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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn grumbles in annoyance as she traverses her way to the North passage.

"Ugh... Father always made this dungeon exploring thing to be much more exciting. My feet are killing me and I haven't even found the evil thingy that the giant tree thingy told me to get rid of. At this rate, I don't think I'll be done anytime soon."

Lynn walks through the North doorway, and as she enters the room, the door shuts tight behind her. Lynn draws her sword and stands at attention, quickly surveying her surroundings, obviously surprised by the loud slamming sound the door made when it slammed shut. The room was mostly dark, and illuminated by the flickering, crackling flames of two large torches in the center of the room. The floor in the center of the room was decorated with ornatly-designed tiles. Next to each torch there were chipped, beautifully crafted, worn blue blocks. To the South-West of the Southern-most torch in he room was a medium-sized pitfall stretching out to the West and South of the torch. To the East of the Southern-most torch in the room was a large suit of armor standing by itself. Lynn walks around the room, trying to stay out of the shadows lining the sides of the room. She steps into the center of the room between the two torches, standing on top of a unique, ornate blue tile in the middle of the other grey-colored ornate tiles in the room. She looks around through the shadows shrouding the edges of room like a veil of darkness. She sees nothing but the faint outline of the roots growing down the walls. Lynn pulls out her map and examines it by the flickering lights of the torches. There was nothing of interest marked on the map, and the only ways in and out of the room were the door to the South, which was shut tight beyond her capability of re-opening it, and the door to the West.

"Well, I guess there's nothing of interest here..."

Lynn turns and cautiously makes her way into veil of darkness towards where the map said the other door was. Once she reached the Western wall, she noticed something peculiar. The door was shut tight just like the one to the South.

"Well, that's weird... How am I supposed to get out of here?!"

Lynn then hears a slow-paced dripping sound behind her. Lynn stops in place and feels a shiver run down her spine. She turns around and sees a large one-eyed ghost-like creature. Out of its mouth hung its large, long tongue, which was dripping with saliva. It appeared to be ogling her seeing as its rate of salivation increased and its panting sped up. Lynn stood there frozen from the eerie chills that were running a marathon up and down her spine.


What should she do?:

A. Try and overcome the shivering sensations and...

-1. Attack the Ghini.

-2. Run past the Ghini and into the torchlight.

B. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A1 Kill it now so that we don't have to deal with a monster that can walk in the torch light!
Re: Legend of Lynn

I'll vote A1 as well, just because I'm assuming everyone else knows what they're doing.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn quickly shakes her head and fights the shivering sensation running down her spine. Lynn pulls back her sword and then lunges it forward in a stabbing motion towards the Ghini. The Ghini swiftly floats back to dodge and quickly wraps it's tail around Lynn's sword and tosses it overhead behind it into the darkness on the other side of the room. Lynn stared blankly at the Ghini, trying to process what exactly just happened. The Ghini took this opportunity to slip it's ghostly tail behind Lynn and used it to swipe at Lynn's ankles, causing her to trip and land flat on her on her back. Lynn reaches back to rub her sore heiney after making a hard landing on it.


The Ghini then coils its lower body around Lynn and constricts tightly around her.


Lynn started to thrash her lower legs, which were free from the Ghini's coiling tail. This unfortunately resulted in Lynn kicking off her leather boots across the room into one of the dark corners of the room, leaving her feet clothed with naught but her silky smooth, white stockings. Lynn grumbles to herself.

"Damnit! Let! Me! Go!"

The Ghini seems to comply by loosening its hold on Lynn, but immediately follows it up by slipping it's long, slimy tongue between Lynn and its coiling body. Lynn cringes as the large, saliva-soaked tongue under her tunic, and slides it upward, lifting Lynn's tunic and breast plate off of her, her vambraces snagging on her tunic as it was stripped off, the vambraces being pulled off in turn.

"GYAH! H...H-HEY!"

The Ghini then flips the coiled Lynn over upside down and slips its tongue between Lynn's lower half and the Ghini's ghostly tail. It angles its slimy tongue just right to get enough leverage and pried off Lynn's bicycle shorts covered by her chainmail panties and her stockings all in one fluid motion. To her dismay, she hears her chainmail panties bounce and then make a long fading off scraping sound, which would imply that they fell into the medium-sized pitfall in the room. Lynn flushes deeply both from the blood rushing to her head whilst upside down and having just been stripped completely naked and left at the mercy of the naughty Ghini.

The Ghini flips Lynn right-side-up and turns her so it was face-to-face with her. Lynn's entire bare naked body was shivering and shuddering from being constricted by the Ghini's frigid, ghostly tail. The shivering sensation in her spine returned from the Ghini's frigid embrace.

"Pl...pl-pl-please... d...d-don't eat m-me... m...m-mister Gh-Ghini..."

The Ghini stares blankly at Lynn, before lashing its tongue at Lynn's face and slowly dragging it's wide, slimy tongue up Lynn's face, leaving her hair and face dripping in saliva. This only caused Lynn to shiver and shudder in disgust and revolt. The Ghini starts to float about, carrying Lynn around, repeatedly lapping at her head over and over again, loosening out her hair tie, letting it fall onto the floor as it floated about aimlessly in the darkness. Eventually, it got to the point where Lynn was shivering and shuddering so much, that her body went numb from the ectoplasmic chill emanating from Ghini, her short hair was sticking out everywhere and covered in saliva as was the rest of her body from the shoulders up. The Ghini then lies the numb-bodied Lynn sprawled out naked on her back under the black veil of darkness.

Lynn wanted to move and even tried to move, but her body was too numb from the Ghini's ghostly chill that she couldn't even move. Before Lynn knew it, she felt the tip of the Ghini's large tongue press against her genetilia, causing her to release a high-pitched girly squeal of pleasure. The Ghini then slowly drags its tongue up Lynn's naked body, stopping at her face. It kep ravaging and licking all over the helpless, immobile Lynn, who became more and more numb with every lick. It made sure to spend more time licking the areas that got a significant reaction from Lynn; in other words her pussy, anus, inner thighs, feet, armpits, and her perky breasts. A few hours later, Lynn was almost numb to the point of getting hypothermia before carrying Lynn to the center of the room and setting her down next to one of he large torches. Lynn was left there covered head to-toe-on both sides in the Ghini's sticky saliva. Her body was completely numb and petrified from being thoroughly licked and ravaged by the Ghini's large, long tongue. Her mouth was to numb to even speak, much less call for help, not that it would matter anyway, the doors are still shut tight, leaving her trapped there helplessly as the Ghini's new playtoy. After about half an hour later, Lynn started to get some of the feeling back into her fingers and toes. The Ghini was currently floating about aimlessly somewhere in one of the shadow-veiled corners of the room. Lynn was getting more and more feeling back into her body with every passing minute.

What should she try and do?:

A. Try and find her sword.

B. Try and find some of her clothes.

C. Lay there and thaw out some more.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C. Don't be stupid and try to go out and find crap. The monster will just tongue rape her again and give her the icies!

Suggestions after warming up some MOAR is to D Try to take the torch out of the wall and use it to burninate the hell out of the Ghini. If the torch is... glued to the wall, try to find the bag of ember seeds and sword, set sword alight and attack the ghini.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C. Don't be stupid and try to go out and find crap. The monster will just tongue rape her again and give her the icies!

Suggestions after warming up some MOAR is to D Try to take the torch out of the wall and use it to burninate the hell out of the Ghini. If the torch is... glued to the wall, try to find the bag of ember seeds and sword, set sword alight and attack the ghini.

It's actually more of a large stone brazier...
Re: Legend of Lynn

C. and then A. , in the very least trying to catch glint of the sword from wherever it is in the shadows to determine it's exact location
Re: Legend of Lynn

I'll have to agree with C. After that... well, we know where our bottoms are, but it seems like having a sword first might be wise.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C. and then A. , in the very least trying to catch glint of the sword from wherever it is in the shadows to determine it's exact location

Isn't the sword made of Wood? How would we find a wooden sword in the darkness? Metal yeah I could understand.. But a wooden sword..

Anyhow, changing my vote to C and then playing the waiting game.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C for Conformity
Re: Legend of Lynn

Maybe it's still got ectoplasm or something on it, and she might get a gleam of it from that. That or she might make out a wooden object in the darkness of a stone? dungeon.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Maybe it's still got ectoplasm or something on it, and she might get a gleam of it from that. That or she might make out a wooden object in the darkness of a stone? dungeon.

HOLY SHIT, COUNTERLOGIC?! He's backsassing you Diagasvesle, you going to take that from him?!
Re: Legend of Lynn

HOLY SHIT, COUNTERLOGIC?! He's backsassing you Diagasvesle, you going to take that from him?!

Did Iggy say that Lynn gleamed in the torchlight? After all, she was covered in the Ghini's slime! And skin reflects such glittery things more easily then wood!
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn lies there motionlessly, not to attract the attention of the Ghini. Occasionally, the Ghini stopped by to monitor Lynn, in which she laid there limply with her eyes closed, pretending to be passed out until it went back to wandering about. Eventually, she had most of the warmth return to her body and saw something familiar lying on the ground, half-concealed by darkness. It was the hilt of her sword, the rest of it was hidden under the cover of darkness, as the sword laid along the edge of the torchlight and shadow. The Ghini was currently on the opposite side of the room, facing the wall.

What should she do?:

A. Try and sneak her way over to her sword.

B. Swiftly roll over to her sword.

C. Continue lying there.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. Time to put the any training she has had to use by grabbing that sword!

D If the Ghini sees her moving, abandon any pretenses and work on dodging the ghini, but towards her weapon.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. We tried rushing the thing once and that went poorly. It's also a lot easier to go from "sneaking" to "rushing" then vice versa, and obviously we'll do that if it sees us.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. We tried rushing the thing once and that went poorly. It's also a lot easier to go from "sneaking" to "rushing" then vice versa, and obviously we'll do that if it sees us.

True, lets do this (A)