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Liliana (KakkaHousu)


Dec 6, 2009
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Liliana arrived at the door of a massive and ominous looking castle. It was hundreds of feet tall, built of obsidian black stone, with no windows anywhere to be seen to let light into it's halls less they had torches or candles to light the path; and to any and all observers, even if they didn't have any magical affinity or attunement, would feel an aura of overwhelming evil coming from it, it was not a place where many would wander off to on their accord. However this was where all leads from the people she had talked to lead to the kidnapped women being, so this had to be the right place. Even odder though, was the strange fact that there was NO security on outside proximity or perimeter. And she seriously had to wonder why? If she ventured forth to test the door, even more alarmin she would find it unlocked, meaning that they either forgot or were expecting her....... When she would finally head into the castle she would find herself in a medium sized room with a door on the south and east side.
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Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

"Sure is big..." the hunter from the north thought as she stood within view of the castle. Despite all the mountains and and huge caverns in the northlands, the castle was an amazing sight to her, for there was no building this big within the borders of her homelands. And she would have to search around the place, which seemed like a daunting task when the building's size was considered. "Oh well... it's not a frost worm's nest, lucky me..." Lili tried to get some positive thinking going, kicking in the door as she saw it was not locked. The hunter had entered the nest of the beast.

Inside, she found herself in a somewhat gloomy entrance hall with doors in two other directions. Taking a firm grip on the handle of her huge sword, she hefted it over her shoulder and into a ready position of sorts. The blade was ridiculously big compared to the wielder, but Lili had trained with such arms almost entirely through her 19 years of life, and she was fully able to fight using one with efficiency. Doing a fast eeny-meeny-mainy-moe, she picked up the south door first. Going over to the door, she carried the slab of metal in one hand while opening the door and carefully peeking there before creeping in.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

As Liliana, slowly and silently cracked the door open she would she a long pathway that broke off to the right a little ways in, again further down and a final time at the end. She would not see anything at first, simply a long hall way with three forks. It was lit by the same torches she saw in the first room.
As she would walk a little ways she would see a vaguely feminine shadow moving along the wall of the first bend.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Behind the door, there was a long corridor waiting for the hunter. "Not really the grounds I'd wish for a hunt..." she thought, creeping inside with the hefty sword in her hands. There was enough pathway to go down along, but eventually a shadow in the torchlight stopped her. "That doesn't look like too impressive a monster..." the girl sighed, sneaking ever closer to see what it was about, keeping the huge blade at ready as she did so.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Lilliana sneak attempt: Roll(1d20)+0: 20,+0 Total: 20 vs TN 12 Success

As Lilliana would sneak up closer to the female shaped shadow she saw she would eventually come to see it was a rather athletic looking werewoman, a half woman half tiger hybrid. She was unarmed, she had on a blue two piece outfit, long blue hair, blue tiger stripes spread out on her body, feline ears, a tiger tail, athletic tape wrapped her arms and legs and some vicious looking claws on her hands. She could either attempt to sneak past her or sneak up on her and attack.
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Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

"That's.... not very impressive... though it's the first humanoid-hybrid thing I've seen in my life." the young huntress thought upon sighting the fit, healthy tiger-girl. Despite feeling something resembling kinship with the creature, Lili moved forward with brief, silent steps to ensure getting the jump on the thing. Once she was close enough, the blonde girl would pull the giant blade she carried back before unleashing a terrible horizontal slash with it.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Liliana: Roll(1d20)+0: 15,+0 Total:15 vs Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0:
16,+0 Total:16 MISS

Lil would just barely miss the tiger woman as she would turn around right at the last moment and jump at just the right time to avoid the impressive blade swinging towards that was intended for her midsection. "GYAH! You almost got me! Hrm, you look fearsome.... Heh, my mistress and the owner of our castle will have a fun time breaking you into being a willing sex slave!~" she taunted out to Liliana before taking a swipe at her unarmored face with her claws.

Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0: 20,+0 Total:20 vs Liliana Roll(1d20)+0: 5,+0 Total:5 Critical Success
Aphrodisiac auto succeeds Lil takes 1 AP damage a round for 5 rounds.

The tigers claws would swipe across her tender face leaving a ragged three line scar down her left cheek and would leave her feeling hot and bothered as the aphrodisiac from her claws would begin working it's way through her system and taking its effect on her.
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Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

With her huge sword swishing through the air, Lili cursed her bad sneaking as she saw the tiger-girl jump it at the last minute. Moving along with the swing, the blonde huntress twirled in place, getting a faceful of claw in the process. When her attack was properly stopped, Lili had lowered herself to one knee, holding the sword over her in a manner that left the tip touching the ground while she brandished the handle at face level. "Disgusting. You can wish all you want, it's not like anything like that will happen." she replied to the hybrid's remark, a healthy redness rising to her face as something in the claws was clearly affecting her. "Damn poisoning...." the huntress thought as she moved forward in the attacking despite this small setback. Lifting herself up, she dropped the stance and attempted to backhand the creature with a reverse horizontal strike.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Liliana: Roll(1d20)+0: 20,+0 Total:20 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 16,+0 Total:16 Success
Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 8,+0 Total:8 vs Liliana: Roll(1d20)+0: 2,+0 Total:2 Miss

Liliana's fist would swing around accurately to backhand the creature up against the wall, making a dull thud as her soft flesh hit the stone wall, "URGH! DAMN YOU!" cried the tiger like woman as she immediately spun around and tried to get in another claw at Lilana's face, but the Northern woman would be more prepared this time and easily side step the monster woman's riposte.

FP 4/5
MP 0/0
AP 2/10

Were tiger
FP 4/5
MP 0/0
AP 0/10

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Feeling her mailed fist crack against the face the hybrid she faced brought a smile on the huntress' face. Despite sending the opponent tumbling against the nearby wall, Lili was ready to evade any return blows that might come. And she was right in keeping her guard up, as the tigress came back at her with a high-speed claw strike. Doing a twirling sidestep to evade the incoming scratch, Lili grabbed a firm hold on her sword with both hands and shifted into attack straight from her evasive maneuver with another horizontal strike as she adjusted her heading towards the opposition.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Liliana Roll(1d20)+0: 19,+0 Total:19 vs Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0:
11,+0 Total:11 Hit
Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0: 5,+0 Total:5 vs Liliana Roll(1d20)+0: 4,+0 Total:4 Hit
Liliana Roll(1d20)+0: 11,+0 Total:11 vs Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0:
20,+0 Total:20 Miss
Weretiger vs Liliana Roll(1d20)+0: 11,+0 Total:11 Roll(1d20)+0: 1,+0 Total:1 Hit
Liliana vs Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0: 3,+0 Total:3 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 1,+0
Total:1 Hit
Werewtiger vs Liliana Roll(1d20)+0: 19,+0 Total:19 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 3,+0
Total:3 Hit
Liliana vs Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0: 13,+0 Total:13 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 9,+0 Total:9 Hit
Weretiger vs Liliana Roll(1d20)+0: 11,+0 Total:11 vs Roll(1d20)+0:
11,+0 Total:11 Miss
Liliana vs Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0: 8,+0 Total:8 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 7,+0
Total:7 Hit

Liliana's blade would slice through the tiger woman's midsection leaving a nasty scar, sending the tiger hybrid backing off a bit before springing back and rending her claws across Liliana's copper armor, she would try to retaliate by swinging a diagonal strike across the tiger lady's chest but she she jump back to avoid the woman's blade and again rack her claws against the copper protection Liliana wore. As the woman's claws raked against her armor Liliana sent another backhand to the woman's face sending her reeling back some, before she would slash across her protected chest once again, by this point her once shiny armor was beginning to show signs of wear and tear, but by this time the tiger like woman was nearing her last legs and greatly weakened and her last attack would be slow and sloppy as she would manage to miss her target leaving her open for slash across her back, ending her once and for all as she lay on the stone floor her blood cooling on the ground before Liliana, she was now free to proceed down the rest of the hall, where if she chose to do so, she would find a set large iron door leading into a medium sized room.

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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

After a fervent exchange of varied kinds of blows, Lili stood victorious over the still-warm body of the tiger woman. "Hmph. Should've left me alone..." she said out loud for some reason. Going down onto one knee, she set the blade in front of her, taking a quick look if there was any damage in the sword. Taking a small rag from her gauntlet, she gave a brief wipe the lenght of steel, taking off the blood that remained on it's surface. "Dammit, I'll have to look after my armor later..." the huntress thought as she got back to her feet, sword kept to the side as she started lurking down the hallway. Eventually there was another doorway in front of her, this one a large one made of iron. Sneaking herself inside, Lili would start investigating the room beyond.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Encounter Roll (you know the drill by know :p) (1d100)+0: 71,+0 Total:71

Liliana would find the door to be unlocked and would hear no sound of activity or life if she pressed her ear to the door to listen. When she would walk inside she would find the medium sized completely empty inside with the exception of a dark oaken wooden chest sitting lonely in the center. If she would walk up to check it out she would find it unlocked and when she looked on the inside she would find a small red vial with glowing red liquid that pulsated like a beating heart. The vial itself was rather ornate looking like an alchemist's test tube.

Liliana has found a minor life potion.
 She can drink this to restore 2HP.
Once and if she deposited/ acquired the potion she would be free to search the rest of the room, and while it would be completely empty still she would spot another pair of Iron doors leading out into a southern hallway on the southern side of the room.
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Inside the room, there was very little for Lili to investigate. Only a chest sitting at the middle of the room, looking quite suspicious in the spot. Still, the blonde huntress wasn't about to ignore a possible stash of useful things, so she went for it. Despite the relatively big dimensions of the container, it only had a small vial of glowing liquid. "Hmph, oh well. It's better than nothing, might save my butt from a bad spot." the girl thought as she took some time to investigate the smaller details in the glass container.

After looking at the potion enough, Lili deposited it inside a small pack on her belt, moving towards the new doors after the vial was safely tucked away.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Liliana would find a short southwards pathway leading from the doors, that would end in a fork with a westwards and eastwards path. The Eastward path would break into a long south path going a long way down and ending in a medium 3x7 room, with an ornate burnished bronze and blood red double door. It would also break off into two other paths heading into the west, once in the middle and once across from the room on the end. The western path at the beginning would widen out as she would go on and would seem to circle around another room, somewhat smaller then the one she had just been in. If she would investigate she would footsteps around the west branches in the long southern path and towards the end of the first western path before the south leading hall, as well as see shadows dancing across the walls.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Traversing the path ahead of her, Lili soon found herself in a two-way decision. Not taking too long to make a decision, she went off towards the western route. The corridor widened eventually, revealing it's circling design. Eventually some footsteps alerted her, and the huntress sneaked closer to see what was going on as a few briefly flivkering shadows flashed in her sights.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Sneak Attempt: 
Roll(1d20)+0: 11,+0 Total:11 vs TN 12 failure
Lilliana would come up to the split circling path just as another Tiger like woman would show up coming from the top path, turning down the end of the curve, immediately getting into an aggressive stance and leaping towards the huntress with her claws beared! "Not so fast, little miss trespasser!"

Lili:Roll(1d20)+0: 14,+0 Total:14 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0:
11,+0 Total:11 Hit
Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 7,+0 Total:7 vs Lili: Roll(1d20)+0:14,+0
Total:14 Miss
Lili: Roll(1d20)+0: 18,+0 Total:18 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0:9,+0
Total:9 Hit
Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 1,+0 Total:1 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 18,+0
Total:18 CRIT FAILURE, Lili auto counters
Lili: Roll(1d20)+0: 10,+0 Total:10 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 11,+0
Total:11 Miss
Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 19,+0 Total:19 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 4,+0
Total:4 CRIT SUCCESS 2x damage!
Lili: Roll(1d20)+0: 6,+0 Total:6 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 5,+0
Total:5 Hit
Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 14,+0 Total:14 vs Lili: Roll(1d20)+0: 13,+0
Total:13 Hit
Lili: Roll(1d20)+0: 7,+0 Total:7 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 5,+0
Total:5 Hit

Lili would manage to swing her sword around and slash across the tiger woman's chest as she came towards her, not only injuring her foe, but deflecting and stopping her attack from striking her. She would then manage to bash her in the face with the hilt of her sword, sending her staggering back a bit causing her to be knocked off balance and foiling her next attack from the disorientation. As she was able to easily jump back out of the way of the tiger's next attack she would manage to easily place a copper boot firmly and squarely in her abdomen, knocking her back and causing her to double over in pain. However the tigress would be able to roll out of the way of her next as her blade would hit nothing but air, and the slow response time from wielding such a large weapon would cause her to be open to the tiger woman's next attack, which would be two sets of claws raking across the copper armor and seriously damaging it. However, by then Lili would be able to recover fast enough and send a knee to the tiger woman's chin knocking her back some ways, before the tiger woman would recover and swipe her claws across one of Lili's cheeks, scarring the woman even further. But ultimately the drawn out battle would go to the experienced huntress, as she was able to deliver a devastating and fatal slice diagonally across the tigress's chest, ending her life as she would expire and fall flat on her face on the stoney floor, lying in a pool of her own blood. But by now, the aphrodisiac had increased her arousal even further, and the itching in her loins was beginning to become unbearable. She would have to find a cure of some sort soon, or she would inevitably become too horny to even move, unless she would simply give in, remove some of her armor and did something to get her self off.


Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Liliana (KakkaHousu)

Once she had travelled down the corridor, Lili found her sneak attempt had failed as the second tigress was already in her combat stance when their eyes met. "As if you'll stop me kitty..." she replied to the woman as she charged forward with blade at her side, catching the opposition by surprise with the fury of her initial strike and cutting her right off the bat. A brief but eventful exchange of blows followed, both sides managing to inflict damage on each other but with Lili ultimately claiming the victory as she gutted the second tiger within a short period of time. Still, the battle had left it's marks on both her armor and body. The poison she had been affected with was making her feel almost unbearably hot and bothered, and the huntress craved for release. "No... can't take my armor away.. not going to expose myself..." she thought, lowering herself to a knee and giving another brief cleaning to the bloodied sword. Afterwards, she sat down to see if the effects would subside even slightly.

Whatever happened, she would get up after a while and head down the path where the tiger lady had been before their battle.