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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

A Flight grants immunity to dire bears, giant scorpiants, mountains, forests, rivers and cliffs.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn turns to Berry, "Could you fly us over?"

"Um... possibly..."


"Well, in order to fly properly, I need to have a general idea of where the ground below me is."

"So, since you can't see the bottom of the ravine..."

"... It would be risky trying to fly over.":

A. Try it anyway.

B. Rummage for materials to build a bridge.

C. Climb down and up the other side.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A Just pretend the bottom of the ravine is infinity feet down. What could go wrong?
Re: Legend of Lynn

Friggin' votelock...
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn looks to the ravine, "It'd probably be safer to climb down and up the other side."

"Alright, let's go."

Berry and Lynn make their way to the ravine and starts climbing down the garbage-lined walls. They climb down for quite a while before making it to the bottom, which was dimply illuminated by glowing green crystals. Running through the floor of the ravine was a wide river of black sludge.

What should they do?:

A. Wade through it.

B. Try jumping across.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C. Fly over the sludge then climb the other side of the ravine.
Re: Legend of Lynn

area that river of sludge is coming from is accessable.
Find source.
C: flying across seems like the best idea
Re: Legend of Lynn

Berry mounts her broom, gesturing for Lynn to hop on as well. Lynn hops on as Berry kicks off the ground. However, as they attempt to fly over the sludge the broom jerks down, Berry not having accounted for the depth of the sludge. The jerking motion of the broom causes Lynn to fall off and into the sticky, black sludge, her bag falling onto the opposite shore.

What should Berry do?:

A. Land on the opposite shore and try and pull Lynn out by...

-1. Using her broom.

-2. Wading in to get her.

B. Swoop down and try and pull Lynn out.

C. Other.