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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ha ha, not often that you rub shoulders with someone from the same province on random forums. XD Cool! *waves from cow town, currently swamped in Stampede shenanigans*

I just need to download the pdf file so I can read up on the info, though I like being surprised. XD Just so long as you're not one of those GM's that likes to piss players off for the sake of it!

What? That is so not three hours away, Stampede town is what, an hour fifteen on the highway? You don't even need to speed, I passed that way on my vacation!

And there will be surprises in store, but no, if I piss a character off, there will most probably be a reason behind it ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Oh, b'durr... yeah, you're right. XD I was thinking of the drive up to Edmonchuck and forgot that Red Deer was the midway point. Me math no gud!

Hooray for a local game, though! :D This is going to be interesting!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Toreador is preferred, and really, she's so beautiful they wouldn't let her get away.

I don't know. As far as I know the Nosferatu like to embrace beautiful people just out of spite.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Stampede. I wonder how that got it's name. Although, I'll admit, it's better than being named after a chapel sitting on a hill. (My town literally got stuck with the name Chapel Hill because of that. Sometimes you have to wonder about people being lazy when naming towns.)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

XD I vaguely remember the clan names... Nosferatu are the 'omg, I'm an ugly beeatch!' and Gangrel are the 'I wanted to play a werewolf but my friends didn't' types, right? The rest is greek to me.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yand now we hit the slightly-annoying part of interest, my complete lack of ability to keep up with so many posts on my cell. Let's see:

Wallpaper: yep, local games are nice, might give you a bit of an advantage. On a side note, I don't suppose you could do some asking around and find out if your city's still contested ground, or if one side has finally kicked the other out yet? Last I heard the Sabbat were winning in the game being run there...

Rule+Chibs: yep, spiteful Nos are spiteful, but there are some clans that might take interest just because another has as well, don't forget. My original character was almost made Ravnos because someone had a beef with her prospective sire.

Phoenix: it isn't actually called stampede town, I just don't know how open Wallpaper is about her location, good luck finding her in that morass of humanity anyways :/

EDIT: and Wallpaper again: I'll eventually have a couple threads up detailing all the Common clans and stuff, and possibly another with descriptions about the special powers (Disciplines) and what they do. If there's a general consensus, I can start that right now, though it won't be perfect. Anyone?
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

If you have nothing better to do right now, sure. Otherwise, wait until your fully ready. Don't rush when it might cause trouble for you later.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm eager to see where this goes!

As for whether or not the city's contested, I had no clue that it was to begin with! That's freaking cool (and funny!) If you want, I could ask around. I don't have a lot of gamer friends, but I can shout out in some of the random Calgarian communities on the net that I lurk in.

(I don't mind being open, Calgary's best described as a 'morass' for me, too. I only came down here because the college for art was much more focused than the UofA's programs. X3)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Alright, I'll wait on those threads then. If people want, clans will be pretty much straight out of the book, description-wise, and I'm nly changing the disciplines enough for it to make sense in a forum game, as opposed to LARP

As for the Kindred status of Calgary, maybe even just do a google or facebook search for VtM Calgary or somesuch, and see if they keep updates on a site. It's more of a curiosity than anything else, if we can't find out easily I'll just make it up myself :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm poking around but can't find a thing. Maybe I'm not searching the right keywords, I don't know. o.o Sorry!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Don't worry about it, I'm not even sure they have anything online. The Red Deer group has a facebook thing, but there isn't anything useful there. I'll make something up, it's what STs are for anyways, right? ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Judging by cowtown's reputation and what I've read between the two sides, I think it'd be fun if there was some push and pull between who was in charge. XD Not that I'm sure it will matter for the course of playing the game, but now I'm curious, too.

9_9 I'm all excited now. Ignore me while I wait impatiently to see new things -- Phoenix has the right of it about not pushing yourself overhard to start things.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Really the only hard thing is pulling something out of my head that's accurate enough to be usefull. I think I'm pretty much just going to copy-pasta a lot of stuff from the book once my computer is up and running. Work is dead currently, so this is pretty much all I have to do. I'm currently making notes and impressions on each of the characters, which NPC's would take note of them, etcetera...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

:) I'm sure it's fine to leave some details off or fuzzy instead of making 'em perfect. XD Well, unless you're talking about rules that would be a bad idea to mess with.

Reading now! o_O' I have a long way to go, still, so that's keeping me occupied. XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I don't know. As far as I know the Nosferatu like to embrace beautiful people just out of spite.

You made me cackle, Rule. Although I recall one story (VtM canon, too, I think) where a Nos was pissed at this model that lived above him and Embraced him to make him ugly but...he didn't turn ugly...at least, in the parts of him that weren't covered by clothes. His face and arms stayed perfectly "human" but the rest of his body went Nossie blech.

XD I vaguely remember the clan names... Nosferatu are the 'omg, I'm an ugly beeatch!' and Gangrel are the 'I wanted to play a werewolf but my friends didn't' types, right? The rest is greek to me.

Nosferatu are the ugly ones, yes, but they're also known to be the ones you want to go to if you need information (usually.) Gangrel tend to be the more "outdoorsy" type and have more of a connection with nature and the like, though there are city Gangrel, too (More commonly referred to as SABBAT *cough*)

No worries about questions, either. Those of us that play will be happy to answer (though I'll default to Shrike's word being final call on certain things, since she's the ST.) And given that your charrie doesn't know much about all this, it works out well!

Though these might help a little...

and finally,

Now to go see if I have that book. I forgot this morning.

Edit: I've got "Mind's Eye theater Laws of the Night" Revised rules for Playing Vampires. Gangrel aren't listed with the Cam clans and it's almost 300 pages long. Same book?
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I really wanna be a Toreador though >.>;; *whine?* I can play them better than the others. Narcissism ftw?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well if narcissism is all your after chibs, it wouldn't be too hard to make her a kook and have that as her derangement ;)

I wouldn't worry about it too much, C'est la vie, no?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

D: But but.... I am gonna fret about it xD I like being able to pick.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Thinking about maybe making a character. Just wanting to point out, Chibi's character... is 4 foot 3 inches tall. I'm thinking that's a typo, or it's pedobait....
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Thinking about maybe making a character. Just wanting to point out, Chibi's character... is 4 foot 3 inches tall. I'm thinking that's a typo, or it's pedobait....

What, you don't think Chibi looks like this:
