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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Raven, let's play it safe and work to get an edge! Use your sand throw!"

Locke nodded to Raven to get things started. After she stepped forward, he spoke to Marla. "Get ready Marla, you're on deck. We're gonna work together as a harpy squad, one-two punch tactics!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven gathers some sand in her claw, and tosses it at Envy!

Envy loses 17 Guts!

Wiping the sand out of her eyes, Envy shook her head at the Raven. "... What are you doing?" she asks, slightly confused.

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 114 / 114
Guts: 0

Raven: 108 / 108
(Playing it safe)
Guts: 0


Envy: 400 / 400
Guts: 17

Marla's Skills:
High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Raven's Skills:
Swift Strike
Mag 8

Sand Throw
Mag 17
20% Blind (Enemy rolls twice for to-hit, taking the lesser of two rolls)

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Mango
1x Mint Leaf
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Okay Raven, go for a swift strike, but still play it safe!"

Locke was expecting the strikes from Envy to come soon, and wanted Raven to be able to dodge that flurry before sending in Marla with a high guts kick. The good thing about Raven was that her attacks required small amounts of guts, meaning the Black Harpy was good at a conservative, defensive strategy.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven flies in quickly, and makes a quick cut with her talons, cutting Envy before landing back near Locke.

Envy receives 38 damage!

"Weak..." Envy said with disappointment, as her fists finally began to take a fuller form.

"Here it comes!" Marla announced.

"I will try my best." Raven replied.

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 114 / 114
Guts: 0

Raven: 108 / 108
(Playing it safe)
Guts: 0


Envy: 362 / 400
Guts: 33

Marla's Skills:
High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Raven's Skills:
Swift Strike
Mag 8

Sand Throw
Mag 17
20% Blind (Enemy rolls twice for to-hit, taking the lesser of two rolls)

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Mango
1x Mint Leaf
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Raven, defend yourself!"

He then turned to Marla, "Once Raven's dodged Envy's attack, I want you to get in there and do a High Kick, show no fear, get brave!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

As Raven prepared herself, Envy's hairy fists were soon to fly straight towards Raven. The first one came, and struck Raven in the side! Three more fists came at Raven, striking the ground with great force as the harpy flew away, before the final, fifth fist caught Raven's chest, and made her take a step back from the force.

Raven took 26 damage!

"When so many came at one time, dodging them all is..." Raven grunted, before switching places with Marla.

"Ho! Here it comes! Super Harpy Kiiiiick!" Marla let out a battle cry! Charging, she thrusted her foot forth, and slammed it against the barrier Envy put up for herself.

Envy took 61 damage!

"You're really..." Envy sighed, not seeming too phased by the attacks against her as she seemed to be preparing to say something.

(Envy's next attack is coming, You Suck. It'll absolutely crush the guts of whoever receives it, and defending won't reduce the effects. Only dodging or having low to no guts will reduce it's effects, although your guts will still go into the negatives.)

(This attack is meant to show how withering works in full effect. If Marla or Raven had 100 guts, they would drop to 0 upon this attack. If they had zero, their guts would become -50, mitigating the effects by half. It's better to dodge a wither attack.)

(One idea might be to Take Flight, as since Envy's wither attack causes no damage, Raven nor Marla will be knocked to the ground.)

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 114 / 114
Guts: 0

Raven: 82 / 108
Guts: 0


Envy: 301 / 400
Guts: 11

Marla's Skills:
High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Raven's Skills:
Swift Strike
Mag 8

Sand Throw
Mag 17
20% Blind (Enemy rolls twice for to-hit, taking the lesser of two rolls)

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Mango
1x Mint Leaf
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Take flight, Marla!" Locke said, reacting the mysterious tutorial voice in his mind. "Then hit her with another high kick!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Up up and away!" Marla sang, taking flight.

Marla made yet another attack with her talon, slamming her foot down on the blond girl below, which Envy managed to block a second time, although she did take a knee.

Envy received 64 damage!

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 114 / 114
Guts: 0

Raven: 82 / 108
Guts: 0


Envy: 237 / 400
Guts: 28

Marla's Skills:
High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Raven's Skills:
Swift Strike
Mag 8

Sand Throw
Mag 17
20% Blind (Enemy rolls twice for to-hit, taking the lesser of two rolls)

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Mango
1x Mint Leaf
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke pondered how much time Marla might have to get in a second attack before Envy's withering maneuver hit home and deemed that Marla could definitely press her advantage right away, attacking all out before having time to come back and defend.

"Marla, use another High Kick, go all out!" he shouted.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Here comes a big oooone!" Marla announced, charging forth at Envy, before ducking over, and slamming her leg up. Despite blocking it, Envy was sent into the air before Marla flew up, and just as she did when she fought with Raven, slammed her leg down, and sent Envy crashing back down to the ground!

Marla attacked twice!

Envy received 153 damage!

Landing back on the ground, Envy slowly rose back to her feet, groaning with pain. "I won't... Lose so easily...!" Envy said with a low growl. Slowly, her hair rose, squirming like a thousand individual snakes dancing to an unheard tune.

"Marla! Be careful!" Raven cautioned Marla.

(Envy's ultimate attack incoming!)

(Battle Menu)
Marla: 114 / 114
Guts: 0

Raven: 82 / 108
Guts: 0


Envy: 84 / 400
Guts: 45

Marla's Skills:
High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Raven's Skills:
Swift Strike
Mag 8

Sand Throw
Mag 17
20% Blind (Enemy rolls twice for to-hit, taking the lesser of two rolls)

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts until enemy attack, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Take Flight! (Double speed for one turn, but if hit, halve speed until enemy's next attack)

1x Mango
1x Mint Leaf
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"She's switching to her ultimate attack? Marla, go all out! More kicks! Take her down!"

It was becoming clear that Envy's preparation times were extremely long. Marla would be able to get in no less than three attacks before the Cardinal Sin unleashed its power. Knowing that Marla's best defense was a good offense, Locke chose to play to his mamono's strengths, urging her into an all out attack while Envy charged up.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Charging in, Locke's estimations were correct of Marla. As Envy prepared a drawn out attack, Marla delivered two swift blows, dropping Envy to her knees. Rising her leg overhead, Marla was about to deliver the third blow, before Envy suddenly announced,

"... I concede." and then stood up, with Marla watching her with a confused expression. "I approve of you. You're rank D now." she announced to Locke. Envy didn't even look so injured that she couldn't fight anymore. Rather, she just gave up. She didn't look too happy about Locke winning either, but regardless, she turned, and began to walk away, leaving Marla to lower her leg and stand upright again.

"... That was... anti-climatic." Marla scratched her head.

"As I thought..." Raven hummed. "Envy is indeed a Cardinal Sin, and it would be outright impossible for us to beat her as we are right now. Her job was merely to test if we were ready to advance."

Then, the announcer spoke, "Well well, ladies and gents! Envy has conceded as she normally does, and with that, Locke has now graduated to Rank D! Congratulations, you delicious little man!" the Siren giggled, waving down at him with her wing.

"Aw...." Marla shrugged. "She was holding back? I was feeling really good about myself..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"You've got every reason to feel good about yourself. You both do," Locke said, patting both of his harpies on their shoulders. "Now that I'm officially Rank D, we're one step closer to being a top notch ranch. But with each level, things are going to get that much harder - meaning we're going to have to train better and range farther out to improve our collective skills. It also means we're going to need to get more mamono on the ranch. Preferably different types so we can be a well-rounded organization with an answer to any threat."

Locke led the two harpies back into town, giving a polite wave back to the siren announcer. He would be picking up some more food for his two mamono, as well as basic supplies for the ranch.

"Tonight also officially starts Mika's residency with us, and I believe Ripple will be stopping by too. I'm still not quite sure what I want to do about her."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Remember, she is a princess." Raven reminded Locke. "And she does want to marry you."

"FORBIDDEN!" Marla outright refused. "She has to marry me first before having such a connection to Locke."

Making it back to the ranch, Locke would find it has already been upgraded. Various dwarves were packing up and leaving as Venice stood in the middle of a clean cut grass field that was Locke's new grounds, which looked healthy and respectable, with his new house off to the side. It was still made out of wood, but all the patches were gone, and no longer looked neglected. "Congratulations, Locke. I welcome you to your new home. I paid for everything as a gift to congratulate you. Living here should be far more luxurious now."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I'll be keeping that in mind Raven, but don't either of you worry, I'm not ready to be married, and if Ripple really does want me to marry her, she'll have to do it the old fashioned way. And yeah, maybe marry you first," he smirked at Marla's outburst.

When he got back to the ranch, he took off his cap in amazement at all the workers finishing up with a renovation of his ranch.

"Venice, it's wonderful. Thanks a bunch! I'm not sure I deserve it, but I'll do my best to live up to your faith in me. And I promise to not let the small luxuries go to my head. There's still a bunch of hard work ahead."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"You're at a very important part of your career now, Locke. You should start making connections with IMA members and other Ranchers. You will not thrive unless you develop good and healthy relationships." Venice announced.

"Guess you won, huh?" Mika said suddenly, coming out of the house. "Well... Good for you I guess." Mika said with a shrug.

"You will refer to everyone here as master! Even Ripple!" Marla announced. "Or else spankings!"

Mika merely stared with disbelief.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Of course, Miss Venice. I'll be sure to speak to the other IMA members and ranchers. But what should I be looking to ask them about? How can they help my mamono grow in strength and capability?"

Later on, Locke chuckled at Marla before nodding to the disbelieving Mika. "Thanks for the congratulations, Miss Mika. How are you feeling today? Are you ready to begin doing a little work for us? I had planned on doing some basic clean up around the ranch, but it would appear Venice has already seen to most every chore I could imagine. Why don't you walk with me to the house. The only thing that's really left up to us is to prepare tonight's meal. We've a princess to entertain tonight, after all."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"IMA ranchers have access to hand out permissions to set out on expeditions into areas normally not allowed for just anybody as they're considered too dangerous. Make some connections and you might discover mamono whom can aid you. As well, many IMA members have invented various training programs they might share with you. Keep all this in mind." Venice replied.

"Eh...?" Mika blinked with surprise. "Just... Such basic chores? Nothing embarrassing?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"...Would you prefer something more embarrassing?" Locke said slowly. He then glanced at Marla. "Because I'm certain Marla could think of plenty of things for you to do that would make you blush. I wouldn't be opposed to that though. You're quite cute when you blush, your cheeks end up matching your hair."

Lock grinned as they headed into the kitchen, and he plunked the grocery bags onto the counter. Celes walked in through another door, dressed in a green apron and carrying a white and pink one in her arms. Locke had to do a double take as it dawned on him that the apron was ALL that Celes was wearing.

"You mentioned we'd be cooking, so I thought I'd bring an outfit for Mika.~" She walked past the wide-eyed Locke, showing him her bare backside, and extended the apron in her hands to Mika.

"Come on, Mika. Time to get appropriately dressed."

"Th-there's no way that's appropriately dressed for the kitchen!" Locke said. "It's not at all hygenic!"

"Oh phooey, Locke! We've got a cute indentured servant who's cherry you just popped last night during an orgy! We're past the point of polite small talk and clothes. Besides, she won't have a problem shaking her booty if you're the one watching us cook. Don't you know that the most important ingredient in the kitchen is love?~"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I wasn't asking for it!!!" Mika replied to Locke with an outburst and a blush.

When Celes walked out, Marla's only thing she wore, her bra, was instantly thrown off, "Wooo!" she announced, before putting on the apron.

"I think those aprons are for Ripple and Mika, Marla." Raven chipped in.

Marla's cheeks puffed up as if she were a fish acting in self defense. "But I wanna wear one!"

Raven shrugged, while Mika shied away from the idea of dressing like Celes at first, but the several factors present that would only make it worse made her foot stop in it's tracks, before she slowly took the apron. Her back to Locke, Mika was clearly ashamed before she quickly ran into the house to make a quick escape. She threw all of her clothes off in an instant and put the apron on, not wanting to undress in front of Locke.

"What is going on?" asked a familiar voice as Mika came back out. "Your friends are very strange, Locke." stated Ripple, who was arriving to the ranch, with a carriage behind her with various aquatic designs on it. A woman dressed like a lewd Bishop, hat and all, sat in the drivers seat but held no reigns. Two centaur women pulled the chariot, still proud looking despite their position. They looked as if the princess was the only girl they would allow themselves to transport in such a way, and if Locke wished them of it, or anyone else, they would be met with an angry hoof.