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Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

when it comes down to it she would wear very little as possible for maximum benefit. but sense the weather we got is so cold its not gonna help much. Also two-man (in this case women) sniper teams are usually the way to go. one spotter one shooter. We should get along just fine.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Well, I'm gonna toss up Xerberis' profile anyway, see if Burrito will OK it or not

Character Name: Xerberis, Combat Test Subject 10532367, 'Fucked Up Oversized Insect', and others
Age: Geneticly Engineered to be 29
Gender: Female
Prosthesis: Besides being biogeneticly engineered, no
Weapons: Biological Claws and Spikes, Data Storage holds Gernades, Time Bombs, and a modified Light Blaster.
Description: Carpace colored a light tan, with large, dragonfly-style wings. Spikes and claws abound on her body, though oddly enough, none near the less-protective nether areas and bust carpace. She has a pair of antennai for advanced sensory imput, and her yellow eyes can see in almost complete darkness. Her legs are triple jointed, and end with three-clawed feet.

Photo Reference-
Genetic mutations: Enhanced almost everything, as a biorganic weapon system. However, she tires easily, and must retreat a bit to recover. Is slightly more agile in the air then on the ground.
Bio: A small project created by several scientists to assist the troops, Xerberis is one of the first biorganic 'weapons' in existance. However, having never had the time to learn anything for herself, she is curious about all matters of the 'normal' things of life.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Yes indeed, two person teams are indeed the norm, this is going to be a lot of fun :)

*Pictures the scene from the zombie movie, picking off undead celebrities from the rooftop* ;3
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Okay. Ya'll are in.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Just to give you guys a heads-up - I exchanged my rifle for a grenade launcher. Makes more sense for the character.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Through fear of their test subject impregnating himself they locked off Sam's sperm but left it in the deep recesses of his intestines to be excreted later should Sam be the final human left alive. Otherwise, Sam does not ejaculate sperm as a man.

So... super-sperm that doesn't die?
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

In essence, yes, Aika. That's the conclusion I got.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Yes, you did.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Character Name: Operative #366 "Phantasm" - Real name undisclosed.

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Prosthesis: Phantasm has no direct modifications to her biology from the use of technology, however, her combat suit features systems to amplify all sound, to cling to surfaces against the will of gravity, and to make her footsteps and movements utterly silent,as well as standard communication equipment, equipped to broadcast using all known coding techniques. On top of this, the construction prevents her from returning motion sensor signal on standard radar-based infantry interception turrets, as well as neutralising her thermal output by synchronising it with the outside temperatures. The suit has a limited camouflaging feature, changing only general colours to match with the environment, and can only cater for a small number of scenarios - Snow, Urban, Jungle, or standard black.

Description: This Operative hails from a black ops military division, as part of an elite unit specialising in assassination, search-and-destroy, and special ops. That is to say, ops that no one else wants to do, involving particularly dangerous hostile aliens, or the paranormal. Standing at approximately 5"6, she doesn't strike an imposing figure - at least, she wouldn't, if she wore civvies. Standard combat gear for Operatives is a jet black soft suit, with pressure-sensitive hardening designed to deflect or absorb small arms fire, coupled with an imposing black helmet, with a single visor slit in the shape of a Y. Her voice is unmodulated, a low, but feminine alto, that is rarely used outside of reports and confirmations.
The suit doesn't hide her gender, though. Part of the requirements for effective stealth mean it has to be form-fitting.. which means her C cup, and near-hourglass figure are not exactly concealed. If anything, Phantasm is just a little too lean to have a "perfect figure" - but that is expected in her line of work.

In combat, Phantasm strikes as her name would suggest, like a ghost. That's where the numerous weapons strapped and concealed around her suit come in. The lines of the suit conceal approximately 22 sheathed knives, 30 concealed needles, 5 explosive packs, and about 40 feet of high-strength paracord. Trained for speed, stealth, and agility, combined with her own unique abilities, Phantasm specialises in swift, devastating hit-and-run tactics, plunging the enemy into confusion by taking out the leaders, and the lights.

Weapons: Along with a lethal artistry hand-to-hand, and an ease with blades, whether it be throwing, or using them in a more.. personally gratifying fashion, 366 carries a pair of silenced pistols, and a crossbow. The pistols are relatively standard in design for CQC dual-wielding, two 21-round magazines with customised grips and laser sights in red and green, with a very light trigger break for quick firing. The noise produced is lower than might be expected - around the level of someone breathing out gently. The only other thing 366 relies on regularly, is a wrist-mounted basic EMP, designed to target light sources, recharging from her suit systems.

Genetic mutations: Even without the suit, without the training, 366 is different from just about everyone. This occurred as a result of a highly classified incident on a nowhere base, that the soldier formerly known as Corporal Serena Hekaxos ended up as Operative 366. This incident resulted in the death of all other personnel on the base, 289 men and 31 women. The specifics are unknown, but the base was declared unusable afterwards, and only the most battle-hardened medics were allowed to enter. The incident resolved itself with the death of the hostile creature that had been killing people, and the near-fatal wounding of Corporal Hekaxos. The military report following this incident was quickly classified, but the contents revealed a change in the good corporal. As well as an impossible increase (one supposedly unsupportable by the human nervous system) in reaction time, coordination, and movement speed, the subject was observed to literally vanish in one spot, and re-appear in another, an estimated maximum of ten meters away. The researcher's notes added that this only seemed to occur when those watching blinked, or, if the light source flickered in any way. Corporal Hekaxos also displayed a worrying aggression, that resulted in the deaths of two scientists working to examine her.
The last test conducted was electroshock. On observing adrenal spikes whenever the corporal performed her "blink" ability, it was decided that pushing pain levels would produce a similar reaction. After approximately an hour of steadily increasing voltages, all electrical devices, including a video camera recording the treatment room, suddenly went blank. The facility was found some days later, with no survivors. It is presumed that the corporal was at this time taken into the custody of the Black Ops agency behind the Operatives. It is interesting to note that the surviving video footage of the corporal during the periods when she was not undergoing testing shows her presence as little more than a blur - the only detail is available as she sleeps. Despite the fact that the camera was recording at approximately 30 frames a second.

Before joining the military, Serena Hekaxos led an effectively uneventful life. Eldest of four siblings, one deceased due to leukemia, daughter of divorced parents, lower class, her mother worked as a secretary, her father a low-level IT technician. On joining the military she was assigned to a small military base in the Arctic, to guard the scientific installation there, and saw no action for approximately five years. Her scores in the marksmanship tests were high with the standard rifle, but higher with the pistol, and her fitness levels were impressively high. Her record shows she was demoted from Colour Sergeant, after physically attacking a superior officer. This attack resulted in a broken arm and significant bruising, however, the Captain in question had a suspicious record, and was later court-martialled for sexual harassment and rape. After the incident, Corporal Serena was reported alive but wounded, and went into a "military hospital" somewhere in South America. Not long later, a second incident attributed to the same creature led to her disappearance.

Mmmmmk. I think that's everything covered in my head... Any "confidential" information can be disclosed by me.. but only to the GM. I'm not leaving myself open to some sneaky bugger using OOC information IC :p. Any problems, hit me up.

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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Uh.......Wow. Just wow. Never seen a character that complex in any of my RP's. I don't see anything wrong with it though, so approved.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Not adding a character, but I do have one comment about part of Pale's character...

5 frames per second would make the movements of a normal human seem pretty fast...

EDITTED: After speaking with a former Dept. of Corrections employee, normal recording rate for security cameras is 16 fps. Human viewing rate is 20 fps.

Recording speed on those cameras that slow everything down a bunch is at least 5,000.
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Yes, but if you read carefully - she's not visible -at all- at that frame rate. Not a blur, just not visible. At 30 frames per second.. that would imply she'd be moving very, very fast. OP fast. Like, cover a hundred meters in one second fast. Burrito, thank you <3. I'll be right over.

Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Since she set a maximum range of 10 meters, it's not that OP, which is why I granted it.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

I just noticed, although Aika is the youngest character biologically, we have several people who look just as young due to genetic alterations.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Not really super sperm but super-hidden sperm?
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Character Name: Melissa Dietrich

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Prosthesis: Bio-neural Interface. A simple computer attached to the brain stem with a connection jack located behind the left ear. By attaching a nano cable from her jack to another person's jack (or to their skin with a suitable adapter) she can obtain biometrics on that person (heart rate, blood pressure, etc).

Weapons: Her storage disc is located on her right hip, just below her waist. She keeps in it a combat knife and a standard shotgun (for close encounters). In addition, she carries a field medical kit with bandages, chemicals, surgery tools, and other pieces of equipment such as several bags of plasma and a portable stretcher.

Genetic mutations: Melissa's eyes have been modified to allow her to see in low light conditions, and her body in other areas has been strengthened to withstand environmental extremes such as heat and cold. Her lungs have been made more efficient, allowing her to require breathes much less often (a max of one breath every ten minutes), and her digestive tract has been modified to be able to break down and detoxify many substances that would be harmful to normal humans.

Description: Somewhat tall at 5' 10", Melissa has an athletic build and shoulder length black hair that she keeps in a high ponytail. She prefers to dress semi casual, even on duty, simply wearing a tank top, gloves, a pair of sturdy pants, and combat boots. She has a slit cut in the side of her pants to allow her access to her storage disc. When performing medical duties in a base, Melissa will throw on a white lab coat to hold instruments, but is quick to discard it when it isn't needed.

Bio: Melissa was born to a military family, but was drawn to medicine at a young age. Although she originally didn't intend to follow in her family's footsteps, she joined the USLD after the Alkeroth forces killed her parents and wounded her brothers in battle. Though she was a naturally gifted soldier and excelled in most areas of modern warfare, Melissa chose to pursue a career as a field medic and emergency surgeon. Her first deployment gave her copious amounts of experience in both combat and field medicine, as the Fallen were vicious warriors, and also broke her of the shock of seeing fellow soldiers wounded and killed. With a shortage of medical personnel and her battle experience, Melissa was chosen to assist the "Last Resort" mission in any way deemed necessary.


look good?
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

So do we basically control all of our encounters with the fallen in these hallways, both lethal and reproductive in nature or...?
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

I will control any of the sexual encounters, after you start them, or very powerful enemies. Anything else is in your hands.