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Laeyna (Zilrax)

Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The Wyvern is devoured, making one final, defiant screech as she's pulled into Laeyna's belly and coiled up in there, squirming rather pleasurably around inside of her, the Queen's stomach bloated out and writhing from her passenger. She can feel her body getting to work, though she knows that the process is entirely painless until the consciousness transfer, which she should probably consider, either into some of her seed, or into one of her eggs. The creature, in the meantime, continues to writhe and claw at the inside of her stomach, doing no actual damage, but feeling exceptionally arousing and pleasurable, like the inside of her stomach was another erogenous zone.

She also feels something else in her brain as the wyvern writhes around. That if she wants, she can keep the little bitch inside of her for as long as she wants, and decide whether or not to actually digest her. It's safe for her to assume she can do this with ANYONE she can fit into her stomach, and from the way the Wyvern's writhing begins to shift, it's just as pleasurable for her as it is for the Queen.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna moans, having finished downing her meal, panting as she erects hard from the sheer pleasure of having devoured the creature. Clearly she was enjoying it just as much from the way she was writhing, her stomach huge with the coiled creature.

"Ooooh, fuck... Damn, I'm gonna have to find someone to knock up with her, now I'm too horny to be patient and go the egg route., mutters Laeyna to herself, shuddering in delight.

She glances up and gives the three harpies a wave, before starting to walk back for the school, being heavier, not helping she was hard as heck. Next person who volunteered, or even if they didn't, was going to get knocked up hard with a big fat ex-wyvern egg.

The whole sensation made her wonder if this was any different from her womb really. Maybe she was just one big reproductive organ inside. Wouldn't surprise her all things considered. Also made her wonder if she could impregnate herself. Lot's of things to experiment with indeed.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

As the Wyvern continues to writhe and squirm inside of Laeyna's bloated stomach, the three Harpies take wing from the rooftops, most of the gunk off of the third one's wings, as they begin to glide down to land in front of the bug woman.

On close inspection, they all appear to be the same strain, women with lithe frames, bodies coated in feathers from neck to ankle, and humanoid feet sporting razor-sharp talons growing out of their toes, their fingers also growing long talons, and their backs sporting a set of wings to help them fly. The one who had been attacked by the Wyvern, a harpy with blue feathers, steps forward. "Uhm...Thank you...For saving me...Whoever you are...And for...Getting that creature out of the way." she says nervously, rubbing one arm with her other hand nervously.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna would have blinked when the harpies suddenly landed in front of her. She had to hold her first instinct in check which was to grab all three and plow them hard on the spot.

"Laeyna, Queen Laeyna. And it's fine, one of these things attacked my friend earlier today. I've, mmmm sorry she feels so good there, set up in the old school over there as my nest. Going to see about fixing things up around here, turning dangerous nuisances like wyverns into nice toys. And borrow the better parts of them. She'll be reborn as one of my first soldier strains. Anyways, it wasn't any problem. Cute girls like you being picked on like that..."

Laeyna gives another groan, her shaft twitching as she shivers. "Mmmf, sorry, if you wanna chat more with me, we can do it on the way, I need to convert her and plant her in one of my toys so she can be a nice big egg soon." She starts to walk for the school, chuckling a bit as she goes, in between moans.

"No one seems to want to hang near the school, probably because they're scared of Jessica. I'm going to make this block a haven for those who don't want to worry about being preyed upon at random. Or want to be nice fucktoys for others pleasure without worrying about being hurt or truly abused. Enough of all this rioting and divisions, make a nice united group and have stability again. But you know, long term goals. How about you three, whats your plans? And names?"
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The Wyvern suddenly begins to writhe pleasurably inside of Laeyna harder and with even more exaggerated movements to further arouse the Queen, the movements easily visible outside to the three harpies, who move aside to let the Queen continue walking, following along behind her.

The blue-feathered harpy pads along behind Laeyna with slightly bouncy steps, her friends, both with purple feathers, strutting behind her. "I'm Sofia. The two purple ones behind me are Cindy and Sandy, twin sisters." she says, a rather bubbly lilt to her voice, as both the other harpies nod and giggle. "As for what we want to do, really, the only thing that matters after the outbreak is enjoying ourselves, and laying eggs. We love having babies to send out into the world." Sofia says, a slight giggle as she brings a feathered hand up to her mouth. "If you're making a safe place for us to do that, then why not come with you? And by the looks of what that Wyvern is doing inside your belly, looks like it's pretty fun. How long you gonna keep her in there? How long can you?" she says, soon beginning to inquire about the Queen's strange physiology, sounding extremely curious as she and her two friends follow Laeyna.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna moans as the wyvern seemed to want to work her up even more, being hard to keep her mind on the prize at hand, her shaft throbbing more.

"Mmmf, yeah feels great for us both. I can keep her indefinetly. I'm intending to consume her body and fuze her mind into my seed and knock up one of my toys with her, make her into one of my soldier caste. But I could let her out too.," says Laeyna, shivering in delight, "I could put her in an egg instead but I'm saving that for when I'm further away from one of my toys to implant and need to make room."

She smirks back at the bubbly harpies a bit. "Certainly, you;re welcome and I'm sure we'll all be happy to impregnate you over and over, but it does mean you and your clutches are to listen and serve me. I won;t expect anything of you you're incapable of or for you to be mistreated, but I will want you to be my eyes in the sky, looking for dangers, threats and such. In exchange you'll have all the nutritious milk you can drink, a safe place to roost and plenty of eager partners needing to dump their loads. And of course you're welcome to become one of my toys instead, in your form or as one of my strain."

She entered into the school with the harpies, heading for the gym, getting ready to savor the feelings before going to digest her, to claim her superior traits and prep her to be injected and rebirthed upon one of her toys.

"Oh, also you could be changed in my womb instead of eaten too if you want to convert, though doing it to one is preferable since that way I can claim some of your superior traits for my own, and produce more milk for all to eat."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The wyvern continues to writhe inside of Laeyna as they enter the school, and she can tell that the creature inside her belly has been enjoying it this entire time, several climaxes having been wrung out.

As the queen finishes talking, the three Harpies all look at one another and begin speaking in whispered tones. "When you're...Finished eating that Wyvern...Think you could let us try what it's like to be in your belly? Sandy wants to try it out, and Cindy too...And I do as well. We don't wanna become like you, but we figure it'll be fun...And once we're out we'll be happy to get knocked up with all the babies you want. Be good to put ourselves to use, if we're getting a nice, safe home out of it." Sofia speaks, bouncing giddily behind the Queen. Inside, Jane is still bloated obscenely, and Jessica is curled up at the base of Laeyna's throne, looking entirely content to laze there submissively, snoring subtly.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna smirks, looking back to the harpies. "I'll get you settled in. And ah, planning to have a little incestual orgy in my tummy? Fair enough, I can keep from devouring you. Though do tell me if you want to change your mind. I need to eat a lot to produce all the food for you all after all."

Once inside, she smirked, gesturing for the harpies to make themselves at home, before moving over and rolling Jessica over firmly. "Toy, there;s several mattresses in the main lobby, go get them and move them into place. We have a new hivemate coming shortly, and several new hive vassals here to stay. If you work quickly, I'll let you be the one knocked up with our first soldier caste."

She then settled onto her throne, leaning back pleasantly and starting to stroke herself with a smirk, before letting the digestion begin. She was enjoying the sensation but she'd soon have three new ones filling her, and she was looking forwards to venting her lust into one of her toys. After that the harpies would make good little broodlayers to produce more food for herself and vassals to control the skies. She;d have to see if there was a way to engineer new half strains to make her vassal species marked with her strain a bit in the future.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jessica immediately shoots to her feet and begins working as quickly as possible, as the three harpies take flight and plop down on top of the closest bleacher to the Queen's Throne.

As she begins to the digestion, the struggles of her captive begin to lessen, until she stops entirely, and Laeyna can feel her entire consciousness being shifted from her Wyvern body into her testicles, ready to plant her in one of her female toys. In her mind, she can feel all the different traits of her first victim being stored within her own body to be put into whatever strain she wishes, able to grant them sonic attacks or the ability to spread a thin membrane from wrist to hip to allow them to glide, though actual flight is beyond them. As she files away these enhancements, her body tells her that she can add and remove them from her brood at will via intercourse, provided she gives them enough food to fuel the process afterwards.

Soon, Jessica is finished moving the mattresses, having done it as fast as was humanly possible. By this time, Laeyna's belly has shrunk back to normal, the wyvern's now-empty body converted into nutrients for her brood, as the three Harpies wing down to land in front of her throne expectantly, Jessica moving up behind them and dropping to her knees in worship of her Mistress.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna groaned, shuddering as she filtered her new toys traits into herself, storing them to be applied as she see fit to her brood, able to inject them with her mutagenic seed to change them.

As her stomach finally flattened, her toys and vassals approached, all expectantly, her feeling her balls ready and full of a burgeoning new life to make. "Mmm. Jessica, service me til I;m done putting these eager girls away to play. Then bend over and prepared to be destroyed and impregnated."

Laeyna smirked, legs spread, her massive cock on ready display as she promptly grabbed up the harpies, hissing her eager lust, before slowly devouring each one feet first, an easy meal of each, letting them rest in her stomach to play.

Once they were all in, she then waited for Jessica to turn over before mounting over the drone, bracing her up against her throne, before slamming herself hard into her body, not intending to show any mercy as she ravaged her, planning to let her pent up balls utterly devastate the girl's reproduction.

"Mmm, maybe let Clint and Boris keep the twin birds nice and knocked up, while I have the one I saved be my... Liason to the harpies, hmm hmm..."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Each of the three harpy girls moan in delight and writhe as they're devoured, and once all three are safely inside of her tummy, she can feel them all shifting around and snuggling up to each other, three distinct bulges in the Queen's belly, as Jessica submits herself to her queen, her head pressed against the hard surface of her Queen's throne as she's taken by the massive cock her Mistress now owns. "Oh yes, Mistress! You know how to treat a toy like me so wonderfully!" she cries out, climaxing around her Mistress' shaft greedily, as the three harpies wiggle around pleasantly inside of her belly, likely tending to themselves while the Queen ravages her toy.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna shivered, feeling the harpies squirming about. She decided to squeeze her tummy muscles gently, make them grind against each other naughtily.

In the meantime she hammered Jessica, growling lustily as she slammed hard, putting her full force into each thrust, letting her balls slam against the bugslut's thighs. she was making sure her cock was invading as deep and hard as she could, her growling lustily as she used her insanely durable toy to her full desires.

"Just what a slut like you wants. To be used up and implanted with kids all the time. Always open and willing to be fucked stupid and planted with my kids any time I want. And I am going to want a lot. Jane's pretty occupied still after all. Course I've been saving up. So you;re going to be even bigger than her when I'm done fucking you. Course once I;m done and you;re packed full I'm just going to cough up a cute little feather brain to pack full of eggs next til you've got space for me again.," hisses Laeyna naughtily, giving Jessica a hard spank as she hammers her self in.

While she worked, she decided to give herself the sonic attacks. She didn't want gliding herself, flight was much more appealing. She might hand them out to her spawn later, perhaps her soldiers. She still needed to make some breeders as well, but defense was a priority for the time being.

"Mmm... So I can add new strains to you while I use you like this... But can I manipulate our existing strain as well without, since it;s already in me?," mused Laeyna, considering perhaps giving her toys new features for her to violate as she saw fit.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Y-Yes mistress! The queen was made to evolve and adapt! You can- OH GOD!" Jessica is cut off as she climaxes a second time, loving how hard she's being used and abused, as the three harpies inside of the Queen all push their arms out in six separate directions, their hands showing through her belly as they press, deciding to give the Queen a taste of her own medicine.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna howls in pleasure as she feels the harpies press back, giving a hard slam, practically squishing Jessica up against the throne with her groin. She smirked, grinding herself into Jessica, savoring the intense pleasure of sheathing her massive cock into a small tight fertile space.

She smirked as she felt Jessica climax around her yet again, her growling lustily as she slammed all the more eagerly, panting. Seemed she could modify her brood easily enough. She'd definitely need to play with that later to make her toys more fun. But she was enjoying this too much, needed this too much right now to stop.

She growled lustily, before pulling almost all the way out, before grabbing Jessica and slamming her down hard as she could, before howling her bliss, unleashing new guaranteed life to affix into her toy, breeding her and howling her conquest and delight, ultimate control over another life which she had planted in someone else. She hissed, delighting in her long orgasm as she laid down, pinning Jessica hard underneath her so she could stay hilted tight, letting Jessica feel her massive balls pumping into her, going to force her womb to lift both of them up with the sheer amount she was sealing inside her.

"Don't waste a drop, slut. I want you to take every drop I saved up while I was out. Take it all, and spit your eggs out. If I don;t get a big enough brood out of you, I'll tie you to my chest to be my personal cum dump and armor for life.," growls Laeyna aggressively. She wouldn't actually do that. Well, permanently. She refused to risk her toys like that. Still, maybe she could find someone who deserved it she could waste some mass on being her permanent portable toy.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jessica seems to climax once more at the thought of being made her personal armor. "Will you...Do that to me anyway? Please, Mistress?" the bloated bug beneath Laeyna moans out, clamping as tightly around her invading shaft and struggling to hold in every last drop. "I would...Gladly be tied to your chest...If it meant I got to be your personal cumdump for life." the bugslut moans, showing just how depraved and broken she is.

The Harpies continue to writhe in her stomach, having shifted and now sitting in a position with their heads between each other's legs, likely pleasuring each other's feminine parts as they're carried in their fleshy, arousing prison.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna hisses, staying in place as Jessica started clamping down, Laeyna growling as she drained herself, enjoying squishing her toy under her even as she swelled her massively.

"Hah, if I did that, you'd get too huge and heavy for me to carry in short order, Jessica. But tell you what, You can be my official lap pet. So while I'm here, you'll be rooted on my cock when I;m not using it, taking my loads in.," smirks Laeyna, "I'll breed you someone t' keep you mobile when I'm out an about. But don't worry. Every one of you is my personal cum dump. Not one of you is not my toy to use as I see fit. And you love it."

She shivers, as she pumps more of her seed in, going to simply enjoy her dragged out orgasm, very slowly thrusting and savoring using her toy. She shivered as she was feeling the threesome in her stomach, defiently enjoying the sensation. "Mmmf, I'm tempted to make sure I get even bigger heh... Turn my body into a mobile nest, fucking and breeding happening inside me all over. Get's me all hot..."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"T-Thank you, Mistress! I just hope I can serve to slake your lusts better than I do now! All I care about is being your personal cocksleeve." Jessica says as she's further bloated, and an idea comes to Laeyna's mind, of perhaps making her just that, a living onahole for her use and abuse, not able to breed anymore, but the perfect object of her sexual satisfaction. Of course, this would mean Jessica wouldn't be able to move on her own, and would mean she'd be down a breeder, but she'd fulfill the deepest desires of her personal fucktoy. It would also take her being rebirthed from an egg.

She's distracted from this line of thought when one of the harpies practically flails inside her, an audible screech of pleasure managing to escape the surrounding flesh, as Laeyna can feel her stomach filling ever so slightly with her femcum.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna hisses, listening to her toy as she shivers. She did indeed get the idea. Just a sex toy for her use and nothing more. Though it meant that she;d be unable to impregnate her anymore. That didn't seem conducive to her desires but the rest perhaps.

Still, she needed Jessica to birth her current batch before she did that, being down a breeder at such low numbers was completely too much. She'd save such a transformation to her toy for when the hive had sustainable numbers of breeders and she had exhausted Jessica's fertility. A proper reward for a toy who had served it's purpose and been used up.

Her thoughts were distracted again by the harpies, orgasming in her tummy. She smirked a bit, letting them get their fill of climaxes before turning her head and starting to regurgitate them as she kept pumping her seed into her tight toy, sighing in pleasure. "Mmm. You will, Jessica. Not yet. You have duties to perform. But once my toy has been used up, every last egg you have passed and you're left barren and useless as a breeder, I will make you into my perfect little sex toy, only there to be used completely, with no mobility or free will. An object for my use. Just like you hope. So make sure to give up as many eggs as you can into the fertility I pump into you and birth them well. I'll be very cross if you cheat after all."

Soon it'd be the harpies turn to be bred, she needed a loyal slutty flock to act as her eyes after all. Hopefully her strain would begin to merge with them, making xenoharpies instead of simple xenos or flappy birds. Enmass they;d be useful for retrieving larger supplies as well as more partners for her use and consumption.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Y-Yes mistress! I'll breed as many as I can! My life belongs to you, Mistress." Jessica says. In short order, the harpies are spat out one at a time, moaning with climax as they pass her mouth and flop onto the ground, coated in olive-covered saliva. "Gawd...That felt so good...But...I need...I need seed...As much seed as I can get!" Sofia says, moaning as she sits up on her hands and knees and begins crawling back towards Laeyna, who can smell how utterly aroused the three harpies are, begging her to fuck and breed them.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna smirked as the harpies emerged, so horny, so desperate for their new queens cock, as she grinned, and pulled out of Jessica, turning towards them with her massive cock. "Mmm... But can such cute little birds take my massive cock? If you take it, you'll be stretched so much... Twisted and battered, only fit to birth my daughters... My cock will destroy your desire to be anything but my slutty little breeders... Doing anything I ask...," grins Laeyna teasingly, stroking her massive ridged cock.

She let her cock resume it;s drooling, let it drop a potent thick drop of her seed down in front of them. "Mmm, see how thick it is? How potent? It'll conquer you utterly, desperate to be fixtures of my hive, to beg to be it's newest components. So many little harpies it'd produce from a drop alone. But I only have one cock, and there is three of you... How shall we resolve this, hmm?"

She grinned and waited patiently, twitching in eagerness at such willing subs. Yes, the harpies would be a fine member of her hive, such natural toys. They took no effort at all to make them desire to serve her utterly.