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Left 4 Head

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Re: Left 4 Head

Since in L4D you can have maximum of 4 players there was one slot available which has just been filled up by Sylvie.

Unless someone dies (which may happen if I get bored with writing for one of the characters and decide to introduce a new one to freshen up the story) this will be your team from now on until the end of No Mercy campaign.

Intermission: Female Zombie Special Type I - Tonguerine

While the other girls rested Rebecca was looking through immediate surroundings hoping to recover some items that may be of use. In one of the wagons she found a radio. After finding some batteries and some tinkering with broken wires she managed to make it work and tuned into a military broadcast.

(static noise) "...if you are female be carefull and try to avoid them at all costs..." (static noise) "Another mutation has been reported by the scientists, a special flavor of female zombie which they have named the Tonguerine. It is a female which has the following characteristics -- she is much stronger than an average female and her tongue is split vertically into three cylindrically shaped parts. Each part is up to 30 cm long and capable of very rapid movement. Her mouth and neck are enlarged to accomodate this change. The two lower tongue parts are very thick and bumpy, while the topmost one is thin and ends with a small suction cap which has the capability of sucking and vibrating. Tonguerine specifically targets females and scientists therefore believe that she has evolved from infected lesbians. Her tongue attack is very dangerous -- if she succeeds in subduing her victim she will penetrate both their anal and their vaginal orifices with her lower tongue parts which have thin and slithery tips making penetration easy and unstoppable and use the suction cap on the victim's clitoris making her unable to resist by forcing orgasm after orgasm upon her, each stronger than the previous one since her mutated tongue is excreting pheromones during the attack. Unless someone else removes the Tonguerine from her victim she will continue raping her until the victim passes out, and then depending on her "hunger" level, leave the scene or look for another target nearby. Therefore, if you are a female..."

"Holy shit!" thought Rebecca to herself as she was going back to camp after realizing that the message was pre-recorded "That sounds nasty... I wonder how it feels though? It must be pleasant... wel, at least in the beginning... hmm... maybe better to avoid those freaks... I have to warn the others."
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Re: Left 4 Head

Um, K. That's either realy good, or realy bad. Either way, looking forward to what happens next.
Re: Left 4 Head


While Rebecca was away Zoey, Natalie, and Sylvie spent time picking weapons and doing target practice. Natalie and Sylvie were new to guns so Zoey had to spend quite some time explaining things to them. Finally, Zoey decided that they had enough practice, and that it was time to move on.

"Rebecca... Rebecca!" called Zoey.


Silence was the only thing she got in response.

"Rebecca, come on, it't time to go!"


The echo of her own voice and some wind gusting through the cavernous space was the only sound Zoey could hear.

"Where the hell are you? Rebecca? This is not funny! Answer me!" yelled Zoey with great concern in her shaken voice.

Zoey turned to Natalie and Sylvie and said "You two stay here!" She picked up a Hunting Rifle and went out to look for Rebecca.

"Oww... my head..." groaned Rebecca as she woke up lying on the tunnel floor between the two train tracks. She tried to move but she couldn't and after turning her head to the side and some squinting she saw that she was restrained. Her hands and legs were spread apart and tied to the tracks using four leather belts. Rebecca tried struggling but it was of no use, belts were aparently taken from police officer's pants because the leather was thick and sturdy making it impossible to tear it apart. "Hell, even a good hunting knife would have a problem cutting through this..." she thought to herself after realizing that she is only wasting her strength by trying to escape.

Zoey: "Rebecca!"
Zoey: "Rebecca, where are you?"

Zoey kept calling out her friend's name in hope that she will respond.

For the moment, Rebecca thought she heard someone was calling her name but she wasn't sure. She still had a mild headache and she still couldn't remember how she got into this position in the first place.

Zoey: "Rebeccaaaa!"

This time, Rebecca was sure she heard something.

Rebecca: "Zoey?"
Rebecca: "Zoey, is that you?"
Rebecca: "Heeeelp!"

Unfortunately, her voice didn't produce the desired result since Zoey was still too far away -- she could only hear Zoey because the wind blowing through the tunnels was helping the sound propagation. Instead, her voice alerted her captor. The creature emerged from the shadows producing a sloshing and buzzing sounds. Rebecca saw the dark silhouette against the shimmering light further down the tunnel and the shivers run down her spine. The creature was crawling towards her on all fours and from its large open mouth a piece of fat three-pronged tongue was hanging out. As it slithered in the air, clear saliva like fluid was dripping from it leaving the wet slimy trail behind.

"Oh fuck... a tonguerine!" thought Rebecca to herself. Her thoughts were immediately interrupted as the creature stopped with its head right above her pussy. She felt the creature's warm and moist breath on her crotch which made her stomach tingle as the large droplets of slime emanating from the thick tongue hit her pelvic bone and started flowing down, finding their way into her slit. Pheromones kicked in almost immediately -- even if Rebecca's hands and legs were free she would probably just lay there waiting to be caressed and penetrated in hope of sating her sudden lust. Her whole body was flushed, her nipples were hard and sensitive, she was panting heavily, and when the creature finally whipped its tongue inside in one swift move she was already screaming in ecstasy. The creature was driving her crazy by slowly fucking her ass and pussy with its long thick bumpy tongues. Each bump rubbing agaist her labia and sphincter sent almost electrical shocks of pleasure through her body. Suddenly, the prong in her ass shoot in all the way and as it twisted and poked around feeling her insides it caused Rebecca to squirm and scream from pleasure.

Zoey stopped for a moment listening to the sounds of the subway. She thought she heard some screams but where? She couldn't locate the direction the sound was coming from so she sighed and continued forward hoping to find some sign of Rebecca soon. Her next step caused an audible crack of the plastic and she shined her flashlight to the floor to see what it was. It turned out to be a radio. Batteries were dry and she already wanted to toss it away, but then she noticed some wires inside that were stripped and twisted together as if someone was trying to make repairs. "This must have been Rebecca, she was always listening to the radio!" went through Zoey's head and she now knew that Rebecca must be close.

The prong in Rebecca's vagina extended deep inside and its thin snake-like tip was poking through her cervix and feeling the inside of her womb.

"AAAAIIIRRGHHH!!!" screamed Rebecca as she felt an electrical shock discharging into her womb from the small feeler inserted through her cervix causing severe contractions and yet another heavenly orgasm. For the first time in her life she squirted filling the creature's mouth full to the brim with her delicious juices. The creature swallowed her load and decided it could get more out with increased stimulation. It used its crooked thin fingers to completely pull the hood off revealing Rebecca's clitoris and then it carefully latched it's third prong's suction cap on it all that while still ravaging her ass and delivering small shocks to her womb. Rebecca started unconsciously rocking her hips back and forth thrusting her crotch into the creature's mouth.

"OOOOOUUUHHHHH!!!" moaned Rebecca already dizzy from heavy breathing caused by several strong orgasms in a row as the tiny cap started sucking on her hypersensitive clit. Five seconds and several unearthly screams later Rebecca started feeling her conscience slowly fading away. The cap started vibrating slowly applying suction, vibration and rotating movement at the same time.

"AAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!.....NGHHH... MMMHH..." poor Rebecca was now gasping for air as her heart was beating like a pneumatic hammer trying to keep up with the demand after who knows how many orgasms.

This time, Zoey heard the scream and rushed stumbling over the debris. As she was running toward the sound Rebecca screamed and squirted her juices one more time into the creature's mouth and lost her consciousness. The creature noticed Zoey in the distance, retracted from her victim and got up on all four growling.


The sound of a hunting rifle deafening shot echoed through the ghostly tunnels long after the creature's head exploded like a watermelon and splattered Rebecca's abdomen and the nearby walls with its blood and brains.

Zoey ran to Rebecca and kneeled beside her undoing the belts from her hands and legs. Since Rebecca was not waking up she immediately started CPR on her and after a few cycles she was relieved that she can hear her friend's heart beating again. Rebecca gasped for breath, screamed, and tried to get on her elbows.

Zoey (in a calm voice): "Hey, hey, hey... it's me... it's ok... it's over."
Rebecca (panting heavily): "Ughh..."
Zoey (smiling): "I am so glad I found you when I did."
Rebecca (panting heavily): "Pufff... few seconds later and... no... I don't even want to think what would have happened to me..."
Zoey (helping her up and hugging her): "What was that thing?"
Rebecca (still panting): "Scientists call it the tonguerine... some sort of mutated lesbian..."

Rebecca grabbed the creature's tongue which was still slithering on the ground and showed it to Zoey.

Rebecca: "It puts those two inside of your ass and pussy..."
Zoey: "Oh... they are so long and thick... did it hurt?"
Rebecca: "Nope... by the time it penetrated me I was so horny that I wanted it all inside..."
Zoey: "How come?"
Rebecca: "It drooled on my pussy..."
Zoey: "It drooled on... wait, what?!?"
Rebecca: "Yeah... its saliva contains pheromones that make you horny like hell..."
Zoey: "Fascinating..."
Rebecca: "Those bumps give small shocks which cause immense pleasure..."
Zoey (touching the tongue): "Its so nice to touch..."
Rebecca: "And this... this snake-like tip pierces through you cervix..."
Zoey (speechless): "..."
Rebecca: "And upon entering your womb it feels around looking for a certain spot... and then it delivers an electrical shock..."
Zoey: "Wow... that must hurt!"
Rebecca: "Actually it doesn't... but it causes massive contractions and orgasm... I... I even... squirted..."
Zoey (shocked): "You did? But..."
Rebecca: "Yeah... I know... I never did that before... but this thing made me do it several times... I am so thirsty right now I feel I could dry out a swamp!"
Zoey (giggling and touching the suction cap): "And what is this for?"
Rebecca: "For knocking you unconscious obviously."
Zoey (puzzled): "???"
Rebecca: "It attaches to your clitoris and sucks, vibrates, and massages it with circular motion..."
Zoey (excited): "That must feel good!"
Rebecca: "Hmm... true... it does... but it could also kill you... by the way, thanks for saving my ass... again."
Zoey (smiling kissing her on the cheek): "It's ok, that's what friends are for."
Rebecca (kissing Zoey back): "I love you Zoey."
Zoey (melting like a pudding): "Awww.... I love you too Rebecca!"
Rebecca (half jokingly): "You know, when I think about what just happened, I have never had such good orgasms in my life, and I had plenty of sex. I would really love if you could experience such pleasure too. Maybe we could capture one of those things and use them as a toy?"
Zoey (thoughtfully): "Hmmm... maybe... but we should definitely find a less messy way of stopping them when its too much."

Rebecca laughed at the thought and after wiping herself from blood and brains she got up, ready to go. Since her clothes were nowhere to be found she hugged Zoey and the two of them started walking towards the camp.

After they let Natalie and Sylvie know of what happened they left the camp and continued down the tunnel through the set of interconnected wagons. After an hour or so they were at the end of the tunnel debris was blocking the path ahead. There was an open door on the left leading up the stairs, and a small dark space to the right with some big pipes inside.

1) Go through the door and up the stairs, we wasted enough time
2) Explore the space to the right first, maybe there is some loot in there

- 85HP
- Naked
Weapon Inventory:
PRI = Hunting Rifle (15/150)
SEC = Two Pistols (30/∞)
Item Inventory:
- Medkit
- Molotov
- Gun mounted flashlight (ON)

- 60HP
- Exhausted
- Naked
Weapon Inventory:
PRI = Auto Shotgun (8/128)
SEC = Machete
Item Inventory:
- Medkit
- Pipe Bomb
- Gun mounted flashlight (ON)

- 45HP
- Naked
Weapon Inventory:
PRI = M16 (50/360)
SEC = Two Pistols (30/∞)
Item Inventory:
- Pills
- Flashlight (ON)

- 100HP
- Virgin
- Naked
Weapon Inventory:
PRI = Tentacles (4/9)
SEC = Two Pistols (30/∞)
Item Inventory:
- Gun mounted flashlight (ON)
Re: Left 4 Head

1. That's enough foolery, let's get moving
Re: Left 4 Head

2 (yeah, I know, nothing good can come but I've never said that I'm good at video games)
Re: Left 4 Head

Intermission - Family

While the girls walked through the subway tunnels a figure veiled in a cloud of bluish smoke was following them from a distance. It was the Smoker which impregnated Zoey. Seemingly mindless creature wandered behind them as if compelled by some greater force. His thoughts were corrupted from infection and mutation much like his figure, but one thing in his mind stood clear -- Zoey and his child must not come to harm. Unknowing to the girls he was protecting them ever since Sylvie's birth, strangling or snapping the necks of any wandering zombies that would have otherwise tried to attack his "family". He was aware that they would perceive him as a threat so he was extra carefull to never show himself. At the same time, that was his torment and if they could see the one eye that was still visible on his mutated face from up close, they would know how tremendously sad and lonely creature he was. As they stopped pondering where to go next, he stepped into the shadows coughing and wheezing slightly.

Zoey: "Damn it..."
Sylvie: "What is it Mom?"
Zoey: "Nothing..."
Sylvie: "Are you sure?"
Zoey: "I... all this time since I gave birth to you... I could swear I hear a Smoker somewhere behind us... it's driving me crazy... like I am hallucinating or something..."
Sylvie: "Are Smokers dangerous?"
Zoey: "Yeah, they can grab you and impregnate you in less than a minute."
Sylvie: "Is that how you got me Mom?"
Zoey: "Eh... well... you see..."
Sylvie (anxiously): "Tell me... please! I want to know!"
Zoey (bowing the head in shame): "Yes... I was raped by a Smoker..."
Sylvie (curious): "Did he hurt you?"
Zoey (sighing): "No... it happened so quickly... I didn't feel a thing..."
Sylvie (suddenly): "Do you hate him for what he did to you?"
Zoey (calm): "No honey... I don't hate him... by giving me you, he gave me the hope that maybe, just maybe the nature will sort out this mess created by damn scientists."
Sylvie (excited): "Do you think that what you hear could be THE Smoker?"
Zoey (puzzled): "Wh... what do you mean?"
Sylvie: "The one that impregnated you like, you know, my Dad?"
Zoey (facepalming herself): "D'oh!"
Sylvie: "What?!?"
Zoey: "Actually, that never crossed my mind you know... it would certainly explain why he hasn't attacked us so far... "
Rebecca: "Or maybe you are still under the effect of the chemicals he pumped into your ass and you are just imagining that you are hearing things now?"
Zoey (annoyed): "Rebecca, you know me, I wouldn't be imagining something like that!"
Natalie: "Eh... Zoey... Rebecca is probably right... you don't know what his chemicals did to your brain. Maybe it is a side effect, and it will pass any time now."
Rebecca: "Or maybe it is permanent and you will keep hearing Smokers for the rest of your life, now move your damn sexy ass, we lost enough time as it is!"

Zoey didn't listen to Rebecca, instead she caught herself thinking about how her child should get to know her father "Oh God, what if I am really going crazy?"

She shook her head as if that act could somehow magically dispel her confused thoughts. Suddenly, she felt sorry for Sylvie. Born in a world of monsters, part monster herself, without father, how will she ever find love or some other purpose to her life? Zoey sighed heavily -- regardless of how much she was pondering that question the answer wasn't forming in her head. There was no time for philosophy, they had to move on.
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Re: Left 4 Head

1. lets move (and find us a tonguerine....just for fun time)
Re: Left 4 Head

1 - Go through the door and up the stairs, we wasted enough time

Girls decided to go through the door on the left and up the stairs because they were already sick of the subway and they really needed some fresh air. At the top of the stairs there was an opening which lead into a large dark space with lots of pillars that were supporting the ceiling. On the left side there was a hole in the ceiling and straight ahead but in the distance, a single lit passage was visible turning right. The room was full of zombies, both male and female and it was unknown whether there are any specials and/or uncommon zombies.

Post just the name of the girl you want to control in the next scene. First person to post a certain name gets control of that character.

After we have 4 controllers I will update the story, then I will send each one of you your available moves by PM and you will reply to me your choice also via PM.

My idea is that you should not know other controller's moves and act the best possible on your own while still having the team in mind so please do not try to undermine that by communicating your choice with other controllers.

Order of initiative:
1. Zoey
2. Rebecca
3. Natalie
4. Sylvie
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