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Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
~~~Prologue: The princess kidnapped Ganon?~~~​

There Link stood, before the great and mighty Hylian castle, at the drawbridge, which awaited Link's entry. The castle was owned by a powerful princess named Zelda, who was always known to be a sexual deviant, stealing any man with round ears away for reasons unknown.

But when Ganon, a long time rival, and recent friend, was stolen away by Zelda's minions, Link knew only he could defeat her, and rescue prince Ganon, from certain rape. Holding his trustworthy Master Sword, and Hylian Shield in hand, it was up to our hero to stop the princess from continuing her path of evil, and save the prince Ganon, and return Hylia back to normal.

Within the castle, who knows what foes awaited Link? Rather than the usual evil glow of most of Ganon's castles, Zelda's influence seemed to cast a rather odd feeling over Link, a warning that he could not understand... Who knows what dangers would await him inside?
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Amazing how life could turn upside down in an instant. One minute link was carrying a barrel of milk for Poker Night with Ganon and Friends, the next he's running half way across the world (well, what he knew of it) on a quest to rescue his buddy from certain peril: A Princess without supervision or guidance, or even a good role model. A Princess renown for 'acquiring' men, many never to be heard from again. Those that were, scarred and traumatized by her depraved and perverse activities.

Link really like Poker Night with Ganon and Friends.

Standing at the entrance to her opulent castle, Link just couldn't help but bask in it's welcoming glow. He expected something a little more sinister from a dangerous person, like Ganon's dark fortresse. And the drawbridge was down! It was like he was expected...

Oh, I am so on to you, you depraved Witch, Link though to himself, sensing a trap. That's way too obvious. I'm going in the hard way.

He begins searching for an alternate way into the castle. A crack in the wall, a suitable tree, a water gate, anything.
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Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

When the thought of an alternate route came to mind, Link would remember a small waterway to the right of the gate he used to use to peep on the voluptuous Zelda, as well as any other of the female servants in a 'vulnerable' moment.

The boxes of Lon Lon milk that were there before, when he was a child, were no longer there. He would remember using those to help boost him up to the hole, but now that he was an adult, he could easily climb up without them. Although, the waterway was a bit more cramped as well, not meant for a man to fit through. However, thank goodness he was quite thin!

Sliding out, and landing on his feet quietly, the familiar sight of a guard posted to observe the area was replaced with an unconscious armored man with his lower decency removed. He looked as if he was just sexually assaulted... And recently.

And the apparent culprit was nearby, her footsteps shambling away from Link, her back luckily towards him. Most of her clothes were gone, except for a black girdle around her waist, attached to black stockings. Her inner thighs were moist as she shambled about slowly like a zombie, causing the odd feeling Link had felt to worsen. Clearly, he was dealing with a whole new foe...

His code of honor would prohibit harming these people. They were still human, except something seemed to be controlling them. They're just victims of Zelda's devious scheme, and it is Link's duty to save them. Sneaking about would be his only option, which shouldn't be all too difficult, since he did it before easily...
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Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

The sticky mess of the guard and the unknown woman was the most cold and disturbing thing Link had seen yet. This woman had apparently just had her way with the poor man, while on the job, and fucked him into unconsciousness, and him there completely exposed, neither caring that she was effectively naked as well. Do the guards here actually guard, or are they glorified dildos?

He knew the best option to get through the castle was using discretion. He definitely did not want that woman's attention, or any of her colleagues, if any. He decided to stick to hiding and observing, and sneaking past any patrolling guardsmen/perverts.

Wait for the woman to begin moving along the topiary in the center, then quickly run across the left side into the next room... he went over in his head. He knew the quickest path to the inner Courtyard. This room with topiaries, the next with a pair of fountains, a short climb over the room after that, then a hedge and statue garden... He just had to spend a moment observing whoever was patrolling to pick the right time to sneak past.
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Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

The fact that the women were so disorganized in their movements seemed to make the task of getting about the castle courtyard that much more difficult than before. Worse yet, Link began to notice the steadily increasing difficulty coming from his hat, more specific, from the fairy inside of it. After a moment, like an itch steadily growing worse, Link had to find a quiet spot within the garden where he first met Zelda, before Navi groggily came flying out, resting her naked, blue body on the ground below, as if something was wrong.

"Ugh..." she groaned, "Link... This place makes me feel funny... Something in the air... It's like my stomach is filled with butterflies!"

Navi's disposition seemed to be quickly changing, and he could feel less and less of her support on his side every passing moment. Especially so when she actually began touching herself, and masturbating in front of him!

The tiny blue fairy smiled up at Link, as if hypnotized, "Oh, Link... All you ever talked about were those three whores... Saria... Malon... I've always been there for you! I deserve you more than any of them!" she announced sternly, seemingly ready to 'pounce' at Link, even though she only stood about the height of his cock.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

(Navi!?! You sick bastard!)

Just once he'd like to get by one day without his 'Guardian Fairy'. He would say he loved her, but as he grew up, it was the love reserved for a Big Sister, and you really shouldn't spend all your time with your big sister. It could get awkward. Still, 'Guardian Fairies' did their job for the life time of their charge, and since they were immortal, they could accumulate vasts quantities of practical knowledge and practical skills. Navi was different from other G-fairies. She loved hiding in his hat and napping, unlike others that ever hovered above their charge, and she loved repeating the same advice multiple times over the course of several days.


Link put his finger over his lips, as if to shush his blue companion. Waking from her nap now was a bit inopportune, but more importantly her glow was more noticeable, and her talking would definitely attract someone very quickly. Link really wanted to stay stealthy.

But then she started fingering her tiny self. Most of the Guardian Fairies didn't know diddlely about sex, believing it to involve screaming, jumping on a bed and hitting each other with pillows. Spending time outside the Kokari Forest taught link and Navi the truth, though up until now, the blue glowing sprite just shrugged it off as nothing important to her.

This is not the time for that! he would have screamed, if he could. He quickly shook his head and waved his arms. Not now. Not good. Not only was this the worst time to be confessing love (or just lust) but the mechanics of such a relationship were just gonna be impossible. She was very tiny, just big enough to be bathed in his... Not helping!

He had to get the message across that this was not the time. Locking eye contact with the tiny blue pervert, he pointed to his eyes, then to her. The he put a hand over his heart, made a heart shape with both hands and pointed to her. Then he pointed to his wrist and shook his head. He then tapped his wrist, pointed to her and pointed to his mouth, then made a heart shape with both hands.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Navi seemed confused at Link's hand signals, until she frowned with impatience, far to consumed in what 'she' wanted to even begin thinking of what they meant. Then, she yelled her over-repeated catch phrase, "HEY! LISTEN!" she shouted angrily, and from her rather loud announcement, to Link's fear, several of the castle's inhabitants responded to her shouts, following the sound of her voice.

From the way he came, peeking out of the many windows, and even looking down from the castle walls above, many of the castle's female inhabitants were upon Link, staring at the lone green wonder.

Then, from the top of the castle walls, the old, yet well built Impa stepped forward, while seemingly unaffected by the 'lust' that affected even Navi, as she spoke clearly, and didn't seem to have that 'empty gaze' the others did. "Ah... Link... I've been expecting you. I knew you'd try and infiltrate this castle eventually... It's in your nature to go where you don't belong. I quite clearly remember telling you to never come back after peeping on Princess Zelda. I suppose it's only proper to punish the criminal with the crime he committed! Let's see how you like perversion when it's the other way 'round!"

She rose her hand, snapping her fingers, before all of the female maids, servants, royal guests, and even female guards advanced towards Link, their arms reaching out to him like Redeads craving flesh, no doubt intent on doing ungodly 'perverse' things to him.

Seeming to snap out of her 'lust,' even though she still seemed affected, Navi flew up into the air, next to Link's shoulder, "Oh, no! Link! You can't hurt them! It's this magic in the air... Ugh... Ahhh..." she moaned as her hands went to her breast and pussy respectively, "It's... Controlling them..." She gave a lewd moan as she descended to the ground, masturbating profusely, "My body and mind are acting on their own...! I can't help you Link... I'm sorry!" she apologized to him, leaving him alone, without the help of her magic to help him focus.
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Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Stalfos. Moblins. Octorocks. Skulltulas All manner of unspeakable horrors her could handle without losing his sleep to nightmares.

What Princess Zelda had done to her subjects, on the other hand, was absolutely beyond his limit of sanity. Insatiable sex-crazed zombie women was just such unreal concept. He just didn't know how to deal with it. Surrounded, and outmatched do to his moral handicap, Link chose the one option left. Escape.

With practiced speed, Link wiped out the ancient silver Ocarina of Time. With precise fingering and breath control, he played the first song that comes to mind. A song that he often played when he missed his earliest childhood friend and wished to see her. He played the Minuet of the Forest summoning the power of the goddesses to take him away from this sinful, dirty place.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Impa suddenly released a deku nut, which snapped loudly as Link's song began, stunning him, and causing his Ocarina of Time to fall to the ground. When his vision faded from a world of pure white, he'd find himself on his back, with a swarm of women all around him, including Navi. His tunic was lifted, and his underwear removed, as the women all around him ensured he wouldn't be moving.

Two maids on his leg prevented him from moving his legs. They humped his knee with their pussies, pleasuring themselves. A castle guard and royal guest took to his hands and arms, gripping them, and actually fucking themselves with his fingers. Meanwhile, Navi was sitting on his balls, her arms wrapped around his cock, squeezing and jerking up and down as she licked the front of his cock, glancing at the tip as she pleasured the most sensitive spot on his manhood...
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

What? I can't see! Stunned, Link can only flail pathetically, dropping his instrument of escape and nearly tripping over his own boots. Hey! Who's touching me? he wondered, as his vision blurred and returned.

EEK! He was pinned and naked in an instant! He tries to struggle, but it is useless, as he left his Golden Gauntlets back home. He tries to wiggle and worm, his way out of the pile of naughty women, until Navi finds his cock.

Oh, hey! We can have a physical relationship. I hadn't though of 'this'.

NO! What the hell is wrong with me? This is bad! Keep struggling! Must resist! With only a pause, Link continues to struggle, fooling himself into believing there is still hope for escape.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Link's struggles only brought more women to pile their limbs onto his body in an attempt to render him completely immobile. Link found himself completely surrounded by horny women who were either using Link in any way they could to pleasure themselves, or were simply using their own hands to the same effect, fingering themselves as they watched Link, holding him down as he was raped.

One of the more eager women, a busty maid with wavy orange hair, mounted Link's chest, touching herself, while leaning down to his face, cupping her other hand on his cheek, and kissing him in every place she could find; smooching his lips, nibbling on his neck, tugging on his ear with her teeth, and licking the bridge of his nose like an animal.

Meanwhile, Navi, after making Link's cock fairly erect, simply from teasing his most sensitive parts, began fluttering her wings, lifting herself up, before gently planting her nether parts on the tip of his length, still keeping her wings going, lest he impale her completely. Navi grunted, squinting an eye, "Link... I don't think it will fit... But... I have to try..." she tells him, before easing herself down, legs lifted into the air, attempting to make as much room as possible. Link's length began slipping past the cheeks of her ass, as the intense tight feeling of Navi's body trying to take him inside overwhelmed the tip of his cock, compressing his skin.

It may have been surprising to find that Navi had managed to fit anything inside her at all, but she had accomplished it, although barely. Link could feel the fairy's soft, squishy organ embrace the very tip of his length. And once Navi seemed to have a feel for how far she could take him inside, she began riding him, holding her hands on the head of his cock, and actually fucking him slowly, albeit, only the top of his cock...

(Animation pic ahoy!)

Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Completely pinned, his struggles useless, Link tried to drown out the sensations of the crowd's lewd behaviour by thinking about his favourite relaxing activity. My fishing game could use some improvement. He tried his best to ignore the perverse things the women were doing all over his body. Instead of a perfectly vertical swig, maybe one that's at an acute angle? He tried his best to ignore the gorgeous, voluptuous maid's sensual attention. Maybe if I tug the lure differently, somehow make it bob up and down... ARG!

He couldn't see anything, what with the beautiful maid blocking his view. But he could here Navi. Won't fit? Try? The sudden pain wasn't much, even if it was at a very sensitive spot, but the contras between that and the rest of his now ignored cock brought his mind completely back into what was happening to him.

Feels good. Resistance failing. Can't block the sensation. Despite his every effort to hold back, any more stimulation would send him over the edge.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Little by little, Navi seemed to fit a little more of Link's manhood inside of her, until she quite literally had the whole head of his cock inside of her, pushing him further to climax. Even the little things, such as the dozen women around him, molesting him, and using his body to pleasure themselves, provided a small boost of stimulation, pushing his climax just a little further, making it throb with excitement.

When the maid on his chest lifted her ass, to lean her head over, using her tongue to play with his ear, he could see Navi riding him, her little pussy stretching to fit him inside, wanting to be utterly filled with a torrent of his cum. And once she'd finally get her wish, Link's cock suddenly pumping forth his seed, the little fairy screamed aloud as her tiny womb was pumped with the gooey substance. Her eyes going blank as she was nearly blown off of his manhood, his white fluid slimeing out of her pussy in gooey lumps as she fell to the ground, her little belly round from being filled, slowly going down as his cum left her body.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

What an obscene image, Link thought to himself at seeing what he was doing to Navi.

As the strangely addicting afterglow faded, he began to struggle again.

Ok. Haha. Very funny. You raped me. Everybody is happy. Can I go now?
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

After a sudden scene switch, a nostalgic feeling came over Link, reminding him of his Gerudo experience, when he was sent face-first onto the stone floor of the dungeon, with the prison door slamming shut behind him, while rings in his head.

Meanwhile, nearby, on a counter, within a small jar, navi was fidgeting, and crying, putting up a fit as she was handled by Zelda's servants, and stored away. The pair of scantly clad maids walked up to Link's cell, grinning perversely down at him, "You're going to stay right there until Princess Zelda decides she wants your cock, okay, fairy boy?" she told him mockingly, before motioning off with her partner, making a joke he couldn't make out, giggling after it was said, before vanishing past the door.

Meanwhile, once again, as per any instance when Link is caught, none of his gear was taken from him. His sword, bombs, arrows, and even his ocarina, was still in his possession. And upon this confirmation, he would hear the jar containing Navi bouncing back and forth, while the fairy demanded to be set free, several phrases of 'HEY' and 'LISSEN' heard amongst her rambling.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

You are not nice people, Link could barely keep himself from sobbing. This is not how I wanted to lose my virginity.

He watched as the under-clothed maids put Navi away, with a slight tinge of satisfaction, and frowned as they mocked him.

The instant they were out of sight, he began searching his cell for a possible escape route, starting with the wall furthest from his cell door. He had to escape.

The only way Princess Zelda is gonna get my cock is if I'm raping her.

Then again, she'll probably enjoy it. Let's get the fuck out of here.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Searching about the room, Link found a secret crawlspace hidden away behind a large vase, yet another flaw in prison technology that Link has discovered.

After crawling through, and reaching the other side, free as soon as he was captured, Navi was banging her hands against the jar she was captured in, her pleas muffled by the casing around her, "Hey! Listen!" she called, "Get me out of here! I don't know why people like putting us fairies in bottles so much, but I can't stand it in here!"
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Link paused to seriously consider freeing Navi. On the one hand, she raped him. On the other, there was some sort of magical aura that compelled her to do it. Then again, the magic could still be affecting her. After a whole second thinking, Link decided to just pop the lid and let the fairy out. Worse comes to worse, he'd put her back in.

With his guardian (cough*rapist*cough) fairy free, he started searching for a quick exit. Preferably one where he could avoid guard/maid patrols altogether, like a window he could jump out of into the moat.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Once Link freed Navi, the blue fairy immediately flew up, and hid inside his roomy, green hat. "Home sweet home!" she announced cheerfully, as Link would feel the blue fairy plant her small rump on his head. And upon reaching a window, Link would quickly escape the prison, falling down a short distance, to the moat below, crashing in a fierce wave.

After he crashed into the water, and emerged in one of the castle's courtyards, fortunately not far from his destination, Navi soon followed him, bursting out of the water, and spinning about, shaking all of the water off of herself. But instead of commenting on Link's sudden dive, Navi gasped at their new surroundings.

All around them, was an odd, thick fog. They were much closer to the castle than they had been before, thanks to their capture at the hands of Impa and her perverted servants. The fog seemed to encompass everything around it in an odd magic. Even more powerful than before, the sensation Link had felt was returning. His pulse quickened, and his mind kept making brief flashes back to when he was ganged up on by all of those women. The one he thought most attractive, among the others who held him down, seemed to take presence over his memory, for a moment forcing him to fantasize about thinking of what it would have been like for her to replace Navi...

However, even in this thick fog, Navi seemed fine, as she suddenly collided against Link's head, sending him to the ground on his side. "Link!?What the heck is the matter with you! Snap out of it! Is the magic in the air starting to get to you to? We've gotta hurry and stop whatever Zelda's planning, before this stuff spreads throughout Hyrule!"

Navi was clearly fine, albeit she now was in possession of far more spunk than she used to have. It seemed that making the women under the spell's influence reach sexual satisfaction helps to make them return to normal. And although it seemed to have less of an effect on Link... As thick as the magical fog was, it seemed potent enough to make him lose focus.
Re: Legend of Ganon: The Rapist Princess (Link)

Coming out of the water was a refreshing relief for Link. He was out of the mouldy cell, Navi was back to normal, and there was nobody around. The fog was kinda creepy, but nothing he'd hadn't encountered before.

As he began to walk across the courtyard to exit the castle grounds, keeping his senses open for any other inhabitants, and began to reflect on the events that had just transpired. The horny maids, the castle guards, Impa and her new and improved perverted attitude, the horny servant girls, that gorgeous red head and her full passionate lips. Oh how her generous bosom would like absolutely erotic bouncing about...

Navi's sudden collision didn't have the force to knock him over, but the sudden shock sent him sprawling anyway. He got up and dusted himself off as she berated him. Your right, he thought as if speaking to her, The magic is getting to me. He quickened his pace, but kept his breathing steady, eager to leave the cursed castle.

He redoubled his efforts to focus on his surroundings. Hyrule was in peril, but he needed a clear head to figure out what to do about Princess Zelda's diabolical scheme. Getting clear of the magic fog was top priority.