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Laeyna (Zilrax)

Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature snarls as her goop continues to drip from her mouth, locking her knees in place, as her hand is smashed by the wrench. The creature begins to laugh as she points her one functional arm at Jane, who is currently gooped to the door, and her chest is slowly growing bigger, as are her hips and thighs. "Better...get her...out of my mucus...before she's...Turned into one of me... the creature chuckles, her tail lashing out to try and knock Laeyna upside the head with the club on the end.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna kept her eyes on the creature, not wanting to get distracted. The threat was concerning but she couldn't do such a thing with the creature at her back. She had to just hurry.

The creature swiped at her head with her tail, her blocking with her wrench, wincing at the pain that went through her hand and arm from the blow.

"I trust Jane lot more than you to keep her head, bitch! I'll save her, but not before dealing with you! Sorry, but I am not going to let you be an endless thorn in my side because you're too virus fucked to treat us like people!"

She snarled and slammed the wrench at the creatures face, trying to smack it out cold quickly so she can help Jane. She hoped Jane could keep her head long enough for her to do so.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

With a loud, resounding crack, the creature suddenly jolts upright, then falls over forward, sprawling out on the ground as green liquid slowly seeps out of the large crack that has now formed down the length of her elongated head, her body falling still save her short, raspy breaths.

Jane, Meanwhile, moans out as her body is further changed, turning her from a petite little girl to a rather tall, sexualized woman, with breasts the same size as Laeyna's, though no male member, as the goop continues to transform her "Laeyna, make it stop, please!" she shouts, struggling against the green paste holding her to the door.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna grimaces as she knocks the creature out, still feeling bac for doing so, but not that much. It left her no choice. Rushing back to help Jane, she grimaced. Jane still had the knife, so she had to improvise. She used the monkey wrench to grab hold of stuff near the seams and yank it off best she can, trying to yank Jane free while she could.

If she could get Jane free, she'd quickly hurry and take some of her cloth scraps, dabbing it on the gunk then applying it to the infected's injury as a makeshift bandage. She might survive it. She just couldn't kill someone in cold blood like that. She may be a nasty rapist monster now, but she was human, once.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane is easily broken free with the help of her secret love, panting as she's cleaned of the gunk, her body's transformation stopping. "O-Oh god, Laeyna...I-I'm so...I'm so h-hideous...And so...Turned on..." she stammers out, as Laeyna can actually smell the woman's arousal, Jane panting needily as her hands dart down to finger herself. "Oh god, Laeyna...Please, fuck me! It feel like...My pussy is on fire..." she moans out, her whole body shivering.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Still prettier than me, Jane, by a mile.," smirks Laeyna as she secures the infected's bandages in place. She might survive, but time would tell. Right now, Jane was even worse off than before. Mutated, she was now the type one would expect in porn magazines. Still within human expectation though. She managed to avoid becoming like that infected.

Honestly that didn't bother Laeyna much, it was more she worried Jane would lose her mind if she did. However more pressing was her own virus' urges to lie with the woman, to take her first sexual experience not as a woman but as a male instead.

She glanced over to the infected, feeling worried about doing so in here where she may awaken and catch them both off guard. But she couldn't take Jane outside where massive scaled beasts might be lurking, not while she could practically scent Jane's arousal. She just couldn't take it any longer.

She was tempted to rut the infected as well, but for now she'd focus on her very desperate friend, sighing before coming forwards, shuddering at what she was about to do. "Fuck, always looked like a guy... Guess I'll fuck you like one now... Sorry that you had to do this with some fucker like me... But I need you just as bad so... So hopefully I can do something good for you, to make up for fucking up so much..."

With that said, she awkwardly moved Jane's hand aside, as she positioned her shaft at Jane's groin, shuddering before trying to press herself inside, feeling as uncomfortable and embarrassed as she did lustful and desperate. She really hoped the creature would stay down.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane shudder as Laeyna moves in, moving her hand aside and then wrapping both around the woman's neck, shivering with both lust and anticipation. "I-I-If it's you, Laeyna...I-I don't...Really mind." she stammers out, subtly grinding her hips down towards the cock pressed against her folds. "I-I've always...Had a crush on you...I've always...W-wanted you to strap me down and...Have your way with me." she stutters, her eyes unfocusing as the feeling of impending coitus begins to blank her mind.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna blinked a bit, really not sure if Jane was just that lust dazed or was serious, finding it sorta hard to believe. That she wanted her over the handsome men or beautiful women around.

In any case, Laeyna gasped at the feeling of Jane grinding over her shafts head, before trying to press harder, before sinking herself into Jane's folds. It was a deep if clumsy thrust, her utterly new to all this, but her desperate lust being sated and her need to drain it into Jane drove her onwards despite it.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane moans whorishly as Laeyna begins to sink into her, her flesh giving way and allowing Laeyna to dig in deep, though still very tight around her foot-long shaft, as she pulls LAeyna in towards her lips, moving to kiss the woman as she moans out her lust, her insides seeming to pull on the now-hermaphrodite's shaft, urging her deeper inside of her, to fuck her hard and deep.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna shuddered in shock as she felt the sensation of Jane wrapped around her, yanking her deeper. It was shocking, new, and delightful. She had felt nothing like it. Even without Jane's body trying to drive her to it, Laeyna began to clumsily thrust hard and fast into Jane, panting as she hammered the woman in a desperate bid to end this forced edging.

Jane pulled her into a kiss, Laeyna no less clumsy there, but trying desperately to make out as she thrust hard and fast, groping Janes large breasts as she worked, hammering relentlessly. They both needed this so badly. In the moment, there was no real insecurity, just the raw need to take pleasure and release, release til the burning stopped.

Laeyna couldn't stop, wouldn't stop, not until she achieved that plateau of bliss riding above her, needing it desperately, damned whatever may result of their union. Maybe the coupling would finish mutating them into infected breeding sluts like the creature wanted, but they'd be free ones, not slaves to her. It didn't matter now, they were already doomed, but they had each other.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane pants and moans as Laeyna goes to town on her, diving her tongue into the other woman's mouth in a passionate kiss, her own hands reaching out to fondle her lover's massive tits, before Laeyna can feel Jane's insides starting to convulse rapidly. She breaks off the kiss and presses her head back against the floor, crying out in bliss as she sprays femcum across the hard floor and Laeyna's new shaft. "Oh god, Laeyna! Cum in me! Fill me up!" she shouts, as Laeyna can suddenly feel a weight hanging down between her legs, two pendulous orbs dropping from the base of her shaft to start slapping against Jane's ass as the herm fucks her, and she can feel her orgasm closing in.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna shuddered as her breasts were groped, a wholly new sensation as the massive mounds were kneaded. Jane began to orgasm, or what she figured it was as she convulsed inside and out, howling as she demanded Laeyna to orgasm in her.

Laeyna felt a small twinge of herself, worried about impregnating Jane, but her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a drop and pleasurable slapping, her gasping as she realized she grew her own balls now. Even more male it would seem.

Nevertheless her peak was nearing, and she jsut couldn;t stop now, beating her new balls on Jane's rump, spanking her feminine lover as she hammers in. "Hng... mutating... More. Ung... You might.... get pregnant...," warns Laeyna as she pants, unable to stop thrusting despite her concerns. She wasn't sure what more was going to happen but she could feel her new orbs churning, unsure how large they were or what the results would be.

Jane seemed to be loving it though, wanting to be ravaged by her and used. They'd have to talk about that after it would seem.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane moans as she feels the balls slapping against her ass, the flesh orbs growing on their own to baseball-size before stopping, hanging heavy and full as Laeyna pounds away at her lover. Jane shakes her head, pulling LAeyna as close as she can "Don't care! I want your cum inside me, Laeyna! Please!" she screams as she begins to approach another climax, Laeyna feeling her squeeze even tighter around her dick.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna groaned, feeling her balls swell. Fuck, they were enormous, more suited to a horse than a human. Though she was already more endowed than any human had right to be as a male, and she was a girl to boot!

Jane seemed determined to make her seed her, holding her close so she could not escape, Laeyna groaning and pounding into her lustful partner harder and faster as she worked, trying to get the right angle as she worked off instinct, her massive balls churning. "Ah... ah fuck, take it! Take it all then!," howled Laeyna before rushing over her peak, slamming herself home and letting her instinct wash over, shaft pulsing into her partner, the woman so desperate for Laeyna to completely own her.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane shivers and shudders as she orgasms, feeling her lover's seed beginning to pump into her womb, her belly paunching out from the load, before she falls limp in Laeyna's arms, her eyes rolled back into her head. "S-So good..." she speaks, trailing off with another moan as her hands move down to rub her slightly rounded belly full of seed idly.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna groans, feeling all that stress and fire and panic flowing out of her as she unleashed her seed, her staring in aw as she watched the pulses quickly cause Jane's body to swell, amazed she could cause that. That couldn't be normal, could it? Jane seemed completely out of it, clearly delighted to be filled by it all.

Laeyna panted, collapsing a bit on the larger woman, releasing the last few bursts, before very shakily getting off of her, shuddering and looking back to check on the creature, panting a bit. Fuck... She never had felt so good before. She;d have to fuck Jane more often. If she was up for it anyways, though given the virus it was unlikely she wasn't.

She did feel kind of bad taking advantage of that fact though. She'd definitely need to talk to her. Pressing matters though. They had to try and find and save Clint. And depending on the state the creature was in, possibly they could reclaim the school now. Laeyna really hoped the creature didn't die but just got some sense knocked into her. That was... Unlikely to say the least though.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature remains sprawled on the floor where she had fallen, not having moved an inch from where she had fallen, clearly out of it, though her chest does rise and fall with steady breaths, meaning she's still alive.

Jane groans as she comes to, moving to sit up and pull herself off of Laeyna's cock and shiver. "That felt good...What do we do now? We can't stay here where that thing can get us...Should we risk the city?"
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Well it was alive, and it's breathing was far more steady now. She'd live. Laeyna looks over to Jane with a sigh. "We'll have to risk it eventually no matter what. We have to find Clint. And we have no supplies. But it's a huge city and that thing out there can clearly fly. It'd be a wild goose chase without any direction or lead. Fact is we need help. And this thing clearly knows stuff and it can communicate. We're going to need her help. Trick is going to be getting it out of her."

Laeyna grunts and walks over to the creature and uses her wrench to get the creatures legs free from the goop, before trying to lift her, or at least drag her for the school nurse's office. "Mmmf, we can tie her down on one of the nurse's beds I figure. Gives me time to actually plan this shit out and check if they got any medical shit left over. I doubt she'll talk willingly but fuck knows she has to know who's the real tough bitch round here."

She didn't like it, she'd happily toss the bug thing outside but she was hurt and who knows what'd happen to her. It didn't deserve this much mercy, but she just didn't have the heart to do that sort of shit to her. Laeyna wasn't foolish enough to let her loose before she got what she needed. But maybe she could get something useful to narrow their search. Least she didn't have that endless lust clouding her judgment right now.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Jane gets up and follows Laeyna, moving to help her move the strange, mutated creature.

Before Laeyna can actually start to drag the creature, the doors of the school slam open, a strange creature standing in the doorway. The entire right half of its body is bloated with disgusting levels of muscle, and its head is mostly covered in pustules that pulse with his blood. He begins to stomp towards the women, then begins to speak, his vocal chords sounding like they were made of jelly. "Get away...From creature...Before she infects you." the male says, approaching the two with his twisted, sideways gait. "You...Friends of...Clint." the beast of a man says with strain in his voice, stopping just in front of the fallen mutant.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

They were about to move it when suddenly some... Monster burst into the doors. Laeyna yelped and hopped aside, bringing her weapon up. The creature was hideous, though she tried not to show her revulsion. It wasn't it's fault after all.

It began to move towards them. Laeyna getting agitated before hearing what it had to say. "We're already infected. Just not that much. Yeah we're friends with Clint, he got grabbed by a flying thing. How did you know that? Who are you?"

She looked between the two creatures. "Don't hurt her alright? She's a cruel bitch but she was human sometime. I don't want to have a hand in her death. She deserved the beating she got but still..."