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Laeyna (Zilrax)

<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Jessica gasps at being cockslapped, before nodding her head shakily. <b>&quot;That egg was mine...Even if we're changed by being drawn in, we still have to spend our time in an egg. As for ruling...You do it simply by being near your toys...Those with our infection gradually become more and more subservient to the nearest Queen. We can use our claws to tunnel or tear through anything short of solid steel, and as a Queen, you can release a form of resin, stored in glands located along your abdomen, that is stronger than steel. As well, when an egg has been laid, you can simply place your hands on it, and will how long it will take to hatch. You can adjust this as much as you need, and there will be no long-term downside to it for the person inside the egg.&quot;</b> Jessica says, as her explanation brings certain instinctual cues to Laeyna on how and what to do as she's explained to. <br /> <br /> <b>&quot;You can also put someone inside of an egg if they've been fully transformed, to save on resource consumption or...As punishment...&quot;</b> Jessica says, tapping her claws together. <b>&quot;Your breast milk contains vital nutrients that humans and our kind survive on. A single cup full of your milk will sustain a human as if they had eaten a full meal, and it does not contain traces of our infection, only your saliva and the inside of your womb does. In addition, we require much less food than a human, despite our larger size, due to our altered internals. I don't know if the same is true for a Queen, though...&quot;</b> Jessica explains, the last part about food making Laeyna's stomach rumble, and an instinctual feeling in her mind tells her that there's a reason her mouth can fit an entire human inside with little to no problem, knowing she can digest living creatures, even infected, without being affected.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Laeyna nods, listening carefully as she felt her body give twinges in response to Jessica's information. It seemed she did have some constructive methods. As well as several conversion methods. And some not quite as appealing capabilities.<br /> <br /> <span style="color: acid">&quot;I see... Mmmf I don't much like the idea of... Ending a life. Too bad there isn't a way to consume their body then inject them into one of my young to give them a new one. Or is there? I'd consider it impossible but well, I am a giant black sex bug queen. Mmm and on that note, I wonder if there's a way to... Add superior traits to my own, and my brood.,&quot;</span> muses Laeyna, trying to ignore her hunger.<br /> <br /> As she muses, she starts working her resin over the gymnasium walls, intending to fortify this room, to be her, for the time being, throne room. She also creates some fountain like structures, pouring her milk into them, to act as storage and so her brood doesn't need to rely on her to be there, at least until she made some of those, what did Jessica call them? Feeders.<br /> <br /> <span style="color: acid">&quot;You mentioned you could infect others with different sorts of strains. Is that unique to you, or can others do it?&quot;</span></div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> As Laeyna thinks about it, she can feel her stomach grumble, and she can feel an instinctual cue that yes, she can actually eat someone and break them down, and force their being into an egg, if she's carrying any.<br /> <br /> When she thinks about adding superior traits, she gets the notion that she can do that by devouring other creatures and breaking them down in her stomach.<br /> <br /> <b>&quot;Well...One in every ten thousand or so of us has the ability to infect a single individual with the Queen strain. All the other strains are contained within the Queen's body.&quot;</b> Jessica explains when asked about infecting others with strains. Laeyna is again hit with a feeling, that she can make three different strains: Drones, which her current 3 toys are, made for scouting and general average duties around the nest, Soldiers, who are almost as big as the Queen, and have enhanced combat capabilities and strength, much like how Boris turned out, except they;'d be expected to have the same black chitin and overall form factor as her and her drones, and Breeders, which serve as living broodlayers, each individual capable of making either Drones or Soldiers, but not both.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Laeyna listens and nods with a smirk. <span style="color: acid">&quot;I see. Well then, you're a very special girl, Jessica. If something should happen then, I expect you to escape. That way if for whatever reason the nest falls and I don't make it, you can form a new one. Though do try and find someone more willing next time. Though I can't fault you for not doing so. Seems I can improve myself and retain them for my use. I'll have to do so then. Mmm.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> She mused, smirking as she continued to construct with her resin, making herself a throne of sorts with a basin like spot behind to rest her tail and where she'll eventually lay her brood. Settling it between her fountains. She left a few spots on the floor uncovered, intending to expand downwards eventually.<br /> <br /> <span style="color: acid">&quot;It'll do for now. I'll be laying out blueprints for my lovely little drones to follow to form us an excellent compound later.,&quot;</span> grins Laeyna, before looking to Jessica again.<br /> <br /> <span style="color: acid">&quot;So, tell me how you were able to disappear and reappear in the darkness like that before. I think I can do the light destroying screech myself, though I'm curious how you made the lights flicker at will too.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> Her thoughts wandered to the two men who slipped away on her. Well, she had sent them away but still. Pity, she could use more. Maybe they;d show up again. Or maybe they had picked up Jessica's infection and were now quietly and accidentally spreading it through out the bunker. Bit disappointing if arousing if it had.<br /> <br /> She turned her attention to Boris afterwards. <span style="color: acid">&quot;Boris, what other strains are in the Manhatten region? Who are the most numerous, the most dangerous, the most friendly, and the most submissive of the lot? Oh and of course, the most organized and the most... Well off for resources.&quot;</span></div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> <b>&quot;The flickering and everything was actually...A pheromone we can release when we're hunting something. It allows us to cause hallucinations based on an idea, and it makes it a reality for those affected. For instance, I wanted to terrorize you, and force you into an enclosed space. The pheromones made me appear as if I could control space and light itself, driving you towards that classroom, subtly tugging at your minds to pull you towards it. It's...Difficult to master.&quot;</b> Jessica says, tapping her claws together. <b>&quot;I only know how to control it so perfectly because my Queen taught me when she shoved me into that egg.&quot;</b> the slave says, as Boris begins to approach.<br /> <br /> <span style="color: Blue">&quot;The most numerous strain is not one strain. Dogs, cats, and their derivatives make up the bulk of the strains in Manhattan. The most dangerous strain is easily the Ember Dragonflight who live almost entirely inside the Empire State Building, where it's said a massive dragon lives at the top.&quot;</span> Boris says, folding his massive arms over his chest. <span style="color: Blue">&quot;Most friendly strain is likely a tie between the Ratfolk who pretty much own Times Square, and the Amazons who own the Museum of Natural History. The latter ones are friendly, mostly, so long as you follow their rules.&quot;</span> Boris says, nodding his head as if to confirm for himself. <span style="color: Blue">&quot;Submissive would be the Harpies who roost on top of pretty much any rooftop they can find. And the most organized and well off would be the military who have claimed all of Brooklyn as their base of operations, as well as the Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge. They use these bases to make sure the infection stays contained, and to launch research excursions into the city. Apparently Patient Zero, the one who started this outbreak, was here in Manhattan. So the government, or what's left of it, is putting everything they can into finding them, so they can cure this.&quot;</span> the Russian man says, looking up at the Queen. <span style="color: blue">&quot;Planning on playing diplomat, Laeyna?&quot;</span></div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> <span style="color: acid">&quot;I... See. So you were actually in that room the whole time. You'll have to tutor me then, pet. I can't be lacking in any way after all.,&quot;</span> nods Laeyna, before picking up Jessica and shoving her nipple into her mouth to feed while she turned her attention to Boris.<br /> <br /> <span style="color: acid">&quot;Quite the variety. Dragons though? Geez... The Virus making dog people I saw, but how did dragons come into this? I mean even this strain on me is... Odd. In any case, sort of. I have you to play diplomat after all, but I need to know who I can bring under my wing. Or can prey upon if need be. And who's strains I should incorporate into myself. I'm content to leave the military as they are for now. Containing the infection is just as much in my best interests for the time being, and getting out is just time and effort. I'm more surprised it has not spread since clearly some strains are air capable.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> Laeyna shakes her head then shrugs. <span style="color: acid">&quot;I'll see about drawing others in, but I've never been the type to sit in one spot and just twiddle my thumbs while others took risks. I fully intend to make this place a nearly self sufficient and effective nest eventually, with diverse constructions with my resin. And perhaps update my drones strains to be better at it as well. But I also plan to go out and hunt, since patient zero is something I have a keen interest in. And I can't evolve without the risk.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> She stretches a bit, smirking. <span style="color: acid">&quot;Plus I need proper bedding for me and my toys, food to produce food for you all and of course some soldiers to protect my nest while away. And I always can use someone new to stuff my cock in, I don't seem to be stopping leaking any time soon. Definitely need to set up a drainage pipe. Or set some drones who's task is to service me and clean it up all the time before I flood our nest.&quot;</span></div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Jessica eeps and then silences herself as she's shoved onto her queen's nipple to feed, drinking at her behest and falling silent.<br /> <br /> <span style="color: Blue">&quot;I'd recommend starting with the Amazons. For them, siding with someone who can breed and provide soldiers? That would be a win-win to them.&quot;</span> Boris says, placing one of his massive hands on his chin in thought. As he does so, a thought occurs to Laeyna, and suddenly the flow from her endowment stops entirely, her green seed's flow stopping to simply rest inside of her two orbs, though she can also sense that she can turn production on and off at will, as well as whether she's leaking fluids from her cock or not. As well, she gets the feeling that anyone impregnating her will just make her produce eggs, but anyone who isn't one of her kind she impregnates with her seed will default to their own strain.<br /> <br /> <span style="color: Blue">&quot;As for the dragons, they aren't full dragons, really. Most of them are Dragonkin, as they call themselves. Dragons with human-shaped bodies. Could always capture one and incorporate it into you...However you do that. I'm not going to pry.&quot;</span> he says, shaking his head lightly.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Laeyna blinks as her flow ceases and simply begins to build in her massive balls. She could switch it off entirely but that seemed less fun. Let it build, and it'd just mean she could blast her partners all the fuller, and ensure her toys would be spitting out kids for years to come. The idea was intensely arousing, a simple tryst damning her partner to years of baring her young. Or possibly dropping them all at once, dozens of children escaping them.<br /> <br /> She looked to Boris again, chuckling naughtily. <span style="color: acid">&quot;If you ever want to try it, let me know. Be a tight fit but bet I could manage it. Still, having a humanish friend works well. You're far more likely to not get shot and to be assumed safe than I am. They'[d probably be right too. Anyways, I think I will go explore the immediate area. Try and find some blueprint paper to work with and anything useful I can bring back. And maybe a few new nest mates. I'll bring a couple girls for you to knock up too. You can use Jessica in the meantime if you like, just remember I'm lending her okay? Try not to get too rough with my things.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> She pulls Jessica off, setting her down with a smirk in front of Boris as she stretches a bit. <span style="color: acid">&quot;I'll be back soon. See if you can't make my throne room more... Decorative and regal in the meantime, hm? And comfy.&quot;</span> With that, she turned to prowl outside, going to explore a bit and find some prey to conquer or survivors to save. The harpies sounded good choice too, dozens of sad subs in need of a good breeding. And having eyes in the sky could be invaluable. But she'd have to wait and see what she found. Making the surrounding area safe was important after all.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Jessica whines at the notion of her Queen leaving, but nods in respect when she begins to stalk off.<br /> <br /> The area around the school is almost entirely devoid of any actual life on the ground. In the air, she can see a Wyvern or two flying about, though they don't stay in the skies long before darting off elsewhere. She can also see a few Harpies landing and taking off from a nearby apartment building. Other than that, there are no other infected in this part of the city, likely afraid of what got trapped inside the school. Many of the apartments and shops nearby have been looted of their food and supplies, but most of the beds and other bulky objects that are hard to carry have been left alone, which will be a blessing when people start needing something soft to sleep on. There are many vermin and pests skittering about where she can hear them, but a normal human might not be able to find, which might be a good food source in a pinch.<br /> <br /> All of the buildings, strangely, still have clean water, meaning someone at least wants people to survive here. An overwhelming thirst begins to come over Laeyna as she discovers this, and her body tells her she needs as much water as possible to keep her own strength up, and that food in her belly is used entirely for making food in her breasts.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Laeyna slipped out into the wide world again. Much as she wanted to stay and play with her toys all day, they were too few and too in need to allow her to waste time on pleasures.<br /> <br /> She was far far too big for any of the beds in the buildings she went through, but they'd do in a pinch. She grabbed several mattresses and tossed them back into the school. Her toys could use them at least. More interesting was that not only was electricity still working, water was too. And it seemed water was almost her entire diet, food primarily there to feed the others.<br /> <br /> With that in mind, she promptly found a bathtub and turned it on, gorging herself on water til her massive thirst abated. Once done with that, she headed back out to consider her next course. While nothing seemed brave enough to approach her nest as of yet, that didn't mean it would remain true forever. Still, they were too few to fortify the whole block in a meaningful manner so she would leave that to later dates.<br /> <br /> She decided to roam outwards, trying to keep to alleys and avoid main thoroughfares for now, slowly exploring in a circular fashion outwards. She didn't want to get too far away from the nest yet. Perhaps she'd find those in need. Or those who'd make good toys. Or lunch. Though she had to make sure she had developed eggs for them to go into before she went consuming others.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> As Laeyna roams, she finds a Wyvern, slowly stalking down the street, and a Harpy, with brown goop coating her wings on her back and her legs, preventing her from flying or moving with any form of expediency, as the scaled, winged beast slowly stalks her, as if toying with her for his..No, from the body mass, and the pheromones the creature is putting out, her, amusement. In the air overhead are two other Harpies squawking and calling the Wyvern names, though keeping a great amount of distance, as the brownish-green goop coating the grounded harpy's wings is also dripping from her lips.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> She soon spotted what seems to be a fight in progress. One of those wyvern strains had appeared and was assaulting a poor harpy. The other harpies seemed to be too scared to help her, resorting to name calling.<br /> <br /> Interestingly it seemed to make the same brown goop that had been in the school too. Though maybe it was a strain her one had stolen from the wyverns. Either way, she had no patience for this creature toying with something she could have. She still was having trouble fighting between her urge to help and her urge to conquer. Fortunately both sides agreed, that wyvern was food. She just hoped the eggs Boris had made in her were ready.Or that she could transfer its consciousness to her balls to inject into another.<br /> <br /> She promptly scaled up the building a bit so she could slip out outside the wyverns vision, before leaping down and tackling at the beast, hoping to knock it away from the poor harpy and knock it away. She snarled up at the harpies above. <span style="color: acid">&quot;What are you still squawking about?! Grab her and get out of here while it's busy!&quot;</span> She didn't need a wrench now. It wouldn't fit in her hand anyways. Now she'd use her claws and size against it.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> As she moves in, Laeyna's body will tell her that, while Boris' eggs had developed just enough to allow her to transfer the Wyvern's consciousness, she also feels like her second idea is also viable.<br /> <br /> When she tackles it to the ground, the beast snarls, and the two harpies swoop down to snatch up their friend, hefting her up onto one of the rooftops, the three peeking their heads over the edge to watch.<br /> <br /> The Wyvern snarls, bucking and squirming on its back before righting itself and hissing at Laeyna. The beast then inhales, and hacks up a ball of the same brownish-green goop, spitting it at Laeyna, and coating her upper body in the stuff. While it has no effect on her physiology, it does seem to hamper her torso and arm's movements, though it doesn't freeze them in place.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Laeyna snarls, knocking the thing aside. The creature spat all over her, the gunk restricting her movements somewhat. Pity she didn't seem to have the same that Jessica did. Or maybe she did and just didn't know how yet.<br /> <br /> She also regretted not having a tail she could as easily use as a weapon as Jessica. Well, she would just have to improvise, she refused to be the one eaten here. Instead, she promptly dashed up, and hopped while swinging her knee up at the creatures chin, hoping to follow up with another hard kick to the side of it's head while it was dizzy.<br /> <br /> She also worked to break the gunk off of her best she could so it wasn't restricting her arms. Still, she had more ideas, if they came to it. The damn thing was massive, but so was she after all. She was going to claim him as her own, in more ways than one.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> The creature takes the hit to the jaw and stumbles away, snarling at her. <span style="color: DarkOrange">&quot;Why you come between me and my child, insect?&quot;</span> the creature hisses in a feminine voice, despite her horrendous and mutated body. Before Laeyna can react, the creature leaps at her again with an ear-splitting screech, trying to tackle HER to the ground.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> <span style="color: acid">&quot;Funny, didn't look like you asked. But that;s okay, you can be my child instead. You're clearly too dangerous to run loose.,&quot;</span> hisses Laeyna back at the wyvern.<br /> <br /> The creature rushed at her, intending to tackle her down. Laeyna was no stranger to street fighting though. She spread her legs and crouched low to get a wider base so she couldn't be easily toppled over. She dropped her tail down as well to provide a counter balance to boot. <br /> <br /> When the creature tackled forwards she moved to get it's head under her arm along her side, trying to put it into a head lock, where she could try and wrestle it to the ground. She contemplated violating it when she had the upper hand, but she didn't want to risk impregnating her meal, she'd feel terrible about eating it then.<br /> <br /> No, she'd save that for something she didn't plan to eat.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> The creature's head ends up locked firmly in the slightly-larger creature's arm, her legs and winged forearms flailing wildly as she tries to escape, screeching again. <span style="color: DarkOrange">&quot;Away! Get away! Must make children! Must breed!&quot;</span> the creature hisses, flailing futilely against her captor's arms, and Laeyna will notice her tail is rather narrow, a good starting point if she really wants to eat this massive creature.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> She really hoped she could make this work. It was massive, and well, it'd take some doing. The tail seemed a logical starting point. <span style="color: acid">&quot;Oh you'll make kids alright, but as one of mine instead, where I can keep an eye on you and keep you from pouncing others and making eating machines. Course, this is all going to be rather eye for an eye but well, you get to live, with a lot less body mass. Once I lay your new body anyways.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> With that said, she grabbed the creatures tail, and sank it into her mouth, starting to try and devour the wyvern, wanting it's beneficial traits as much as it being a good new toy. It'd mean one less eating machine mass producing out and about as well. And it's mass would provide a massive amount of milk for her nest. She'd need to make a great vat for her fountains to feed from it seems, just to store it all. <br /> <br /> Either way, it was time to quell her rumbly tummy.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> The Wyvern screeches in protest as her tail is sucked into Laeyna's mouth like a giant noodle, the creature flailing futilely as she's taken up to her hind legs in Laeyna's mouth, the creature struggling with all her might to no avail. <span style="color: DarkOrange">&quot;NO! Must breed! Must make eggs! Not food! Not food!&quot;</span> it screeches, Laeyna finding it easy to open her mouth and suck the creature's hips into her, her tail wiggling inside of the Queen's throat as she begins her meal in earnest.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)<br /> <br /> Laeyna's mouth was occupied and she didn't have any eyes anymore to roll, so she simply began devouring the creature deeper and deeper. She seemed able to open easily, stretching and spreading to coil the massive thing in her tummy. She hoped it wouldn't be painful or anything for it. That would definitely put a bad taste in her mouth.<br /> <br /> Either way she swallowed eagerly, taking the creature in. It was a twisted justice to do to it what it had done to likely many others. But she was content either way to take whatever beneficial aspects it had. Heh, bug dragon. Well, it made as much sense as anything else out there, and if she could adapt to being a giant bug, she could adapt to being a semi quadrupedal even gianter bug. Well, assuming that's what happened. She'd probably get an even larger under carriage if she did.</div>