable even in late spring. I've ordered everybody to bring in what they can, and tried to salvage as many logs from the wagon as possible. I'm assuming we're going to spend most of the summer inside, where it is still somewhat cool.

13 felsite.

Heavy rainfall, and Beardy is hogging the cats, he adopted another cat, this time calling the thing "Ïteb". Not such a big problem though, it's a small fort, and everybody can find each other's pets if they want to.

22 felsite.

Appearently, fluffy wamblers aren't the only things cats like here, Atir brought a dead fairy into the fort. I'm using the fluffy wambler approach on this one, and just keep it as far away from Kharak as possible.

28 felsite.

Finaly got around to dismantling that wagon, salvaged 3 logs from it, and moved everything essential inside. Still digging out stockpiles, and workshopspaces, not much more to say. It will be summer tommorrow, and all the local water evaporated, with the exception of the brook. Kharak seemed a little down because he suddenly lost all but one place to fish, so I gave him a dead fairy one of the cats brought in.

It will be summer tomorrow, a hot season, but it will be even worse on the side of a volcano..Exactly where we are.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 5, 13 hematite.

Please Kharak, fluffy wamblers may be your bait, but don't store them next to the food, today I've found another 6 of the things rotting in our food stockpile. Thankfully, our real food is in barrels, so it didn't give us too much trouble to clean up.
We also had our dining room set up now, and are working on digging out a small kitchen for Kharak to prepare all those fish he caught in. Meanwhile the furniture Orrin is making is already better then the things I made, maybe I'm just not cut out to be a mason.

15 hematite.

Spotted a saltwater crocodile today, I found it a little strange seeing as there isn't any salt water around. Oh well, it's far away right now, as long as it doesn't bother any of us, Sin won't have to kill it. Shrike has been playing with our puppies most of her day off, her cat seemed to like the things, and she seemed to relax a bit. She deserved her day off just as much as the rest of us, she was hauling stones from our stockpiles.

24 hematite.

I've designed a trade depot today, at least if we get that done quickly I won't forget to make one when traders arrive. At the same time the kitchen was done, so Kharak will spend some less time outside catching fish, and hopefully more time inside preparing them.

27 hematite.

Fluffy wamblers everywhere. I've found 3 of them walking around the food storage, and whole swarms of them outside. Where do all these cute but annoying things come from? As soon as a trapper arrives, which may take a few years even, I'll have to order a professional to catch some live ones to figure out just what these things are.

6 malachite.

It is midsummer and the season for migrants. However, I can't see anybody or anything coming our direction. Maybe they just don't know we're here yet, and maybe they do but just don't care. Either way, no migrants, we're going to have to just be happy with just eachother for some time.
There were some kittens today, and Beardy decided he wanted a third cat, so he now has a kitten as well. He seems to be a cat person.

15 malachite.

We struck our first gems today while digging a few workshop areas. "Pinfire opals" is what Burrito called them. It's nice to have gems laying around, even without anybody to cut or use them. Well, there is more work to be done, so I'm keeping it short.

25 malachite.

Not much happened today, though I've looked around during breaks and found Sin and Orrin being a little too close to not suspect something, and sure enough, they are lovers. Besides that we dug out 2 more rooms, and found more rocks.

By now we have a few colours available for any large projects we might want to try, teal, a dark blue, grey, white, and then you can count gold silver and platinum, not much, and we don't have the dwarves to build something big, but just thought I'd list it.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Name: Ensign Redshirt
Name: Frank Redshirt
Profession: Fisherman
Name: George Redshirt
Name: Sally Redshirt
Profession: Hunter

(Four dwarves with two for each of the most dangerous jobs... because everyone needs dedicated red-shirts)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I'm not sure, but I think I'm going to have to limit dwarves to one each, seeing as people are still waiting for dwarves.

Also, fisherdwarf is for now one of the less dangerous jobs, there are no dangerous fish here, untill we find an underground river.

Besides that, I'm going to check the dwarf fort wiki to see if there is red dye, so I can give the Redshirts actual red shirts.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Alright, then change them all to hunters for now and introduce a new one when the old one dies. That way you have a steady simply of cannon fodder.