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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"Dont you wish to be rid of that parasite?" the woman said, her arm sword folding away, she stared at litzy expectantly waiting for her answer.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

That question looks to be easy to answer after all the battles than she had fight with the help of the tendrils, she just look to the woman and sigh before answer. I need it in order to save my friend, im just very weak and this parasite had helpme in many moments, also i know how to take it away... he is also like a friend, i know than is hard to understand. Litzy said not really trying to lie or hide the facts, but maybe this woman was a little right and Litzy has been a long time with them, even when the mage dream to be as god as tendril in control them. Maybe this answer will make her fight this girl, but she cant give the back to a friend.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The woman looked away and sighed, shaking her head she got her sword arms ready "They never go quietely..." she muttered to herself, Litzy thankfully still had her fists and magic to use, as it looked like this woman wasnt going to let her get away so easily.

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Litzy fails to hit, Mantis Girl gets a normal hit]

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Litzy fails to hit, Mantis Girl gets a arousal hit]

[Litzy gets a arousal crit! Mantis Girl gets a arousal hit]

Mantis Girl 6/6 HP, 3/6 AP

Litzy 5/6 HP, 3/5 AP

The battle begun with most of the attacks being thrown being dodged by the opposing party, however the girl managed to get a glancing slash on Litzy, her tentacle blocking it, the girl notices this and takes advantage of LItzies un augmented lust, folding away her arm blades and gently placing her hand behind her back and holding her arm, she gently runs her other hand down Litzies stomach, using her two fingers to rub the entrance to Litzies slit.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The girl is just very agile, the mage suppose than she cant try to stop her now, because it looks than this woman hate the parasites or just the monsters. Unable to protect her erogenous zones, Litzy soon notice than the woman is now trying to make her cum even when she hurt her a moment ago. Stop, i dont want to hurt you. Said Litzy as she decide to make her orgarsm to avoid hurt her with her fire spells. At the instant she try to wrap her and then maybe strart to undress her to make her cum as fast as possible.

[rope hit hit]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzy gets a arousal crit! ending the battle]

Litzies use of tentacles proved fruitful as they immediately lashed out and grabbed onto the womans arms, she obviously looked surprised and tried getting them off, however more converged on her, bringing her to her knees and cuffing her wrists together infront of her, more coiled around her ankles, rendering her unable to move and at Litzies mercy "Y-You wouldnt dare....?!" she said, breaking her previous emotionless facade.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Of course not, i just want to stop this unnecessary battle,so why cant we just talk ?Litzy said still holding her foe, she looks to be maybe a good girl so it must be a misunderstand. Please can you say me your name and why do you want to attack me or more likely kill my partner? Still in guard the mage maintain her grapple and point to the tendrils.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

She growled at Litzy "Ofcourse im not gonna tell you my name...." she said, she obviously didnt know Litzy had a partner, as she hadn't answered her question, although from her personality right now, she could be lying.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Look, like i said before im looking for a friend, she is all for me and even when its again my will im going to do anything to save her, so just answer me what do you want with me and if i can help it then i could do it, but you must understand than im in a hurry.

The mage sigh and then take any weapon of the woman away of her as she make the tendrils have a more firm grapple on her.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The womans arm blades arent able to be removed but the tentacles as of now are keeping them from folding out, the woman tries to struggle out of her binds but fails, in response to her question she says "M-Make me answer you..."
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

with a sad face Litzy shake her head, i dont want to hurt you but... fine maybe this will dont be so bad. I will let them do as they want with you and once you get tired i could ask you again, believe me when i said than i will continue until make you talk.

[if she not talk]
Even when it was a little hard for Litzy she start to make the tendrils prepare this girl to be raped as they still secure her limbs, if needed she will help them to restrain her but not rape her.

First she start making them give her a soft foreplay, touching her privates bellow any clothe and undressing her as they place her clothe with caution at a side of her, in every moment the mage continue feeling herself so bad to do this, but all was for Rukara safety. With soft motions they continue increasing her arousament until her body was drenched with slime and her holes lubricated enough to be penetrated. Im sorry, will you talk now? this dont need to go so far. Litzy said ready to let them penetrate her if she said no, as also she was ready to beat her if she manage to escape.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The woman moaned as the tentacles slipped under her clothing, Litzy could see her panties be removed as they hung around her knees, rubbing her slit and pucker she moaned again as she felt them become lubricated, although she was steadfast, shaking her head and not answering Litzies question.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Please dont hate me, i want to save my friend Litzy eyes start to let fall some teardrops and then she just let them rape her in the most gently way, as they rub her body, an appendage in each lower hole start to press until get inside her, her breasts start to bounce and even one get inside her mouth, Dont let her cum. was the last order than she give to her tendrils before these start to increase the speed, Litzy was in a hurry so the tentacles make expert moves in her g spot and even insier a second tendril in her honeyhole, her thights were caressed too as also her forearms, neck, back and others places. the quick motions continue until the girl was close her peak, at the instant the tendrils stoped and then after less of a minute continue, in an interminable cycle. after a time Litzy more calmed said. Please i dont want too much info, im just looking my friend, i will let you free once you answer. Said Litzy still trying to give her a chance to this girl.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The woman gave out a moan as she was penetrated in both holes, she tried struggling again as she was gently fucked but a tentacle in her mouth stopped her from doing so, she looked like she was starting to crack as the second one entered her honeyhole she gave out another muffled cry of pleasure, the tendrils left their marks of slime on her exposed thighs, eventually Litzy denied her release as the tentacle in her mouth removed itself, a saliva trail connecting it from her mouth, she was panting and blushing "O-OKay...I-I Saw your friend...s-she was being d-dragged to a cave by a...tentacle..." she said, her facade from before completely gone as the pleasure had done a number on her while she tried to catch her breath.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy was glad to heard than this girl accept to cooperate before continue with something worse. Thanks, where is the cave? can you gide me? i will do my best to pay you once i save her. Say Litzy happy but then get serious, placing a tendril close her face unless you want to continue. Once the girl accept to guide her or at least show her the cave, Litzy could hit her head to make her pass out or carry her using her tendrils if she dont want to cooperate.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"T-The caves.....ill take you to them..." she said, after slipping her panties back on and regaining her composure she guided Litzy to the caves "Just be caref-" she was cut off mid sentence when Litzy decided to knock her out cold, she stumbled and collapsed into Litzies arms, obviously she wasnt going to wake up for a while.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The mage place her in a safe place and then continue alone through the cave, she was not sure what could she find and that girl has suffer enought. With the tendrils inside her body again she prepare to what could come.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The quiet caves intimidated Litzy at every point, as every nook and cranny could hold a potential monster lying in wait, Litzy had to make sure she was ready for potential group attacks as well...

[Encounter roll failed]

[Encounter roll passed]

[Encounter roll failed]

[Encounter roll passed]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The creepy place looks like if this place were full of monsters, Litzy suppose than she will find her friend in one of these tunnels, only that through was enough to make her continue getting deeper, maybe she would had taken that bug girl with her instead of try to protect her.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy started to smell something, when she looked around she saw something hanging low at her head level, it was what looked like a orb slathered in honey, the smell was sweet and Litzy was finding it hard to stop herself from eating some of it, the aroma emnating almost throughout the entire cave.

[Resisting Honey test...failed, Litzy starts battle with -2 AP]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Even after had eaten before go to the marsh, Litzy soon yurn to the delicious honeyorb. Unable to control her body she take a portion of it with her bare hands and start eaten it, it is the best of what she she has eaten in many days, she was ready to eat more when suddenly she notice a trial running through her legs and how she was more hot than before, quickly she try to stop eating and continue her path.