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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Sorry for not responding right away, got dragged into a L4D game.

@Inquiry regarding organization:

Targets? On occasion. The organization found her through her predecessor actually, or rather... "mentor". The one who taught her to kill as she does(of which I am giving faint flashblacks of now in AWMBI) had ties with the organization previously, and upon that person's "disappearance", she managed to "inherit" those connections after she proved herself to be as excellent a killer as the one before her. The motives...well, I really don't want to give away too much at the moment, as it ties into a spinoff I'm writing.

As for planned motivation, for now it is simply a "twist" in priorities and tweaking in Luna's rationality. For the sake of avoiding PvP combat in AWMBI, I made it so that Luna was highly "short-sighted" in her objectives and extremely biased in her decision regarding what should be killed and what shouldn't be killed. However the "original design concept" for Luna was an extremely calm, and rational killer. One that was not prone to "irrational bias" as the AWMBI Luna showed. If Luna sticks to judging people based on their character worth rather than "species" and such, there should be no problem. Also... on another note, Luna's precessor him/herself may not be a normal person at all... But that's another story. (Also, Luna isn't relgiious ;P, unless you count her beliefs as a religion by itself.)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

No problem, just making sure you didn't miss it :)

Most of that sounds pretty good, but as most answers tend to, it raises a few more questions:

1) Does this spinoff you're planning have anything to do with this game, or just your character? I know a lot of the difficulties associated with moving a character to a different game, how some things have to be tweaked to fit in the new version. For instance, everyone here is actually going to meet the Original River, in all her glory ;)

2) Do you have plans for this mentor character in this game?

3)Same as above, only directed at this shadowy organization. There are a couple I can think of actually in the game, I think it would fit well as one of those.

Pretty much, I have a wonderful idea on how to introduce Luna, and I just want to know how much of her backstory you feel is Canon, and as such Immutable. I just don't want to twist so much that you end up calling foul on me, eh?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Rashar doesn't believe in tinfoil hats. He has better stuff.

It'd be funny as hell if his faith in the talismans he makes could ward off a vamp, but I doubt it would really work.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Actually, the only reason a cross works at all is if it's wielded by someone with absolute faith in what it represents. It's the faith, not the object, that's the barrier. This could prove interesting :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

This could end up stupidly hilarious. I can also just see it now:

Vamp1: How did he hold you back, when he isn't even religious?

Vamp2: He had this thing made out of tinfoil and paint...

Vamp1: Dude... He held you off with that? *Slap the back of 2's head*
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

No problem, just making sure you didn't miss it :)

Most of that sounds pretty good, but as most answers tend to, it raises a few more questions:

1) Does this spinoff you're planning have anything to do with this game, or just your character? I know a lot of the difficulties associated with moving a character to a different game, how some things have to be tweaked to fit in the new version. For instance, everyone here is actually going to meet the Original River, in all her glory ;)

2) Do you have plans for this mentor character in this game?

3)Same as above, only directed at this shadowy organization. There are a couple I can think of actually in the game, I think it would fit well as one of those.

Pretty much, I have a wonderful idea on how to introduce Luna, and I just want to know how much of her backstory you feel is Canon, and as such Immutable. I just don't want to twist so much that you end up calling foul on me, eh?

1) Just the character. And in that spinoff, I actually had "Mia" (those who played SBS might be familiar with her), a character that reoccurs frequently in multiple RPs as the true identity of her mentor.

2) Not at the moment. A demon =/= a vampire, and I intend to keep it that way. Although she might show up and haunt Luna's dreams every now and then... or "speak to her" in her mind.

3) The shadowy organization is a variable that can be modified to fit the situation, so go ahead. Reason being, Mia is a demon... or perhaps "entity" would be more appropriate considering that she's surpassed the normal definition of a demon, that's existed in countless worlds and for an untold amount of time. If something of relative power exists, she has most likely had contact with it at one point. Especially if it belongs to a world she's already been to. Thus the organization can be modified/tweaked as you see fit.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Alrighty then, sounds good. Just one last question: how long are you planning on staying up tonight? I work for another two hours, chances are I could have your intro up by then, and maybe a post or two if I pay attention :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Depends, I might be able to go for another hour or so if needed. If I get tired though, I'll let you know in advance. (Although I'll probably leave if there's no intro in 45 mins or so... purely as I'd probably be unable to come up with decent responses following that.)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Sorry, Copper's been a bit busy/out of it the past couple of days.

EDIT: Yet another loose end I've forgotten to tie up. Hey Copper, you said either a bookstore or coffee shop for Isabella, right? It just so happens that there is a bookstore right on Campus in the college, if you lived in the apartment-style dorms you wouldn't even have to step outside to get to work. Sound like a plan?

Works for me. At my old college, one of the two places you could find steady employment was the campus bookstore (in the student union) or in the cafeteria and separate coffee bar (also in the student union.)

The info threads will only have clan and discipline descriptions, stuff that I would rather people not have in mind when making their character. Now that you mention it though, I could probably make a third with information about Red Deer itself, though that will definitely take a while, not being very familiar with the place myself. Don't worry too much though, I plan to make it fairly easy to introduce new characters after things get going :)

Information about Red Deer would be helpful for those of us not familiar with the area. (Apologies if you already kicked this up.)

Ummmmm..... Sure, why not? He can be both at the same time! (I'll fix it in a little)

F'ing Tzimisce...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

@Keylo: Alrighty, that will probably be the next thing I post then.

@Copper: Don't worry about it, only reason I sped up so much today was because I cleaned really well yesterday for an inspection, so there was almost nothing to do today.

The College has a bookstore, a bar I think right across the hall, and I think two or three cafeterias, if I'm looking at this map right :/

Red Deer info would indeed be grand, the few things I've named are either from my two day visit, or are the sum of about an hour of cell phone googling each :/ I'll put what I know of the place up in a bullet list or something, it won't be much, and it'll be messy, but it's better than nothing I guess :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

@Copper: Don't worry about it, only reason I sped up so much today was because I cleaned really well yesterday for an inspection, so there was almost nothing to do today.

The College has a bookstore, a bar I think right across the hall, and I think two or three cafeterias, if I'm looking at this map right :/

Red Deer info would indeed be grand, the few things I've named are either from my two day visit, or are the sum of about an hour of cell phone googling each :/ I'll put what I know of the place up in a bullet list or something, it won't be much, and it'll be messy, but it's better than nothing I guess :)

Well, getting into the swing of things, I hope.

A bar or a coffee bar? If it's a bar, I wanna enroll there if I ever go back to school.

And you're still better off than I am. You've at least seen the place, hehehe.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Alright, I'm going to sleep now. Too tired to make a proper post.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I've seen south end Red Deer, and the outside of the college from a distance, as well as a single community hall i couldn't name or find again if my life depended on it :/

Alrighty Keylo, I have the bulk of the thread typed out, it should be here to greet you by the time you wake up and find this ;)


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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Great, now excuse me for a second while I go scream at the moron playing heavy metal at 5 in the morning.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hehe, wonderful. In other news, your thread is up ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

And we have map! Most helpful, thank you.

Better heavy metal at 5 am than a f'ing weed whacker at 7am on Easter Sunday. Oh, my father bitched someone out for that one...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Right, well I had a bunch of Info on red Deer in it's own thread, went to post it and it had logged me out while I was typing, lost it all. I'll try again tomorrow, don't want to go through all that again right away...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I *hate* when that happens. Really makes you want to kick the computer for that one. One thing I've found helps is before clicking post on huge documents, copy it. Then you can just paste if the original gets lost.

Also, bed. Falling asleep in chairs is bad.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

So I guess the last two intros (including mine *cough*) are gonna go online later today?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Wait, may I ask for details regarding a few things?...

For one, how big is this house? Is it one of the typical two-three story homes? Or is it a bit extravagant similar to a mansion?...

Also, would the businessman have guards, implying that he's afraid someone's after him?... Or no? Some key facts I need to clarify before making a post in response.