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Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena wiggles around in the Orc's arms trying to free herself from the beastwoman's grip.
(2d6)+3: 1,3,+3 Total:7
Orc 1
(2d6)+2: 2,3,+2 Total:7
Sena manages to free one of her arms from the orc's grip even as the other one begins to fondle her labia.
Sena's Escape(Dex) goes up to 1/10
Sena takes 1 point of pleasure damage reducing it to 3

Allow the orc to continue pleasuring you?
Use your free hand to attack?
Something else?
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Focus... Focus... Sen thinks, trying to keep her mind on the task of escaping the orcs. I know this is probably going to be a bad idea, but... Sen mentally mutters before trying to bring her free hand down to the crotch of the orc holding her to launch a lightning bolt into the orc's most sensitive area. If all went well, the bolt should not only get the orc to let go, but preferably not hurt Sen as well.
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sen unleashes a lightning bolt into the pussy of the orc restraining her.
Total:14 (A near crit!)
Orc 1
unable to dodge
Calculating damage MD+Magic=3 damage
The orc squeals in pain as the electricity is sent straight through her most sensitive spot. Using both hands to tend to her injured pussy, she releases Sena.

Attack Orc 1?
Attack Orc 2?
Allow the rape to continue?
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Scrambling away from the orcs a little bit, Sen quickly scans the area, looking for wherever the orc hand put Sen's dagger when the orc had disarmed her. She also refrains from speaking, not wanting to further piss of the injured orc.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena scans the room for where the Orc laid her weapon.
Notice check
TN:9 Easy
Sena fails to see her dagger as the orc she zapped with lightning tries to club her in the back of her head with her fist.
Orc 1
(2d6)+1(minus -2 for surprise attack)
Sena is sent reeling to the floor as the orc's fist makes contact with her skull, giving her a massive headache.
The second orc tries to pin Sena down and strip off the bottom of her armor.
Orc 2
The orc manages to hold her down and remove her bottom pieces of armor and tear her tights around her ass and vagina area.
Sena takes 1 damage
Sena's Notice goes up to 1/10
Sena takes 1 point of armor damage reducing it to 3, her ass and pussy are also exposed.

Try to escape?
Allow them to rape you?
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Uhng.... Sen moans in pain as she tries to squirm free. Hopefully she could at least pull free a hand to fight back with.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena tries to squirm free of the pigwoman before her companion can violate her.
Orc 2
Sena manages to squirm her way free from her captor although her nervousness from the situation and the cool air blowing on her flower causes her nether regions to tingle and her pussy to begin to throb and itch.

The other Orc then tries to belly punch her hopefully subduing her enough to continue the rape.
Orc 1
Sena tries to dodge but unfortunately enough she is not fast enough as the Orc's large fist slams into her solar plexus, sending her crashing back down to the floor.
Sena takes 1 more damage going down to 2
Her armor takes 1 more damage going down to 2
Sena's Escape(Dex) goes up to 2/10
Counter attack?
Allow them to rape you?
Flee? (50/50 chance of suucess or fail)
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Gasping as she tries to regain her breath, Sen lashes out at the orc that had just punched her using her foot. Given the position that the orc had had to get into to punch her, the orc should hopefully have a much harder time dodging than if it was standing up.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena tries to kick the attacking orc hopefully doing some damage and buying her some time.
Orc 1
Calculating damage = 1 damage (defeated)
Sena's Fight Unarmed goes up to 1/10
The orc is unlucky enough to be in the right position and distance to get a boot in the face, knocking it out.
Sena then sees her dagger lying next to the orc.

Make a grab for the dagger?
Attack Orc 2?
Flee? (1-3 Capture, 4-6 escape)
Something else?
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena quickly dashes towards her dagger, keeping an eye on the moving orc as she does so. She wasn't quite sure how one had gotten behind her before, but she wasn't going to let this one do the same.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Random roll: (1-3 flee, 4-6 stay and fight) failure - The orc flees. Having seen the damage this human has done to its companion she flies past Sena and out the door.
Sena recieves 2 xp

You see a door on the other side of the room, but have no idea if it locked or not.

Search the room?
Search the remaining orc for a key?
Head back out to the hallway?
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Ugh... I don't feel too good... Sen mentally complains before moving herself over to the other orc. Not wanting to have to worry about the thing later, She uses a quick slash across the neck to make sure it's dead before checking the body for anything useful, particularly any armor pieces that Sen might use to replace what she's missing.

Once she does that, Sen will crawl over to a corner to sit down and rest for a while until she can recover from the fight.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena searches the body of the orc, she is wearing a crudely crafted uniform. With half of her top being a belt and the other half a black think material. She is rather rough leather boots, and seems to have a shoddy made leather shoulderplate. Her pants are also a patchwork shabby leather construction. In her pocket is rusty copper key, most likely to the door on the other side. As well as 20 gold.
Sena receives 20 gold
Sena is at full HP (-2 from +2 from resting)
Sena is at 6 MP (-3 from fights +3 from resting)
Sena is at 7 FP (-3 from fights)
Sena is at 4 pleasure (-3 from fight +1 from resting)
Sena receives a rusty old key
Sena recieves Crude leather armor 5hp +0 defense
Sena think she can some kind of laughter at the other end of the door.

Head through the door?
Head back to the hallway?
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Deciding that, though likely uncomfortable, the orc's gear is better than her damaged armor, Sen quickly dons the shabby armor. However, once she listens to the door, a few thoughts pass through Sen's mind, What the hell? Laughter? Who or what is in there? Did some of the village girls go mad? Sen wonders before she gently tries to open the door. If the door isn't locked, it would probably be quieter to not use the key. Otherwise, she could always just go ahead and use the key if the door is locked.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

The door slowly opens letting a loud creaking noise as it is old and rusty a well.
You hear a woman's voice call out to you, as she has obviously heard the door creak open. "What's this? A customer? A visitor? Don't worry, Mimi won't hurt you. Please come in." You make your way down the hall into another room, this one larger then the last, with an off woman inside a box in the center.

"Hello there pretty warrior. Have you come to rescue the women here. I think you will need more then that If you are planning to. Please check out my wares."

Staff (wood)10 gold (copper)10 gold
Dagger (Copper) 10 gold
Longsword (copper) 40 gold
Short bow (wood)10 gold (copper)10 gold
Longbow (wood)40 gold (copper)40 gold
Repair Leather Armor 1gold/ point
Wood Armor 20 gold
Copper Armor 50 gold
Mana Potion 40 gold(Restores 4MP)

"Or if you don't have enough tender you could always 'exchange services'. ;)"

Ask what it would get you?
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Um... What do you mean, exchange services...? And how much for the mana potions? Sen says, stay a little bit away while she tries to get a good look at the woman.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

"40 gold. Or if its too rich for your blood you could always join me in my chest and work it off for free....... You ARE kind of cute after all." She saids in sultury voice as she picks up her box and hops over to Sena, rubbing her hand down her cheek, over her breasts and lightly cups her firm ass cheek.

Whore it out for the free mana potion?
Pay the 40 gold?
Buy Something else?

{OOC: I'm off tonight. See you tomorrow possibly.}
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

I... uh... well... hm... uh... nnnnn... Sen starts babbling incoherently as she thinks about the offer. She does probably need the potion, but she doesn't have the amount of gold necessary to buy it. Still, to willingly... and with a woman...?

Other than rambling and making some odd faces, Sen responds by turning beet red.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

The Mimic draws Sena's face in closer towards her and cradles her as she nibbles on her ear lobe and whispers lustfully, "Don't worry, cutie. If you make it worth my while and get me to cum, I won't just give you the potion for free but all my wares will also have 25% discount just for you from now on. ;) It's a winwin deal." She finishes before blowing hot breath into Sena's earlobe and fingering her groin.

Have sex with her?
Politely Recline?
Jerk Back?

Pay Full price?
Move on?
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Uh... I... umm... well... nnn... Sen continues muttering incoherently, she would be able to respond normally if the woman was trying to rape her like the orcs, but she had no experience dealing with women who chose to flirt with her instead. It would probably end up being the woman who would make the final decision, possibly acting based off the fact that Sen hadn't said 'no'.