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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm just out about the town for a few hours, it won't be too hard to plug the backup drive into one of the three laptops around the house and stick it on Megaupload when I get home.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

If it's no trouble knock yourself out, I just didn't want you to go out of your way to sate my curiosity.

EDIT: This may seem like a weird request, but I was wondering if anyone else has a theme song for their characters. Instead of trying to find a picture like I normally do I've been listening to a certain song when I write for each of the characters. It's actually a lot easier than trying to find a picture, and yes I did steal this from Copper. Now before I tell anyone the song I use for them, or anything else I was curious if anyone else had a song they think of.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Not any specific song actually. I just listen to various things when writing Claire, generally harder songs from Slipknot or some such. No actual themesong.

And Claire is gonna get in so much shit because she got left alone while high... this isn't going well.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

well I don't necessarily have a theme song for each of you per se but I do have a theme for the songs I listen to, like you said Slipknot. For Claire I like Headstrong by Trapt and I Stand Alone by Godsmack mostly.

Oh really how do you know you're not just hearing things.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Oh wow, I've had so many Theme songs for River, and it's amazing how different they are. I think it shows her evolution more than listening to me tell stories about her does. Here:s a few of my favourites:
Superbeast - Rob Zombie
Still Alive - Lisa Mizkovsky
The Pretender - Foo Fighters
Alive - P.O.D.
Lair of the Great Wyrm - Midnight Sindicate
Blow Me Away - Breaking Benjamin

As you can see, they're kinda all over the place XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Don't really have a song for Izzy yet. I guess I haven't thought about it. Now, my Geist characters on the other hand, well, check the Corner for that one. I haven't soundtracked the second game yet, but that's mostly because Steph's not quite as in-depth as Becca is.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

well I don't necessarily have a theme song for each of you per se but I do have a theme for the songs I listen to, like you said Slipknot. For Claire I like Headstrong by Trapt and I Stand Alone by Godsmack mostly.

Oh really how do you know you're not just hearing things.

Heh, fitting songs for her. I don't go for lyrics generally though, more the beat and the tune and let the lyrics fade away.

And I don't.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

okay Ronny, here ya go!

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

God, songs for Eve... murfle.

I'll be thinking about it over the weekend.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Geh, I'm still so giddy from a great Christmas that I can't think straight. I'll try to update tomorrow though.

River's theme songs are kind of all over the place like you said, but they do sort of tell a story and probably quicker and easier than if you tried to explain it in words. Haven't had much need to write for her myself, but personally I kind of like Fall No More by Bella Morte. Oddly enough I later found out that it's actually the Gangrel theme song from the Succubus Club. I mostly like it because I can picture river running across the rooftops to it.

Well I did say I sort of stole the idea from you Copper, I actually don't have one for Izzy either. Though for Izzy and Raven as a couple, Storybook Love from the Princess Bride kind of helps me to get in the right mood.

It wasn't so much the lyrics that made me think of Claire as it was the song titles and the beat.

I haven't really had much chance to look over the books yet, since I just downloaded them an hour ago. I wish I would have had Laws of Elysium while I was working on my story though. The opening story in the book actually made me think of Jourdain.

Meh don't worry Chibi, I didn't figure much would get done while Christmas was going on for some reason.

Now for Ronny I actually have a couple songs I like. I think I already mentioned Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace and I also like Monster by Skillet, of course they both actually work better for the World of Darkness in general. The one I like the best though is The Night by Disturbed, I heard it on the radio not long ago and I liked both the lyrics and the beat to it. Then I looked up the video for it, and it turns it actually really fits for a lasombra.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

OMG, I love the Music from the Succubus Club! Took me forever to find the album, but I am sooooooo glad I hunted down! First song on it is the Cruxshadows and I *adore* them!

Heheheh I can see that for the two of them. I love that song, too. And I really should see if I have the Princess Bride soundtrack or if I need to hunt it down. Pretty sure I have it.

And Three Days Grace and Skillet! Fuck yes! Love those songs. Love love love love! My GM just burned me "Awake" recently and my aunt got me an iTunes card for Christmas so I might have to see about downloading a few more theme songs. And sweet jesus the more I hear Disturbed the more I like them. Seether, too. Although dude's lip piercing scares me.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeckk, took me long enough but finally updated.

Is it wrong that the first thing I thought of when I got my new yo-yo for Christmas was scurrying around and calling myself Oggly.

Yeah the Music from the Succubus Club was pretty good, I had to look it up myself after finding the aforementioned Bella Morte. The Cruxshadows song was really good, though it actually makes me think more of the Camarilla in general than the Ravnos. I've yet to not like a song by them that I've found on Youtube. Those two songs are probably my favorites along with prey by Seraphim Shock, but the others are all pretty good and quite fitting as well.

I don't actually have the Princess Bride soundtrack but thankfully the stuff I like isn't usually blocked on youtube, plus I could always just go watch the movie.

I guess we must really have the same tastes in music because I really like all those as well. The lip piercing doesn't really scare me though unless I think of it getting caught in anything. You got to admit though the video is a very good visual for what obtenebration looks like, or at least Shroud of the Night.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hooray for updates. And it's fun when things make you randomly burst into gaming references that you're the only one that understands. Kind of like how I couldn't hear "Bad Romance" off of the Glee soundtrack we were listening to at work without hearing "Spy Romance." Or when someone can't find something, it's "Where's my 'Item X'?" "Fed it to a redcap." "What?" "Nevermind."

Heheheh Prey was always fun to have on when I was doing store set-up in the morning. Always worth it to see the other employee's faces when the orgasm started up.

Let's not get me started on Youtube and their stupid blocking processes...

Always nice, isn't it, when you can find a visual aide and go "That. That is what I'm doing. Right there!" And yeah, definitely a good visual for obtenibration.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Narfle. Having issues with creativeness.

Gonna go eat some food and clean and come back. hope it helps.

EDIT: Blargh, i suck.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yes but at least you're not the only one, we are vampires after all. I usually find that a simple post like you made usually helps to get the creative juices flowing. It's not like I gave you much to work with either, seeing as how it was just a quick post on my part.

Actually my nice thought it was funny when I started talking like Oggly does, though I think that's just because I used a funny voice. Strangely I never could get a yo-yo to work for the life of me when I was little. Apparently I learned how to at some point, though because I'm pretty good at it now.

Yeah I would imagine the other employee's might get a funny look on their faces when the orgasm starts up. I know I did when I first heard it, though I think that was more because I wasn't so much expecting orgasm for Lasombra.

Check, I won't.

Yeah it is nice to have a visual aid, especially for a discipline that I don't think I've ever seen an example of in movies. All the others are a bit more standard fare in vampire movies, even chimerstry and viccissitude.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I actually think "Hero of War" by Rise Against captures Fletch's military history quite beautifully. Cluelessness to apathy to horror.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Wow, that beats the pants off what I was using for Fletch by a long shot. Though I may not listen to it ever again and just stick with the one I was using.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Post Embrace

You'll have to listen to it on the play from myspace thing, cause i can't find the original on youtube. But this is Pre-embrace

Gnee, i think I did good ^^
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hey you did do a good job there, those are both better than what I was using. Before I was using Airplanes with the girl from Paramour, though that could be just because that song is constantly stuck in my head from the radio. I don't really know why it made me think of Eve, but it did for some reason.

I forgot to say what I was using for Fletch before too, You Can't Hide from the Beast Inside by Autograph from the movie Fright night. I still like it for vampires in general though so I get to keep it around. It mostly made me think of Fletch because it's an 80's song, which is the sort of music Fletch seems to listen to in character.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

:3 Thanks. I looked really hard for those songs