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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn quietly rolls onto her belly and starts crawling towards her sword, shivering occasionally as her nipples drag against the chilly floor. Once she made it within arm's reach of her sword, the Ghini notices and starts floating towards her. Lynn panics and reaches out and grabs her sword before quickly standing up. The Ghini was almost within her sword's reach now. She learned her lesson from trying to stab the Ghini last time with her sword, but didn't know how it would counter any of her other attacks. So she rears her sword for a stab attack, and lunges her sword forward towards her foe. She stobs her lunge mid-way when the Ghini lashes it's ghostly tail at her. Lynn rolls to the slide and swings her sword at the Ghini's side, causing it to rear back in pain. Lynn takes this opportunity to rear her sword back one last time and lunge her sword forward, burying it deep into the Ghini's eye.

The Ghini spazzes out, writhing in pain before dematerializing in a flash of blue, magic ectoplasmic flames. For some reason, this triggers the doors to open, allowing light and more musty air to flood into the chamber. Lynn takes a deep breath, thankful that her ordeal was over.

What should she do?:

A. Gather up her clothes.

B. Gather up her items.

C. Explore the room.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

I guess I'll have to say A first, at least those clothes that are not currently in freefall.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B, A, C in that order. Then D masturbate in self pity.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn gets up, her skin glistening with the sweat and saliva from her latest encounter. Lynn walks around the more illuminated room, to gather up her items and clothes. After gathering up everything but her chainmail panties, she gets dressed by first sliding on her bicycle shorts and her stockings. She slips on her breast plate and slides on her tunic. Lynn wraps her belt around her waist, to help keep her tunic on, and slides her vambrace onto her wrists. She then slips on her boots and puts on her hairtie. She slings her item bag over her shoulder, and grabs her wooden shield which was chipped and slightly splintered from her adventures so far.

"Ugh, my clothes are all slobbery and slimey... I need to do some laundry, and I need a bath... Lets just see what's in this room first."

Lynn looks around the room, to find a peculiar object on top of the blue tile in the canter of the room that wasn't there. It was a small key. Lynn grabs the key and slides it into her item pouch.

What should she do now?:

A. Continue exploring the dungeon.

-1. Through the West doorway.

-2. Through the South doorway.

B. Temporarily leave the dungeon to take a bath and do some laundry.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B The dungeon isn't going anywhere, but Lynne is all icky. She deserves a break.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Shame on you, Iggy. You didn't write out the D option in your update. :p

Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn felt very icky. She couldn't continue exploring like this. She makes her way back to the dungeon entrance without incident and exits the dungeon. She emerges into the somewhat fresher air of the Yoll Graveyard.

"Oh, right, I forgot I'm in a creepy graveyard..."

Lynn makes her way down the lane of creepy gnarled trees. She then pulls out her map to find a good place to bathe and to launder her clothes.

"Now, where can I bathe? I don't want to bathe in that private spring near that... perverted tree; as nice as as the spring was, I kinda want some privacy right now."

Lynn keeps looking at the map, pondering where she should bathe.


Meanwhile, a young witch-in-training was flying low towards Yoll Graveyard. She was trying to multi-task by studying the basic spells in her spell book, only half paying attention to where she was flying. Unfortuneately, neither party was paying attention as the young which who was flying too low on her broom, and the map-reading Lynn crash into each other. The witch falls off her broom, rolling forward, stopping propped upside down under a tree, causing her dress to turn inside out, revealing her modest, perky breasts covered by her small, white, lacy bra and her loins girded by her poofy, white bloomers. Lynn was knocked onto her side, her shield completely cracked from the impact. The witch gets up first and embarrassingly gets back up, setting her dress back to normal and panics as she checks on the girl she ran into.

"OMYGOSH! I'm so sorry! Are you okay~?!"

Lynn groans and shakes her head slowly.

"Oh... Can this day possibly get any worse...?"

Lynn opens her eyes and looks up at the witch, her eyes widen as she recognizes many similarites between the girl and the description of a girl from his father's adventures. The girl was slender and had a thin frame. She wore a long, thin violet dress and a large wide-brimmed witches' hat. She wore an old burgundy leather purse-like satchel over her shoulder. On her feet was a pair of hand-crafted leather shoes. On her face, she wore some make-up; to be more specific, pink blush on her cheeks and green eyeliner on her eye-lids. Her eyes were hazel-colored and her hair was that of a dark green color. She was the exact spitting image of her. Could she be...?


The witch looks at the girl in surprise.

"Y...you know my mom?"

"You're mom? N...no, my dad met her frequently on his adventures here in Labrynna and Holondrum."

The witch's eyes widen as she gets a good look at Lynn, noticing similarities between her and the adventurer her mother told her stories about as a child.

"W-would you h-happen to be the daughter of Link?"

"Actually, yes. How did you know about that?"

"My mom told me stories about an adventurer she bumped into frequently while flying about Labrynna and Holondrum."

The two girls laughed at the same time, fading off into an awkward silence.

"Well, I need to get going. It was nice meeting you, um...?"

"Berry. My name is Berry. And thank you, it was nice meeting you too, er... umm...?"

"Lynn. And it was nice meeting you too."

Lynn gets up and starts to continue on her way. Berry looked at her sadly, obviously not wanting her to have left so soon.

"Hey, wait!"

Berry grabs her broom and follows Lynn on foot, walking alongside her. Lynn looked at Berry slightly irritated.

"So, where are you headed, maybe I could give you a ride? I mean I DO owe you for messing up your shield."

Lynn though about it. What should she do?:

A. Decline the offer and keep walking.

B. Accept the offer.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B We made a friend! Yay!
Re: Legend of Lynn

C ask her if she really is a witch. Then say to her 'If you are a witch...' Go up and grope her, a hand on her breast followed by some seductive one liner.
Re: Legend of Lynn

"Sure, I guess it's better than walking and I DO need to find a place to take a bath and do some laundry... Sure, I guess I could use a ride. Take me to Lynna City."

Berry mounts her broom and gestures for Lynn to get on behind her.

"Hop on."

Lynn swings her leg over the broom and sits behind Berry.

"Hold on tight cutie~."

Lynn blushes deeply from being called "cutie".

"Er... wh...what did you call me?"

Berry blushes from that accidentally slipping out of her mouth.

"I... er... um... I said 'hold on tight... uhm...ly...'."

Berry quickly kicks off the ground and strats to hover slowly off the ground on her broom. Lynn gasps and wraps her arms tightly around Berry's chest, pressing her body as close as she could against Berry's back.


"Don't worry. This is completely safe. Just hold on tight."

Lynn gulps and maintains her tight grip.

"Okay, just don't fly too fast..."

Berry nods and starts flying towards Lynna City once she rose out from the fog-covered canopy of trees. Lynn looked around at the ground below them, both afraid that she was so high in the air, and soothed from the beautiful aerial veiw of the lush, beautiful land of Labrynna. She could see for miles, soothed by the beautiful sunset on the Western horizon.

"It's so beautiful~."

Berry nods in response. As they neared Lynna City, Berry veers left towards the South Shore, south of the ruins of the Black Tower.

"Wait! Where are you going?!"

"You said you needed a bath and you needed some laundry done."

"Yeah, but I can figure that out for myself in Lynna City!"

"Come on. Trust me, I have a nice set-up at my house."

What should Lynn do?:

A. Demand that Berry take her to Lynna City.

B. Go along with her.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B lets check her house
Re: Legend of Lynn

C lets go to her house. But instead of being dominated again, lets start seducing Berry while in the air. The closeness of death from falling should heighten the pleasure...
Re: Legend of Lynn

Damnit Diagasvesle! WHY U GIVE BONER?!
Re: Legend of Lynn


Nothing bad could possibly come of this.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C lets go to her house. But instead of being dominated again, lets start seducing Berry while in the air. The closeness of death from falling should heighten the pleasure...

Giggity giggity goo!
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn sighs and thinks to herself.

'Well, she seems nice enough. I guess I can trust her.'

Lynn holds on tightly as Berry begins her descent along a small grassy beach, just South of the Black Tower grounds. She landed just past a small delta on the West side, the water flowing from a large drain in the middle of the large black wall. There wasn't much on this side of the delta. There was only small length of shoreline alongside the large, towering black-bricked wall. At the far West end of this length of shore, before the tall cliff, was a medium-sized treehouse. Lynn looks up at the large treehouse.

"You live in a tree?"

"Hey! Don't judge a book by its cover. It's actually quite cozy."

Berry and Lynn dismount the broom and Berry leads the way up the ladder and into the tree.

"Come on, follow me."

Lynn follows Berry up the ladder, blushing deeply as she tries to avert her gaze from Berry's bloomers, which were clearly visible from below Berry's dress. Berry enters the treehouse first through the front door. Lynn enters second to see quite a nice, cozy abode. The first room of the house was a small sitting area furnished with a soft, plush ornate rug and several cusiony soft pillows. The next room in was a small dining area with a small table and two chairs; the room was just large enough to comfortably sit two people with enough room for other people tow walk around the table. To the left was a large room with a bubbling cauldron resting on top of a bright red magic circle and several potion-filled shelves lining the walls. Straight ahead of the dining room was a small, cozy kitchen. And finally, to the right of the dining room, was a small cozy bedroom with a small bed, wardrobe, and a vanity for her to do her makeup. Lynn notices that Berry was barefoot inside her house and set neatly next to the front door. Lynn politely did the same and took off her boots and sets them next to Berry's shoes.

"What do you think?"

"It's... cozy..."

Berry giggles and smiles happily.

"Why thank you~. Unfortunately, its getting dark and chilly outside. I don't think you want to do your laundry or bathe outside in the dark and cold, do you?"

"Well, I guess not."

"Then how about I offer you a clean bathrobe for you wear for the night, so you don't have to wear your dirty clothes while you wait for morning?"

How should she respond?:

A. Sure.

B. No thank you.

C. Other (Within character...).
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Re: Legend of Lynn

A... hmm, this could be a bad choice
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. "O-Okay, sure... But no peeking while I undress!" >////<