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Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

I've never played WoW on an official server, but I played on my buddy's private server before he got bored and shut it down because everyone he played with had moved to Planetside.

Had a level 50-ish Night Elf Druid. It was fun when I was playing with people, but soloing sucked, and I can't remember what t was that I hated, but I loathed one aspect of the game. I think it had something to do with weapons, or items, or something like that :/

Haven't played for a couple years now.

I still think they should dump WoW and make Warcraft 4.
Granted, they are coming out with Starcraft 2, and it looks hot, but I want Rexxar as more than just an EXTRA campaign unit :(
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

SC2 good, but D3 = pure unrefined win.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

I still think they should dump WoW and make Warcraft 4.
Granted, they are coming out with Starcraft 2, and it looks hot, but I want Rexxar as more than just an EXTRA campaign unit :(

Here here! Orcs got a low rap in the expansion!

Personally, I wouldn't mind if they made another War3 expansion expanding on the Naga and Broken. <3 Naga!
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

*Hangs a bullseye around neck*
Personally, I think WoW is the most useless waste of time, both for those who play it, and those who made/manage it. From what I understand, it's not fun, it's a chore, but one that the players are convinced they need to complete for some unknown reason. When you have such a large community based on such a narrow world, the whole point of an MMORPG is lost. The whole point of an MMORPG is, in fact, the last three letters of the acronym, Role Playing Game. We have plenty of those on here. The point of a role playing game is to be someone else, to play a diferent role, and to have fun (the game part).

I played WoW for all of 20 minutes before I gave it up, so I don't quite know what goes on at the upper levels, but I'm pretty sure there's no one, or at least, maybe two people, who go Zug Zug.

Conversly, WAR, while still new, is gaining considerable numbers of players. Why? Don't think anyone would know for certain, one factor may be WAAAGH!. And sexy witch elfs. Or perhaps that the Warhammer world has been around for a long time now and has a lot of literature to back it. In WAR you can actually get into the whole RPing, the fact that there's servers devoted to Roleplay helps this as well. My very first RvR experiance in WAR (Gates of Ekrund, the Tier 1 Greenskins vs Dwarves scenario) was peppered with typical MMO chatter ("Get the healers") and orky phrases ("Git da squishies!" and plenty of "WAAAGH!").

Don't know what people will make of that... but I will say now that I have a burning hatred of WoW, and a severe dislike for Blizzard for its market practices (Splitting SC2 into three games, so you have to buy all of them. For quality... sure. If each campaign needed its own disk, just put them all in one box and call it good. Rivven anyone?). Also, however, I have a severe dislike of Games Workshop, they opened a store here in town and drove one of the best gaming stores out of business. My dislike of WoW comes from the legions of mindless idiots (any present company excluded) who spend 10+ hours a day playing for insubstantial rewards. "I've got a level 50 sword that kills 100 people on every swing and heals me over 9000 hit points each second!" That's nice, do you have a life? Or a drivers licence?

Ok, starting to rant now, I'll just finish this off by saying, no, I will not be playing Rise of the Bitch King, tonight, or ever.

Taking a diferent tack, I assume people have seen the promo banner ads for this right? That whole "Your definition of epic will be shattered" thing? Yah... That's epic.
Captain Falcon > Arthas.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

*Hangs a bullseye around neck*
Personally, I think WoW is the most useless waste of time, both for those who play it, and those who made/manage it. From what I understand, it's not fun, it's a chore, but one that the players are convinced they need to complete for some unknown reason. When you have such a large community based on such a narrow world, the whole point of an MMORPG is lost. The whole point of an MMORPG is, in fact, the last three letters of the acronym, Role Playing Game. We have plenty of those on here. The point of a role playing game is to be someone else, to play a diferent role, and to have fun (the game part).


Would you like to join my party? I'm questing to slay the WoW beast XD

Don't know what people will make of that... but I will say now that I have a burning hatred of WoW, and a severe dislike for Blizzard for its market practices (Splitting SC2 into three games, so you have to buy all of them. For quality... sure. If each campaign needed its own disk, just put them all in one box and call it good. Rivven anyone?). Also, however, I have a severe dislike of Games Workshop, they opened a store here in town and drove one of the best gaming stores out of business. My dislike of WoW comes from the legions of mindless idiots (any present company excluded) who spend 10+ hours a day playing for insubstantial rewards. "I've got a level 50 sword that kills 100 people on every swing and heals me over 9000 hit points each second!" That's nice, do you have a life? Or a drivers licence?

Games Workshop..... I think there's one by me. Never been in, but I see demo tables set up and WH40K figures set up in the window display.

Blizzard isn't the issue, it's the people who run it. We may have to take it over >:3
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

Maikochan: you win a free internet. I've lost at least one friend to WoW - too busy with the online friends to ever hang out with the IRL ones.

Don't get me wrong, I get having online friends, but when you hang out with them to the EXCLUSION of other people...I mean, I could go over to his house to hang with him and he would sit there playing god damned WoW

Kusanagi: I'll join your party.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

I agree totally with you guy's, I would rather hang out with friends than grind in a game. The thing that always turned me off about the MMORPG's is that they aren't really roleplaying games they're rollplaying games. Of course I don't despise them utterly I just don't enjoy them myself.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

I would rather hang out with friends than grind in a game.
I dunno. If a hot girl asked me to play a 'grinding game' with her..... :p

pbird: Alright, cool. You can beat up (or get beaten up by) the Trolls while I nick their money :p
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

Yeah when you put it that way grinding sounds much more enjoyable.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

Yeah well, there's nothing else for us to do in Beaufort. At least here there's stuff to do but... *shrugs*
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

Enjoying the game and becoming addicted to it are two entirely different things.

I like WoW, but that's not to say I play it to the exclusion of the rest of life.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

Enjoying the game and becoming addicted to it are two entirely different things that usually go hand in hand.

Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

That's not fair to the majority of people who do play it casually Nunu. Because, as with any fanbase the freaks are the ones that are most heard.

I played it a little, and trust me, when you start playing, it's not like you forget everything, but it does pass the time very quickly because you're enjoying yourself.

Is that any different that what we do, or at least what i do, here? I'll spend hours here and on Gaia without even realizing it.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

chibi, remember what i say, thinking is how good jokes are ruined.

i was just making a sarcastic remark.

my real feelings are to set actual wow addicts aside as a separate sub section of humanity, like cerebral palsy victims or jews (there i go again). i myself have a 64 paladin, but i haven't touched that in a while because i got bored so i assure you the joke was at my own expense as well.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

yes well, it wasn't a very good joke then.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

Alright, let's not build tension.

WotLK feels like a much bigger expansion than BC did.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...

yes well, it wasn't a very good joke then.

oh i never claim i make good jokes, i just hope people arn't offended because they are jokes.
Re: Let's face it... I'm not the only one...
