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Laeyna (Zilrax)

Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Clint...Not carried away...Punched monster in face...Broke beak...Saved Clint..." the big man says, pulling his bloated and massively muscular right arm back to try and look less threatening. "Resting at home...Just outside of school..." he says, pointing out the two open doors with his bulbous fingers. "Leave creature...Come with...Safe." he says, still struggling to get the words out.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

It was a bit suspicious. Clint couldn't be that strong, could he? On the other hand, it hadn't been that long and the creature couldn't know all he did without Clint having told him. They had said the thing had cocooned him in junk, how would he have punched it? Guess she'd find out.

"Alright. No funny business though, kay buddy? I'm not in the mood to beat someone else in with a wrench. I prefer building to breaking. And I've already soured on the fact that givin' folks mercy keeps back firing. You be straight with me and I'll do the same, kay? So, well, lead the way I guess."

She picked her things up, before following along, the things that were intact anyways, nodding to Jane, hoping she will stick close. Hopefully this would work out.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The massive creature turns and begins to limp out of the school in its awkward, mismatched gait, slowly leading them out into the street. Outside, the city is in ruins. Entire chunks are missing from several buildings, fires rage off in the distance, cars sit unused and filthy. The entire city seems blanketed underneath a thin cloud of smoke, darkening the landscape and sheathing the sun in a thin cloak of grey, as the creature leads them to the remains of a flower shop a few buildings down the road. Inside, he motions to stairs up to the second floor, allowing the two women to go up first, shambling behind them once they're up at the top of the stairs.

Once there, a door opens out into a large loft, and laying on a lumpy, barely-functional mattress is Clint, his skin a dull grey color, scales covering every inch of him, and the beginnings of webbed wings forming on the underside of his arms. The man seems to be sleeping soundly, and the lumbering creature soon pushes his way inside, grabbing a small towel with his one human hand and gently dabbing at Clint's forehead, where sweat seems to be forming.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The city was hell outside. Worse than she remembered. It seemed like the riots hadn't stopped in the least since that time she had fled. It was pure devastation. Apocalyptic. Even the sun was hidden away. She had hoped she;d get to see it after it being so long.

The creature lead them into a flower shop, herding them upstairs. She felt a touch nervous about that, but soon they found Clint was indeed there! Or, what was left of him. He had lost all color, become scaled and seemed to be growing wings, clearly infected by that turkey-gator. Seemed sticky fluids were something to beware out here.

The creature went over, and was caring for him. Clint seemed feverish.

"Fuck, he''s even more infected than we are... Is he going to be okay? Is that why he's feverish?," asks Laeyna, moving over beside him. "Clint? Hey Clint, you okay?"

She looked up to the unfortunate creature. "How bout you? I'm Laeyna, what's your name?"
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature tends to Clint's fever quietly, before standing and shaking his head. "Infected by Wyvern...First stage is wings and scales...Second big tail...Third insatiable hunger." the creature says, before sitting down on a beanbag chair and sighing. "Before outbreak...Called Boris...Owned shop...Now, save survivors...Teach about city." the creature says, pointing to a table with what looks like rations and bottles of water on it. "Take one each...Get back strength...Clint not in danger...Infection minor."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna listened to Boris, shuddering at hearing what the stages were. Insatiable hunger? Well, Clint seemed to only be on the first stage, thank goodness.

"I see. Well nice t' meet you, Boris. This here's Jane. And thanks, I rally appreciate this. Anythin' I can do t' return the favor?," asks Laeyna, smiling at the unfortunate creature.

Poor guy clearly got the bad end of the infections. He was hideous but he had a good heart clearly and she hoped she could help out in some manner. Still, she picked up a ration and water bottle, tossing a set to Jane.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane catches her meal, and quietly sits down to eat, looking rather intimidated by the large mutant. Boris shakes his head slowly, looking over at Laeyna. "Will not ask help...Save survivors out of kindness...Cannot ask anything of them." he strains to say, as Clint coughs a few times and groans in pain, his voice noticeably deeper. "Only that you help...Other survivors...Stop mutations from...Running rampant." the big man says, looking over at Clint as the man rolls away from the two women and comes to rest on his right side, revealing the beginnings of a tail sticking out down one of his short's legs. "O-oh no...It's...Is Clint in danger?" Jane asks, the big man once more shaking his head. "Only if exposed to more Wyvern infection..."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna nods, eating some of her food. "And I am offerin' outta kindness too. But yeah, help others, I can try and do that. Getting stuff semi stable is gonna be important. There will be a thousand or so folks coming out of the bunker under the school in a few months. If we don't get something set up to keep em safe before then, it's gonna be chaos."

At seeing Clint's tail, Laeyna looks worriedly, but nods at Boris' statement. "Makes it all the more important then. I was figuring we should secure the school, but that bitch is gonna make it difficult everytime I'm sure. Gotta find a way to get some order out there. But I ain't a soldier, I build and repair shit. But something's gotta get done. You got any ideas?"

Hopefully there would be an answer to this problem somewhere. Maybe she could build... Something, to stop it.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Have not moved into school...Because doors welded shut...Keep monster inside..." Boris says, rubbing his mismatched chin with his smaller hand. "Can easily take creature on in fight...Make school safe...Only one door in or out...Easy to keep safe..." the mutated man says, seeming to think on what to do. "Bigger building...More people...Save more survivors...Boris will help clean school...For now, rest...First exposure hard on body." he says, nodding his head.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna listens before nodding to him. "She's a mean thing, but overconfident. Has a lot of nasty tricks though. And what do you mean rest? I feel fine. I mean, fine as I can after suddenly getting giant tits and man bits. But I ain't tired. Sure as hell don't like the idea of sending someone else t' finish what I started."

She crosses her arms a bit, though grimaces. "Suppose someone has to look out for Jane and Clint though. I can do it, beat her twice now, but I guess if you are gonna insist on it, I'll let you do it, Boris."

Laeyna didn't like it, but she didn't like her friends being undefended either. She felt like she was fine though, now that she blew off her first load ever. Plus, it;d give her a chance to fix the building proper. And see if this super strength and such stuck around. She did have way better odds against the bug woman after she had been infected, so maybe so. Probably not like her boss who could lift the front of a truck up with one hand, but still...
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"You protect others...Will go and deal with monster." Boris says, standing awkwardly and beginning to shamble towards the door. "Will return when safe...Then move Clint into school...Safer there..." he says, before he exits, shambling his way back down the stairs, off to go and deal with the problem. Jane yawns as she finishes her small meal, moving over to lay her head in Laeyna's lap. "Laeyna...Do you think...Clint is going to be alright?"
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna nods reluctantly but stays put. She blinks as Jane settles her head in her lap, blushing a bit, given her rather large bits down there. "Erm... Clint? Yeah think so. Maybe horny, maybe scaly, but figure he'll manage. And if not, we'll hold him someplace safe and comfy til we find a way to make him better. Make em all better. Feel just as bad for Boris. Good guy, but well... Y'know. Looks like that change was painful too. Wish I could do somethin' for him."

She sighs and leans back, letting Jane use her as her pillow, and sighing, setting her toolbox aside and settling in to rest a bit. While she was not tired, keeping watch was still an option. Hopefully the bug girl would leave quietly. Or hell, had a change of heart, or maybe lost her mean memory and became nice and helpful. But wishes and fishes and such.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Almost an hour later, Boris returns, shambling up the steps and carrying a bundle of black in his mutated hand. He sets it down on the ground near the women, it being the creature from the school, hogtied with her own tail and with a pair of pants wrapped around her mouth in a gag. "Didn't want to kill...Figured Laeyna needs relief from changes...Kill two birds with one stone." the mutant man says, as the alien squirms in her bindings and snarls behind the pants, the bindings pieces of rebar holding her arms together, and her legs together, and then one large piece holding all four of them around her tail, locking it in place, and bundling the creature up quite well.

Jane remains asleep on Laeyna's lap the whole time, seemingly dead to the world, as does Clint.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna kept watch for nearly an hour, being a pillow for her napping friend. Eventually however she heard movement, gently slipping out from under Jane and getting her wrench up. It turned out to just be Boris though, with a black bundle of sorts. Or evidently a well tied up black critter from the school.

"Relief... What, to fuck her? Didn't you say that;d let her infect me? I mean, me and Jane sorta did it before you and me met for relief but uh..." She didn't feel too bad, yet. She was slightly confused though. And the critter probably deserved being someones toy for awhile. Not sure how she;d do it with it all in a bundle though.

"HEr heads alright, right? I bandaged it up so she wouldn't bleed out or anything but I ain't a doctor."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Creature alright...Heals quickly..." Boris says, moving over to sit back down in his beanbag chair. "Her infection...Only spread from spit...Fucking her safe...Cannot infect further without spit..." he says, a smirk on the unmutated part of his face. the woman begins to stir, growling as she struggles with her bindings, finding no weakness in the reinforced rebar holding her. With her squirming, Laeyna will get a perfect view of her exposed snatch, dripping green, liquid lust, clearly finding some form of hidden arousal from her bondage as she growls into her impromptu gag.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Good t' know.," grunts Laeyna, nodding at hearing his explanation. She looked the creature over, noting it's arousal. It always seemed to get more horny everytime it ended up bound while fighting her, so not too surprising.

She moved over with a smirk and took a seat beside the creature for now, not feeling the burning need so much after sating with Jane. "It suits you. Clearly you seem to agree, given how sopping wet you are. Was that why you were being such a pain, that desperate for me to tie you down and fuck you? You coulda' just asked instead of infecting us and trying to degrade us."

She hums a bit with a shrug "See, I've got Jane though who really, for whatever reason, likes and wants me. She wants to help, and she hasn't tied me down any point. Seems to want me to do so to her though dunno if that's something you did to her or not. Hell even had her begging you to let her infect me. So question is, why should I use you at all I guess? And just leave you tied up, needy and no longer a threat to anyone?"

Laeyna looks her over then shrugs, "Well, make it simple. Swear to me you'll never attack others again, and I'll fuck your tied up body I guess, give you what you need. Be my little portable cum dump. All you have to do is nod, and I'll keep you well fucked. Or I can just leave y' like this. Honestly I don't care either way, it;s your call. But you know who the stronger one is, who can bend you backwards and tie you up anytime in your own damn gunk. You may be a big black sex bug, but me, I;m the superior one, without any of your mutations. And you know it."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature nods vigorously, her gag preventing her from giving anything more than a yes or no answer, and soon she's moaning as she wiggles, her fluids starting to flow more freely. Lilia can smell her arousal, and the creature tries to move her tail, with no luck, flexing and trying to free herself, failing utterly.

Boris stands up and shambles over towards her. "Remove her gag...For answer...Immune to her infection...Will protect." he says, reaching his big hand down to grip her head and hold it still, waiting for Laeyna's go-ahead to undo the gag.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna watches, then looks to Boris, nodding then going and removing the gag. "Alright, let's hear what you have to say for yourself. Twice I've given you mercy now, so this better be good."

She looked at the creature with a hard look, having no patience for her tricks or backstabbing, very ready to forcefeed her her wrench if she caused her more troubles.

Creature seemed pretty eager though.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature gasps once the gag is removed from her lips, moaning loudly with need. "GAWD! I don't care...Just fuck me, please! Use me like the whore I am!" she moans out, her head moving about in Boris' hand, though she makes no attempt to use her spittle or anything, really. I just...Want someone...Who can tie me up and make me their bitch!" she moans, spraying out a small gush of fluids as she attains a micro-orgasm.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna listens to the ungrateful creature, her reaching down and pinching her nipple, hard. "Well I fucking care, and you've been nothing but a headache! You are my bitch alright, but you still haven;t given me a reason to get you off! You infected me, abused my leniency, hurt my friends, and now you want me to pleasure you! What makes you deserving of it huh?!"

She grits her teeth, glaring angrily at the creature. "Apologize, apologize to me, and my friends. Swear you'll never hurt anyone again. And maybe I'll finger you off. You'll need to do way better if you want this cock you slapped onto my body though. You'll need to earn that after what you did. So. How do you plan to do so?"

She kept teasing the creature's nipple roughly, still very mad and not been apologized to yet for all the trouble it had caused her. No forgiveness if none was asked for after all.