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Left 4 Head

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Re: Left 4 Head

Well, Rebecca was incredibly useless. She needs some kinda radar if she's going to be that unperceptive ^-^

It wasn't her fault, it all happened blazingly fast. Even if she tried to climb up to look for Zoey she wouldn't make it in time to stop the impregnation ;)
Re: Left 4 Head

Yeah ... I don't know what to say here :confused: !

Anyway : B (I've thrown a dice :D !). Do I think right if i think that, whichever the passage, we'll have a zombie (or more) to kill (or to fuck) ^^ ?
Re: Left 4 Head

It wasn't her fault, it all happened blazingly fast. Even if she tried to climb up to look for Zoey she wouldn't make it in time to stop the impregnation ;)

So basically, Rebecca didn't notice and neither would have Zoey if Rebecca had been grabbed unless they were both looking to where the smoker was... Also.. Smoker is a shadow clone?

B. Also, how quickly is the pregnancy progressing for Zoey? Do you mind writing about the changing effects it is having upon her body?
Re: Left 4 Head

A, as in awww mannnnnnnn.... that ended poorly. Just for the record, staying and shooting zombies from a distance before moving on was typically a good idea in L4D. *he says in an attempt to stave off the blame associated with making multiple bad decisions despite his best efforts*
Re: Left 4 Head


And to be honest, I was the vanguard that pulled the boneheaded move... not you aguy...

and yea, I was the kind of player that didn't want the Director's wrath so that was part of my reasoning.
Re: Left 4 Head

Intermission: Zoey's pregnancy (part I)

In Zoey's body things were developing at an astonishing speed. By the time she and Rebecca reached the next intersection Zoey's belly was already showing, while her puffy nipples got darker and swollen. Her breasts haven't enlarged much, but instead they became very hard and painfull -- they were filling up with milk fast, small drops of it making her t-shirt wet and leaking out through it, leaving a dripping white trail behind her.

Rebecca tried hard to remember those military reports she heard about, but as she did she realized that military reports only had info about the impregnation process result, not the conception and the birth itself. Regular uninfected women impregnated by the Smoker would quickly succumb to the genetic mutation and sickness caused by the foreign chemical and genetic material introduced into their bodies. To Rebecca, seeing Zoey alive looked like a miracle.

Rebecca also remembered that the doctors mentioned how they have never witnessed conception and birth -- nobody had a slightest fucking clue what kind of creature might emerge out of the host's womb when the time is due.

Neither Rebecca nor Zoey knew what kept Zoey alive after the impregnation process and allowed her to conceive so flawlessly -- it was the fact that she is a carrier. Whether she will suffer during birth or afterwards remains to be seen.

Guys, there are certain points where I will be doing something like what I just did in order to develop a story in certain direction.
Whatever you do will be the "wrong" choice at such point so don't blame yourselves, it just had to happen that way.
Of course, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't bother playing carefully in the future.
Last edited:
Re: Left 4 Head

Intermission: Zoey's pregnancy

In Zoey's body things were developing at an astonishing speed. By the time she and Rebecca reached the next intersection Zoey's belly was already showing, while her puffy nipples got darker and swollen. Her breasts haven't enlarged much, but instead they became very hard and painfull -- they were filling up with milk fast, small drops of it making her t-shirt wet and leaking out through it, leaving a dripping white trail behind her.

Rebecca tried hard to remember those military reports she heard about, but as she did she realized that military reports only had info about the impregnation process result, not the conception and the birth itself. Regular uninfected women impregnated by the Smoker would quickly succumb to the genetic mutation and sickness caused by the foreign chemical and genetic material introduced into their bodies. To Rebecca, seeing Zoey alive looked like a miracle.

Rebecca also remembered that the doctors mentioned how they have never witnessed conception and birth -- nobody had a slightest fucking clue what kind of creature might emerge out of the host's womb when the time is due.

Neither Rebecca nor Zoey knew what kept Zoey alive after the impregnation process and allowed her to conceive so flawlessly -- it was the fact that she is a carrier. Whether she will suffer during birth or afterwards remains to be seen.

Lovely <3 - Hmmm... Does being impregnated by different zombies cause different reactions during the pregnancy length? Does it in anyway give small benefits to Zoey? Well besides a pain tolerance increase...
Re: Left 4 Head

I am not going to spoil the story by giving out such details so please don't ask.
Re: Left 4 Head

Guys, there are certain points where I will be doing something like what I just did in order to develop a story in certain direction.Whatever you do will be the "wrong" choice at such point so don't blame yourselves, it just had to happen that way.Of course, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't bother playing carefully in the future.

Guilt absolved. My conscience is clear
Re: Left 4 Head

Alright, now to the next site, whereever that is...

and aguy, don't blame yourself, I'm the bonehead, not you.
Re: Left 4 Head

I guess B. If I could see what the split looked like, I'd know which way to go, but I don't remember off the top of my head.
Re: Left 4 Head

Intermission: Natalie
Blonde, long hair, blue eyes, tanned, waxed, slender, 168cm, 53kg, 85-58-95, B cup, perky nipples

Most of the subway was dark. Small fires were still burning here and there, and train wrecks were laying twisted and crushed on the tracks. Blood and glass were everywhere. Save from wind gusting through the empty echoing tunnels and moans of the former unlucky passengers turned zombies there was little sound to be heard.

When the outbreak started Natalie was on the Red Line North train with her boyfriend. Suddenly there was some commotion, then horrible screams followed by the violent squealing of the emergency brakes. The whole world turned sideways, and then it went dark.

Natalie woke up with a headache, and the first thought was "Oh my God, I am blind!" because opening and closing her eyes didn't seem to make any difference for the first minute or so. After a while she realized that she is still on a train which was now laying sideways in the dark subway tunnel. Around here, there was no movement or sound, everyone on the train seemed to be dead. Well, at least her boyfriend was dead for sure. His spine was broken and he was laying awkwardly crushed between two benches his hands clenching hard to the two adjacent seat handles. His backside was stripped to the bones from the friction as it fell out of the broken window and dragged over the tracks once the train turned over to the side. It was an awfull sight -- poor Natalie couldn't hold her emotions and she started sobbing uncontrollably as she realized that his body between her and the broken window was what saved her own life.

She looked at his face one more time. Surprisingly it wasn't a grimace of horrible death -- despite the pain he must have endured in his last moments his face looked peacefull and that gave her the strength to move on. Natalie closed his eyes gently and slowly and carefully crawled out of the wagon.

Standing alone in a dark subway tunnel with torn clothes that offered no protection from the cold wind or attacks Natalie felt chills going down her spine. Whatever courage she mustered to crawl out of the wreck was now gone, replaced by the fear for her own life.

"Brrr... this place is creepy, so much death, I must get out of here quickly!" she thought to herself as she tried to figure out which way to go. Suddenly she noticed something tubular and shiny on the floor in front of her. As she came closed and kneeled next to it she realized it was a flashlight!

"Oh, thank God for this flashlight, now I can at least see where I am going." thought Natalie as she shined the light on the path ahead of her and started walking. After a while she arrived at the station and was horrified to see that her train incident wasn't the only one. Two train wrecks collapsed into each other at the station with a mess of decapitated bodies, broken glass, stone, and twisted steel laying around.

"What the hell happened here?" she asked herself as she was trying to figure out what could cause such a massive disaster in the subway. It wasn't an earthquake for sure, there were no explosions so it's not a terrorist attack either but what it could be? Something didn't feel right.

Suddenly, Natalie noticed a man in business suit who was leaning his head against the wall and moaning. "Huh, another survivor? Good, maybe he knows something I don't." thought Natalie and hurried up to him.

"Hey mister, are you ok? Do you know what happened here?" she asked as she put her hand on his shoulder. As he slowly turned around and looked at her with a pair of light green glowing eyes she promptly realized her mistake and started backing up slowly... until she slipped on the train track and fell right on her butt!

With unexpected speed and resolve zombie jumped on her and pinned her to the floor. "Nooo!!! Noooooooo!!! Let go of me you monster!!! Let go of meeee!!!" screamed poor Natalie as she struggled to get away from zombie's grip. She didn't really knew what he was nor what he may want from her but her subconsciousness was screaming that whatever it was it can't be good. She kicked and flailed trying to break free, but the only thing she managed to accomplish is for her summer dress to unfold and fall open to her sides revealing her perfect slender and tanned body underneath. Natalie was a naturist and she was never wearing panties and bra but now she was regretting it.

In the meantime zombie finally managed to push himself between her thighs. "Oh shit!" thought Natalie "He wants to rape me! Nooo!!! I must get away!!!"

She kept struggling trying to wiggle herself out of his grasp but the zombie was stronger and his slimy cock was now rubbing against her perfectly waxed labia.

"AAAIAAIIEREERGHHHH!!!" screamed Natalie as her tight pussy lips were brutally split open by a zombie cock. She bit her lower lip in pain drawing her own blood as she felt this huge thick phalus descending into her hole all the way to the balls.

The business suit zombie must have been some upper manager or a CEO in his former life because he wasn't sparing her a bit -- he fucked her mercilessly, and the poor girl was crying and screaming in pain. She did have sexual experience, but she wasn't ready, and this was too rough. for her After 30 minutes of enduring such torture she finally managed to relax a bit and she even felt some signs of pleasure. Zombie got bored however, and decided he had enough of her pussy...

"NNOOOOOOO!!!! NOT THEREEE!!! PLEASEEEE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NNGHHAAAIIIIEEEEE!!!" screamed Natalie in horror as the zombie pushed his fat cock into her virgin ass. She didn't have experience with anal sex and she tried to fight the penetration which only hurt her more while making it more enjoyable for the zombie. He continued roughing up her ass paying no attention to her screams.

Natalie felt so defeated and humiliated that she wanted to die. She thought about her boyfriend but that made her feel even more dirty -- all she wanted was to punish herself for being such a filthy little whore and taking up a random cock in every orifice without putting up a good fight first. Gritting her teeth in pain she imagined that the ass rape is her punishment. Much to her own surprise her sphincter muscles started rhythmically massaging the zombie's cock which was shoved deep in her ass and she felt a first wave of pleasure in her abdomen. Then another one...

Soon, she was impaling her ass willingly as her pain got replaced with the immense pleasure of her own "punishment" ... "take it in the ass you whore!" she thought to herself "you like it deep huh? you fucking slut! Get it in all the way to the balls you cunt, that will teach you not to talk to random strangers in the subway!"

Natalie was getting close to orgasm and as she started squeezing the cock zombie groaned and after pushing it all the way in with a great force he started filling her colon with his hot semen.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" came Natalie with a loud scream as she felt relief from the horrible tension which was wrecking her body just minutes ago. As the hot splashes of semen flushed her insides her consciousness slowly faded and after zombie collapsed behind her she fell asleep.

She had a nightmare dreaming about all kind of weird creatures and when she woke up she was running a fewer. Her body was already fighting the infection -- one minute she was shaking, next she was burning and sweating and after a few such runs she just lay there on the floor breathing heavily and being horribly exhausted but alive as it turned out that she was a carrier.

Natalie looked at the dead zombie one more time. His flesh was already decomposing and when she saw that she forced herself to get up.

"Oowww!" groaned Natalie slowly getting up and picking up the flashlight, not even bothering to look for her clothes.

"Whatever happened to cause all this I doubt it is any better outside." thought Natalie to herself "Maybe there is no one left alive to notice that I am naked and if there are any more of those... things... given how strong they are having clothes is not going to stop them from raping me again."

She went forward into the next tunnel section keeping her light low so as not to alert whatever may be lurking out there. After some 15 minutes of walking she got to another station. This one of the trains standing there was still in its tracks and the station was crawling with zombies of both genders, some of them fucking each other, and she decided to hide somewhere and have a rest before trying to sneak around them. Right side of the station was clear from the zombies at the moment so she cuddled herself and leaned with her back against the wall next to some stairs going to the lower level and fell asleep.

Few hours later she was awaken by two pairs of footsteps coming from below. She saw two figures coming up the stairs and almost screamed from joy -- it was two girls and they looked normal, except that the smaller one was... pregnant?

She rushed towards them almost falling down in haste but stopped and put her hands up as she saw four pistols aiming at her head followed by four omnious clicks...

"Wait!" said Zoey to Rebecca who was ready to pull the trigger "she doesn't look like a zombie to me!"

"A... what??" asked Natalie completely surprised.

"A zombie!" said Rebecca in a louder voice.

"Oh... so that's what those things are..." said Natalie adding quickly "N..Nnn.. no I.. I am not a zombie... please...mercy..."

"What is your name?" asked Zoey getting curious about this pretty young girl who reminded her of herself.

"N... Natalie" said Natalie letting out a slight gasp of surprise as Zoey put her cheek next to her and sniffed her neck.

"She is infected, but she is immune just like we are Rebecca, she won't turn." said Zoey who could tell that from the subtle smell emanating from the girls body.

"Nice to meet you Natalie, I am Rebecca, and this nutjob here going around and sniffing people and corpses alike is Zoey" said Rebecca smiling at the puzzled blonde.

What should they do:

A) Invite Natalie to join them
B) Tell Natalie that she is on her own and leave her


1) Zoey heal Natalie


2) Zoey give Natalie pills

- 85HP
- Pregnant, stomach showing, lactating
- t-shirt, mini-skirt
Weapon Inventory:
PRI = SMG (50/480)
SEC = Two Pistols (30/∞)
Item Inventory:
- Medkit
- Pills
- Molotov
- Gun mounted flashlight (ON)

- 80HP
- t-shirt, mini-skirt
Weapon Inventory:
PRI = Pump Shotgun (8/128)
SEC = Machete
Item Inventory:
- Medkit
- Pipe Bomb
- Gun mounted flashlight (ON)

- 45HP
- naked
Weapon Inventory:
Item Inventory:
- Flashlight (ON)
Re: Left 4 Head

A, no. Save the supplies for emergencies, she can still run. But give her the pills to carry in case she needs them. She might benefit from a weapon of some sort too...
Re: Left 4 Head

A2 Give her pills but not a medkit till they reach the next safehouse.
Re: Left 4 Head

A2 Invite Natalie to join them, Zoey give Natalie pills

"So... whats your story?" Zoey asked Natalie with great curiosity.

"Well... I... I was on the train with my boyfriend..."

Natalie started sobbing when the images of his gruesome death flashed through her mind "There, there..." said Zoey, hugging the blonde girl gently. Natalie reminded her of herself for some reason and she quickly developed a soft spot for her.

"I... I am sorry..." sobbed Natalie "It's just... it's so hard to talk about him after... after what happened. We were about to get married in December and we were coming back from the store where he bought me a ring..." said Natalie and started crying uncontrollably.

Zoey was silent, she knew that she has to let the girl continue on her own and soon Natalie continued.

"The train we were in suddenly slipped out of the tracks..." said Natalie "... then it all went pitch black. Next thing I remember I am laying in the darkness on my boyfriend's crushed corpse..." she sobbed again unconsolably "... he saved my life..."

"Did anyone else survive the crash?" asked Rebecca?

"N.. no... I was the only one... I crawled out of the wagon and found a flashlight." said Natalie.

"But what happened to your clothes?" -- Rebecca perhaps a bit tactlessly insisted on hearing all the details.

"I... I had a summer dress... I am a nudist so I didn't have panties and bra..." said Natalie blushing for the first time in her life because of what she was.

"But, but... where is your dress?" asked Zoey staring at her.

"I... I lost it... look... I... I walked down the tunnel and there was a guy in business suit leaning with his head on the wall... I... I thought he was another survivor like me but... he... he had those glowing eyes and..." -- Natalie was very uncomfortable with remembering what happened and suddenly went silent.

"What happened then? Did he hurt you?" asked Zoey now a bit worried for the girl's mental health because she could sense that what happened to her has started to take a toll on her mind.

Natalie just stood there slowly rocking back and forth biting her lip.

"Come on Natalie, whatever happened you must not keep it inside!" said Zoey now a bit louder. Still, no reaction.

"SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY AND TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!!!" yelled Zoey suddenly and slapped the girl across the face.

"OOOWW!!!" yelled Natalie in pain as her cheek turned red from Zoey's palm "HE RAPED ME!!! HE RAPEEED MEEEE!!! WAAAHAAAAAA!!!" she cried in despair as she finaly faced with her own feelings that she had to suppress until now in order to survive. "It hurt so much..." she said quietly "... I hate myself because in the end I started enjoying as he ravaged my anus... I feel like some dirty whore..."

"Awww... I am sorry Natalie... I am soo sorry..." said Zoey and hugged the small blonde who struggled at first but then relaxed in her arms still sobbing "... it will be ok, now we are together in this and I promise you we'll find the way out. We were heading for the Mercy hospital evacuation center and you are welcome to come with us."

"Ok." said Natalie and sighed heavily in Zoey's arms, that small pregnant girl made her feel safe again.

"Here, take those pills" said Zoey "they will make you numb to the pain and give you a temporary boost."

"Thanks!" said Natalie, "I think I will save them for now, I am not hurt too bad."

Not far ahead of them were two short tunnels leading into the next area. What should they do?

A) Go around the train wreck and through the left tunnel
B) Continue along the right side of the wreck and through the right tunnel

- 85HP
- Pregnant, stomach showing, lactating
- t-shirt, mini-skirt
Weapon Inventory:
PRI = SMG (50/480)
SEC = Two Pistols (30/∞)
Item Inventory:
- Medkit
- Molotov
- Gun mounted flashlight (ON)

- 80HP
- t-shirt, mini-skirt
Weapon Inventory:
PRI = Pump Shotgun (8/128)
SEC = Machete
Item Inventory:
- Medkit
- Pipe Bomb
- Gun mounted flashlight (ON)

- 45HP
- Naked
Weapon Inventory:
Item Inventory:
- Pills
- Flashlight (ON)
Re: Left 4 Head


B lets just keep heading down this path.. Generally going around takes longer to get farther..
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